Part 13 Cliff Notes, "The Dyncorp Harvest"

66  2017-02-12 by 911bodysnatchers322

Previous Notes

  • [Day 106 part 1]
    • FBI's latest document disclosure contains evidence of misuse of classified documents by putting them on an email system: a Jan 26,2016 "Walk-in Clinton Documents" -- a "long-time government employee" of the State Dept brought a thumbdrive to FBI with classified documents and offered to be interviewed in a SCIF (Secure communications information facility) to reveal contents of classified documents (on drive)
    • The first person George thought of was Patrick Kennedy, because he was being pressured to reclassify all these emails.
    • Also in the document: Julian Assange was recieving information in an encrypted manner which is against his rules for staying at the Ecuadorian embassay in London. So the first action of the new Ecuadorian president is to be to terminate his asylum, so Assange may have been getting 650k emails...?
    • Dyncorp got an 11B USAF contract (Contract Field Teams (CFT)) at the beginning of the year (jan 11,2017)
    • Steve Feinberg is now talking to Trump about being a chief economic advisor. This does not have to go through Senate oversight
    • I keep chomp..((video cuts out))

  • [Day 106 part 2]
    • George says last video cut out because he had a "Weird Power virus" that took the laptop from 94% to 0" in two minutes
    • Feinberg is an odd person to 'drain the swamp' as a chief economic advisor [given his connections to past finanical intrigues with Madoff, Enron, etc]
    • Dyncorp spraying operations, extortion operations ((video cuts out again))

  • [Day 107 part 1]
    • General Grange--the same general that worked with Clinton's private army the Muslim Brotherhood, which toppled Libya and Syria--was in Vietnam 50 years ago, but instead of Muslim brotherhood, it was then the Hmong: the poppy growers in Laos. That whole area was involved in a secret war, defending their poppy fields during the whole Vietnam war, sending their heroin back to the US and abroad, getting as many GI's hooked on heroin by rotating them out every year. [and smuggling the drugs into the US by putting them inside the body cavities of dead soldiers in body bags]
    • The Hmong are still being used today by Dyncorp trained forces as sheriffs who received green beret type police/Dyn security training at places such as Fort Bragg and Fort Benning. They are the militarized police. This is the infiltration of the police depts by Dyncorp. They may start as police, get training and then be sent overseas to RatDyn UN Peacekeeper countries.
    • This is done through a county, away from the cities, so they never see it. The "Hill people" can be in the remote corners of the county, where you can bring in the Hmong or growers from Mexico.
    • Gen Grange's son is in charge of the plan to put down any rebellion or occupation of public buildings in the US [antiterrorism tf]
    • [The Ratlines are] all managed by PROMIS and PALANTIR -- Robert Maxwell superspy of Israel selling this software to governments around the world in order to basically spy / manage them.
    • The CIA, instead of arresting all the bad guys, it was co-opting the bad guys to run these ratlines--to show the CIA where to go to get the manpower. To set up the French Connection and similar sex/drug/arms trafficking lines and networks.
    • The FBI walk-in document has been sat-on for a year
    • Julian Assange has until the Feb 19th before he's booted from the Ecuadorian Embassy. He's going to be arrested [by] Sweden first. He won't be extradited to US initially.
    • If he has my [they belong to the public] darn 650k emails I'd like to see them.
    • CFR is kind of like a venture capital firm for dark black budget projects
    • School of the Deaf right next to Pratt House. 95% of the kids are really deaf. But this gives you a reason to have kids and women going in and out...there's going to be a panel [between the two buildings] they are going to remove--an eyes wide shut type situation [school of deaf is a cover story]
    • Al Martin "The Conspirators". Dycorp type folks spitballing all the evil con rackets they will do around the world.
    • CCC recap and construction union intimidation and their aquisition of single source bidding [no bid construction contracts] for USAID type orgs
    • UN gives out Kosovo, Haiti, Philipinnes, Papua New Guinea Order of Merit medals--look for these because that will indicate their employment with Dyncorp and hence their participation with JTTF. Look at their resumes for it. Claude D'estre scrubbed his resume of Dyncorp
    • George highlights Nina Strochlic article, "Peacekeepers Accused of Raping, Killing Kids" -- UN Peacekeepers are giving food in exchange for sex
    • Today Judicial Watch is in court asking "who are these 19 people?"
    • George thinks the comfort ships are being taken to Jacksonville, Fla and then taken alive to Chicago to be harvested. Possibly not Americans but those involved in Human Trafficking.
    • George talks about vectoring, bring immunated population into another to cause the people there to die; so they can build hotels along the coastline
    • George speculates that Balfour Declaration was a Hegelian ploy to depopulate the area that would be created as Israel, by sending British Jews there as a Spanish Flu infection vector population to the middle east; Israeli folklore -- no proof {{Geesis}}
    • Step one is to get the migration data to map with google map pins using an add-on software (sheets to maps?)
    • As soon as we see the 19 accounts (or figure it out via metadata 'hints' that fall out of JW's activities), then they have to release the 650k emails.
    • Andrew McCabe still hasn't recused himself, still destroying evidence, still dragging feet

