Can we have post other than Soros and Pizzagate shit?

0  2017-02-09 by [deleted]



suck it up

Sure, make one.

Technique #3 - 'TOPIC DILUTION'

Topic dilution is not only effective in forum sliding it is also very useful in keeping the forum readers on unrelated and non-productive issues. This is a critical and useful technique to cause a 'RESOURCE BURN.' By implementing continual and non-related postings that distract and disrupt (trolling ) the forum readers they are more effectively stopped from anything of any real productivity. If the intensity of gradual dilution is intense enough, the readers will effectively stop researching and simply slip into a 'gossip mode.' In this state they can be more easily misdirected away from facts towards uninformed conjecture and opinion. The less informed they are the more effective and easy it becomes to control the entire group in the direction that you would desire the group to go in. It must be stressed that a proper assessment of the psychological capabilities and levels of education is first determined of the group to determine at what level to 'drive in the wedge.' By being too far off topic too quickly it may trigger censorship by a forum moderator.


You know there can be people that just honestly think its bullshit without being shills.

scared your financier is about to be outed?

Lol k

ufo's. alien abductions. the hollow earth. computer simulated universe. you got something to share? lets see it...

yeah let's all ignore a plausible theory to talk about hollow and flat earth. cool beans

Not what i was saying at all friend. I want more soros and pizzagate. what i was saying is that if the op has something from other avenues then post it. btw flat earth is 100% B.S. on the other hand the "Hollow Earth" is actually true

Here... you can read thru my batshit insane pizzagate combo 9/11 theory...

i found this informative......

My gut tells me that pizza is code for drugs and not underaged prozzies... but I like to connect dots and those dots were too distinct to be ignored... though now I'm not even sure that those dudes were on the planes when they crashed.

So much pizza involved on the Maine side of 9/11...

on the youtube series The Age Of The Dajjal he proves that those were drones and there were no passengers.....just crisis actors.

I watched the 2nd plane hit live on TV... but I wasn't hypercritical of everything I saw on TV at that point... though I was skeptical since Waco... Just because of that, I have a hard time believe that there wasn't a real plane involved, but that was a long time ago and human brains aren't the best at remembering things properly so I admit I could have been deceived... it seemed so convincing compared to how fake and weird and contradictory everything else was surrounding 9/11... like the newscasters were saying it was terrorists before the 2nd plane hit... back in an age when people didn't use the word terrorists very often.

he has a video of a plane taking off from a airfield and flying for some time until it crashes into its target and then he texts below "how would you know if drones were used if you don't know what a drone looks like?"'s a long series but i found it edifying.

Via body language and speech patterns I'm led to believe most of what Ex-CIA asset Susan Lindauer has to say... and she's not convinced that actual planes were used either... she seems to think it is possible that "remote controlled" planes were used to keep the actual bodycount low... but she is privy to compartmentalized information so she admits that she doesn't know the whole picture.

it's layered.....there are people who are sincere but have false information, there are patsies, there are crisis actors (many of whom are transsexual), and then there is john podesta.

so there's no core that produces the earths magnetic field?

No way man! It comes from the electromagnetic radiation beamed from inside Hollow Mars into the hole in the South Pole! /s

mars? you're fucking with me, right?

Yes lol sorry, I kinda hid the "/s"


Aliens probably don't exist, they're fallen angels masquerading as our salvation

yes that is exactly correct. they are demons from another dimension pretending to be higher beings.

There's plenty to choose from honestly...

There's the bat shit insane theories

The possible theories

The crazy but look like they may be legit theories


There's the theories that have been proven true ...

Whether most of us believe recent ones like pgate, it's important to note what happened when Sessions was sworn in. It was rumored for awhile now Sessions will deal with this when he is in, then to hear Trump and see Trump make executive actions on fl trafficking of humans and even made a comment alluding to the youth being hurt beforehand! Man, if it's not what everyone expects and it probably won't be buy if there's just some truth in that whole pgate theory, that's fucking amazing.

Right now it's the main topics because there's a growing fascination about it. It's a batshit crazy thing but it may have something there. As far as Soros, I don't bother read anything about him, I know he's rich and not good, I'll wait for more concrete stuff to show he's purposely sabotaging humanity and all the other shit he's apparently involved in. No interest in it for me anymore really.

Typical example of recent resource burning posts:

"Hey, I just heard about conspiracies surrounding Antarctica, can you fill me in?"

Soros and his hired henchmen want us to spin our wheels and have endless conflict with one another. In fact, our collective fight is against him, the globalists and what they stand for.

Tired of posts about x. Makes post about x. Keep up the good work.

You guys have got to read the posts by Katynrosja on Reddit. Laughable. She's stuck on Pissgate being legitimate and not Pizzagate.

Also, she states, "There is complete consensus that Russia interfered and influenced our election in Trumps favor"

Please just move along out of this subreddit Katynrosja

Could be a legit moron, but the "Russia election interference favoring Trump" line is something I would expect a shill to say since it's globalists' narrative almost word for word.

What the fuck does that even mean?

A company called "Sharia Blue" (was "Correct The Record"), owned by super creep David Brock (a friend of the Clintons), hires and pays real people to pretend to be genuine unpaid/unbiased people and "correct lies" about Hillary and the Democrat party on social media sites like Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and even YouTube comments. The problem is that many of these "lies" actually are not lies and it is pretty clear that the real purpose is to push the agenda of the Clintons/DNC and use fancy tactics to disrupt conversations, and ultimately cause readers to come to the pro-Clinton/DNC conclusion, winning them votes and support.

One of the major agendas is the story that "the Russians interfered in the US election in Trump's favor by hacking the DNC", which is pretty funny because even if the Russians did hack the DNC, the information that was hacked and exposed proved that the DNC (which is supposed to remain neutral during primaries) was working closely with Hillary to ensure she would win the nomination instead of Bernie. Remember how EVERYONE wanted Bernie and somehow Hillary won? So of course they are going to try to shift the blame to Russia, or someone else. They are salty they got caught and will probably never admit they were wrong, even when people start going to jail.

Sorry I inferred you might be a shill, but we are on HIGH alert here because you literally could be talking to one of David Brock's little minions and not even know it. What's worse, it's very hard to prove that someone is a shill except when their accounts glitch and post things that directly give them away, so the word gets tossed around a lot. It's extremely frustrating which I'm sure they know and are quite happy about. Not for much longer though. Things are definitely happening.

I am a man and please look at the context of that quote.

Move along crybaby.

Post some content other than what you mentioned then. Easy to complain about it but it just adds into the same thing your talking about.

Clearly there is. Stop bitching.

NO! Not until Hillary admits she killed Bobby Kennedy folds arms defiantly

Stop looking at Top and Hot and start looking at controversial and new.

The stuff is here, but the Republicans and Democrats are burying it in political posting.

Make one yourself then. Obviously this shit is the most important stuff to discuss to a lot of people. Contribute or shut up

I watched the 2nd plane hit live on TV... but I wasn't hypercritical of everything I saw on TV at that point... though I was skeptical since Waco... Just because of that, I have a hard time believe that there wasn't a real plane involved, but that was a long time ago and human brains aren't the best at remembering things properly so I admit I could have been deceived... it seemed so convincing compared to how fake and weird and contradictory everything else was surrounding 9/11... like the newscasters were saying it was terrorists before the 2nd plane hit... back in an age when people didn't use the word terrorists very often.