Thread: anyone have any conspiracies that aren't about pizza they would like to discuss?

3  2017-02-09 by [deleted]



Dead musicians

You think Kurt faked his death? I think it's possible. They had a weird houseguest at the Seattle house, another grunge scene type with a love for the her-on, and he wasn't accounted for after Kurt "died". The autopsy was rushed, the report and cause of death listed all on the same day. Could be that guy killed himself and Kurt fucked off to play poker in the woods with Bigfoot and D.B. Cooper. Could be Kurt wasn't the saint we want him to be and offed the guy. And then got his life together as a private citizen.

Interesting,I never heard this theory ,I'm going to look into that . Buddy Holly and Jimi Hendrix deaths have always intrigued me

Soaked in Bleach got lambasted when it was released, but it's actually pretty good. I think it's on Netflix.

Paul is Dead.

Hours upon hours on the Faul vs Paul theory , one could go mad opening that can of worms

Have you ever heard of Eyedea? He was a super red pilled underground hip-hop lyricist who died out of nowhere of a drug OD, in 2010. His mother and many others close to him, said this was an isolated incident. Then i found this, but I'm not sure if it's a troll:

I forgot all about Eyedea , and this is bonkers

I've just posted something up about Guccifer2.0 being a DNC contractor that might be of interest to some.

That's a great article.

The floor has always been open.

Are you a professional redditor?

I saw a UFO about a month ago and I really thought I was batshit because, I mean, cmon! I'm in my mid-20s and I've literally been around the world, they do not exist. This thing flew over my house, spinning as it moved forward, like a bullet. The fact that it was completely silent was confirmation that I was indeed crazy.

Today, I realized I am not all. I found out these cylinder/cigar shaped craft are being sighted all over the place, even in the international space station's live feed. I've never been a UFO guy but once you see something for yourself there's no going back.

Humans fly them.

I don't doubt it. I'm well aware of the deep state's secret space program. I want to know who exactly. Like do these people have an underground city where they all live? They're probably raised down there as 'perfects'(with the help of DNA editing) with the idea that we, out here, on the surface are inferior to them. That blows my mind, there could literally be an entire underground civilization or even bases on asteroids/moons and we would never know.

What is the importance of sirius?

I never get an answer to this, I've read Cosmic Teigger by Aton Wilson (?) but I would like to hear multiple perspectives...

Sirius is home to the benevolent ETs that are trying to wake us up and help us before Project Blue Beam is put into place and shit hits the fan.

If that sentence sounds insane to you, please know that it would have sounded insane to me a month ago. But I've been having some intense experiences similar to those described by Philip K Dick, Robert Anton Wilson, and others, and I've become convinced that Sirius is called the dog star for a reason: it's man's best friend.

Also, Sirius has been doing this for quite a long time.

Do you really think Project Blue Beam as in fake ET invasion via holographic light show? Because I have reservations about that. It just sounds overly complicated in what I've personally researched..

Or do you mean Project Blue Beam as in a blanket term for a False Flag ET invasion of which I am much more likely to agree with, a false or halfway type of "disclosure"?

Thanks for the reply either way, Sirius has been important to so many different cultures in the past it's really something I wish came up more in this sub.

Yeah to be honest I haven't researched all of the specifics on project blue beam, so I used it as a blanket term, like you said.

Are you familiar with Wernher von Braun's revelations on this subject? He seemed to think that a fake invasion is what would be used to bring in the NWO, and in my opinion there seem to be a lot of indicators that that will be happening in the near future.

Yes I am somewhat familiar with Braun's comments and to me I have to agree it would rally mankind into fervor that would allow for easy manipulation. However project blue beam the actual idea/plot itself is convoluted and rather unnecessary IMO so better to separate them somewhat.

For what I know Braun wasn't including any aspect for his 'fake alien invasion' and therefore lends a lot of credence to it as at least somewhat possible, plus if he thought about it others at that time and since in similar positions as him thought about it as well.

I believe at some point maybe just maybe in my own lifetime there will be a False Flag Alien invasion that either causes or immediately follows a historically large monetary crash. Countries around the World will rally together under one banner to face the "threat".

If that makes sense.


Just had 3 chorizo ones. I'm tellin ya.. chorizo is god.

9/11 all we need is for Trump to keep his word and reopen the "investigation" we never had a true investigation the commission is a fabricated story

There was no word to reopen the 'investigation'.

There's something to Joe Rogan, Alex Jones and Bill Hicks but I can't put my finger on it.

How so?

I've listened to Joe since about when his podcasts came out, big fan even though he's backed off on conspiracies in recent years. Joe was friendly with Bill Hicks, Bill dies, then a few years later there's a video of Joe and Alex running around Texas w/ George Bush masks on, really odd, Alex would have been unknown at the time. It makes no sense how Joe & Alex are friends or how they met. If you watch the recent JRE episode w/ Alex Jones, you can tell there's some past tense history between Joe & Alex. I think Joe is only friends with Alex because he was friends with Bill.

Alex Jones is 43 though no?

I'm not sure on his age, and I've never been much of a believer in the Alex is Bill theories, but something's off here.

Something may be off but Alex does not look 56.

He does not look like a 56 year old with years of heavy smoking, that's the nail in the coffin I needed for the Bill/Alex theory, thanks!

Trump is seemingly at war with the globalists. Who will win? Nationalists or the Globalists? Will the left/right paradigm be revealed for what it is: a convenient distraction at best, or fuel for the fire that could make America fall further from grace. Do you think Trump is in on the game or does he truly has Americans interests in his heart. Some of his moves say yes , others no. It's hard to say IMO. Will America face a color revolution and do you think we will survive it as a nation?

Will Soros succeed in dismantling our nation, do you think he is at the heart of all this dissent? Or is this bigger then just one man? Cough * illuminati* cough

Do you feel that what is happening in the world is a straight up fight between good vs evil or are their too many fingers on the trigger and it's all a grey zone?

I've been following conspiracies and have been going down rabbit holes since 2008 but never have I felt shit is going to hit the fan as much as I have in the past few months. It's a mix of excitement and fear I can't quite explain.

I've also been listening to a lot of Ground Zero radio lately and the host Clyde Lewis has been on fire regarding all this subject matter.

What do you all think ? Post your flow charts, comments and YouTube videos that can shed any more light on these matters below!!

Cattle mutilation - Aliens, Government, or Satanists...

God can we please talk about sandy hoax

That's a great article.