  • [Day 107 part 2]
    • One way to think about Dyncorp is to think of Hillary as Al Capone in Chicago where she's from
    • What the CIA does is to insert yourself into the existing Ratlines, and take them over.
    • Dyncorp as a wisconsin dairy farmer analogy where milk is blood; trying to maximize their cow and downstream derivatives like cheese [which in a pizzagate world is child sex trafficking]
    • Hotels are great money laundering enterprises because of the ability to launder concrete
    • Bioflorida is going to be all the downstream biological derivatives
    • Mariott Hotel, Port au Prince "Digicel" Hotel, RTIsurgical Denis O'Brien -- initial organ harvest 'head of the assembly line'
    • Azili Danto -- tracking Samy Import/Export Bank
    • Samy also owns a chain of Hotels in D.R. and Haiti. Samy is facebook friends with a drug dealer Clifford Brandt
    • Haiti Oligarch Clifford Brandt Smuggled out of Prison
    • Brandt is dealing with Samy [drugs] and Samy is [buying cement with drug money to build hotels]
    • Glenn Beck had his sex sting with operation underground railroad at Kaliko Beach Club
    • Royal Decameron Hotel Group to Invest in Haiti
    • Somebody Deletes Samy's List of Hotels, Acra Family Drug Trafficking Connection to Cliff Brandt About Samy's Relative Who is Nurse in Mirebalais
    • Assange's Vault 7 -- cryptic messages with photos -- Monsanto, Lionsgate (Guistra), Lockheed. He's saying you have 5 chances to come clean
    • What I talked about yesterday was vault 6. Vault 7 is the 650,000 emails. That's what's coming
    • Vault 7 could be the gold for oil, drug money laundered thru lionsgate films and the that Gaddafi's gold is arabian oil; not quite figured that piece out yet
    • No one at the press conference today asked about Steve Feinberg
    • Feinber is the Chairman of Cerberus Capital Management--cerebus is the 3 headed dog that guards the gates of hades [Haiti], that's exactly the role that CFR plays: they look at all the blackops and decide which ones to do, when, why; coordinated through the PROMIS software, and Palantir is the improvement on that. It's going to keep track of my cattle better.
    • Every time they do one of these operations (op underground railroad), they screw it up. If you're going to do it at a hotel, don't re-use the hotel for sting operations, otherwise you're connecting the dots for me
    • Tim Ballard is going to be teaching the police forces how to do the sex stings
    • D'Estree is going to be doing torture classes, here he is at the Boston Bombing--he's going to be teaching how to make pot bombs
    • Dyncorp bad activities are franchised out like McDonalds, where sex stings are not unlike mcrib training
    • The blew up a police car in Sweden today--that's a 'keep your mouth shut'. They use explosions to threaten and extort police if they start to talk. They are doing electronic surveillance on all this so they know if people are talking.
    • Amarosa met with the new Haiti President and Trump didn't protest. He's waiting for Jeff Sessions to be sworn in
    • Sam Maxine {{?}} is in Orlando, Florida
    • Haven't heard anything from Judicial Watch today about the 19 people at State Dept using Gmail.
    • Bioflorida will be the intermediary to receive dyncorp bodybags from Haiti to give to the CDC.
    • I need the 37 hotels from Decameron Group, one hotel is known--it's where HIllary and Kissinger met, they will be on the coastline
    • If sanctions get too bad on Russia or if there are problems with S. China sea battle, those two countries will release some of the 650k emails
    • Chicago with Homen Square is going to be Haitian Traffic. I bet there's going to be a video advertising Haitian women vault 7 slide.
    • Shorebank is going to be the banking for Cemex
    • Glenn Beck and they were going down to expose operation underground railroad--they had to, before Jeff Sessions came in--they had to or they were were toast.

