If Arresting high-level Pedophiles crashes the economy then you know who runs Wall Street: high level pedophiles.

297  2017-02-14 by 911bodysnatchers322

It's a pretty simple litmus test. Anyone can do it. You are now a pope.

edit: here's more



Yes. It is part of my worry.

As the OG FBIAnon said, this shit is spread like a spiderweb through government and it's connected to every major lever of power. If they yank it all at once, all the levers go off and we're "justice bombed" back to the Dark Ages. The assumption was that they are seeking out the right segment of the operation to destroy that will have the maximum effect of stopping this sort of shit from going on while minimizing the damage to the nation.

I'm honestly pretty skeptical it's even possible.

If even the most vanilla version of the theory about what's going on is true, we're still dealing with a hundred+ year old cabal that has managed to consolidate power, take over our financial institutions, the justice department, police departments, FBI, CIA, major corporations, industrial fixtures, the pharmaceutical industry, and so much more. They're using blackmail to keep their cabal insulated, sure, but that's only their internal defense mechanism... the strategy they use to shut people on the inside up. Their actual defenses are far far more robust than could be defeated by jailing 2, 3, 10, 20 or even 100 pedophiles... it's a Jack the Ripper machine and it's pervasive through the system with members at every critical point and a "by any means necessary" level of commitment to their greater cause.

Now, the problem is that we still have no seen any legit hard evidence or ANY modern whistleblowers. Why? Are the PTB really that powerful at stopping leaks across this vast network? Or is the foundational theory about what is going on wrong? How, in fact, do you compel thousands of Satanists (who profess to place their own will above all others) to stay in line for so long?

Something just isn't quite adding up here.

These are actual questions - I don't have the answers to them and they aren't rhetorical.

Now to be clear, I am NOT suggesting that this stuff isn't happening. I believe that it is... I've seen the documentaries and all sorts of other evidence to convince me that this has happened in the past, in other countries, and in fact in our own country... but the effectiveness at which this coverup is working is baffling to me. Even the mafia had leaks and rats. Either every single member of this cabal is terrified beyond comprehension, or some other mechanism is at work here... such as that this isn't one massive organization that we are looking at, but rather a loosely organized cell structure with anonymity built into every level. (That's my own personal opinion) this would allow the flexibility and secrecy needed for such an operation to exist without any single person being fully aware of what is actually going on outside of their own cell.

so just to be clear the goalposts have moved from "can't wait to see these pedos get hanged" to "This is metaphysically unprovable"

empires fall.....always.

I am the Empire!

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It hasn't yet...think about that. They've maintained control and acted out every "Falling empire"

Wow, amazingly written. You summarized all the nuances incredibly well!

nuke switzerland

Compartmentalization retains control for a few.

I think the bigger problem is that these few have controlled since forever and have built society itself around them as a shield so they don't even have to attempt to blend in anymore. The norms and laws and behaviors of society perfectly shroud their activities.

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this could be the key to the catalistic event we need to path us to anarchy!!

Wow path to anarchy, so exciting. If you don't die from a nuke you'll probably be one of the first losers to be murdered and looted. Sad!

I think you may misunderstand anarchy.

dont be sad fot me

loooters == your fuckin governemnt blind peoiple who are told to hate eachother whilst they rob you BLIND daily

hold on to your shit from loootooer hmmmahahaha seriously wake up

Let me translate from chickyroguespeak, if I may:

It's the government that is performing the asset forfeitures by creating false dilemmas and hegelian ploys. Wake up sheeple!

TY snatchers

they made word salade outta this i swear JTRIG fuckin JTRIG!

Yes social darwinism is going to be great, I can't wait for anarchy so the crew with the most guns in my city can take all my shit.

Hahaha stop being a hermit and meet people. Buy more guns as well, problem solved. Jk on point with your statement though.

it aint your shit to begin with

there is no separation between us dont you get it yet

you come here with nothing and you leave here with nothing

what the hell are you holding onto?

What do you mean by:

it aint your shit to begin with

we come with nothing and we leave with nothing

everything else is illusion

only thing real is spirit <3

Ok man give up all your shit voluntarily then, I'm pretty sure I, as a more or less poor person, deserves a good amount of your shit in the name of balance and humanity. Or do you prefer capitalism, where people get to work to own things?

Interesting - a lot of leakers/larpers said "they will crash the economy after trump takes office" - if there were any truth to this, a crash would certainly happen

Good point. And in fact, that's why I posted this. As a response to this narrative I started seeing pop up everywhere.

I was wondering how they would crash it - I'm sure that there are plenty of ways that people that are filthy rich (billionaires /trillionaires(?)) could forcibly crash the economy - but this is definitely another option.

