Anyone else smell something fishy with Mike Pence?

44  2017-02-15 by [deleted]



I'm getting suspicious of Pence as well. I doubt Trump really wanted Pence as his VP, but it was the only way the GOP would give him the nomination.

The deep state plan all along was probably to get Trump out and Pence and Ryan in.

I just remember Reagan was forced to take GHWB as his VP, and in a years time Reagan had an assassination attempt on his life.

I wouldn't doubt it. I mean, there is already scandals going and Trump hasn't been in office a full month from the inauguration.

Pence also helped enormous with the religious voters.

Not the "religious" voters but the people who hide behind a bible and twist the words and use it to manipulate past their hate and racism and discrimination. I am Christian and see it every day so I understand why you would say that but please understand people with a brain and moral compass see the evil behind Pence. And sadly trump, but I would take him over Clinton 10 out of 10 times.

He is our VP, and at the same time, has been part of the republican establishment for a long time.

Worth mentioning, but no, I don't think there's something up with him.

He's not particularly likable. If something happened that allowed for Pence to grab for more power, I don't think the people, particularly the right, would go along with it no questions asked.

He is a likable guy, but this situation with Flynn makes me question his commitment to Trump or steering America in the right direction.

Anybody is more likeable than Trump right now.

This is a poor storyline,

Flynn was also, apparently, illegally recorded in phone conversations by FBI/NSA. There is a shadow government. Even respected politicians, and people within government(Flynn included) have expressed in the past of a shadow government, so it is not something to be ignored.

Could you explain why Gen. Flynn would not know that all telephone calls to and from the U.S. Russian Embassy have not been now?

And this "shadow government," it was all the talk durin the W years, but Obama, the great dictator didn't have one, he was so powerful he didn't submit to them or what???????

Now, once again a Republican government, and the MSM and pundits, blame all the problems,

On the invisible, shadow government.

McCain, an elected Senator as an establishment mole, does that even make sense?

Are you promoting the same thing the Trump campaign promoted? Dumping NATO and the EU and realigning the U.S. with Russia?

Will there be headlines that positively link Brexit leaders with Russia as well?

There has been a shadow government for a long time. We were warned a long time ago by president Eisenhower

The last good president tried to stop it, and ended up with a bullet to the head. Kennedy stopped Operations Northwoods that was even signed off by the Joints Cheif of Staff.

Now, once again a Republican government, and the MSM and pundits, blame all the problems,

no, both sides work for the same evil. The bitch along party lines, but what do they agree on? More war, more debt, and more stripping of our rights.

Lastly, McCain is a traitor. Even admitted to knowing the leaders of ISIS intimately, and has met with ISIS more than once.

My point was this "shadow government," talk vanished during the Obama Administration.


It didn't vanish for me. I have been critical of our government for the better part of 2 decades.

It has been here the whole time. We have been on a downward spiral for 30+years.

NDAA signed in 2012 allows propaganda on the American public

Now, NDAA signed in 2016 created a "ministry of truth" to determine what is/isn't fake news

Fake news wasn't an issue until people started to notice strong bias or flat out bullshit.

It vanished from the national political dialog.

No it didn't. It pretty much vanished from MSM political dialog. People recognized this. The dislike/distaste for MSM political dialog didn't happen overnight. It was a slow cooking process.

Now we sit at a crossroads where bullshit is being shoved down our throats, and at the same time, a lot more people are dialed in and concerned about the direction this country is going for the 1st time in a very long time.

I think youre the one that vanished. It was no different under Obama.

I think we may have been exposing ourselves to different sources and I specifically said the MSM dialog.

Hi ursa, Goddess is a shill, she will just try to annoy you and won't bring up relevant points, facts or information.

Cheers mate.

Maybe the reason why you should be suspicious of Pence is because Trump has done nothing to "drain the swamp", and if you believed him you were duped.

You cannot realistically expect 1 person to do all the work, and for that work to happen over night. That is realistically impossible. Draining the swamp is going to take time. I.e. 5yr ban on lobbying or term limits for congress.

Exactly.... Draining the swamp immediately would require like 90% of all politicians and bureaucrats be fired, which wouldn't look so good for that whole Trump is Orange Hitler narrative the left is loving...

His cabinet choices are suspicious but they are also not mainstream, if they really try to fix shit who knows, the swamp may be slowly draining after all.

