When will FEMA camps happen?

0  2017-02-11 by [deleted]



And what types of minorities will be in the FEMA camps?

Minorities? The FEMA camps are for Trump supporters because they are a threat to the government. Most Trump supporters are "gun nuts" and "anti-government". Also, FDR gave the Federal Reserve System the authority to imprison Americans by putting them into labor camps when the government can no longer service the national debt. We are fast approaching that time.

Damn, I'm a black Muslim so I guess nothing won't happen to me. But how will they do that in a Trump administration? I imagined this happening last year with Obama, but how will they do it now?

Trump's puppet-masters are rabid Zionists. They hate the stereotypical white Christian Gentiles that voted for Trump. Ted Cruz told Trump supporters "I am not lying: Trump will take your guns". Trump is the "Pied Piper" of his devout supporters. If a Democrat President tried to take America's guns, America would erupt into total anarchy. If Trump takes their guns, they will willingly hand them over to their "Lord and Master". Once they do that, they will easily be rounded up and put into labor camps. This was all laid out in a report by the Treasury Department when Carter was president. A man named "Art Miller" who had worked at the Treasury Department most of his life posted the report on the net before he died.

I think you are mistaken. I'm a Trump voter and I know many Trump voters. We will not hand over our guns. Even if President Trump asks us to, we will not do it.

We will not hand over our guns.

You would be more inclined to turn them over to Trump than a Democrat president. When Trump takes the guns, it will be from a false flag with some plant(s) spraying a football stadium with a machine gun. It will be so horrible, Trump will tell his supporters "I'm sorry, but this incident leaves me no choice; we've gotta take the guns".

You must think Trump supporters are idiots. Stop believing what the media tells you about us.

You must think Trump supporters are idiots

No...just gullible.

Well, maybe some are. But I'm not.

You see? You will all be divided. Some will be like you and refuse to turn in your guns, while others will obey. If it was Democrat doing it, you would all be united in protecting your gun rights. But, with Trump, you will all be divided and powerless.

Well, I don't believe this will happen. But I'm smart enough to never rule anything out either. So you might be right. Then again, you might not.

No , we wouldn't turn our guns in if Jesus Christ himself asked us to , even if he promised some Amazon gift certificates to sweeten the deal.

A tragic boating accident.

I don't understand what you mean by this post.

When you don't want to give up your guns tell the govt that you lost them in a tragic boating accident.

When the film Passion of the Christ came out i was taking a religion class at a community college taught by a jewish rabbi. He was very upset about that film. He recommended this instead... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Temptation_of_Christ_(film)

Peter Sellers plays a savant in the film "Being There". Sellers talks in confusing illustrations similar to the teachings of Jesus. At the end of the film they have Seller's character walk on water, just like Jesus did. The film makers are associating an idiot with Jesus. We Jews laughed our asses off at this scene.


where you holding your copy of the Talmud?

Never was into the Talmud. I studied the Torah, though, for years. "Protocols" is a copy of the "Rothschild Blueprint".

interesting. so you are a real jew who is opposed to the satanic khazars?

I don't worship Lucifer, if that is what you mean. I was raised on the Torah, and when I became a "liberal", I became agnostic. I became very delusional about "the G-d Theory". I'm probably "Khazar" (if that theory is true, and it could be), but I am a good-looking Khazar. Most Khazars are homely. Most Semitic Jews from the Middle East are very handsome people.

interesting. you seem very smart. i am impressed

Thank you.

I'm not a rabid Zionist and I voted for Trump. I believe anti-Zionism is not the same thing as anti-Semitism

Know your fate would be decided by your social media posts and political alliance. If you were found to be critical or pro Sander you would be put into the camp indefinitely without due process. If you were a Trump Voter you would never leave, possibly end up in the body bag although those were mainly meant for white males.

My role model is Bernie Sanders

Mine are Bert and Ernie

Lol good one...

I thought most trump supporters were just from the south... And they were all tired of being unemployed due to the Obama economy..

Seriously bro have you been to ky or west virginia.... No jobs at all.. Every town is a Walmart town... Factories, call centers, malls, all non existant... Just unemployment and foodstamps... I'm pretty confident these people just want to have jobs.

No jobs at all.. Every town is a Walmart town... Factories, call centers, malls, all non existant...

I know, and Trump may end up delivering on his campaign promise to help create more jobs. But, it will be short lived if the Fed raises the discount rate and destroys the economy.

Massive Solar Flare=Permanent Martial Law=Hillary's Fun Camps

How soon do you think it will happen?

Could be tonight. Could be in 5 years. The "Carrington Event" in 1859 would end civilization forever if it happens again. The Global Elite 1)knows what would happen and makes zero effort to harden the electrical grid. 2) the Global Elite has luxury underground cities already waiting for them. they will simply leave the surface while humans cannibalize each other.

If they do then why are they all buying secluded homes in Hawaiii and New Zealand?

fema camps where mass immigration camps ;0

What can you explain?

Remamber wen they said old WALMART where turned into fema camps/
they where right they where turned into camps.
Refuge camps

So when will people be placed in the camps?

hillary lost.
So for now no massive muslim migrants i am sorry

So FEMA camps are postponed

Once Hillary took power, she was going to use the CATALIST database to round up dissenters including people who voted for Trump. She was going to force them into the Fema camps for rehabilitation and imprisonment for the minorities and women. The body bags were for the white males who they deemed racist extremist. http://i.imgur.com/T6MfaBr.jpg

What will happen since Trump is in office?

Nothing, I hope. They lost. Although the shadow government still exists and backed in the corner. I hope Trump winning ended this but I think they view it as an 8 year setback ---I'm not paid or sponsored by any company, cause, organization , or individual to post or comment on Reddit, also not a bot---


What happens in the camps?

Peter Sellers plays a savant in the film "Being There". Sellers talks in confusing illustrations similar to the teachings of Jesus. At the end of the film they have Seller's character walk on water, just like Jesus did. The film makers are associating an idiot with Jesus. We Jews laughed our asses off at this scene.
