7 reasons why the 1996 Port Arthur Massacre may have been a false flag to confiscate guns from the Australian public

45  2017-02-09 by SpiritOf88

  1. On the Sunday morning, two hours before the murders, ten of the senior managers of Port Arthur were taken to safety many miles away up the east coast,for a two day seminar with a vague agenda and no visiting speakers. Was the timing of this trip a mere coincidence?

  2. Also just before the shootings the only two policemen in the region were called away on a wild goose chase. They were sent to the Coal Mine at Salt Water River, to investigate a heroin drug stash which turned out to be soap powder. This was too far for them to get to the Broad Arrow Cafe in time to be of any use. Had a policeman remained at Dunalley he would have closed the swing bridge to prevent the killer(s) from escaping from the peninsula. Did Bryant, IQ 66, organise this decoy?

  3. Big Mortuary Truck. Before the massacre, a specially-built 22 person capacity mortuary truck was built. It attracted some derision at the time, but its effective use at Port Arthur was unquestioned. After the massacre it was advertised, unsuccessfully, for sale via the internet, then converted for another purpose. Without the foresight of Port Arthur, why build it? When it had proven its worth, why get rid of it? Another coincidence?

  4. Martin Bryant has never been properly identified as the gunman. A young woman who ate her lunch near the gunman just before 1.30 said he had a freckled face. Graham Collyer, the wounded ex-soldier, who had the best opportunity to observe the killer, said he had a pock-marked or acned face. Neither description fits Bryant who has a beautifully smooth complexion. Graham Collyer says that it was not Bryant who shot him in the neck.

  5. Illegal Photo. On 30th April the Hobart Mercury printed an old photo of Martin Bryant on the front page. This was illegal because at that stage some of the witnesses had not yet been asked to identify the killer, and the photo would have become fixed in the minds of the witnesses. When one witness was asked to describe the clothing worn by the gunman, she described the clothing on the old photo instead of what the gunman had worn. The Mercury newspaper was not prosecuted for breaking the law.

  6. Mrs Wendy Scurr, nurse, tour guide and Ambulance Officer, rang the police at 1.32 pm to report the shooting. She and other medics then cared for the injured and the dead without any police protection for six and a half hours. Who ordered the armed police to stop at Tarana, where they had a barbecue? The police who arrived by boats were a stone’s throw away from the main crime scene, the cafe, and they too failed to come in to see what was going on. Was this meant to increase the trauma of the survivors?

  7. Three more shots were fired at Port Arthur at 6.30pm while Bryant was at Seascape. Who fired those shots?


Very interesting write-up, OP. Admittedly, as a North American, I'm so far ignorant about this incident, but here I go...

Basically after the alleged Port Arthur Massacre, Prime Minister John Howard introduced legislation banning semi-automatic firearms and made it an excruciatingly difficult task to own even the most simple of guns. Violent crime actually went up in the first few years off the ban before starting a general trend downwards (Unrelated to the banning of firearms, a trend seen in the U.S.A too even with more guns then ever). Don't let this happen in America, it could be a fatal mistake.

Yea, just ran through the wikipedia about it...jezus christ.

Yeah, what a coincidence. /s I don't remember hearing a great deal about it at the time, I was like 12.. but I don't doubt it being a ff for a second. They are actually talking about making smoking cigarettes illegal, for people born after a certain year (haha seriously) in QLD.

Its times like this that i'm glad I moved to the U.S, but I want the best for my country and in in this case, the best is the truth.

I don't doubt this at all, good to see it getting some attention.

Interesting as fuck. Coming from the US, all I really know about this, is why you guys gave away (basically) your gun rights.. Upvoted!!

This video is a bit rough around the edges but is easy viewing and compresses a lot of good info in a 10 minute video

Apparently, Those Conspiracy Guys are going to do a podcast on this soon!

You're missing a few really big ones.

  1. There was a conference on emergency medicine on in hobart at the same time so there were many experts there able to deal with the victims.

  2. Many witnesses claimed the shooter was right handed and shot from the hip. When asked to show how he did the shooting Bryant (left handed) raised an imaginary rifle but up to his shoulder and mimed it out like the movies.