  • [Day 108 part 1]
    • Gen Grange is going to be at the destination end of these hearts with the McCormick Foundation in Chicago; and that human prisoners are being taken from Haiti and shipped to Chicago, and Homen square is going to be the holding tank for that. The excess killings in Chicago are going to be additional supply of organs. Just follow the ratlines
    • I'm going to be on Jeff Rense {{conspiracy talk show host}} tonight {{Rense is formerly of same broadcasting network as Alex Jones}}
    • Bill Weld stole the PROMIS software from the inventors of the software and found out all the bad guys in intelligence systems all over the world and then hired them to run ratlines for organs [and all other criminal gangsterism], then they hired the police to put down the bad guys to get more hearts {{they play both cops and robbers; people are collateral damage and have to pay for the cleanup}}
    • It's an assembly line first invented in Chicago
    • McCormick was army intelligence and had a lot of hospitals as well going through the Hall house
    • Assembly line : USAID >> Viruses/Vaccines >> Trafficking >> Harvesting >> Repeat
    • USAID will be buying the slaughterhouses. You are going to see USAID paying for Dyncorp bases around the world
    • The foundations will be at the Hospital end
    • Two key cities for supplying human hearts will be Port Au Prince and Cité Soleil--they will be the worst slums. Yale anthropologists will be there studying the effects of vaccines. I don't think they'll know about Bill Swing.
    • They used to encourage people to go to Hawaii to have kids and then go back to Indonesia and then have 5-7 kids that would be a future HLA organ match. {{He's talking about OBAMAs-MAMA)
    • This [idea of organfutures] came from Charles Lindberg and the idea of maintaining a master race...that Paperclip group started the's at the core of the CIA [ideology]
    • George mentions Able Danger and Marshall Service Con Air, hypothesizing the prisoner in that film as live organ donor
    • Shorebank is transition. They collapse the bank after they've laundered the money. It's another microfinancing scheme. In India they want to go cashless so they force people into microfinance.
    • They are also changing the name of the Clinton Foundation into Digicel; they are sharding Clinton foundation into a bunch of different companies.
    • Someone sent me the oil map of Haiti and oil is all over the locations where Bill Swing is bringing in migratory peoples
    • Hotels are replacing the shantytowns
    • Principle of Union School Haiti where Monica Petersen taught HS Social Studies is in the Sow A Seed Foundation with Donna Karan, founder of Urban Zen who had this "One Million Hearts" funding drive for Clinton Foundation[]
    • Sow A Seed are going to be the elite in Haiti...there's the heart again {{another occult wink: sickening}}
    • George shows Chicago and LA maps: correlate the neighborhoods where there are'll notice they are nearest to hospitals. {{may I remind you the hospitals were there before the killings, as if the hospitals themselves knew to be exactly where the killings would be...(conspiracy keanu sez)}}
    • Whenever you put the business of war in the hands of wall street, you're going to end up with long wars; and the policing actions that follow you're going to end up with long policing. Just like how the bouncer at a bar is going to have an incentive to have a fight.
    • When the war funding is cut / war spending going down, they will be moving this activity into the cities of the United States
    • They are teaching electronic surveillance courses to sheriffs (Phoenix training courses)
    • USAID is being used to expand bases
    • UN Blue helmets driving in with MWRAPS and shooting randomly into houses in Cite Soleil, they killed about 18 people because of protests.
    • Judge told Judicial Watch that they would not be able to know about the 19 gmail accounts for 17 (18) months...2 more delays until after the next election.
    • The Walk-in Clinton docuemnts was Patrick Kennedy
    • Vault 7 thing is a distraction with the conspiracy theorists. When they talked about 9/11, I knew it was a disinfo. Trying to occupy our minds until after the 19th of Feb, when he'll go off to Sweden and you'll never see him again.
    • I think it's going to be Kurt/Curt Bilt/Built {{WHO??}} in charge of that project with Nato, same guy who was going to take over albania in the Soros letter.
    • SCIF was the giveaway and the "long time state dept employee"
    • Eva Bartlett is on a facebook group, say hi to her and get her to promote the series if you would.
    • IOM got a lot of grants for building the housing. I think that's where the hotel money is going to be spent.
    • Petiti Freres et Soeurs is going to be the [organ] "feeder" schools in Port Au Prince...That's going to be the kids who get sick that are going to get the slicing at Mirabailais
    • What if we sent a message to Jason Chaffetz to say why don't you interview Andrew McCabe publicly / in front of the oversight committee specifically. And say look "why don't we at least get the same thing that Comey got last year which is the announcement of the give us the metadata around the 650k emails" No state secrets will be given away by that. No undercover agents will be exposed. If they are a CIA agent that is a recipient, then just redact that piece.

