The Media Cannot be Trusted

443  2017-02-16 by Fooomanchu

You can't trust the media. Even if you don't support Trump, this is a fact that cannot be escaped. It is the same media that lied us into killing millions of people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria while bankrupting the country. It is the same media that are beholden to their corporate masters. And it is the same media that are now frantically against Trump.

When nothing is ever confirmed or verified, and it's all coming from "sources", it's dishonest to even describe it as a story, let alone some kind of smoking gun. With the email leaks on Hillary, there was real evidence to evaluate. The worst they claim Flynn did was that, while setting up a meeting (literally his job), he said something to the effect of "all topics can be discussed". The contrast between these two examples cannot be more stark.

I wonder if the people who are stuck in the left/right paradigm, or enthralled by the Trump haters have asked themselves, why are all the Republican leadership so openly against Trump? Why are Democrats Dennis Kucinich and Tulsi Gabbard warning us that the deep state is trying to take over against all Americans, and that we need to stop funding Al Qaeda and ISIS? How does it feel to be fighting for the side of people like Dick Cheney, John McCain, Bill Kristol, Charles and David Koch, Paul Ryan, and Lindsey Graham? Could it maybe, possibly, be that, this isn't about left or right?

Even the most skeptical American should recognize that there's almost nothing lost by giving Trump a chance for a few months versus supporting neocon warmongers in a coup attempt that apparently has to happen instantly. When every poll shows that people are progressively and increasingly losing trust in the media, why is it that they've quintupled down on the same hysterical and apocalyptic rhetoric? Why are they crying wolf, and in the process destroying their most precious assets, their credibility and viewership? Whatever the reason, it must be pretty darned important if they're willing to destroy their own businesses!

What's more likely, that all the "conspiracy theories" regarding the misdeeds of the existing fossilized leadership of both parties are true? Or that Trump is a misogynistic, bigoted, homophobic, sexist, racist, transphobic, fascist, Nazi, KKK member who is bent on global genocide, while also being controlled by Putin, Sessions, Bannon, Kushner, and a racist frog?

Hey, Trump says let's "drain the swamp" and he appointed all these powerful people into his cabinet. I know these billionaires types are usually bad, but sometimes they aren't, and since it changes virtually nothing to wait and see what Trump does, maybe this will be a case where they actually drain that swamp of corrupt politicians everyone has always claimed to be against? It won't take very long for us to know definitively whether his actions are good or bad for your average person. Why not wait 6 months? Talk is cheap, judge by actions. We learned that one the hard way with Obama, we won't forget it just because 6 months goes by.

You don't have to be a "Trump supporter" to see that you can't trust the media.

Now is the time to point out these facts to your friends who remain under a spell. Show them how the media lies. Help them get out of the left/right paradigm, but do it with a friendly smile using key questions so that they figure it out for themselves.


Truth. Most people here are way past this point

I am overwhelmed by this post. It is pretty neat to have my swirling thoughts and feelings put into a narrative. Thank you.

Well, thank you.

Those of us not on the spectrum dont need a reddit post to remind us that the media cant be trusted.

Rule 4. If you make another pointless, snarky comment like that you will be shown the door.

I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings. I'll try to be nicer.

The lies and manipulation straight from the President's mouth is more troubling than anything the media says. Why does nobody give a fuck about that here?


It should be everybody's job, your reply is the exact reason I am here, so this shit hole doesn't become a giant echo chamber.

Go away. Really. You are like a pro lifer preaching in front of a clinic. Barf.

Why should I go away ?

Because you're not a real person.

Uhm what?

They're calling you a shill in violation of rule 10

No not at all. He said he wasn't a real person. That's not calling him a shill. Doesn't it concern you that we're not allowed to call out shills, yet a fastfood subreddit was subreddit of the day due to their "awesome community of employees"? But that's neither here nor there.

Then a guy with twofaceHill_16 is a shill for trump in violation too, no?

Nah, Trump is awful and a manchurian candidate. Freedom of speech means we can discuss his impending impeachment and treason wherever we wish.

You should probably post this again to finally get your point across..

