I've been seeing a lot of evidence supporting the existence of Pizzagate. Is there any against it?

19  2017-02-14 by [deleted]



Clinton and Podesta said its not true. So…. There ya go.

The only evidence against it is "disbelief", "arrogance", and "vehement denial".

I don't care if someone believes in something or doesn't, but you have to be open to the possibilities. Shooting things down doesn't help anyone but yourself.

So skepticism is a bad thing? Like you said you have to be open minded and not shoot down discussion. That goes both ways. So why is it okay to shoot down discussion against it?

OP asked for arguments against PG, not for people to instantly dismiss it (which would be shooting it down). Arguments against are just as important as arguments for because it lets you see every side of the issue to make a more informed opinion.

Be open to dissent and support. Don't shoot things down on either end.

Sorry that my wording was mixed, I'm at work and I get distracted when typing.

I think you should think critically of any evidence or rebuttal, because just because something supports your view doesn't mean it's right. Scrutinize every bit of evidence to death.

Ah sorry, I mistook your meaning. I completely agree with that.

All good.


That's some weak ass debunking.

There are a lot of problems with both the proponents and opponents of this subject. Some of the proponents are neutral (like me), and some are way off the deep end, imo. Some opponents just want to see some solid evidence, and others are shills or trolls...

I think the main argument against it is that a lot of it is circumstantial evidence and there is no true smoking gun, who knows though.

I think you started a good discussion but having the question be neutral and ask for proponents for and against might keep it from becoming bias.

You are right. It is all circumstantial evidence. But, in my opinion, there is enough to think it might be true.

A mountain of circumstantial evidence

Yes, you're right.

"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." ~ Hitchens's razor

So we shouldn't care what Pizza walnut handkercheif etc mean in the DKIM verified emails that the former director of national intelligence said as well were legitimate? Definitely calls for some sort of investigation I don't like paying for 65k in hot dogs and the white house can't serve outside food...

Snopes, New York Times, Fox News, etc have done stupid ass weak hit pieces against it. You can find them.

This was the thing thay brought me onboard. The overwhelming attempt to silence ANY FOR OF INVESTIGATION.


No doubt. When stephen colbert did a serious segment on his CBS late show about it and included claims by the Pope not to look into it, I knew something serious was going on and something devious was up.

The freaking idiots being accused, instead of addressing the claims, have simply attacked the theory & the researchers from the beginning. They have not provided any evidence to appease the accusations. This obviously, in turn, fuels the theory further.


Common sense, logic, living a reality based lifestyle? Or how about a complete lack of a single victim, zero pics, vids, documents, not a single witness. Oh and all that SATAN seriously discredits every singel bit of it.

Smells like a shill or you gotta research more it's at least worth investigating

it's at least worth investigating

Satan worship has been investigated for decades and found to false in almost every case, get rid of this aspect of PG and a lot more people would take it a little more seriously.

Have you seen the instagram photos I don't care if it's satanic in nature I don't think people care so much because Satan is involved or not...it's hard to argue it's not worth investigating

the instagram photos

which ones? I've seen many and they all look like nonsense from here.

It's hard to even find an archive of them that's still accessible there were hash tags of chicken lover and the word pedo plus photos of coffins and kill rooms plus in the emails they talk about sharing slices of pizza and other code words I suggest you start reading the podesta emails because the instagram photos are hard to find now

You have to prove guilt, you don't have to prove innocence. The accusations are so loose and open as well, it's hard to disprove - if there was victims coming forward saying JP raped me, you could prove or disprove it. If there were dates and times they could provide alibis.

For me, there are a few huge issues with this entire thing. No victims. Take look at the Savile case in the UK, and the football case in the UK. Both had thousands of victims come forward, as soon as there was any rumbling of accusations. This has just not happened with pizza gate.

Then, look at how the connections come about. I've seen 10s of cases posted here, all claiming pizza gate, with literally zero evidence of any connection to it. Paedophiles are arrested every day. Pick some names based on evidence, and when they start getting arrested then we can talk about it.

Also, 4chan is not evidence.

The best proof that I could find that disproves pizzagate is the main stream media's word that its fake.

That's some weak ass debunking.