  • [Day 108 part 2]
    • There is indeed a program called "Chicago Helps Haiti"
    • The fly-by-night jets will only carry 20 at a time, and Homen Square in Chicago will be where they hold prisoners for organs, until hot-swap time.
    • There's going to be a similar place for Johns Hopkins in DC. I don't think the basement of Comet pizza [Alephantis' 2+ other locations] is going to be where they do the organ pulls. It's going to be some place along the tunnel that is a medical center.]
    • George speculates on Alephantis' places being used to training UAE medical students or griding bones and such, then smearing blood on the walls as a cover; grinding the meat; make pet treats out of the bones. The ultimate revenge insult to the victim / inside joke. You have a Yaley at Alephantis's place. {{I don't really follow this}}
    • Dyncorp does a lot of maintenance, training for flying crafts, so it's a perfect cover for flying drugs, arms, kids, organs etc.
    • Where Dyncorp does training is where drugs are going to be shipped into/out of.

  • [Day 108 part 3]
    • I believe they are training at Walter Reed at DC and I believe it's reachable by the Wisconsin tunnel not the Constitution Avenue tunnel. And comet ping pong is along this tunnel.
    • I don't think Comet Ping Pong is what everybody thinks it is. There's redbag waste but you're not allowed to do that in Washington. The CIA likes to do this 'wink' thing they like to do, and they bring these 'human shells' down the tunnel to comet ping pong to grind them like the mafia used to do in Green Bay. Then do a little training with med students. Then you either give full skeletons to students, "bag of bones"; don't know if they put it into the meat there, that would be pretty macabre. Number one thing is you've gotta get rid of the bodies. The press really reports that stuff, and they can't do mass graves without paperwork, it attracts a lot of attention. There's a lot that can be recovered from the body before they make the pizza.
    • There was an explosion at a silver springs apartment, maybe it was housing haitians or prisoners
    • People have asked George not to go to Haiti; but I think interviewing the teachers at Petersen's school is a next step
    • Look at epidemiological studies of people with weakened immune systems tied to PPD vaccines
    • Phoenix program recap
    • Dyncorp used to be military people with an oath, now they hire anybody
    • Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) wanted to crash Germany and then Reindustrialize it; what they are doing to Venezuela; and Hitler was the guy they chose
    • Lindberg was a reluctant PR guy. He was coerced, intimidated and they killed his kid to get him to play ball. In pictures he's looking down, in shame.
    • Cerebus Capital is basically the same, doing the same things as BBH

  • [Day 109 part 2] -- Marijuana Episode
    • California Siskiyou County Sheriff Lopey
    • What Dyncorp / Dept of Homeland Security does is create a monopoly for certain winners and losers.
    • Weed Country: The Chronicles -- in November, weed is going to be legal on the whole west coast.
    • Dyncorp has brought in the Hmong who brought in the heroin from Vietnam days and supplied heroin to the US soldiers in Vietnam for 15-16 yrs...their grandsons are now being used to grow Cannabis in northern California, they are being brought in and concentrated there and can be easily intimidated during harvest time.
    • Lopey has brought in raids and shot up all these guys. He's a former Dyncorp Bosnian peacekeeper. Since Clinton was in office and Hillary was a shadow sec of state he's been policing this area with a tough, crackdown militaristic approach. Since it's legal, it doesn't make sense. There doesn't need to be ar15 or m16 type raids.s
    • Pug Winokur has been militarizing police. For California, this doesn't make sense, since they are going the other direction. This makes George think it's a money funnel.
    • Lopey Foundation used to train police officers.
    • Dyncorp has chose Siskiyou county as the "Winner", the rich people who give to Lopey are the 'winners' allowed to grow pot, he leaves them alone and cracks down on everyone else. Creating a local monopoly through the police and through Sheriff Lopey and through Dyncorp.
    • Equal Protection clause says that you police equally and don't play this game of selective law enforcement
    • Find out who your county sheriff is. Then look at the chief deputies, see what their background is. If they have a Dyncorp background, if they have a militaristic practice of policing. That's the telltale sign of takeover in the US.

