[Theory]: If the Russia links are true the whole world should be thanking Trump.

26  2017-02-15 by casualjane

Nope. I'm not a shill. I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm from neither the US nor Russia.

  • It's no secret that Hillary, the dems, and the MSM want to keep working to demolish US / Russia relations.

  • It's also no secret that US/Russia war was/is a very real possibility - namely with the Dems.

  • Now look up Nuclear holocaust on wikipedia.

If Trump's camp got in touch with Russia in order to help them understand that the threat of full-blown WWIII would be diminished in the case of a Trump presidency, let me just say: Thank you Mr. Trump. I commend your rational approach to Russia. I wish I could say the same about the Middle East.

Thanks for reading.

Below you can continue arguing about the supposed implications of how leaked info was released, instead of the more relevant and unnerving realities of what that leaked info contained.


Trump and his cabinet are basically traitors if this Russian collaboration is true.

Traitors! Agreed.

We all want WWIII and nuclear death, for we real patriots have sacrificed enough to baphotet and lucifer, we're all going to the afterlife.

Or a bunker. Like patriots!

His days are numbered.

Honestly, I don't understand why anyone is against world nations getting the fuck along... I'm not for or against anyone in general as far as politics is concerned but it's pretty obvious that we need someone who doesn't give a fuck about politics to sort this shit out. Look at the world right now, just fucking look. I don't think trump Is necessarily helping but I do think more people are paying attention to things they wouldn't otherwise which is a good thing.

There is zero chance. We need a Ron Paul or a Bernie Sanders. Not Hillary or Trump but mainstream media don't give them a chance.

Here is Ron Pauls' opinion...


I wonder now that its known a President was collaborating with Russia if he still feels the same.

How exactly do you think you get peaceful relations without collaborating? Liking each other on Facebook?

I think you mean tweeting. And yes, that's how President does diplomacy by tweeting.

Why? Bcos Russia EVIL!!!!

you know what they say, if you begin with I'm not a racist, you probably are one.

I think what you're saying is true. There is truth to the leaks but it is overblown and polluted with fear tactics.

Flynn probably did talk to Russia. He was probably just trying to de-escalate conflict which could be caused by Obama's sanctions by explaining that Trump would be less harsh. Or just trying to find the details of the sanctions from Russia itself. Both of which are perfectly reasonable scenarios.

Unfortunately the media have spun this so hard that people think he was listing off launch codes for them.