By the way - you should watch george webbs investigation - the market wouldnt crash because these people are simply pedophiles - the market would crash because it would be uncovered that major fortune 500 companies' upper tier personnel are funding and participating in the illicit trade of organs/humans and drugs. There are probably money laundering operations going on in the form of foundation or campaign donations in order to lay out the infrastructure to systematically make these trades possible. I'm sure the people involved would have taken part in the sexual services thing, but that is actually such a small piece of this whole thing - that is now the equivalent of trying to bust hillary for sending a 'classified' email on her private server; absolutely dwarfed in comparison to the overall operation

I may be mistaken, but I remember reading that if the oswald story fell apart then the jfk assanination would be blamed squarely on the Russians with nukes following. Nuclear war as a distraction from a real criminal investigation in Dallas. Who knows the validity of this but it wouldn't surprise me.

Not every single one is a pedophile, let's not jump to conclusions here. It definitly happens (at every level), but that is not the ONLY problem. Instead of plainly focusing on pedophilia, let's also focus on the enslavement of the citizens and our lack of freedom and WHAT WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. People have always expected someone else will do it, and look where that has gotten us! Nowhere. It's time to take action, people. This shit won't stop until we fucking do something

I never said everyone in wallst, only the most influential, so let's not jump to conclusions here. Also, I use the term 'pedo' to include all sorts of crimes, not just CP or pizza but also child sex trafficking and police gangrape in sex sting operations.

The fundamental problem is these people have too much money. This means they get tired of even fortune 500 prostitutes shipped in from around the world. They then move on to more and more taboo areas of human pleasure, because doing so reinforces to themselves this innate need to cast themselves in a different category from other humans. That's why they are behind merging with robots and such also. They think humanity is ugly and gross and they want to be sterile, plastic fasttwitch people that are living artforms of six-sigma perfection without the messiness of human emotion--this is the thinking behind their eugenicist ideology as well. So with this in mind, they have no problem seeing people as meat or as sex robot dolls to be used for their pleasure, after all, they've worked hard to deserve to engage in taboos disalowed to the underclass. Privilege in this way makes them special; makes them better than you. They worship the double standard. They think the ends justify the means and therefore whatever they can conceive and believe they can achieve if they deceive in order to receive a reprieve. And that's nasty.

SO my point is they do these pedo things to feel special about themselves because they fundamentally are so hollow inside they have to have perversion and money to fill it up. I feel sorry for those stuck in the psychopathic control grid matrix called the upper class. They have no legitimate authentic joy, they're stuck in their own mirror on the wall and trapped in their phantom zone

Not just by their own pathetic defects of empathy but by the law as well. Because it turns out, there are subverts in our government who know how to exploit this unique form of childrape-based narcissism: by blackmail. They use 'brownstone operations' or rather 'sex stings' using low light hidden cameras and operatives to entrap these people into the same. They lure these people--sometimes over years time--into increasing levels of perversion into having sex with a kid. Then they show these people the tape, the photos and they are controllable then. It's the same thing Saul Bernstain in Homeland does, use sex stings to control Turkish or Iranian diplomats.

Now this is saying nothing about other forms of childrape-based classism in secret societies such as freemasonry, but I'll save that for another day.


Rise of the National Security State The CIA’s links to Wall Street By Mark Gaffney February 21, 2012 "Information Clearing House" --- One of the most successful frauds ever perpetrated upon the American people is the notion that the CIA exists to provide intelligence to the president. In fact, the CIA’s intimate links to Wall Street strongly suggest that the CIA was created to serve the perceived interests of investment bankers. The well documented links to Wall Street can be traced to the founding of the agency.

Relevant books: "War is a Racket" by Major General Smeedly Butler (highest decirated general in US history that served 33 years and 4 months), "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" (Original one since the new one has ommitions), and perhaps "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein.

"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.”

― Smedley D. Butler, "War is a Racket" c. 1935

I haven't read 'war is a racket', but I read the other two. John Perkins does good interviews on coast to coast am, and similiar shows. The shock doctrine has a documentary that I watched some years ago, it was really good, but anything Naomi Klein does I have enjoyed.

Have to topple it down, come what may. Otherwise, it will always continue. Do not be deceived. You can't let this kind of evil exist among us.

We survived a stock market crash before and it created a country of badasses who took nothing for granted. Down with the pedo elite

I agree. I'd be glad to eat only turnips for year in a straw hut of sadness if that's what it takes to bring these fuck-o's to justice

The world structure aren't held up by some sort of group of Atlas like pedos that are going to shrug. You do realise that there can be very evil people in this world, in positions of power who have conventional sexual tastes right?

This sub is losing it's focus on reality, pushing this Republican propaganda. It's ridiculous.

You're all search for mystery pedos, meanwhile the New World is busy organising Walla Street to collapse everything, thanks to Trump.

