Hey we are being fucking assaulted by correct the record, share blue, the deep state and corporate props.

15  2017-02-14 by [deleted]



Ignore them into oblivion. Thats the best option

Don't ignore them, that fucking top post is has ctr all over it. If you can hijack one of the top comments, the people from r/all will see it

aye. yup. we are.

The story about Flynn on top of Conspiracy is crazy. Every other comment talks about how conspiracy is just the new T_D or how we claim it's being brigaded.

Yeah and this topic shows that that's completely unfounded right

You are literally the worst at what you do

Yeah dude I'm totally paid, just like everyone else who disagrees with you!

Hey you said it, I never did :)


Are you typing these shitpost from your homeroom class?

Christ on a bike. At least bring some substance when posting in this sub.

"Show your work"....you outta understand that, its probably something you hear everyday in 4th period math.

what are you talking about?

This is a shitpost more akin to something in fucking circle jerk and you have zero evidence or even a story to back up the garbage you just posted.

They're trying to break us.

Let em keep embarrassing themselves into oblivion. They're so fucking stupid, they don't even make a mild effort to be subtle. I believe that's what's typically called "the death throes"...like, when people who know they're about to be fucking put down like a rabid dog lash out one last time out of desperation

Shocking that so many of these posts are being made now that a Trump-related conspiracy is at the top of /r/conspiracy.

But yeah, must be CTR or something.

uh yea pretty fucking shocking considering that this whole ordeal doesn't mean shit and the left is trying so fucking hard to come back from the BUTT FUCKING they received in November

Why oh why would anyone upvote a conspiracy involving the Trump administration's NSA in /r/conspiracy!? I just can't think of any reason why a post about a conspiracy would be upvoted in the conspiracy subreddit!


trump story hits top of the sub


yea let's just strawman trump and completely ignore the fact that he got fired because lied about a phone call.


Thanks for proving my point!

Spez must resign.

"Show your work"....you outta understand that, its probably something you hear everyday in 4th period math.

Whats your evidence, why do you think that people that disagree with you in a conspiracy sub are all part of the Brock machine?

Is this simply because shit you dont agree with or that doesnt match your narrative gets posted in a fucking conspiracy sub?

Complete and total shitpost

Yes I 100% disagree with any numb skull that could actually believe a dossier that had the word hentai in it. You know it's so funny when people post like this, they literally want to generalize everyone commenting and then assume me for doing it. You're doing the same fucking thing man.

your shitpost was just deleted you retard. Because it was a straight shitpost and your bringing nothing to the table.

hahaha wow personal attacks, are you getting mad at the fact I may be right?

nope, most of us are probably just laughing at your terrible social skills and utter shitpostey-ness

yea I can really tell by the upvotes I'm getting and the downvotes you're getting.

You can't even see upvotes on this sub for an hour.

You should go study son, papa will be mad!

right because this is totally not my post

You can't see southernjebs comment score you doofus.

Such a try hard aren't you?

I think your mommy just cooked up a batch of tendies, do you want some?

Lol dude how does it feel to literally suck David Brock pee pee

Better than your little circumcised dick that's for sure!

Lol y u mad bro!!!!!

We're not mad, we're laughing at you.

How long have you been on nofap little boy? Has it got you a lady friend yet?

Hey just to let you know I'm archiving all your comments and comparing them to the CTR memos that have been leaked, along with those shareblue ones. Don't worry, no one is calling you a shill, I just haven't jerked off in so long and my teacher didn't give me any homework because it's v day

you're embarrassing yourself

right, you're next

You're melting down and deleting comments minutes after you post them. Take a valium and hit the logout button

Removed. Rule 4.

Pay attention boy, you'll fail class just like you fail at life!

I think I'm doing pretty good in the compartment of pissing you pedophile employees off

Removed. Rule 4.


Lmao! Pathetic.

Removed. Rule 4.

Yes I 100% disagree with any numb skull that could actually believe a dossier that had the word hentai in it.


I just caught op lying in another thread


He is a simple t_d sheep trying to save his dear leader with this over the top CTR distraction.

Lmao I never lied I just said can you prove it

Quick! Delete all your posts so you don't look stupid.

Oops, too late.

Literally your whole comment history is correct the record rhetoric, not calling you a shill but it's funny to see how rabid you people get :)

do you even know how reddit works, or that people can look at your history and your comments and that shit can be saved?



/r/redditctrsux so you just admitted your whole purpose for this account is to shitpost in this sub?

Removed. Rule 4.

Thanks for proving my point!

what are you talking about?