Reddit admin have found a way to filter subs they don't like (/r/the_donald) out of /r/all, but keep in things like /r/politics. It goes live next week.

183  2017-02-09 by hrc-for-prison

Full details are here:

If you look at the list of "popular" subreddits, it clearly contains /r/politics but does not include /r/the_donald.

Now we know why there were all these campaigns to tell people that they could filter /r/the_donald. At the time, we weren't told that user's choices for filtering would be used for seeding the list of popular subreddits, but now we finally know the real motive behind the filter option.


Look, I voted for Trump, and was subbed to the_donald for a couple of months, but that sub is fucking cancer. I had to unsub because approximately half of my top 100 posts every day were from the_donald.

As far as reddit censoring the popularity of subs, of course they do. Why wouldn't they? They are marketing a product, and that product's target demographic isn't Donald Trump zealots. Whether you like it or not, the reddit brand is damaged by The_Donald.

Well said. Some people tend to forget that Reddit is a company that has to market a product that attracts new users and retains existing ones.

Which is why they took the politically neutral position by banning both T_D and politics from the front page.

Oh wait.

You've implied that being totally neutral is the best for Reddit to market their product to retain existing users and to attract new users. I would disagree with this notion, considering that a very large (I would estimate that the vast majority) of Reddit users do not enjoy viewing T_D posts on /r/all. Additionally, it's likely that the average new user who comes to Reddit for the first time would be turned off by headlines from T_D that mention cuckolds, anti-islam sentiment and far-right opinions.

In other words, Reddit needs to cater to mainstream opinions in order to remain a successful media platform. The mainstream opinion is not a totally neutral, as you have implied.

If only there were a way to remove subs from r/All

Havnt unsubscribed yet, but goddamn I want to every time someone mentions how the train has no brakes or is going a trillion miles per hour.

Not my type of humor I guess

No, I love it when they have three posts in a row so that the images line up for something funny on the side bar...

Get this man a coat

Look guys, I "totally voted for Donald" but because his sub is filled with shitposts (I can't even believe it!) I've decided it's cool for Reddit to censor things I don't like.

Don't like it? Use that big brain of yours to go form your own website. Oh, wait...

It's a private company. That's how commerce works.

No shit it's private and they can do whatever they want. What you're suggesting is that we shouldn't criticize over it and we should be complacent. How about you remain being complacent, while thinkers like me rail against it?

I'm saying the only people who complain that a private company acts in its own best interests are petulant children and idiot adults.

Ah so you also not only think we should be complacent, but you resort to the most basic and laughable ad-hominems when confronted by your own process?

I have a song for you

Oh good, we have a fearless keyboard warrior on our hands here! A real Che Guevara of reddit. You going to start a shitpost war because they control the memes of production? You going to call out Spez, because you don't like him? How about you get really bold and write the Conde Nast Board of Directors a rulll mean letter. You should use crayon, and write it on the back of a Denny's menu, just so they know that you are serious. I bet they will be like, "/u/mrsnakers makes an excellent point! We should change our internal policies that will lose value for our shareholders! We've all learned a valuable lesson today from /u/mrsnakers, and will never again protect our brand!"

And I'm not clicking any links. So feel free to give me the TLDC.

I liked the part where I pointed out your tendency for ad-hominems, which may I remind you are *logical fallacies, and it went from raining to pouring as a result.

I actually believe your story Bernie bro. I think you're uninformed enough to have actually flipped from Bernie to Trump without seeing the hypocritical and contradictory nature of supporting them both.

TL;DR it was a nice Michael Jackson song lmao you wacko.

Oh snap! You bolded words! AWwwww shit y'all! Things are heating up in here!

No, but seriously. Write the Conde Nast BoD and see where that goes.

Why would I do that when I can simply influence their userbase? Such as whoever reads this back and forth between us. They'll likely be a tad closer to seeing that their opinions have power, that is, if they're able to trudge through the quagmire of emotions and faulty logic that are your replies.

