So when is the media going to go after all of those Bilderberg attendees for breaking the Logan Act?

30  2017-02-16 by CaucasianEagle


Good question. Probably never....

content 10/10

just kidding but what is the logan act?

That's what the they are using against general flynn right now. A civilian cannot discuss sanctions with a foreign nation.

Thank you

That's not what the law is, sort of, but not really, and it's not above sanctions specifically . The law (219 years old!) and been used successfully one once. Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, etc. Have all had serious threats made using Logan and then nothing happens, Some of the other allegations were far more serious than something like lifting sanctions in the future

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Good idea,it should be enforced for real on everyone.

They are too busy dealing with a Treasonous uneducated "President".

Oh but wait, thats all just CTR and the libs.

The American people should be calling for the arrests of CLINTON and TRUMP. Now thats draining the swamp.

Excellent question thank you you nailed the doublespeak and hypocrisy going on in DC lately