It's not going to be like the Oroville damn suddenly collapsing and a rush of water is drained. It will be more like pulling the plug on a full bathtub and watching it slowly drain.

Why did he fill his cabinet with Goldman-Sachs people and establishment politicians?

I can answer that with anything more than my anecdotal opinion.

Putting in Goldman-Sachs or successful businessmen/women doesn't necessarily mean they are automatically corrupted or don't have Americas interest. Trump could have very well put those people in those positions because of their managerial skills. CEOs don't know how to build a phone/car/make the actual product, but they sure know how to manage those who do know. I could be wrong, but it's too early to tell for sure.

That's a plausible reason. I'm a bit more pessimistic about government in general, but thank you for a real answer.

I guess only time will tell. The lobbying ban would certainly change my mind about him. That would be an amazing policy if he pursues it, but I still think he's going to turn out to be all talk and no results, like a polar Obama.

He did a lobby ban through an Executive Order

he looks like a clone.

He looks like a comic book villian.

Yeah, it looks like he was involved in pushing out Flynn.

remember that when jfk was assassinated his vp LBJ was not such a good guy. "History repeats itself"

LBJ is an asshole. A bit hilarious, but a twisted fuck.

I'm going to ignore your comment about draining the swamp since it's completely at odds with reality, but all you have to do on Pence is check out his wikipedia page, where it will tell you he was an enthusiastic supporter of the patriot act, stands for expanded domestic surveillance, loves war, thought Citizens United was one of the greatest Supreme Court rulings and more. Literally 10-20 seconds of research will give you the answers you seek.

While some of this may be true, and I do use/go on Wikipedia. Wikipedia isn't necessarily considered a reliable source.

What have you found on Wikipedia to be incorrect? I hear this line all the time, but Wikipedia seems pretty reliable to me.

Although I agree there is some reliable information on wikipedia, there is an inherent problem. Anyone can create a page on anything about something completely made-up as if it was real or edit information on anyone's page. I do like how Wikipedia has been getting bigger on sourcing the information the last few years, too.

Go right now and try to edit any Wikipedia page, then tell me again how easy it is for anyone to do.

here you go

create an account, and go nuts.

To be honest, I think Donald bit off a little moar than he could chew with the drain the swamp ordeal. He is just beginning to see how deep the rabbit hole goes and just like the deep state, its that deep

He could have bit off more than he could chew, but I also think he knew for quite whats really going on Even predicted 9/11 before it happened. Even named Osama bin Laden

And when 9/11 did happen, he was one of the very few people to suggest bombs where used before anyone else

The guy appears to have been tuned in for a long time.

I'm picking up what you are putting down. Personal opinion about Osama is he didn't have anything to do with 9/11 he was a scapegoat but that's my opinion and another topic. Its funny how trump thought his word was going to be law and has met such a huge resistance. Not saying either side is correct but interesting non the least.

Indeed, but interestingly enough he made that statement about 9/11 very vaguely, and knew bin Laden was public enemy #1 at the time.

This was also said around the time Operation Northwoods was declassified which was essentially a 9/11 like plot to get into war with Cuba and Russia in the 60s.

They really put some effort into whitewashing Pence towards the end of the campaign there, but he is roughly equivalent to Bill Clinton in corruption. Look at all of the scandals when he was Governor. Obviously, there can be a certain amount of exaggeration applied as he had concerted political opposition in his home state, but some of what he was accused of is bound to be substantially true.

He was sitting with Baker at the super bowl, something is up I know it!

Yes, he's a Jesuit trained, born again catholic. It's kind of like he's a super freemason

A few days ago an "anon" on 4chan (who said they were a staffer) said that this VP was bought and paid for. I was very sad to read that. Apparently, Flynn has something on one of the VP best friends (I think it is Flake) and this was part of the discussion that was withheld from the VP. Once the full transcript was given to the President and VP, it was discovered that that part of the conversation was withheld, thus Flynn was asked to resign. Flynn is a good man. I am concerned about this VP and the chief of staff...been reading some posts that makes you wonder.

I think we may have been exposing ourselves to different sources and I specifically said the MSM dialog.

Hi ursa, Goddess is a shill, she will just try to annoy you and won't bring up relevant points, facts or information.

Cheers mate.

What have you found on Wikipedia to be incorrect? I hear this line all the time, but Wikipedia seems pretty reliable to me.

here you go

create an account, and go nuts.