Why would I do that when I can simply influence their userbase?

Oh shit! Such unlimited power. You better be careful with all of that influence.

quagmire of emotions

Mad Theroux, dawg. Keep it up.

faulty logic that are your replies.


Complains about ad-hominems, proceeds to use ad-hominems over and over again.

He's not the one who set the precedent.

Yes, in my forth reply after receiving ad-hominem after ad-hominem I used one. Big fucking deal.

It is a big deal it shows not only a lack of integrity, you didn't care that he used an ad-hominem you only cared about calling him out on it so you could discredit him. An ad-hominem in and of itself actually.

Oh nooo I stooped to someone's level now I'm wrong. (I'm not)

(You are)

Famous /u/a_trashcan quotes such as "All this does for me is highlight the problem I have with every conspiracy."

I know why you're posting here and it ain't cus you're intrigued. Go back to SRD and r/politics.

So it's guilty by association now is it? You're just chalk full of logical fallacies aren't ya?

You can't even spell believe lmaooo and I barely dug all I did was ctrl+f conspiracy and easily found that you literally only discredit. You don't believe any conspiracies cus you're asleep at the wheel. Dats kewl tho, you'll get woken up eventually. Let's just hope it isn't oncoming traffic :)

It's almost as if sometimes people type the wrong thing or miss a letter, but sure go for person attacks. But still you dug, you poured over the things I've said in order to find some reason to ignore completely what I have to say. But go ahead live in your world where you and your beliefs are infallible and never bother to challenge them. I'm sure that will work out great for you.

I read this (I didn't)

I do't think either of us even care anymore. I know I don't.

Dude fuck these people getting on your shit for holding Reddit accountable for its terms of use violations and saying something about it. Wtf is going on with this sub? These shitbags in here defending Reddit "it's a business" with r/politics littering their post histories.

They're fucking contrarians shilling their hearts out, they have spez'a nuts on their chin, or they are salty fucking democrats. Pick one.

T_D is calling, please return from whence you came.

Using T_D as a means of dismissing or debating someone's character is so telling of who you are.

Essentially you're okay with accepting that a diversity of 360,000 users who don't believe what you believe should "get out" because one echo chamber (r/politics) wasn't enough safe space for you.

The Donald happened because of people like you. It exists, because of you, because when you shout down people over and over again they eventually create their own place to be, and then you rail against it still.

There's diversity on T_D, and the sub grows larger each day, many are people that were on your side but can't stand to stand next to you any longer.

Keep it up. Double down. Talk down to people with your low energy "you post in T_D" as though you can stereotype 360,000 users into one nice little box. Keep needling examples of the vocal minority in T_D as a representation of all 360,000. You just look naive and ignorant.

Your song is old and tired. It doesn't mean shit. Worthless breath.

I voted for Donald...and cannot stand T_D.

Yeah okay bud.

Dude, you're bitching about Reddit censorship, while on Reddit? If you're really high-energy, start another site. Compete against this one. You want to rage against the machine -- do it.

Or in the least, look over to the side bar where it mentions what this forum is about. And if your single-celled brain can wrap itself around the concept that this entire sub is conspiracy based; and that this thread as nothing at all to do with conspiracy, maybe, just maybe you'll have that break-through moment.


Thinkers like you, who continue to and proactively use the site.

I swear to god it's like signing up to play football and moaning that you have to play on a 100 yard pitch.

Consenters like you - who tell people to stay in their lane for trying to create change / uphold the very ideologies that this site was founded on - are absolutely toxic. You will never effect me with your negatively. I know exactly what I'm doing.

The notion that someone has to think like you to be able to contribute to the discourse is against the principles you are preaching.

Fucking dualist. Never do I say someone must "think like me" never is it implied and no, being in disagreement with someone doesn't magically make them a hypocrite. Your response is garbage.

it's cool for Reddit to censor things I don't like.

