This sub is full of idiots from r/T_D and it's ruining the integrity of its original mission. So now it's okay to worship the government? The president of all people?

57  2017-02-16 by russian321


Of course people have always worshiped the president, and if they're in /r/conspiracy it's our job to red pill them.

Trump is not a good guy. And it's still unclear to me what he's up to. But he's playing both sides brilliantly; that is to say he is also doing things that appease me. I think time will tell.

Trump is not a good guy.

Trump is a good guy.

Lol he doesn't give a shit about you

Lol he gives a shit about me

Haha damn no way some Americans really believe that, I mean if you're in the top 0.01% of wealthy people then he might give a shit about you but other than that...

but other than that...

You just read what I wrote.

Just curious, what makes you think trump cares about you as an individual specifically?

He doesn't know me.

Correct, thus not giving a shit about you.

I mean surely even trump supporters will admit that he doesn't care about the common man in any way shape or form right? Aren't y'all just all about like the wall and jobs and him not being black or a woman?

Correct, thus not giving a shit about you.

Incorrect. Trump cares about me.

common man

True. Trump cares about the common man.

One day you'll realize I guess :/

One day you'll realize he cares for you too

Seeing as I'm not rich as fuck or even American I doubt it

Apparently trump is like new jesus, he loves us all, his exploitable children.

trump called Jeffrey epstien a great guy, and even mentioned jeffs interest in young women. Back in 2002.

He also called soros a good friend. Hired a soros employee to run the treasury.

Trump is a good guy my ass. He knew epstien was fucking around with underage girls. Even if he didnt, could you trust his judgment of character after paling around with epstien and soros?

You've had a year to collect more info about Trump and the Epstein Monster. Big fail.

Trump is a good guy my ass.

Trump is a good guy.

You saying it doesnt make it true you know.

But thats the beauty of this country, freedum of sppeeech

My point exactly.

I got my info, thats why im woke to the fact he is a corporate nwo puppet like hillary

Feel free to copy and paste to your hearts content. I want the truth!

He also watched the Clinton shenanigans for years. I agree he must have turned his head to a lot of depraved goings on. However, that's how he got to where he is. No one likes a squealer. He probably saw how disgusting they all were and thought, "hey, if these absolute lowlifes can do it, how about a hard working guy like me."

how about a hard working guy like me."

That's my guess. I didn't down vote you though, so I don't know.

plus trump traveled to lolita island but let's all forget that now, right? smh

Would love to see a source for that beyond the dude that "thinks he saw Trump on the plane once but didn't talk to him".

Oh jeez what makes you think that

His cabinet is basically a bunch of billionaires and warmakers, with a lot of old Bush-era people back in power too. There is LITERALLY a secretive group of billionaires that meet every day to plan the future of the world. It is undeniable. It's the fucking Cabinet.

His VP is an ardent Christian Warrior right conservative.

Whatever Trump does is window dressing. The people running every facet of the executive branch now are some of the most elite of the elite.

He's saying things that appease you while his cabinet slowly undermines the long-term health of the nation for the profit and gain of the owner class.

ffs his sec of state is an oil exec; his sec of education has 0 qualifications, barely understands public education issues (other than that she wants to dismantle it and replace it with Christian schools) and is the sister of Blackwater's founder (who is rumored to be directly advising the president and the cabinet - yeah nothing better than having the nation's secretive scandal-ridden mercenary army's founder being directly tied into your cabinet).

Not to mention many (Trump included) are still invested in conflict-of-interest holdings they stand to personally profit from. This is banana republic levels of bs.

Trump is the facade. The president usually is. If he builds a wall to keep the third world out while his administration does their best to turn the US into a third world country, what the fuck was the point?

Thanks for that. I wish you did that in more threads, lol.

BTW, the things that appease me are pretty much limited to his sensible approach to Russia. But I realize he has other 'enemies' in mind.

I agree on that. There's no reason to be in a constant state of animosity against the only country on earth that can completely destroy us within minutes.

Clinton's hardline stance against Russia was just another instance in a long line of mistaken antagonism against a far weaker (yet still MADable) competitor. They care more about prying away little puppet states in the third world than actual American security (from nuclear attack, the only real threat posed to us).

