Is George Soros a Globalist?

2  2017-02-11 by [deleted]



Does a bear shit in the woods?

Polar bear or black bear? Either way the poo

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So you're sayin there's a chance?

Does it wipe its ass with a white rabbit?


Does the Tin Man have a sheet metal cock?

The Tin Man is cockless my friend. That's why he was headed to see the Wizard.

Wasn't soros apart of the Hitler youth and once said his funniest times in life were helping the Nazi out with turning in Jews?

I just read on Wikipedia that he had a job handing out deportations to fellow Jews, however his father told him what he was doing and he stopped. Later he pretended to be a Christian to escape Hungary. Or something like that. I mean I'm sure many people pretended to be Christians to escape persecution too.

Fair enough. I've just read all kinds of stuff about him in the last year, that i have no clue what to believe. Don't know the man personally but he does seem kinda wicked

I've just read all kinds of stuff about him in the last year, that i have no clue what to believe.

He is evil. Wouldn't be surprised if he is behind a large majority of catastrophe's in the world in some way or another.

Soros, was a Hungarian ("religious" Jew) and his family bought their protection. Yes, they participated with the Hungarian Nazi's. So, they were collaborators. It's debatable on whether he said: "that was a fond time in my life". I think he felt that way, but what gets posted is not 100% the truth. His family were no peasants. His father was a major supporter/founder of Esperanto, which is a "one world" language. They were elitists who bought protection and proved their worthiness....

Now, I have my opinions on "Jews" and who they were collaborating with along with the NAZI's. The SS was organized in the image of the Jesuits, and I believe they were working with the Holy Roman Empire...

But yeah, hope that answers your question, somewhat...

Well you always seem to have the most knowledgeable thought out answers. So, not sucking you off or anything but it definitely helps my understanding of it better.

he said it in his 60 mins interview

He did not say it in that interview. Listen, I think he felt that way, but he did not say it. That is the difference. That gets posted as proof, and it's not. We must be intellectually honest, here...

lol...the video makes it sound worse. That is pure glee

Yes, I'm aware. But he doesn't say what you are saying he says. Listen to the words he says. A man like Soros is not going to outright say what you are saying. Listen...

Wikipedia mentions that he says this was the fondest tine in my life, in regards to being able to see his father's heroism in helping other Jews escape the Nazis. However, I am now very interested in learning more about the Jews and who they may have collaborated with. I would think that anyone who managed to escape something like the Nazis or the soviet union would want to make the world a better place, not be a globalist scum, unless George soros actually believes he is doing this by being a globalist.

You need to look into who the "Ashkenazi" are. They are Khazars (ie. fake converted Jews) from the Eastern European Caucuses. They are collaborators/mercenaries of Rome (or the highest bidder). And have been for thousands of years. They are not Semitic. They have blue eyes and blonde hair, for fucks sake...

As far as I know the Khazarian theory has been scientifically proven to be not true. It is true though that many Ashkenazi Jews have a large amount of Eastern European DNA, however that could be because they settled in Eastern Europe ie. Poland, Russia, Hungary. The Khazarians converted to Judaism in the 7th century if I recall correctly, but they were Turkic.

Seems to me, you need to research a bit more...

I'm actually extremely interested in this, although, I'm sure the truth has been altered several times to fit the narrative.

I'm sure the truth has been altered several times to fit the narrative.


I don't claim to have answers, but I do have leads to rabbit holes.. At the end of the day, I don't we will truly ever know... Just my two cents...

Could you further explain or provide a video explaining your view on nazis and the roman empire?

Give it a read, and let me know what you think.. Not saying it's the 100% truth/proof, but interesting to take into consideration.

Interesting stuff. There seems to be Jews in high spots of power on both sides of things most of the time. Like George Soros is Jewish, but Donald Trump has family that is Jewish too. So I'm not sure what to think about a Jewish conspiracy. Some say the Zionist started WW2 and the Holocaust to create the state of Israel, by exterminating their own kind. How does this all tie into the Khazars? Looks like the Palestinians were apart of the Axis Minor in this article, so does that explain why Israel is destroying Palestine today?

Does a rhetorical question require an answer?

Clearly trying to get attention. Please don't waste our time with stupid questions

Your clearly trying to get attention by commenting on this thread about him asking a question.

Actually, Ive only heard that he was a globalist, I haven't seen any proof that he is. Wikipedia makes him out to be a good guy I think.

I love your enthusiasm about Wikipedia man, but anyone can edit it to say what they want. Just remember that!

Oh I know. I just wanted to post what Wikipedia said since it is a website that receives much editing. I'm sure many articles on it have some sort of questionable stuff.

You need to learn to research and dig on your own. Don't trust what they tell you.

Jew by blood but he claims to be an atheist.

Do we know the Rothschilds to be globalists too? I know they were court Jews for the Austrian royal family in the beginning, and then spread to most European royal families.

Yes, he is a globalist.

He's the biggest one!

lol...the video makes it sound worse. That is pure glee

Yes, I'm aware. But he doesn't say what you are saying he says. Listen to the words he says. A man like Soros is not going to outright say what you are saying. Listen...