  3. There was a politician who said if we don't get gun control soon there'll be a massacre in tasmania.

There's so many other ones too. It was a really sloppily executed false flag that wouldn't have worked in today's internet age.

Interesting theory on who the shooter really was is Israeli super spy Ari Ben Menashe. One of only a handful of people in the world who could pull off the beirut triple that was executed that day. 3 shots on a moving vehicle; one for sighting, one to the driver and one to the engine to immobilize the vehicle as if it were a car bomb.

Another interesting theory is that Ben Menashe is actually Joe Vialis... an early researcher who broke a lot of the information regarding the actual facts of the conspiracy and early truther on 9/11.

Very interesting input.

Literally no one in Australia wants to talk about Port Arthur :(

yea i seen on twitter a few people willing to talk about it and they get responses saying how they are disgusting/deranged/crazy. same response people had to 911 official story questioners in the past (getting a bit better now)

I feel like Australians aren't skeptical enough in general

when i first looked into this i was like: holy shit this has bigger gaping issues than any other event and no one even talks about it?!

We don't need semi autos to put one in the skull, autos and semi auto are for learners. Briant admitted to the shooting he enjoys bragging about it in jail, he is simpleton, he is pock marked acne scared. Tazi is were the criminals go to retire lots cheap housing, it was only a matter of time before a mass shooting occurred. For me as a Aussie the doubt part here is why someone didn't shoot Bryant, every body was armed up thr at the time.

Shootings are very rare here they happen yes but not often. Yes i agree we live in a nanny state and it pisses me off i want guns. Truth tho we don't need them and the lack of gun violence is a fair price to pay.

Firstly I specifically stated that it "may" be a false flag as it is not 100% proven, just fairly probable. In regards to your comment about gun violence, I would like to refer you to my previous comment: "Violent crime actually went up in the first few years of the ban before starting a general trend downwards (Unrelated to the banning of firearms, a trend seen in the U.S.A too even with more guns then ever)"

Maybe, imo our gov to incompetent for false flags. As far as the rise in violent crime it was a time of cultural change violence was common was part of life for most aussies. in the 90s a new gen came through a much softer gen and they would report violence these days people are dying from on punch in the pub back in the 80s you punch on in the pub for fun all the time never report any of it if buy so if by chance the cops did get involved you mite get a flogging of a cop but that's about it lol. things are different now violence really discusts most australians we used to love it but not anymore.

Some good points there about our government being too incompetent, but perhaps it was not the work of our government, but a foreign or international organisation?

Maybe but why and who? yellow peril lol?

No government is ever too incompetent to sit back and let others do the dirty work. Take the Bali bombings, for instance. The Howard government knew exactly what was going to happen, they ignored all of the Intel. It was like Christmas for them. Every government has plenty of competents lurking to do their dirty work.

That's a lot of bullshit! Where have you even read about Bryant bragging? And shootings happen everyday in Sydney without fail. He was a simpleton who most likely was set up and they mind fucked him.

Ray Martin i think it was, i seen the tape of him in the interview with the cops he was laughing and joking bout it, then the cops like he does this all the time with the other inmates when he gets the chance. True he could have been put upto the shooting i think i remember a something like that said about one of his dickhead mates. He did have a history of being a asshole suspicions he killed his mum in car "accident" the guys fasd and wat ever else noway you could use him for sum kind of secreted mish he would spill the beans easy.

His mum is still alive. He was definitely not the full quid but that makes it easier for him to be used as a patsy.

Oh ye the wogs get into a bit in Sydney and Melbourne nothing like mericans tho we never really have those school shootings i mean yer we had monis but the cops shot most the hostages lol

He is in jail suffering like a mofo... No.red flags here just a loose monster with a gun...Howard did the best thing ever...FUCK guns.

I respect your opinion, but ask that you please keep the discussion civil.

Which part is not civil?

The part where you went all caps and said "FUCK guns." I don't care about swearing I do it constantly myself, no disrespect but your comment didn't really contribute anything to the discussion.

Ok understood thanks for the clarification.

Cheers mate.

Maaaaate! We r good.

Aussie here, thanks op for the post, super interesting. I've always wondered if it could have been but never really looked into it.

Yeah my objective in posting this wasn't to assume whether or not it was staged, but rather to present the facts and let you make up your own mind.