It is cool for reddit to do that. They are a private company and if you don't like it your free to leave and find someone that caters to your needs. That's how the free market works.

R/politics is leaking.

You're arguing on the side of Reddit. Are you fucking kidding? What sub am I on?

No, I'm arguing on the side of 4th grade logic.

Let me speak plainly and slowly: If you don't like reddit...

*wait for it... *

don't use reddit!


Well if you never made it out of the 4th grade I guess I'll give your idiocy a pass.

I'm calling you slow.

Well when you catch up and realize sarcasm let me know.

Ahh.. the ole' I voted Trump but now see how fcking stupid they are argument. Thx CTR

Not to mention the insane amount of Leftist cancer that takes over 80% of the posts on your beloved r/all.. get real

Uh...not a conspiracy, but a policy change...

Yeah! When a company censors things that are congruent with the MSM agency approved narrative it's not censorship it's "policy".


Well it is a horrible sub. They should have a warning for those with epileptic seizures when visiting the sub. All those colors!

The point is that this sub is conspiracy-centric, or used to be. Discussion of a policy change -- no matter the motivation -- has little to do with the topic at hand (conspiracy). Is there some hidden hand of a shadow government at work here? Maybe, but more likely it's the desire to sell advertising. And advertisers might not be on the million-mile-an-hour Trump train.

Those that run this site have every right to do with their algorithms as they which. Eventually they will turn Reddit into an echo chamber. By the time that happens, the majority of users that don't want to be part of that will have moved on. Again, not a conspiracy, but the result of poor business practice.

Certainly reddit, one of the top 25 most active websites that is potentially one of the most powerful deliveries and aggrigators of social media news, certainly it couldn't be subject to the same influence, corruption, and narrative control as traditional media?

I mean, it's capitalism yo. If you own a thing, you can do whatever you want with it! And we must remind people that every time they start protesting / complaining / boycotting things. Isn't that right, Mrs. Parks?

Do you have an actual point? Or do you just like to use words?

Sure, I do but they are lost on you. No worries, someone who understands will read my comment.

They made a point, and you're responding with bullshit and rhetoric. Have a downvote, and try to argue like an adult next time.


Do you?

The conspiracy is that private companies are colluding with the government to deceive the American people.

How is it a conspiracy when it is a well-known fact that this happens? PACs, companies and individuals basically buy those in power to further their own agendas. That is neither conspiracy nor theory.

If the point is that Reddit, as a private company, is trying to forward a globalist agenda, by using an algorithm that ensures the voices of one community isn't heard, then it's a complaint about the practices of said company. If you don't like their practices, hit Voat. Leave. Take your money and walk. The loss of viewers is the only thing that will work to "punish" Reddit.

The point to all of my comments is that this sub was for the discussion of conspiracy. Not as a overflow for T_D. There used to be awesome content here about UFO sightings, Shadow Government, MK Ultra, Giants, etc., and now it's just a deluge of Trump-centric articles and links.

So what your saying is that it's a group of people conspiring with another group to secretly push an agenda, but it's not a conspiracy...

Conspiracy Theory - a hypothesis that some covert but influential organization is responsible for a circumstance or event.

How is Reddit covert?

Conspiracy - a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful

How is this a "secret" plan, when everyone know about it?!

Theory - a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something

How is this a "theory", when it is, in fact, an action already taken, with an intended consequence?!

It is...T_D overflow.

it's a big time conspiracy, go look at the leaked admin chat from around when Spez was editing people's comments. They are looking for ways of completely silencing and censoring T_D short of outright banning it (because pissing off 350k+ people is a good way to launch a competitior site)

big time conspiracy

The actions of Reddit, and it's algorithms, impacts the content on one site: Reddit. It's not a vast conspiracy to silence the interwebz. Handing over control of DNS could be seen as a conspiracy to control access to DNS, in order to prioritize, and allow access to sites on the internet.

