Are conspiracy theorists conservative? Comment your political leanings

0  2017-02-11 by [deleted]



They are all anarchists.

Political labels are used to divide, generalize, stereotype, and belittle. A good conspiracy theorist knows this.

Best answer. Conspiracy theorizing is all about seeing past the illusions powerful people use to manipulate society, i.e., labels and blind adherence to them.

Indeed, but people who are right leaning have an innate distrust of government, namely 'big gov/over-reaching gov'. As such, they're more inclined to follow conspiracy theories.

The opposite has been true since at least the 1960's. The right trusted anything and everything the government while the 'leftist hippies' held all of the distrust of government.

Were hippies secretly right wingers. What about all of those plastic people, the yuppies?

When you call yourself an Indian or a Muslim or a Christian or a European, or anything else, you are being violent. Do you see why it is violent?

It is because you are separating yourself from the rest of mankind. When you separate yourself by belief, by nationality, by tradition, it breeds violence.

So a man who is seeking to understand violence does not belong to any country, to any religion, to any political party or partial system; he is concerned with the total understanding of mankind. ~ J. Krishnamurthi


I try to find the truth, and then base my beliefs around my conclusion(s) of the truth. So I'm a "moderate." Growing up, when I was an adolescent for the end of Bush 2 and the beginning of Obama, I was way more "liberal/democrat." That was before I knew about labels, divide and conquer, and the history of the military industrial complex.

I'm pretty non-interventionist when it comes to foreign affairs. The history of the USA, unfortunately, disagrees with me in that regard.

I'm libertarian but not socially conservative.

not the socially conservative kind.

You mean the pretend libertarian neocons that the CIA sponsored to dilute true librertarians? "Social conservatism" is completely antithetical to a libertarian ethos. I'm not a super duper libertarian myself, but I admire the purity of the philosophy.

Yes that's what I mean.

Not trying to be combative and I think we are more or less arguing the same point; I just hate that people like Glenn Beck somehow feel justified to call themselves libertarians.

You know, it's funny, I had heard people say they thought Glenn Beck was CIA asset of some sort but didn't really consider the possibility until tonight when thinking about how the CIA infiltrates and neuters political movements that are at odds to their own goals. I digress...

National Socialist

How'd you go from anarchist to Nazi?

Growing up.

I'm a liberal and I don't believe in most conspiracy theories.

You should they are quite obviously true.

I need more proof for some like cloning. I would like more proof

Ya those are irrelevant imo.

Basically everything is against us the route out is hard but can be realized. Eat good.

This is the second time in 2 days I've seen this exact same subject come up on this sub... what do you plan to do with this information since you don't appear to have a post history to show that you are interested in any sort of conspiracy theories.

I have recently become interested in conspiracy theories and I didn't know there was a conspiracy theories subreddit until just know I would take about this stuff on my other social medias. I am just a curious teen, I have noticed that most conspiracy theorists are conservatives, I wanted to validate my hypothesis.

Do you assume they are conservatives because of the interest in Trump? I find that most regulars posters here don't really ascribe to any specific political ideology... I took a quiz that said I'm a "Young Outsider" means I'm skeptical of government and don't fully side with either party... sounds about right to me.

I low key feel that way but I have a lot of respect for people like Bernie sanders

It's silly to fully ascribe to any ideology unless it is one you made up yourself... I don't like every single song by the bands I like... I don't like every single episode of a TV show I like... I don't like every single item on the menu at a restaurant that I like... why would a political party be any different?

Right wing



I've donated money to both Ron Paul and Bernie Sanders. I've voted for both Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

I am fiscally conservative, environmentally socialist, and socially liberal.

Well, what do you think of the things Trump is doing rn? Do you have any theories as to what his plans are?

I'm mostly horrified by many of his cabinet picks (I do think Mattis and Tillerson are solid picks), but I don't think it is out of keeping with expectations. I voted for Trump because I felt Clinton was a greater danger to the long term health and wellness of the United States. If the dems had put nearly any other person up, I would have voted for him or her.

