We are in martial law, sorry. Happy V day

49  2017-02-15 by 911bodysnatchers322

If a person in the intelligence community or in public office broke the law so completely and yet is still unpunished, as is the case with Frmr Sec State Hillary Clinton, ex President Barack Obama, FBI director James Comey, deputy director Andrew McCabe, NSA James Clapper, and several others in DHS we found out about yesterday, then it must mean the constitution has been superceded and there are no laws

They used private unsecured servers to handle classifieds. Israel Russia and China have 650k of Hillary's emails which DO contain state secrets, yet WE ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SEE THEM--our enemies already have them. This is a total failure of Justice, Security and Common sense. The above committed one or more of domestic espionage against citizens, espionage against the State, information arbitrage, perjury, intellectual property theft, eyewashing. The MSM wants to paint this as "simply mishandling documents". No, that's not what is happening. It's espionage. That amounts to a coup-de-etat attempt, which is high treason. Then to control the media to gaslight people, that's terrorism and psychological warfare--which is a type of warfare in a sense that it would not be used in a time that we are not at war. So they are guilty of war crimes.

Oh guess what? They also outsourced torture. That's a war crime. They also detained people improperly in chicago at Homen square: that's a human rights violation. Not only hypocritical, if it's done against your own people in tandem with gaslighting them, that's a war crime. Who is to say that they aren't both advertising 'join isis' on their social media and then they start talking to this 'undercover agent' and then be framed as a terrorist. Off to homen square you go. That's entrapment. Add it to the list. There's a mother ducking litany of crimes the last administration has against them.

Why aren't they in jail? What's it mean?

First of all that Trump is a Chump. Or that WE are. Either he has no real power and is basically about to get his ass impeached and then Obama or Hillary will go into office via a coup; or that they've been working together all along and made some kind of deal. So it's back to this "shaping hearts and minds", "perception management strategy" we're going to be hypernormalized into accepting, because we can't do anything anyway except gobble about it online.

Which means Hillary and Trump and Obama all worked together to make the US a much less safe place; to divide us against each other on purpose; to basically fuck up america 100% ensuring it's destruction.

Right now Russia is having a ball. Did you know that? Russia is having the most prosperous time in it's history. I'm kind of glad for them. They deserve a break, being the bad guy. Turns out, we've taken their place. We're the new bad guy. The world hates us and we deserve it. Because we're all stupider now, becasue of the left, and because of the MSM, and because of they psychopathic control grid and the aformentioned traitorous assclowns who seem to have studied for years the delicate craft of failing to do their job as hard as they can while begging for more money to do the same.

They are ridiculous people, but then again, so are we. We keep trusting in these murderers. Oh yes that's what they are. Every one of them is a murderer. Just because USA does it, it makes it no different. It's a game for the lazy and stupid--to kill someone instead of trying to work with them. Which is not really what it's about though. It's about profitting off killing them, which our system we've set up makes it easy for THEM to do (we get nothing from dead people overseas, except more dead people here)

I've taken a look at this bigger picture in the context of the Constitution. How is it they've been able to get away with this shit? Well it's because of the Continuity of Government plan and the 'secret law' that even the Congress is not allowed even to inquire about.

The fact that these people can do high treasons and get away with them must then mean one of 2 things.

1) the intelligence community sans FBI has split off and become a rogue nation, which means they've committed an act of war by spying on americans, improperly detained them, gangstalked them, in which case, the entire US public sector, the entire US government has been complicit in war crimes against US citizens and thus is void.

2) That the IC is NOT a rogue nation but still very much part of the public government but is allowed to break the law by secret orders, which necessarily dissolves the constitution because of a few key features of the constitution. THey are

a) equal protection under the law: everyone is treated equally, they violated this in many ways. Hillary is a fugitive from the law, so is clapper, so is comey, so is mccabe, so is podesta, so is Obama actually (he used her private, unsecured server, from which system israel, russia and china were able to procure the 650k emails). They are guilty of treason, of espionage. They are not in jail. Why not?

b) popular sovereignty--the basis of the constitution. The US exists because of the constittiuon and bill of rights (amendments); it exists out of a social public contract we have with each other as citizens. This principle is 'popular sovereignty', and is the basis of the common law system we have that basically enables us to have a code of laws; but Const. also creates congress, supreme court and executive; it also allows states, it allows states to have constitutions and creates the court systems. Therefore, if you violate popular sovereignty by having "secret law" that allows the IC to be able to break our laws, then you've undermined the constituion--because we didn't agree to it. And thus you've undermined all those things that are formed via the constitution--it's all void. Don't act like it's not! Look around you. They get away with murder!! If 'secret law' is created by executive order then you have a chicken -and-the-egg situation in which the EO is defined by the Const itself then creates secret law that thusly undermines it--this is invalid from the outset. It's martial law to even consider secret law

c) therefore if we are to accept there is secret law, then there ARE no laws, because the argument can be made that the constitution has been superceded; otherwise

d) if its not the case that there are secret laws and that the IC has 'discreetly' become a rogue state, then the entire US Government has secretly declared war against citizens and it would be acceptable then for US Citizens to request that other countries intercede on behalf of ALL US Citizens because we are beseigned by an enemy corporate network that is attacking our way of life and has turned the US into a giant internment camp, as of 9/11/2001


You nailed it. We are the chumps.

Is that really all you have to offer? Can you say more?

Youve been around these parts for long enough. What else is there really to say anymore. We are over fed sedated comfortable cowards.

Yeah sure many people are those things by design. Also, many people are those things till they're not. Realistic best case scenarios for the future aren't too bright.

Either the lights will go out and its too late or they will stay on and everything will remain the same. I bet you that you cant find 10 people to go outside and play a game of basketball,fish , baseball or w.e . And what 100,000(i wont even get greedy and say a mil) one day will finally realize their materialistic lives are worth nothing , And finally stand up for the greater good? They control the information anyone who was close is no longer with us (maybe hastings or a few others). If there is some great revelation ill be right there with you. Until then heres hoping.

Great write up. Gonna give it another read

I literally took screenshots of your whole post in case this gets taken down. You are so incredibly correct about everything. I feel the same way. The Government™ is such a huge hypocrisy it would logically follow that to not be hypocrites ourselves, we have to reject it and the notion that there are truly defined laws.

Couldn't help but to think of the Intercept article that's making the rounds today: The Leakers Who Exposed Gen. Flynn’s Lie Committed Serious — and Wholly Justified — Felonies

The title alone is divisive on a few levels... people will justify anything they believe in and find moral reconciliation in the wholly ridiculous, dangerous, genocide incubating "it's complicated" logic...

Intercept and Greenwald are so hot and cold... seems more and more like limited hangout...

Glenn is handing out red pills, and from the left. Buuuut... now you got me thinking... I was about to say that just breaking the left-right paradigm and exposing the surveillance state is so valuable and such a big deal that I don't believe it's a limited hang out. Unless the truth is really REALLY bad.

I had a thought a while back that maybe the CIA/ COG were the ones that sunk Hillary's win. Get Trump in office knowing half of the country would gladly see him taken down by any means necessary. Knowing this country could easily be divided and shredded. Seems plausible to me.

Add in the fact that Obama passed the NDAA stating American citizens can be treated as terrorists, detained without trial indefinitely. So now, if we stand up and fight we could be treated as terrorists instead of citizens taking back our country.

Was this the plan all along to dissolve the country from the inside? To have us seek help from the UN thus creating the NWO?

If there is a way out of this, I'm not seeing it.

Good post. Stay vigilant. Hold all branches of government accountable and ask for transparency. Great post bro

Is that really all you have to offer? Can you say more?