I probably will when it's relevant :)

It's a bot.

Some media is reliable and some is not. Trump lies more than the vast majority of the media. He has his chance to be president, but he's already failed imo to be a good leader because of how dishonest and narcissistic he is. At best he can be a bad president that lead to some good results.

Lol really bro? Nvm forgot 40mil was rolled back into CTR.

CTR is here, but so are some other sketchy groups. I found 3 users that give out gold and have guilding heavyweight badges who also post 30+ unique posts to this sub a day. And they are pushing the opposite narrative. So let's not act like we only have one enemy here.

Ok so you went through all of the trouble to research and find those accounts, but I notice that you did not copy/paste links to the profiles which, in comparison, would have taken a tiny fraction of the time.

Except it's against this subreddits rules to call out other users.

I don't have an alt account so wouldn't want this one banned as I use it to communicate with friends on other subs. Go to the subs main page and do a quick check, then check again tomorrow, you'll see, believe me, it is OBVIOUS.

Ah, right you are. It's an interesting balance discussing partisanship on this sub. Overall, most of us, as you probably know, are of the opinion that when it counts both parties work together. Like, when it serves to maintain government power for example.

But on the other hand, pizzagate unequivocally started at the_donald. I think mostly people just end up getting all fucking butthurt because partisanship is deeply ingrained in all of us.

I see a lot more actual evidence for pizzagate than all of the russia rumors and buzzwords going around, but I will acknowledge that it's possible there was collusion. I certainly can't prove there wasn't.

There's also mountains of evidence and millions of dollars that tells us leftist organizations not only care about, but are influencing, online communities just like this one.

So, of course you will see things how you will, but to me there is a reason why there's an imbalance.

Not all who dislike trump are CTR. They also asked where to go for reliable media.

No he said it in the way like there's no other source then the media for news. C'mon now.

how is he a bad president? he's delivering on everything he said he would. if you didnt like him before than you dont like him now either

He's bad because his incredibly unintelligent and probably the most dishonest politician I've ever seen. What he said he was gonna do was incoherent emotional ramblings. That's not how I want policy to be made.

He's made a few stupid decisions but I don't see how he's been "dishonest" so far. If you think his policies fuck over Americans then that's okay but he's literally been telling people exactly what he's gonna do for months now and he's just following through.

When he said that the murder rate is at a 40 year high, and 3 million illegals voted, and that he would release his tax returns when the audit was over, was he telling the truth? There are countless more examples.

Wtf has he lied about? Seriously, he's kept like half of his promises already. Isn't it possible that the historically dishonest media has been lying instead of him?

What has he lied about?

Oh boy. Here's some. Don't want to copy and paste all. It's too much.

Trump lies about raising money for Veterans.

Trump claims 300,000 veterans died waiting for medical care with no evidence to back up the claim. 

Trump dodges draft claiming “bone spurs” and lies about it today. 

Trump lies about donating to charity. 

Trump lies about donating to charity again claiming he has donated over $100 million dollars without providing any records or evidence or naming who he donated too. Meanwhile a TSG review of his foundation’s Internal Revenue Service returns ranks Trump as the least charitable billionaire in the United States. 

Trump lies about losing lawsuits. 

Numerous celebrities allege Trump cheats at golf. 

Trump makes up civil war battle to make his golf club seem more important, questions historians who tell him he’s wrong, makes up fictitious anonymous historians who said he was right, backpedals even further by saying the made-up historians didn’t talk to him but his people when he is asked their names. 

Trump lies about self funding his campaign. 

Trump lies about campaign spending. 

Trump lies and claims his book Trump: The Art of the Deal is the best selling business book of all time. 

Trump campaign manager assaults reporter. Trump lies and claims the reporter made the story up until police confirm it through security footage and arrests manager.

Trump lies and claims Hillary wants too release violent criminals from jail. 

Trump lies and claims he is beating Hillary in the polls. 

Trump lies about support numbers. 

Trump lies and claims the U.S is “losing jobs like never before.” only a few days after acknowledging job numbers showing the creation of 271,000 jobs in a month. 