We squeaked out of the Cold War without destroying the world, and that was despite our idiotic attempts to bully and push the Soviets every chance we got. Kissinger, since you mention him, actually put the military on nuclear attack footing just to save his diplomacy over an Israel peace agreement (as he had promised the Soviets, partners in the deal, that Israel would be prevented from attacking, and then gave them the green light as he put the US air force in the sky to scare the Soviets from responding to this blatant promise breaking). Yeah, our relationship with Israel is more important than the one with the USSR/Russia...

It is absolute insanity. If left unchecked, it will end civilization eventually. That is inevitable. You can only dance on a cliff edge so many times before falling.

The billionaires are pawns. It is the trillionaires that are calling the shots. The trillionaires control the CIA, and are using the CIA to get Trump to comply with their policies.

Usually before a person becomes President, they are involved with Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, or the Council of Foreign Relations so they know what the policies are. Trump was never a member of any of these organizations, so he has no idea what their policies are. He is probably having trouble even understanding the policies.

This is why I am glad Trump won. I can just imagine Kissinger trying to explain to Trump the subtleties of foreign relations, and getting frustrated because Trump wants to discuss the wall.

Until the MSM wants us to like Trump, I'll continue to give him a chance.

Poor logic

Ill founded indeed.

Lolol you play right into the msm hands with that logic.

They push this anti trump rhetoric and make him look like a outsider, knowing half the people watching dont trust them. This helps trump connect with joe sixpack, there by giving the government support.

its a divide and conquer technique, also. We are on the same side.

With a user name like yours, it's hard to guess you've applied any logic.

Another fallacy.

Would have the same name if shitlery won.

Its ok to be wrong, the president is a fucking puppet for soros and Rothschild

Oh fuck off. You're not fooling anyone. Prove it. Fucking prove it. With actual sourced information from multiple researchers.

Oh wait... you can't. Maybe it is because the Russian's took them off the internet after they hacked your Norton Anti-Virus software. Or maybe Putin bribed everyone.

Just fuck the fuck off.

If you cared about finding the info, you could have.

Instead you decided to attack me. What did that accomplish?

Fuck you. Learn to think for yourself and research.

Divide and conquer yet again.

Prove that you are not a shill. Everyone with brain is waiting. So again, until you can do that, fuck the fuck off.

I've seen not my prezz on plenty of posts, adding good comments. just cause someone doesn't like trump, doesn't make us shills.


prove you're not a pro trump sh ill?

You checked his username for how old it is but didn't bother to read any of his comments. That's your proof you silly fucker, read and...omg...think for yourself.

Dont worry, time will tell.

Im as legit as it gets. I dont have all the answers . I'm not claiming i know everything.

But after not watching tv for years, and studying the news.. i started seeing a correlation between news and peoples thinking pattern. With the media implying someting, they allow the human conscious and subconscious to figure out what. That starts the gears rolling.

So when the media is constantly bashing trump, they actually are selling a image. This has multiple purposes that im not getting into now because its late.

Still waiting.... Waiting...

Get a chair

Your poor attempt at being clever does not change that his statement is baseless.

Was it humorous?

You could visit some professional to get your sense of humor examined

yikes... another poor attempt to distract from the fact the statement is baseless

It's there something interesting, what I saw was childish bravados

Good luck on your agenda

Your statement is still baseless.

Among people who have looked into the global conspiracy, Trump being either a globalist or alternatively being used by them is commonplace. People who do not see that are seen by many as beyond rescue :(

Any hard evidence is hard to come by but I've seen a few posts and comments around here that are fairly compelling, I don't want to look them up now but as 'not my press' says, you can find the info if you want to.

The clearest "in your face straight from the tube" examples that I can think of right now are how Trump always speaks in a way that can be understood in two different ways, thus doing a dance with the MSM resulting in division in the public, Trumps family ties, and his conspiracy teasers.

Is that what they did with Sanders?

The dnc screwed him

Well, yeah, they did. Big time. But, the media went a long with it.

The Cabal controls the CIA, and the CIA controls the media. The media reports what it is told, and also hides what it is told.

The Cabal are fascists, so there is no way in hell they would ever allow a Socialist like Bernie to be elected.

The Democrat-Republican labels are a distraction to give voters the illusion of choice.

Yes because if they did let bernie run he would have killed trump. But it was party switch time.

Bernie would have won big time. I think there needs to be a third party on the ballot. No more of this two party bullshit. Only about 30% of the people vote, and only two out of the eight parties are allowed in the debates.

There is a third party, but they are just a extension of the other 2.

We need a peoples party.