What Reddit is doing is silencing a thread that is problematic for its advertisers. It's done so in the past to a large sub (coontown), which then moved it's operation to Voat.

The reason that I see this post as a problem is that it's Trump-related. Keep that shit on T_D.

It's Happening everywhere.. google, YouTube, twitter, Facebook and who knows what else. Overseas as well, in preparation for upcoming elections to dismantle the EU even further. Globalists are pulling out all the stops to silence their defectors.. pretty obvious

Good. I fucking hope everyone on T_D leaves and starts a competitor site. Get that shit hole out of reddit.

Apparently you've taken the name of T_D in vain, and been downvoted. Here's an upvote.

Lol... ok buddy.

"We're just burying a certain political viewpoint we don't like. No conspiracy here!"


Reddit isn't a public domain. It's owned. Advertising makes money. Keeps the servers running. The actions of those that run this site, are driven by profit, not your feelings, or your political stances.

Thought that this sub was for conspiracy theory. In fact, looking to the sidebar, it says it right there. It does not, in fact, say this sub is a forum for the discussion of how a site policy offends one particular sub (T_D).

If you are so massively offended by the actions taken, there are other options.

This used to be an awesome sub, until the cancer that is the T_D spread to it. Now, the really cool stuff gets buried under the noise of useless articles about how awesome Trump is.

Amen. This sub used to be awesome, but it's shitposts from t_d now. Filter away admins, I couldn't care less.

If you're compliant with censorship get out. Really.

The actions of those that run this site, are driven by profit, not your feelings, or your political stances.

That's demonstrably false, and you've exposed yourself.

There is nothing profitable about intentionally alienating half of the voters.

I didn't expose myself, I'm wearing clothes today. T_D is at best 30% of Reddit. The point is that this topic belongs over at T_D, not on a conspiracy driven sub.

There is nothing profitable about intentionally alienating half of the users. It is purposeful. The point is, bitching about the very act, on the platform that is doing it, is stupid. You do realize that this isn't /r/butthurt, but /r/conspiracy, stay on topic.

Fuck Reddit and it's neo-liberal catering service. Fucking sick of it.

Then delete your account....

Running isn't the answer. Try again...

But yelling "fuck this site" while on this site is? Want to protest Reddit? Stop using it. How hard is that to comprehend.

Translation of your oxymoron statement -

Want to have your voice heard? Stop talking

I mean you seem to genuinely think the best way to combat Reddit is to indirectly support them by making as many accounts as possible and shit talking them on their own site. Keep on fighting that fight!

shit talking them

Stop projecting.

Raging against Reddit...while on Reddit. Brilliant plan. Still don't understand how this is a conspiracy though.

^ This.

Then go to voat. Vote with your wallet, reddit doesn't care how much you complain especially when you keep coming back to Reddit to complain. It's like not liking coke so you buy a big case of coke and shit on it, sue you shat on it but you're still buying coke.

Probably just V2, they've been doing that for a while now.

lmao, they're going to kill their own platform. I guarantee it.

also, its too late. reddit is as big as its going to get. they won't have long term impacts unless another planet is discovered and they join reddit en masse.

watching these cucks destroy themselves is hilarious.

Isn't there a way to block specific subs from showing up on all? Seems like the best solution so it isn't singling out any communities.

There is. And because there is and so many people filtered T_D it effected the "popular subreddits" algorithm and essentially removed T_D from it. That's what the posts is saying. Honestly I don't care personally. Any new users who show up will them on /all after like 5 min of being on this sight.

Ya, so OP is saying /r/politics is just 'liberal sub', and /r/the_donald is 'conservative sub'. He is saying if you are going to have a liberal sub by default, you should also have a conservative one.

He makes a good point. In no way is politics anything more than a propaganda outlet designed to manipulate young and ignorant minds into doing stupid activities that would likely get them hurt. Allowing such a propaganda outlet to masquerade as a non-biased default sub is... exactly what you'd expect.