Trump lies and claims raising the price of life saving drugs for patients who can’t afford them will save the U.S $300 billion dollars a year for a $70 billion dollar program. 

Trump lies and claims he had never heard of White Supremacist leader who endorsed him despite mentioning him by name for over 15 years. 

Trump lies and claims the Mexican government is forcibly deporting convicted criminals into the United States. 

Trump lies about immigrants and ignores that immigrants are less likely than native born Americans to commit violent crimes or be incarcerated. 

Trump lies and claims he polled top with Hispanics despite actually only polling 7% approval. 

Trump lies and claims he pulled in 15,000 at speech. Real number is proven to be 4,000. 

Trump lies and claims Mexicans are pouring into the U.S despite statistics showing more Mexicans leaving the U.S then coming in every year. 

Trump lies and claims Mexicans are pouring into the U.S despite the facts showing that for the last half decade the immigration numbers have flat lined. 

Trump lies and claims president Obama is going to import a quarter of a million refugees when the real number is 25 times lower. 

Trump lies and claims the U.S has no process for vetting refugees. 

Trump lies and claims the U.S only allows Muslim refugees and refuses to let Christians in. 

Trump lies and claims almost every single Syrian refugee is a strong young man when statistics show the majority of Syrian refugees are women. 

Trump lies and claims “scores” of U.S migrants have been charged with terrorism when the actual number is 0 

Trump lies and claims Ohio protesters had connections to ISIS despite evidence proving the contrary. 

Trump lies and claims he predicted Osama Bin Laden.

Trump lies about French Gun Laws after Paris Attack. 

Trump lies and claims he lost hundreds of friends during 9/11 yet can’t give a single name.

Trump’s falsely claims he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating while the twin towers fell on 9/11 on the news and refuses to admit he lied after the claim is completely debunked. 

Fuck it, let's finish it.

Trump cites debunked poll created by conspiracy theorist claiming 25% of Muslim Americans support violence against America. 

Trump lies and claims Orlando shooter was foreign born immigrant despite being born in the same city as Trump. 

Trump lies and claims the U.S  nuclear arsenal doesn’t work. 

Trump lies and bizarrely claims he was watching television and saw a video of the U.S sending a plane to Iran with 400 million dollars in it. Then later admits he was lying. 

Trump falsely claims ⅘ white people who were victims of homicide were murdered by blacks. 

Trump falsely claims Oakland And Ferguson among the most dangerous cities in the world, when in reality they aren’t even among the most dangerous cities in their states. 

Trump lies about various names and slurs he has publicly used to refer to women despite video evidence proving contrary. 

Trump lies about his winery being the largest on the east coast. 

Trump lies and claims June has “no jobs to be had” despite 5.4 million job openings in the U.S. that month. (A 15-year high.) 

Trump lies and claims the United States is the ‘most highly taxed nation in the world.’ 

Trump lies and claims the U.S GDP is below 0 

Trump tells New York Times he wants to impose unprecedented 45% tariff on Chinese goods. At debates he accused New York Times of misquoting him admitting how crazy it would and how he would never want it then goes on to argue for the 45% tariff two minutes later. 

Trump lies about having opposed the Iraq War. 

Trump lies about the NFL having sent him a letter. 

Trump lies about being fired by the Koch Brothers. 

Trump lies about meeting with police. 

Fact checkers go over one of Trumps town hall transcripts and find 71 separate instances within an hour in which Trump made claims that were categorically false. 

Bipartisan Media Watchdog group PolitiFact finds 76% percent of all of  Trump’s statements investigated in 2015 for authenticity to be false. 

Donald Trump consistently rates in the top 5 biggest liars of the 3,390 people and organizations that PolitFact has tracked. – Clinton always places in the top 10 for honesty. 


My personal favorite. He insists his buildings have more floors than they do. If you can count to 58, you can easily see this is a lie, but he continues to insist his buildings have more stories than they do.

Nice list

Are you seriously linking articles of WaPo and Politifact?

Lemme guess; only Breitbart and Infowars are reputable around here?

Jesus fuck. Read some of the articles I linked, he consistently and repeatedly lies. Downvote if you like too. But the fact you deny information and facts and logic to support a political party or a particular stance you take is gross.