I agree.

Aw cmon, he does the dance like everybody else.

not my prez

Where do you think that slogan came from?

Its a play on press. But also works for whoevers in power. Its also a dig at the pro hillary pigeons

Interesting. So you attest that the MSM is making a coordinated effort to basically endorse Trump through attacking him?

How does this fit in with the revelations during the Democratic primary about media collaboration with the Clinton campaign and the dissemination of talking points. Did they then switch sides to Trump after the primary?

Its an interesting thought, I am just not sure the MSM is even that clever honestly.

The sky is falling, is it then? Thanks for the memo.

All the people I hate also hate Trump. He's refreshing. Maybe it's one super conspiracy grand reveal but we're better off than if a Clinton or Bush got in.

That's not really a good way to look at things. Not smart lol

No, but he broke the backs of the Clinton.Bush crime family hegemony. If he never does another worthwhile thing there's that.
Now he just has to deal with the system that was created to support these anti-citizen corporatists which judging by some of his cabinet picks he's totally failing to do. If he looks to long into the swamp the swamp will look back at him. Or something.

What do we have to lose? Bush and Clinton sucked.

Well I remember a whole lot of people voting for hope and change and getting more kaistocracy one time.

Me too. But Obama was anointed by thr media, Trump has trolled them for 2 years almost. He's ju jitsu'd their hate into the Presidency. Unreal skills.

Sure it is. What's more likely, the dynasties who spent the last 5 decades fucking us over suddenly have our best interest at stake or maybe Trump is a fucking madman going at it because he fucking can?

Nothing would be different but the faces.

Oh the hourly thread crying that this isn't a 100% Trump-sucks subreddit like the other 99.999% of reddit? Tape an aspirin to that butthurt.

Says the guy who's contributed absolutely nothing to this sub and has negative post karma. Your comments are so amazing, keep posting plz

Kinda late, I was starting to wonder who would make the daily post. Thanks for stepping up!

Im with you, plus plenty others that dont want to lose karma, lol. I could give 2 shits for fake internet points tho.

Clearly you don't care. Seeing as your anti-trump account is only 14 days old.

Ahh yes it always goes to my new account.

Says the guy with literally half his posts being in the past 12 hours.

Not even close moron.

Now 75 percent of your posts have been posted in the last 24 hrs. Good job m8, keep up the good work

You're clearly unaware as to how math works.

Let's take it back to the elementary school days, I'm about to teach you how division works

You have 50 comments, 21 of them have been older than a day, 29 of them have been in the last 24 hours.


I was off by 2.6 percent, and you should probably delete your comments so you don't come across too hard as a troll.

No... I don't have 50 comments...

Lmao, so you delete 99% of your comments? Are you really that self conscious on Reddit?

I like how you think you'll look better by admiting you delete 99% of your posts, it just proves how self conscious you are on an internet forum of all places.

Are you stupid? Stop making shit up.

Classic The_Donald response, just call the person stupid when you can't come up with an argument.

Keep deleting your reddit comments because you're self conscious, when do you plan on deleting this thread by chance?

Your recent comments are all worthless personal attacks against other users. You're going to need to stop making comments like that, or you will be permanently banned. This will be your last warning.

Awww.... Don't concern yourself too much, wittle guy...

the NWO is like the leading conspiracy theory of the last 30 years.

The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states{wiki}

A guy ran for president who specifically ran against globalism and his name is Trump.

Addressing this and other claims proffered by traditional media, far-left and far-right academics, and many conspiracy theorists, in Rockefeller's 2002 autobiography "Memoirs" he wrote: "For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure—one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

They give us our heroes. The U.S. will no longer be the global leader. It's a little confusing what Trump is doing there, he certainly is allowed to say more than other leaders but I guess it is preventative of a real revolution.

Click "controversial" above and you can join all of the Shills and anti-trumpers instead.

It's amazing to me that on a daily basis there is a stream of posts complaining this sub is full of T_D posters but yet I look at r/new and I see a regular stream of "Russians" posts, blatantly anti-Trump posts and posts complaining about this sub and Trump.

So then I go into the comments of posts not following the afore mentioned formats and see a stream of posts about Russians, posts complaining about the sub, complaining about pizzagate and posts relating this sub to T_D.

The irony is breath taking.

I'm really beginning to feel that much of the community of Reddit will not be happy unless this sub is a replica of r/news or r/politics.

