Assange' Embassy Cat Posted to Twitter Today

129  2017-02-14 by mrgrippa

Supposedly Assange is the only one who ever had access to @EmbassyCat who posted today

Embassy Cat's Tweet


"Wait you don't understand! This papyrus is a bombshell!"

"It proves Ceasar lied and not ALL of Gaul was conquered!"

"When the Romans learn of it, it will be a monstrous scandal, THE WHOLE EMPIRE WILL SHAKE!"

Rough translation

We're seeing those emails one way or another it appears

I think the agencies are working towards the goal but all the delays might have put them behind schedule, this might be a reminder :)


Or maybe just another case of the "cat who cried wolf."

You're a saint. Thank you

english version of the comic

If the comic is "in french" perhaps Assange or someone else is "in France". Either way, the overt message is overt.


All The 3 Letter Agencies have had their time to do right by the people and they've let us down thus far. As far as I can remember i my personal life, I never ever seen examples of a FAIR AND HONEST JUSTICE SYSTEM. Almost never. Its time to rid the rotten from within, let the cards fall as they do. Good Riddance.

THIS..the letter agencies. I had the misfortune to read the unredacted CIA torture document that Trump handed over to the court. The order was given during Obama's administration, but he didn't turn it over. Trump did forthwith. He also changed his stance on the validity of torture when Mad Dog schooled him.

That document is just a 500+ page synopsis of a 6k+ page investigation. The left whines about non existent rights for illegal aliens (they literally have no Constitutional rights, according to the phrase "citizen") but completely ignore human rights re torture.

What I found was that the CIA was completely operating on their own, as their own sort of government and hiding their actions from any supervision. On pages 15-16 it says how pissed Colin Powell would be to find out.

THESE are the people Trump has to deal with. That attitude is still among them, and who knows what they're doing now. I think he needs to lock the country down re security, and fire the lot of them. He can then heavily and properly vet those who reapply or disband them entirely and start fresh.

You can't read that document and not be terrified, first for the rule of law, and second, what they're doing in our name with our money. They're literally flat out evil.

I also read ONLY the first PDF of the Sikh Temple bombing investigation. I didn't need to read any more. ALL the FBI needs a purge too. That document basically makes the TFH people look like geniuses. Lone sweet ass.

While I agree that getting rid of the "bad guys" at the CIA would be marvelous, people would bitch about the coup in progress etc... Unfortunate

Talk about a coup in progress. Who the fuck is leaking every word Trump says and who he says it to. They just fucked Japan. Yates warned Trump Flynn was a security risk re blackmail and whatever she told him musta been bad because he apparently didn't believer her, fired her and Flynn..."accidentally" And Hillary gloats :CONSEQUENCES" jaysus.


I love that cat. He is so adorable.

Wrong. Real men love dogs.

I'm really hoping that this is Vault 7 related...

Click the link. The authors of a comic are adding a character based on Julian Assange. There is no conspiracy, and this isn't a cryptic message.

This article is 1 year old
Thursday 15 October 2015

From the side bar of the article. Have they added the character yet? Seems odd to bring up something from 18 months ago.

Wook at dat whill kihee

Supposedly Assange is the only one who ever had access to @EmbassyCat

Hmm I don't know about that. From what I know of him EmbassyCat is quite security conscious. I can't imagine he'd share his passwords at all, let alone share them with a guy who might end up under a water-filled milk jug at Gitmo.

What he is saying is that @EmbassyCat is JA's account.



I wonder who cleans out Embassy Cat's litter box? Does Julian do it or do they have someone at the Embassy who does it for him?