And the fucking Huffington Post of all places.

I mean, really?

This is conspiracy. Alex Jones is regularly posted here.

Yet WaPo and HuffPo are completely illegitimate.

Have a discussion, tell me what they reported in my post was wrong. I'm open to conversation and debate. That's the whole point.

DEBUNK IT THEN! I guarantee you'll try and be proven wrong by a nasty little thing called facts.

DEBUNK THE ARTICLES THEMSELVES THEN! Jesus, does any D_T shill actually know how to fact check to support their ridiculous allegations?

LOL a 5 year old with Google could fact check and destroy Trump's lies. Open your eyes.

Lock Her Up ?

A huge part of his campaign was how he was gonna bring crooked Hilary to justice, and walked it back immediately. That was a huge lie to appease his base and they fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

He's been POTUS for 27 days and you're talking like it's the end of his term. You think taking down hillary and the rest of the cabal is going to be easy?

Direct from the source. Read statements, releases, watch committee meetings, etc. It doesn't need filtering through a bullshit mouthpiece

So Trump claimed the murder rate in the country is at a 40 year high. Pretty much all of the media disputes that claim. How do you go about figuring out who is right?

Look up primary sources, statistics, graphs. Interpret the data for yourself instead of seeing it through a filter.

Truth. And T_D shills downvote you. How sad.

The media's 24/7 lambast of Trump is getting so annoying that it makes me hate him less and hate them more.


Maybe if Trump stopped doing things worth lambasting 24/7 you'd hear less of it. It's not the MSM's fault he sends stupid tweets @ 3AM.

This guys a shill. Every post he has is supporting shit that's been debunked. Get the fuck out of here, you media matters fuck.

Calling someone the s-word is a bannable offence here. I'd edit it out if I were you.

Its allowed when they're a verified shill. He has a little badge next to his name saying it

im curious how you verified them being a shill?

They didn't.


Aside from agreeing with my esteemed colleague /u/StephanFortin about you being a Media Matters shill, I must also say that it is not the job of the President to adapt to the media but for the media to adapt to the President.

I thought we told you fucks how it was going to be on November 8th? We're making America great again! Either cooperate with us and get on the train (get a better deal on your issues) or oppose us and be left behind. President Trump is going to be sitting in that chair for at least the next four years. Eight if he turns out to be the President I expect him to be.

We're changing the game, kiddos. Change never comes without pain. You'd better get used to it.

Fuck off shill

Catch up, you're behind the curve in this sub

you're willing to let Trump destroy America because some TV shows hurt your feelings?

Signed - deep state

That's great. I look forward to the coming coup against Trump and the war with Russia that the deep state seems to be keen on manufacturing. Maybe once the whole world is destroyed through nuclear warfare I'll be able to get away from you moronic accomplices to the sociopathic powers that be.

Same here. The media's lying and false narrative spewing is turning a lot of neutral and left-leaning people into Trump-defenders. Not necessarily because we like Trump, but because we hate lying.

Who is "we"

Whoever hates media lies .. who are 'you'

I hate the lies straight from our government's mouths. Literal lies straight from the presidents twitter himself.

Any specific lie you want to discuss.. or should I just accept your vague accusations?

He is one of the few who came to /r/conspiracy to show up in threads, spew lies and then leave when challenged

These people do this in every single thread on this sub

It used to only happen when a post made it to the front page. Now they lurk here. It must mean we are on to something.

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I am part of we. As a Libertarian, I cannot tell you how much I loathed the idea of a Trump WH. Now I find myself defending Trump not because I like all of his policies, but because the attacks simply aren't fair. I have never seen an incoming President treated like this in my 44 short yrs on the planet, and the CIA going rogue in order to marginalize him is alarming to say the least.

I have never seen an incoming President treated like this in my 44 short yrs on the planet, and the CIA going rogue in order to marginalize his admin, and, by extension his presidency, while it's still in its infancy, is alarming to say the least.