It is fucking disgusting. It is also really sad and comical. It is almost as if these fake dissenters are too stupid to realize that echoing stupid comments that are baseless do not influence anyone with a fucking brain.

Look at the top 500 posts on this sub, find me one thread that paints Trump or his administration in a bad light.

Also the mods deleted a post that paints Trump in a bad light four times now, and they literally made an 'unverified' tag just for the Russian tie post.

If that doesn't scream mod/subreddit bias, then I don't know what to tell you.

Trump supporter here, but I fully agree with you.

It's okay he's a billionaire lifelong insider who is now suddenly anti-establishment and TOTALLY wants to close all those loopholes he got rich off exploiting for so long. Honest!

An insider would be involved with Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, and/or the Council of Foreign Relations. I have found no evidence that Trump was involved in any of these organizations. If you have something, please let me know because I would love to read about it.

If you recall about a year ago, many hard core Republicans were saying they would vote for Hillary if Trump was the Republican nominee. It is because these hard core Republicans ARE members of Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, and/or the Council of Foreign Relations, and they will not support an outsider instead of an insider. The whole Democrat-Republican thing does not matter in that case. In fact, it is a distraction to give voters the illusion of choice.

When you have Kuccinch agreement with republicans about the intelligence community not liking Trump because they want to profit off of new hostility(COLD WAR 2.0) you have to set aside your desire to see a guy fail.

I am not sure how your comment is related to my post.

I wanted Trump to win the Presidency because he is an outsider, and I thought he would expose the corrupt system or cause it to implode, or maybe both. I want to see the system fail.

I would say that major change would be good the CIA and NSA need to be scaled back and purged of deep state influence. The other one is the FED.

Yes, I agree. The CIA is the enforcer arm of The Cabal in control of the US government.

Here is more about The Cabal:

Unbelievable, another post from these fucking hired shills.

When looking through your 1 month tenure on reddit 90% of your posts seem to be anti-trump. The other 10% seem to attack anyone who views things based on logic.

Please Russian321 (are you fucking kidding me) have fun in Taiwan and fuck off.

Also, when 99% of the respondents scores are hidden, its really fucking easy to tell what is going on.

Unbelievable, another post from these fucking hired shills. When looking through your 1 month tenure on reddit 90% of your posts seem to be anti-trump. The other 10% seem to attack anyone who views things based on logic. Please Russian321 (are you fucking kidding me) have fun in Taiwan and fuck off.

Rule #10

There is an intelligence coup trying to remove a legitimately elected president. Try to keep up or quit whining. You only make yourself sound ignorant because by your own admission it is clear you don't know what is going on, and many of us have proven through vetted info from us gov itself that we do. Read the list in the sidebar and come back when you've completed conspiracy theory 101 a self guided course in reality

They can't help that Trumps lizard nano mind control robots have taken control of their brainulums.

When there's a sub called conspiracy, you're going to run into objective observers because, well, it's a conspiracy. Be ready for people do disagree with your opinion or a conspiracy

"The government" is not one person or even one group. You've oversimplified things to fit your agenda. You are part of the problem.

Lol he doesn't give a shit about you

Lol he gives a shit about me

trump called Jeffrey epstien a great guy, and even mentioned jeffs interest in young women. Back in 2002.

He also called soros a good friend. Hired a soros employee to run the treasury.

Trump is a good guy my ass. He knew epstien was fucking around with underage girls. Even if he didnt, could you trust his judgment of character after paling around with epstien and soros?

Thanks for that. I wish you did that in more threads, lol.

BTW, the things that appease me are pretty much limited to his sensible approach to Russia. But I realize he has other 'enemies' in mind.

The billionaires are pawns. It is the trillionaires that are calling the shots. The trillionaires control the CIA, and are using the CIA to get Trump to comply with their policies.

Usually before a person becomes President, they are involved with Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, or the Council of Foreign Relations so they know what the policies are. Trump was never a member of any of these organizations, so he has no idea what their policies are. He is probably having trouble even understanding the policies.

This is why I am glad Trump won. I can just imagine Kissinger trying to explain to Trump the subtleties of foreign relations, and getting frustrated because Trump wants to discuss the wall.

The dnc screwed him

Yes because if they did let bernie run he would have killed trump. But it was party switch time.

Its a play on press. But also works for whoevers in power. Its also a dig at the pro hillary pigeons

Oh jeez what makes you think that