There is an actual /r/conservative sub it has some decent discussions and is low on the meme factor and allows dissenting opinions if your state your position in advance..

I don't think I've seen any protest organization on r/politics. You would have to be a child to think that r/politics is neutral. Reddit doesn't have to do anything. Its a company that can do whatever it wants and your free to subscribe to and unsubscribe from whatever you want.

I say let them do this policy change. We are all being censored but I believe this will only make the rest of reddit appear even more cancerous and brainwashy than people already perceive. Hopefully this will only serve to awaken

Nah moreover I think most people will be stoked. Many of the far left reddit users support censorship that serves their own interest. Hypocrisy is always the name of the game on this website.

But-b-b-but free market.

Good. Fuck The_Donald.

How on earth is this a conspiracy though?

I don't know. Seems like T_D overflow is getting butthurt and using this sub to vent their frustrations.

Ironic how people talk shit about T_D and this sub becoming T_D2.0, when their posts are literally making it r/politics2.0

It's only a conspiracy because /r/conspiracy is basically /r/the_donald 2.0. Ironically, /r/conspiracy was also not included, and yet of course this post is bitching about /r/the_donald instead.

The mods here are the definition of delusional Trump supporters. Last week they stickied a subjective pro Trump post, instead of worrying about government brainwashing we should first fix the brainwashing going around here.

We need new impartial mods.

They've been doing this for a long time. Half the time The_Donald doesn't even appear on my front page, and I have to find it in /all.

The top post on /r/all was a picture of Jeff Sessions from /r/T_D with 5,000 some upvotes after two hours, I call bullshit.

I call you're subbed to The_Donald or lying.

How would be subbed to /r/T_D have anything to do with what I saw on /r/all?

If you aren't subbed you don't see the posts. The stickies on TD are even shadowbanned from r/all.

Can we keep the_Donald shit posters out of here for at least one day, I'm sick to death of US politics and people from the_donald and their hate filled agendas.

adblocker, noscriptjs is your solution

They can litterally just filter results. They don't need any complicated method to do it.

Screw that subreddit. It's infested with bots trying to upvote everything to the front page. When people with opposing views see it on the front page and comment, they get banned instantly, even if they are polite.

That subreddit should be shut down.

Don't like it? Use that big brain of yours to go form your own website. Oh, wait...

It's a private company. That's how commerce works.

Oh snap! You bolded words! AWwwww shit y'all! Things are heating up in here!

No, but seriously. Write the Conde Nast BoD and see where that goes.

You've implied that being totally neutral is the best for Reddit to market their product to retain existing users and to attract new users. I would disagree with this notion, considering that a very large (I would estimate that the vast majority) of Reddit users do not enjoy viewing T_D posts on /r/all. Additionally, it's likely that the average new user who comes to Reddit for the first time would be turned off by headlines from T_D that mention cuckolds, anti-islam sentiment and far-right opinions.

In other words, Reddit needs to cater to mainstream opinions in order to remain a successful media platform. The mainstream opinion is not a totally neutral, as you have implied.

Ya, so OP is saying /r/politics is just 'liberal sub', and /r/the_donald is 'conservative sub'. He is saying if you are going to have a liberal sub by default, you should also have a conservative one.

He makes a good point. In no way is politics anything more than a propaganda outlet designed to manipulate young and ignorant minds into doing stupid activities that would likely get them hurt. Allowing such a propaganda outlet to masquerade as a non-biased default sub is... exactly what you'd expect.

it's cool for Reddit to censor things I don't like.

It is cool for reddit to do that. They are a private company and if you don't like it your free to leave and find someone that caters to your needs. That's how the free market works.

Complains about ad-hominems, proceeds to use ad-hominems over and over again.

R/politics is leaking.

I call you're subbed to The_Donald or lying.