How to fight shills in this sub -- use the F feature of reddit

11  2017-02-15 by 911bodysnatchers322

It's actually very easy and I've been finding it very useful esp in this sub. It's using the "Friend" feature in conspiracy. You mark people as Friends. Unmarked doesn't mean they aren't your friend, it just means you've not marked them.

I've beem marking people for a year now and so my board lights up in orange (clearly a trump conspiracy /s). Even people who aren't my friend per se--as in I don't agree with them most of the time--but they are people I've seen here long before Oct 17th, I've marked them as F. So that includes my favorite glacier animal friend, with whom I agree on many things though clearly this glacier animal has aproblem with me--I've still marked as F

This way, I get a glance of my list and I always see something like this

  • Orangeglutan [F] -- vetted
  • 88templar88 -- 100 link karma, 5 comment karma 3 months old
  • we_are_all_tinfoils -- 1 link karma, 10 comment karma, 1 week old
  • swissdominance666 -- 33,777 link karma 888 comment karma, 1 month old
  • Bernie4always [F] -- vetted
  • Putinlovesdogs [F] -- vetted

Instant checkmate


They say, better to keep your enemies close. But it's a good strategy. These shills are professional instigators, making money being bullies all over the internet. Then they teach kids not to be bullies at school, what a joke.

I love the users who flood here claiming that the biggest conspiracy the United States has ever seen and unfolding before our very eyes, but shills and pizzagate is too fringe and shouldn't be discussed here lol.

You're going to create a hostile environment to newcomers by doing this.

There already is a hostile environment to newcomers. Anytime there's a disagreement, the first thing most people here do is look at their account age. Anything less than a year is automatically labeled "ctr shill"

And tell me why you don't think it should be that way?

In case you forgot me, I'm the guy you said was full of shit for saying to attack ideas, not people. Claims must stand on their own merit, not who says them.

Not if you keep an eye out for them across threads, examine post histories, etc.

No you won't. You still have a choice to be polite to newcomers or not. This just gives you discretionary information to help you remember who has longevity and is committed to truth. In other words being nicer to the residents doesn't preclude being nice to visitors, but it does help you spot bullshut and help people being brigaded

It looks like some have actually been assigned to conspiracy. Hmmm.

You are marked as F I'm onto you @:-)=

Lol. I'm glad somebody noticed me😊

Putin doesn't like-hate cats anymore?

Don't worry he will always love cats

Good tip. I will start doing this for sure. It would be great to have an intertwined web of all the [F] of the real, authentic and sincere members of this sub.

Even though we cannot see each other's [F] list, if each of us do this, we would easily be able to spot the shills. We could simply ask each other if a given commenter is on any other's friends lists.

It's the equivalent of going around the party asking if anyone knows the guy in the hoodie whose making a ruckus on the kitchen. I like it!


I doubt, but wouldn't be surprised, if shills would try to counter this by doing the same thing, but I don't think they would focus on their accounts enough to do this... If they do, it would not be too hard to spot it in their comments

Now I just need to figure out how to [F]riend people? I'm on baconreader... Little help?

Nevermind, I figured it out

Haha, me too. Just this moment, on Bacon reader. You're my first [F]. :)

Likewise! How special. We have a special bond

Friends forever!

Ya'll are ridiculous ;)

That is my point exactly :)

Hey there, [F]911bodysnatchers322! I think that's why I liked the idea so much. And because it's smart. Friends forever!

Interesting that it appears you're "friending" pro-pizzagate shills. I never would have thought of that. You all do need to stick together though.

Just because you call them shills doesn't mean they are. I mean with your "no evidence" to the contrary versus decades of evidence to support pizzagate, why do you think you are right?

Unless maybe I misread or misunderstood you. Regardless

My point is that you mark people whom youve seen for a long time, so you can filter the "new noise" waves that sweep through

I have two antisemites as F. I don't agree with them, but I know they aren't part of a not army

People are allowed to have opinions

I just wish they would back them up with evidence so can all know the truth

If there is a grand Jewish conspiracy, let's prove it. So far there is evidence for AND against

You pizzagaters call everyone a shill that thinks pizzagate is a hoax. Personally, I think the few that are spamming the pizzagate hoax so hard here are the real shills. The simple fact that you're spamming it so hard is a dead giveaway. Just the same as the Trunpsters and CTR.

decades of evidence to support pizzagate

You have got to be joking. The Podesta emails are only a few months old. Any pedophilia prior to that has nothing to do with "pizzagate" and stands on its own. Conflating older, real cases with this hoax is a distraction from reality. If you would stick to reality instead of pure speculation and the wild imaginations of 4chan trolls then you'd have real supporters rather than people that are on the list of suckers that are born every minute.

I certainly can't stop you from scamming suckers but I can at least bring reality to their attention even if they do choose to ignore it.

And before you call me a troll for having low karma I'll let you know this isn't my main account.

Is there a way of doing this in the app?

The app, hmm. I don't see it either. I'm on kindle. Might be desktop version only

Will let you know if I figure it out. Cheers