> Thinks investigating pedo's in the government is losing focus on reality

> Talks about the New World Order engineering an economic collapse

a) I'm not a republican and never will be. If you mean to say 'conservative' say that instead, but it's also wrong. I'm more left than you are, I'm certain of it.

b) I'm talking about justice, not politics

c) There are no mystery pedos. We actually know almost all of who are are talking about, with a handful of mystery donors to CF

d) What wall st does is not supposed to have anything to do with Trump unless he passes an EO about Wall St itself.

e) This is going to sound mean, but it's not my fault you can't keep up with latest developments in this unfolding story. I tried my best to inform you (https://np.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5sgnw4/cliff_notes_on_george_webbs_series_the_dyncorp/)

This is going to sound dickish,

Hey, yeah you are right, it does sound dickish.

I'm sorry if I'm not sitting around waiting to be spoon-fed thoughts by you and mainstream Republicans and the current US government. I'm too busy questioning what is going on right now with this corrupt US administration.

pushing this Republican propaganda

What? How is this "Republican propaganda" and why are you turning it into a partisan issue? Both sides are involved with pedophile crimes against children, and other global elites. Remember the Whitehouse Callboy ring during HW Bush, etc.? Have you heard of the Discovery Chanel documentary that was canceled from being air and leaked by a former Nebraska senator called Conspiracy of Silence, or the book called The Franklin Coverup, or that 60 Minites Australia episode on UK government pedophilia, or that documentary called An Open Secret on pedophillia in Hollywood, or the movie Eyes Wide Shut, or the recent movie on pedophile preists called Spotligh, or the convicted pedophile billionaire with his pedo Lolita Express plane and pedo island where he hosts orgies and has hidden cameras in rooms for blackmail, or the many people coming forward claiming to be raped by politicians and other global elites, or Jimmy Savile, etc, etc, etc.

There are many pedo rings that get busted all the time. There are also rings protected by police forces and government agencies that also have connections with global elites.

There is the work of a fellow redditor (Post regarding: In light of the recent Pizzagate revelations, let us all remember one of the best posts of all time in /r/conspiracy; "[ORIGINAL RESEARCH] The Mountain of Evidence for a Massive International Pedophile Ring Protected by Police and Intelligence Agencies" by /u/LawOfAttraction33 (https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5hq1j3/in_light_of_the_recent_pizzagate_revelations_let )) that used to go by /u/LawOfAttraction33, and now, /u/Love_And_Light33

Hey! I wrote this. I expanded the thesis from 16 pages to over 100 as part of a larger book on psychopathy and power.

Free here in pdf form if is anyone is interested.


https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/5f6xyo/z/daijv5x (3 years ago a Redditor compiled information about the mountain of evidence for a massive, international pedophile ring protected by police and investigators.)

I know a couple of bankers one of which is an executive at Goldman Sachs and second to the CEO and he is normal with a wife and family.

Hypothetically if the roundup happens, wouldn't there be a natural progression that those who are arrested are replaced by the same type of people? Who do you prevent or eradicate the same behavior from occurring and repeating itself?

I never said everyone in wallst, only the most influential, so let's not jump to conclusions here. Also, I use the term 'pedo' to include all sorts of crimes, not just CP or pizza but also child sex trafficking and police gangrape in sex sting operations.

The fundamental problem is these people have too much money. This means they get tired of even fortune 500 prostitutes shipped in from around the world. They then move on to more and more taboo areas of human pleasure, because doing so reinforces to themselves this innate need to cast themselves in a different category from other humans. That's why they are behind merging with robots and such also. They think humanity is ugly and gross and they want to be sterile, plastic fasttwitch people that are living artforms of six-sigma perfection without the messiness of human emotion--this is the thinking behind their eugenicist ideology as well. So with this in mind, they have no problem seeing people as meat or as sex robot dolls to be used for their pleasure, after all, they've worked hard to deserve to engage in taboos disalowed to the underclass. Privilege in this way makes them special; makes them better than you. They worship the double standard. They think the ends justify the means and therefore whatever they can conceive and believe they can achieve if they deceive in order to receive a reprieve. And that's nasty.

SO my point is they do these pedo things to feel special about themselves because they fundamentally are so hollow inside they have to have perversion and money to fill it up. I feel sorry for those stuck in the psychopathic control grid matrix called the upper class. They have no legitimate authentic joy, they're stuck in their own mirror on the wall and trapped in their phantom zone

Not just by their own pathetic defects of empathy but by the law as well. Because it turns out, there are subverts in our government who know how to exploit this unique form of childrape-based narcissism: by blackmail. They use 'brownstone operations' or rather 'sex stings' using low light hidden cameras and operatives to entrap these people into the same. They lure these people--sometimes over years time--into increasing levels of perversion into having sex with a kid. Then they show these people the tape, the photos and they are controllable then. It's the same thing Saul Bernstain in Homeland does, use sex stings to control Turkish or Iranian diplomats.

Now this is saying nothing about other forms of childrape-based classism in secret societies such as freemasonry, but I'll save that for another day.