All 4chan pgate posts are being deleted.

251  2017-02-13 by [deleted]



"Role-playing and alternate reality games are not politics. Take it somewhere else."


is right.

I do think/hope Seaman is right, but what does him being right have to do with 4chan threads being deleted?

prevent leaks/reports of arrests

Ah. Gotchya.

With that in mind, maybe we should talk about aliens and Antarctica for a couple days and let the feds do their thing? way

Yeah sorry, I don't know what I was thinking.

Although that doesn't mean we can't include some aliens and Antartica, because who here does not absolutely love that shit?

Funny you mention aliens.

I think aliens are part of the pedo pizza code/symbolism, thing.


Its come up quite a bit in my research.Aliens worshipping pizza and shit like that.

I think they role play as aliens,actually think they are aliens .

I thought this during the very early days of p gate but never really followed up on it,p gate is crazy enough already,people are scared off by the satanic angle,never mind introducing aliens.

I reconfirmed this theory following on another group that 4chan has been investigating.

I should do thread about it,maybe wait till p gate makes some progress.

I've seen the alien stuff around the edges too. And there is plenty of evidence the Clintons are highly interested in aliens, but not insiders. Bill was furious he dodn't rate being read in on that subject.

So, I'm not sure how they would tie that in with the rest of their occultism, but it's certainly a possibility.

I'm also thinking it ties into podestas interest in ufos.

Maybe when Podesta is searching for aliens he is actually searching for other pedos?

I think it ties into their occultism because they have created a massive hidden sub culture/religion for themselves where they actually believe they are the aliens and their pedophilic practice are somehow nesercery for their alien agenda.

I think many of these people actually believe they are aliens because of me ultra mind control.

I used to know a guy that was in this huge group that thought they were alien hybrids or something. He was dead serious too. And while I definitely think such things exist, I was having a hard time believing a fail to launch middle aged pizza cook.

So, these ideas exist and can be formal. Wouldn't be siurprised.

Maybe the whole abduction phenomena could be explained by mk ultra pedophilic moloch worshippers.

I think I've actually seen that postulated. I don't like it because it takes away my favorite conspiracy, but it would explain a great deal.

I know exactly what you mean.

Imagine being taken by aliens thinking you are going to see the wonders of the universe only to end up getting fucked up the arse by Jon pedesta.


Would the feds really make 4chan take down threads though? If Seaman is right and we are all right and arrests are imminent would they really force 4 chan to take down posts?

The CIA within the media conglomerates would absolutely take those down, but probably not the FBI, and maybe not the NSA. When you say "the feds," you may have to be more specific these days.

so do you think the 3 letter agencies whichever they are did indeed take stuff down today? What do you think it means?

Well role-playing is the bread and butter of /pol/...

Probably because a bunch of retards took whatever truth there may have been to the human trafficking stuff and turned this "pizzgate" thing into a ridiculous laughing stock.

4chan has been censoring child pornography for years. You can supposedly get a ban for even talking about pedos/pedophilia. They got a lot of heat for CP and don't want to deal with it. "Cheese Pizza" as a reference to "child pornography" was basically invented by 4chan users as a way to mock questions regarding CP. People would ask, "What does CP mean?" or just use "CP" without saying what it was and anons would answer "Cheese Pizza!", "Captain Picard!" or "Captain Planet!" or some other made-up backronym like that.

Try searching for "cheese pizza 4chan" before ~2010 and you'll find a bunch of results referencing "CP" as "cheese pizza" (they all clearly refer to cheese pizza as a joke). Here's a 7 year old reddit thread in which people make that same joke. Most results will be similar. Then search for "cheese pizza" AND "child pornography" (both in quotes) and you'll find zero relevant results. There is no evidence that any of the other code words were used by anyone other than the 4chan anon that posted them.

Now, here's the kicker: The words "Cheese Pizza" (together) are never used in the Podesta emails. Don't believe me? Search for it yourself. Yet the completely made-up code words are the entire basis of "pizzagate" (hence the "pizza"). PG proponents are now claiming that every fucking pedo in the world is somehow related to "pizzagate" because they literally have zero proof of any child-molestation crime having been committed by the originally accused. They are trying to legitimize their illegitimate conspiracy this way.

TL;DR: "Cheese pizza" was invented (by 4chan users) to make fun of people/questions asking about "CP". Even if they were serious, the words "cheese pizza" (together) were actually never used in the Podesta emails. All the other code words were made up by a 4chan anon. The most likely explanation is that some perv/idiot was using "cheese pizza" to try to upload child pornography or to talk about child pornography. Both of which are frowned upon. Hence the ban/delete-hammer.

You still didn't address any of the other code words used in the email. You just debunked that "cheese pizza" wasn't said by Podesta. So by cherry picking this point to debunk it's suddenly suppose to make the while thing less creepy and less real?

You still didn't address any of the other code words used in the email.

Yes, I did:

There is no evidence that any of the other code words were used by anyone other than the 4chan anon that posted them.

How am I supposed to debunk these other words? Do you want me to prove that they are not code words? Do you know how hard it is to prove a negative? It's virtually impossible.

How about this: Can you (or anyone else) provide any proof that the other code words were ever used before the 4chan anon posted them in relation to Pizzagate? This is the foundation of pizzagate and should be trivially easy to prove.

This is just one of the many, many holes in PG, but I'm trying to stay on topic here. Namely, the reasons 4chan would ban "cheese pizza" and/or "pizzagate" threads.

For what its worth I can confirm. Went there. There was a no replied to thread that had a pizza picture I clicked it and said deleted. And it was gonzo.

That doesn't mean what you thought it meant.

First time on 4chan/b?

What do you think it meant?

Utter despair

Thread 404'd.

That would archive the thread automatically, not delete.

Should this be regarded as a significant event? How often is 4chan censored in this way?

Seems like I hear of it at least once a month.

My understanding is that 4chan is heavy on the censorship and has been for like a decade or something. I think the folks interested in pizza moved over to 8chan for the most part due to more relaxed moderators, but I'm honestly not into the chan scene so I'm not 100% sure.

8chan? Give me a call when they reach 12chan

use your brain

personally i am a fan of 46&2chan

Damn, nothing against you, but you make it almost sound normal.

What ever happened to no censorship...

4chan has been lost for years, I'm generally surprised it took this long. When it starts getting deleted from other sites then you have a reason to panic.

I made a post just to fuck with the mod that was doing it and got a 3 day ban. But its over and there are multiple threads going now. Some cunt mod was goin apeshit and deleted nearly 10 threads in an hour.

And dont forget ben fischstein

RIP seth rich



Almost did! Thanks for the reminder.

They were going through some dodgy instagrams pics. Insta account holders knew. Maybe someone complained?

too late, I know the truth

It's a method to find insider leakers(three letter ones). Forcing people to migrate or repost creates a smaller spiderweb to connect.

shills are flooding /pol/ with hundreds of the same thread with a picture of a pizza and "yfw pizzagate is real". I think mods are being instructed to remove them, and are possibly removing real threads that are actually trying to discuss it.

We can still play dominos on cheese and pasta though, right?

But only with walnut sauce.

4chan /pol/ pretty much got absorbed by CTR following the last election cycle. I think it was a major target of CTR.