Trump=Hitler V2?

0  2017-02-09 by c0ndee



1 year old account

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1 post karma


I only read reddit, never post anything or like anything..

And this is what you choose to start with?

Yes. What should had i started with then?

Something more substantiative than Trump is literally Hitler

Something not stupid?

Me sell wife brazil and now i are have reddit and interweb. Please no do copypasta?

This was actually a better post than your OP.

Worst logic

Figure out a better one?

Trump and Hitler both have 2 eyes. coincidence? i think not. And it's not a joke..


ok now seems like a shit joke, sorry. might edit it away.

He blew the case wide open!

This connection is really intriguing so I've done some individual research.

Did you know that both Trump and Hitler have two arms? And two legs? Two appears everywhere connecting them!

They also got 2 testicles and eyebrows, and legs too!

And yes my friend confirmed that they have two testicles each.

"My friend" lol...

triangle has 3 sides and corners.

esplain plz

Sorry, i am Hillary supporter so i don't have enough brain cells.



Another 60 points from Gryffindor due to /u/c0ndee shit posting.

Well i'm glad i triggered some retarded feminist.

That's always a plus.

Trump is a man, Hitler is a man. Trump is a mammal, Hitler is a mammal. Have I convinced you? Coincidence? I think not. Hitler's consciousness has been transferred in to Trump's body by the Nebulon colony from Mars. 2+2=3. Mind blown.

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"

-quote from american NAZI party...

What is wrong with securing the continuing existence of your own race, and a good future for your children? Did I miss something? Doesn't everybody in the world want that?

Fucking pizzagate all over again.

Another 60 points from Gryffindor due to /u/c0ndee shit posting.

Figure out a better one?