  • [Day 109 part 3]
    • Fusion Centers, directly related to Hillary Clinton.
    • Hillary Clintons Superpredator project. Targets her political enemies, and people giving her donations it will target their enemies.
    • It's going to start in 1993 with the the Branch Davidians. There were members of the group with AK47s that were a red team. There was also a ratline {{to Oklahoma city}} for heart transplants from prisoners from Arkansas State Prison system {{see Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal}}
    • In 1995, Hillary was the CIA's representative in the West Wing of the White House to push forward the Violent Crime Bill or the "Supepredator Crime Bill". It put in 67 different kinds of death penalties, and those were going to be supplying hearts.
    • General Grange, Green Beret Army intelligence officer in Vietnam, and put in Fusion centers (torture centers, info centers) in every province in Vietnam; and the same pattern is being used in the United States.
    • PDD-62 is the US Gladio Program, to tell CIA to work with FBI to psycho-harass and psychotorture US civilians basically.
    • DHS has 50 state fusion centers, 25 "regional" fusion centers (25 top cities)--this is the rollout of the JTTF
    • Infragard -- Guard the Infrastructure -- teaching the utility companies to surveil civilian activities and become intelligence collectors, which get funneled into the Information Fusion process
    • State and local gov and police are doing the threat assessment
    • Organization Chart of the House Democrats' Health Plan -- this info feeds in as well, feeding into your dossier.
    • The people controlling the Fusion process get to choose the medical winners and losers
    • Half of the Fortune 500 companies are donating money to the Fusion centers. A winners and loser list. This is how Hillary is using it to gain contributions. If anyone is giving you trouble, if you have employee that's trouble: we'll get them. If you have political enemies that need an organ transplant, they go to the end of the list. If they have IRS trouble we'll put them on the list.
    • This fusion winners/losers list has been used in Germany, in the US, and in Vietnam.
    • George says he was involved with the Fusion Center at times square put up by Guiliani (doesn't say what capacity)
    • PRISM and Steve Job's resistance to Google, Palantir recap, Smart dust recap
    • State sponsored Gangstalking by militant groups given revenge motives, coordinated and compartmentalized via Palantir
    • JTTF is an asset forfeiture and political blackmail extortion racket
    • Torture centers allow you to find out who is involved in a ring before you kill them
    • 6.5T is the counterintelligence part of the budget
    • Foreign Service officers are called DHS liaison officers in the US

  • [Day 109 part 4]
    • Trump just signed an international anti-trafficking bill when he sweared in Jeff Sessions
    • State sponsored State Dept USAID[]
    • Port Lafito Prison, hopefully the bills will focus on the traffic to this area
    • 7 Hotels built by Clinton Foundation, Tony Rodham was involved. Red Cross secretly buying land there.
    • Public Government says it's ODNI at the top, but in fact it's really Pug Winokur
    • Samy Zuraik and refrigerated ships
    • Blood mining in Miami {{?}}
    • Where the 12 unpublished people busted for sex stings in Kaliko Haiti, was that a cover story to exfiltrate personnel? Tim Ballard's group
    • The other owner of this Kaliko Beach Club is Fritz Parrot [Parrod?} Paret, he owns oil and gold mining interests in Haiti
    • Bill Swing vectored in the disease population into the center of Haiti because that's where the oil is--center of Haiti.
    • These hotels are being built with USAID money
    • Fritz Parrot Paret also owns "Angel Wings" a charity that identifies vulnerable children to help {{Masonic CHIP program in Haiti??}}
    • Trump's signature is encouraging
    • With a lot of people working on this it's going to unravel a lot of these crimes internationally.