You haven't because none of the scandalous shit the Trump administration has done is normal. We literally have unprecedented levels of a disapproval and distrust in the white house, and have seen an unprecedented amount of bullshit that has come out of the white house in less than a month. Why are you acting like anything the trump administration is par for the course? It isn't in any way

You haven't because none of the scandalous shit the Trump administration has done is normal.

Really? When Obama claimed the right to assassinate US citizens without trial, or take the nation to war without congressional authorization, or legalized domestic propaganda, or legalized indefinite detention of US citizens, your saying that somehow what Trump has done in the last few weeks is way worse?

When Obama claimed the right to assassinate US citizens without trial


Go to war without Congress

This has been happening since the Vietnam war, Obama didn't do anything new.

Legalized propaganda


legalized detention of us citizens


Lied about Obamacare

What the price?

Lied about mass surveillance



ACLU sues Obama over assassination of Americans.

This has been happening since the Vietnam war, Obama didn't do anything new.

Except Congress never authorized the Libyan war in any form or fashion, and it was in clear violation of the War Powers Act, since Libya posed no threat to the US.


The NDAA Legalizes The Use Of Propaganda On The US Public

What the price?

If you like your health insurance plan you can keep your health insurance plan...remember that?



I didn't vote for the guy but he seems to be working hard keeping his campaign promises. I don't see why the media finds that so outrageous.

but he seems to be working hard keeping his campaign promises.

Ya that's fine, and trump owes it to his base for that but ..

Media finds it outrageous

Because the shit he actually wants us to do is outrageous, have you heard of the fucking wall for example? More people hate trump than support him, it isn't a mystery.

It's not hard to understand the difference between the two

More people *on Reddit hate trump than support him, it isn't a mystery.

Today his approval rating is 55%. You don't seem to know what "more" means.

The lies and manipulation straight from the President's mouth is more troubling than anything the media says. Why does nobody give a fuck about that here?


Because the President is just one (albeit powerful) guy. He doesn't control the public's perception of reality the way MSM has for decades.

But nobody gives a fuck about our presidents warped and dangerous perception of reality? It doesn't make sense to me

Have you listened to his press conferences and Spicer's press conferences?

Or do you only have second hand information relayed by the media?

To me, a canadian, what he says is pretty sound.

Then you must put the hands over your ears. Did you completely ignore them scrambling around on the crowd size bullshit? Or the constant back and forth inconsistent shit spicer says?

I have never heard anything inconsistent? Where is Trumps 'warped' perception of reality? Frankly he acts like he is a regular here.

Building a tens of billions dollar wall on a basis of fear isn't a warped perception of reality?

Banning countries from entering the US and days later sending a package of weapons to the Saudis, who are some of the biggest offenders of terrorism, isn't warped?

His complete lack of understanding of ethics isn't warped?

It's not that hard to see

Why is protecting our borders a "warped perception of reality"?

  • Its not out of fear either, its about being able to deport illegal immigrants who commit violent felonies and not allowing them back.
  • Most 1st world countries have border control, unless they are bordered by water. A country without borders isnt a country. When we are seeing a mass migration of people into our country without papers or anyway to check the backgrounds, yes its a problem. We dont have border police for nothing, and we have had them for a LONG time, they only got neutered in the last 8 years.

Banning countries from entering the US and days later sending a package of weapons to the Saudis, who are some of the biggest offenders of terrorism, isn't warped?

His complete lack of understanding of ethics isn't warped?

  • Citation please where he is pushing for anything unethical. Yet we DO see unethical things causing problems from the commander in chief everyday, mostly from the Dems but also the Media and some in the GOP as well. His business dealings and the media spin puts alot of his past into question when you can't trust what much of the press says anymore.

So far you only sound like a chicken little, he doesnt even have his whole cabinet in and is dealing with a possible coup by entrenched intelligence officers. Note he is the elected president.

You aren't going to convert a Trump supporter FYI, but note we do have a shitton of Liberals, LGBTs, and different ethnic backgrounds now in our midst and we all get along and all are waking up.

I can't wait to hear how you shift the goal posts for the fact that he will, as per what he said on his campaign trail, he will be expanding the NSA, renewing the Patriot Act, not abolishing the Fed, infringing on the Second Amendment without Trial, and undying support of Israel (all things Hillary were for).