It's funny about the actions that Trump is taking right now. Approximately 50% of the things he does (killing the TPP, aggressively pursuing immigration reform, normalizing relations with Russia, getting to the bottom of this Syria quagmire, etc) I think, "Wow, that's pretty great." But about 50% of what he does leaves me just slack jawed, and I have a hard time reconciling those two feelings.

For example, I think immigration reform is a good thing. I think that banning all members from countries X, Y, and Z based essentially on religion is ham fisted and seriously damaging to our foreign policy interests. I just wish that he would focus more on the "how" when it comes to execution.

So it's a mixed bag. I'm elated that the Clinton Crime Syndicate appears to be shut down. But I am disappointed that we couldn't get Bernie to do it. Trump is an okay stop-gap, and I hope for the best, but am expecting something slightly worse than average over the next four years.

If only she didn't buy her way through the primaries

Somewhere put there is a different time line where the collective future is brighter.

Maybe some other time.

Only brainwashed sheep identify with political parties that are used to divide us.

Great answer!

I reject all -isms, but might be considered a "Radical moderate." I voted Bernie but was glad Hillary lost because that establishment must be rejected, America deserves to deal with Trump as a result of all of our failures and blind spots, and throwing the chessboard across the room might be the best move for the people.

The ideal form of government for this crazy modern world has yet to be dreamed up. I think it requires open-source style governance nd drastic amounts of transparency, however.

I'm a Red Tory

Define "Conservative " , please.


I was quite liberal until I figured out the deep state media scam. I could be again if I had any confidence in government or the oligarchy. Until then.. dunno.. anarchist by circumstance?

I hold beliefs from both sides of the defined political spectrum. I do not participate in the team fandom that is encouraged.

That's so cool

Conspiracy Theory has its modern roots in groups like the John Birch Society and Christian Doomsday prophecy, although there's always been a left leaning Lyndon Larouche element.

I just want to point out that 9/11 truth was VERY popular among left leaning individuals. Remember it was BUSH and CHENEY in office when it went down. Many people in Gen X were introduced to conspiracy after that event.

I knew a lot of hippies who pushed for 9/11 truth back in the day.

It wasn't thought of as a conservative dominated group until the whole "Right=retarded Left=Illuminated" propaganda campaign began.

Ik, I'm millennial born in '99 and the conspiracy theory I heard of was the 9/11 thing from leftists

I want to conserve the good things in our society while progressing in the weak areas

I don't know, help me out. What do conservatives conserve?

Their closed minded opinions and money

im neither republican or democrat im just american :)

The ones in this sub are, over half are from the_D and any discussion of russia or trumps links to such is forbidden.

I don't believe in politics or conforming to any party


I'm mostly horrified by many of his cabinet picks (I do think Mattis and Tillerson are solid picks), but I don't think it is out of keeping with expectations. I voted for Trump because I felt Clinton was a greater danger to the long term health and wellness of the United States. If the dems had put nearly any other person up, I would have voted for him or her.

It's funny about the actions that Trump is taking right now. Approximately 50% of the things he does (killing the TPP, aggressively pursuing immigration reform, normalizing relations with Russia, getting to the bottom of this Syria quagmire, etc) I think, "Wow, that's pretty great." But about 50% of what he does leaves me just slack jawed, and I have a hard time reconciling those two feelings.

For example, I think immigration reform is a good thing. I think that banning all members from countries X, Y, and Z based essentially on religion is ham fisted and seriously damaging to our foreign policy interests. I just wish that he would focus more on the "how" when it comes to execution.

So it's a mixed bag. I'm elated that the Clinton Crime Syndicate appears to be shut down. But I am disappointed that we couldn't get Bernie to do it. Trump is an okay stop-gap, and I hope for the best, but am expecting something slightly worse than average over the next four years.

That's so cool