The tunnels of D.C.

28  2017-02-14 by AFuckYou

Let's go exploring.

I am dead ass serious, let's put together a search party, get access to. And survey and map the tunnels.


Your best shot is to probably hire a team - i doubt many people will be willing to do it out of the goodness of their hearts - but hey, maybe im being cynical

If I was around there id say fuckit.


Oddly enough Elon Musk tweeted a picture of the tunnels under DC a week or so back... lemme see if I can find it...

There it is... not sure of the context really...

that is so weird. Was interesting to see him reply to the replies.

I would if I was anywhere near.

Only with enough people, of course.

Also what are gun laws like in DC? Can you go protected?

Ah, there was some kind of open carry demonstration. I don't remember if it was D.C. I would just go in a group of like 25 or more, spread out with cell phones at the ready. Facebook liveing or you tube live so people can see what is going on.

those tunnels would be a great place to get suicided. What sort of access does public have to them? Simply move a sewer cover? or something breaking and entering?

I dunno. I would like to find out. Supposedly they stretch to national mall parks up to 3& miles away.

seemed unexpectedly clean for a place that would make a good place to hide and explore as a kid.

I'm sure plenty of kids are explored there.

Good idea. But you need to find D.C. People.

the tunnels are real but not the place to go poking around. they are not really secret but I would think maps of them would be classified. The tunnels were built for cog and evacuation use so don't think you can just go check it out and no one will notice. To think the tunnels have no surveillance isn't realistic. As soon as they see you on the camera they will round your asses up and detain you indefinitely on some patriot act - national security breach.

I have also heard there's a train that connects the White House to congress as well as to the pentagon and regular train system.

best advice at the bottom.

Maybe some kind of add ass drone?

I'm sure other countries would like to know how the tunnels are laid out and have the resources to send the drone that looks like an insect. For this reason I could only imagine they would have some pretty advanced tech down there to detect even a miniature drone.

Being underground the signal probably doesn't carry very far - phone signal probably sucks down there too.

That's scary

That's where the Stragoi hang out.

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I think attempting to explore them would be a horrible idea that would lead to instant consequences. D.C. Isn't fucking around with people. I'm not sure where the tunnels are located, but I honestly believe this building is one of the entrances (unless anyone can tell me what else it could be?). My sister and I were eating lunch while sitting on the wall not too far down from here and a secret service or FBI guy came out of this exact building. There's no windows and only that one door which is locked tight and has cameras watching it. Like I said, I'm not sure if it's an entrance to the tunnels or something else entirely, but as you can see, it's locked tight with cameras. Never saw anyone else come or go, but we were only there for about 30 minutes.

Looks like an auxiliary entrance and exit to the building in the background. The entrance to these tunnels is likely a whole building.

Surveys and maps of the tunnels already exist somewhere, though possibly still only on paper, rather than digitized. Find out the engineering firms/subcontractors involved in building or renovating those tunnels or the streets above those tunnels and they will have those surveys. There will be pre-construction surveys, proposed preliminary plans, final construction plans, as well as as-builts drafted after project completion.

Cursory investigation indicates that the Metro was planned in the 1950s. The firms involved in the project may still exist, may have changed owners and names over the years, or may be defunct. It would be helpful to know when the particular tunnels of interest were planned and constructed.

Depending on the recency of any new work in the area, plans may have been digitized (probably post 1980's - this is the period when paper plans started regularly being digitized by engineering firms for use in their CAD systems).

You might also have luck looking for plans held by utilities in the area. When an engineering project is being planned, SOP is that all utilities in the area receive copies of a survey of the area with their utility lines drawn on them for confirmation of location. These plans would absolutely include the tunnels.

If the plans are still only in paper form, you're going to need someone within the engineering firm to "leak" that info by physically taking photos of the plans. They are likely on sheets that are 22" x 34", so they aren't going to be scannable without special equipment. If they've been digitized, I suppose it would be possible to liberate that info through other remote digital means.

Another possible angle would be to explore the data from the construction firm's perspective, though I don't know personally what kind of record retention policies construction firms have.

Bottom line is that the info you are seeking already likely exists in plan form and a site visit is potentially dangerous and is not going to yield as useful information as the actual surveys and plans would.