He's as establishment as it gets.

Also, what makes you think the psychological game that the media plays has the depth of a saturday morning cartoon? "He bad, he good". What if black propaganda, reverse psychology, knowingly using the Streissand Effect to your advantage - all these things that subvert the average mind. Your folly is that in your attempt to critically analyze the whole picture, you've stopped at any real depth to the analysis in order to satisfy your suppprt of Trump - be it because of Hope, despair, it doesn't matter.

I can't wait to hear how you shift the goal posts for the fact that he will, as per what he said on his campaign trail, he will be expanding the NSA, renewing the Patriot Act, not abolishing the Fed, infringing on the Second Amendment without Trial, and undying support of Israel (all things Hillary were for).

1) We have no idea what he plans for expanding the NSA nor the Patriot Act. I have yet to hear anything out of his mouth, in fact he doesn't even have his whole staff confirmed. So take some time before you freak out about that..

Question back: Did you lose your mind when Obama was confronted with the problems with the NSA with the Snowden leaks? Or are you just worried now because of OMG Trump.

2) He is AUDITING the fed. You expect him to just get rid of it? What would happen to the US Dollar?

3) Infringing on the 2nd amendment? The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right of the people to keep and bear arms.. He plans to keep this well intact .

4) and undying support of Israel (all things Hillary were for). .. Yep he just got back from a press conference with Bibi yesterday and even had the balls to ask him to negotiate on further expansion into Palestinian territory in front of the press.

Where are your problems with this?

Also, what makes you think the psychological game that the media plays has the depth of a saturday morning cartoon? "He bad, he good". What if black propaganda, reverse psychology, knowingly using the Streissand Effect to your advantage - all these things that subvert the average mind.

So you think the media is playing the chess and he is just playing checkers? HE WON, not only did he win he did it with the nonstop press bashing, the GOP and the DNC against him.. and we all learned how corrupt the media was and still is.

Your folly is that in your attempt to critically analyze the whole picture, you've stopped at any real depth to the analysis in order to satisfy your suppprt of Trump - be it because of Hope, despair, it doesn't matter.

lol my folly was responding back to you. There was literally nothing in your post that shows me you have "critically analyzed" your own position at all?

The Media is considered to be the 4th branch of government, during the election in the leaks we saw how deep the mainstream media is entrenched in the DNC. Frankly I never realized that the media controlled the left so strongly. People like you I guess (judging by your post only) are running around acting as Trump is a despot in his 29? days in office already.. while we saw a looming possible war with Russia with the possible election of Clinton. Instead of breathing a sigh of relief, we see more and more anger and violence coming from the left as well..

Just think about where the left is now.

They patted themselves on the back when Clinton asked Trump to cede the election peacefully for the good of the country when she wins. HAHA

So where are we now?

"Liberals" are now violent and yelling about possible peace between Russia and the US.

"Liberals" want to shut down free speech and attack those who want to listen.

"Liberals" who think that they should punch "Nazi's" in the face because its their duty?

Look in the mirror and figure out what fascism means, what real racism is, and where you people went wrong.

Im a former liberal, and all I hear from whats left of them is bullshit and trash now. Its always the most hypocritical logic, like calling ALL whites racist just for the color of their skin. Or how about how the police are ALL racists (which is WTF right there) while they run towards danger while the rest of us can run away.

Stop it you arent higher minded, you just have no idea what the fuck is really going on.

It is what got Trump elected in the first place.

Jesus Christ, that doesn't even make sense. The majority of people don't like Trump so it's somehow wrong when the media reflects that?

Trust in the media is at an all time low. Media reflects nothing but key interests of a few individuals. It's wrong when it is so obvious that they're all acting in concert and have thrown their journalistic integrity out the door.

Trust in our president is at an unprecedented low , that's not alarming?

Also lol what

The lies and manipulation straight from the President's mouth is more troubling than anything the media says. Why does nobody give a fuck about that here?

Because it's small potatoes.. What has Trump lied about?