  • [Day 109 part 5]
    • Topic: Brownstone / Sex stings
    • Jean Binet, Waco -- kids as bait
    • They used to go after other country's diplomats, to control people and put people in a power hierarchy (a pyramid), rather than assassinating leaders, or using earthquakes to do the drilling (PNEs).
    • Pen versus crayons style of GHWB vs GWB vs Hillary in terms of Brownstone ops. Each successive is doing more hamhanded hegelian crimes. Leaving very heavy footprints.
    • If you are an agent that gets caught in brownstones, you bribe your way out of it with campaign contributions to Hillary.
    • The line blurs between criminals and cops {{they end up playing both roles, even cannabalizing their own security forces}}
    • From 2002-2003 I got a memory stick through an intermediary--the secret service, someone who did not like Hillary Clinton much--and moved it on. I don't want to say more about that until the 650,000 emails come out. I don't know all that was on it but I know some that was on it and it was video. I won't say any more because I don't want to be admitting to moving classified information. I know for a fact there are secret service made [brownstone] videos [involving friends of Clintons]
    • This goes all the way back to Drumheller and the Finders case
    • I gave the memory stick to a journalist in New Hampshire. I met a retired FBI agent, met {{inaudible}} and gave them a memory stick; met the guy who broke the original Finders case, Paul Rodriguez at Philadelphia train station. At that time I did not know it was a CIA/Dyncorp operation.
    • Valerie Plame sex stung NATO generals in order to blackmail them into funding the F35 Joint Strike Fighter program
    • This is where the 240 Billion missing in the NATO budget went, it was brownstone-extorted by CIA economic spies in Gladio B,C,D
    • If you are going to figure this stuff out, you have to make yourself a victim
    • George went through a CL Dominatrix in several cities to make himself the victim -- I know people are going to make a lot of joke here {{you think??}}
    • So what happens to you is the JTTF sicks the revenge groups on you to make your life go downhill
    • That's enough Truth for today, thanks everybody

  • [Day 109 part 6]
    • Tomorrow going to talk about the research market for organs
    • Technology for biocompatibility, and organ transport preparation
    • Jeanne Linemuller {{?}} in Portland had an issue with taxes, and to even the scales had to run entrapments
    • She's married to Jessee James of the show West Side Choppers, was married to Sandra Bullock for a while
    • The meme the CIA was trying to create through these reality shows and film is that of the [modern Bonnie and Clyde as the] hot blonde, muscle biker guy being outlaws around the world; in an attempt to hypernormalize this trope as drugs/guns/porn boutique lifestyle
    • {{I am not sure of the relevance here}}

notice he is doing proof of life daily snatchers

I did notice that. I think we found out why he's still alive. He has actualdirt on them. And likely a deadman switch

btw, chicky, I just dropped 14. Also, are you a dual wielder?

dual wielder

?? missed this one

im no knock that i know ;0

Is that an rpg reference? I'm lost.

whats rpg? i'm rogue

Role-playing game. Rogues are a popular class in those.

I am also rogue.

are you really?


It was a RPG reference. Rogues usually carry 2 blades. That is all. I'm a fan of playing dual wielders esp Drizzt Do'Urden in baldursgate. I'm sure that reference is lost on you also

my only knowledge of rogue is this one

Madureira <---Mad genius

I'm hella jealous your living situation spports doing research like this man. And also extremely grateful you take the time that you do to summarize and share these things with us.

Bodysnatchers is doing a great service.

Thanks guys. I wish I had a way to reach George to thank him as well. I've emailed him twice but no reply at all. I think he thinks I'm a weirdo or I went straight to spam because google hates me

Is it possible that he's not getting your emails? Perhaps he hasn't had time to go over the content you sent him?

If I sent someone like you (or him) possible leads that seem worth a second look and I didn't hear back...I would assume my leads are a shitburger and I would move on to other leads!

But yeah, frustrating or sketchy?!

I don't know. He probably is overwhelmed. I didn't send him leads I just asked to join the Trello board. Then I asked again with my Trello username. I feel like maybe I'm doing it wrong.

This is the board he lists

It says private. I asked for an invite, gave my username

If I sent someone like you (or him) possible leads that seem worth a second look and I didn't hear back...

Fully understand your frustration.

Does George have a website or just his YouTube?

Good points. He's mentioned most famously Norfolk Va and had a logical reason for that location. I think it was something to do with the politician who controlled it and their connections to dyncorp. Also there were a few in Florida, Miami and maybe even the keys. I think he was saying, they wouldn't disembark there but instead resupply and take the ships up the coast to norfolk because travel by ship is less prone to being stopped by authorities and searched.

I agree and remember specifically him saying Port Canaveral is one of the main places. Easy to sneak in for sure on a cruise. When I found that ship out of Port Canaveral goes directly to Haiti it really makes George a geniuses. I also found this which was quite interesting when you read this guys background.

Also I found a persons description of the cruise to Haiti quite interesting and shady. Odd how things are pretty tightly watched.