All he does is over-exaggerate the truth to get a rise out of people.. investigation.. fix the problem. Art of the Deal - 4d chess

All he does is over-exaggerate the truth

Hrm 🤔🤔

You're talking to a bot. See history:

Thx dude

We need those bot sniffing dogs from The Terminator.

That's the goal. You think they don't know it? David Brock is a Republican.

David Brock can call himself whatever he wants, he's a paid shill for the left.

He's infiltrating then. He has been extremely ineffective and actually harmful.

He's been harmful, and extremely efficient in grooming groups of people with leftist ideologies. Now CTR is a Hydra, a beast that goes around singing leftist praises.

Yep, he's helped the anti-liberal cause immensely by creating extremist groups who parrot obvious and ridiculous talking points.

There's no subtlety. It's the actions of a man desperate not to have whatever they are blackmailing him with come out.

Not Trump's biggest fan but the media's double standard annoys the shit out of me.

This is where I'm landing too.

He's being attacked with a kind of fervor I have never before seen. In acts of desperation the media is openly saying that the deep state is not only a very real thing but that it must take control. That to me is the craziest development that has damn near got me to cheer for a guy that I protested during the primaries.

The media's 24/7 lambast of Trump is getting so annoying that it makes me hate him less and hate them more.

100% with you.

They will eventually do something to shoot themselves in the foot. When that hapens, I'll be watching with a bowl of popcorn. MSM needs to go down....

"Whatever the reason , it must be pretty darned important if they're willing to destroy their own businesses" . = Profit ,everything is about profit

Well fuckin said, friend.

Excellent post. My sentiments exactly.

Acting like Trump isn't widely spreading misinformation on purpose to liken his cause is idiotic. MSM is wrong sometimes, sure, and has lied in situations, and they need to be held accountable, but acting like he's the gatekeeper of truth and anybody reporting on his wrongdoings' is an enemy and must be lying is counter productive of protecting the country.

How come we're ready to burn Hilary at the stake but give him a pass? All politicians should be held accountable. Put partisanship aside.

Trump isn't perfect but he's the best we've seen in our lifetime. This is the closest we've ever been to dismantling the shadow government. Whether you're left or right, the world will be much better off without the secret society controlled military industrial complex.

How can you say that? I'd love for you to quantify what makes him the best in your lifetime. Either you have very different views in what constitutes a good president or you're trolling.

Lol yeah I can see why it looks bleak, but it's true. Our government and media has controls that prevent genuine candidates from succeeding. People like Bernie and Ron Paul never stand a chance against the big money lobby machine. Trump is a billionaire asshole. In a lot of ways he's a symbol for everything hated by the common man, but if he can do damage to the controls that prevent genuine change, then he's alright in my book. He truly is an outsider; he can't be controlled by the secret societies that have controlled literally every other president in my lifetime. It's nice to see things like TPP get swatted down in an instant.

Even beyond that, he's brought total awareness to a lot of issues this sub holds dear. Literally half the country doesn't trust the media. People are talking openly about the shadow government. Official narratives across the mainstream are being questioned like never before. No earlier than last year I was unable to have a conversation with someone that contradicted the mainstream media. People would look at me like I was an alien if I said the media lies constantly. Things are much different now. That's trumps value.

Trump isn't perfect but he's the best we've seen in our lifetime.

When you read this on /r/conspiracy you know they have won. Shame.

Exactly. Maybe he's not the candidate the republicans wanted but he's doing all the things that they've been pushing for forever.(deregulation whether it's FDA/Energy/Financial/etc., stricter immigration, war on terror, war on drugs, god in schools, voter id, tax-breaks for wealthy, ect.) Meanwhile, 3 out of every 4 posts is about pizzagate. And it's not that it should be off limits or anything, but geez, this subreddit might as well be named r/pizzagate.

Go to r/politricks if you want to discuss government policies.. And why are all the establishment Republicans seemingly against Trumps' agenda?

Lol yeah I can see why it looks bleak, but it's true. Our government and media has controls that prevent genuine candidates from succeeding. People like Bernie and Ron Paul never stand a chance against the big money lobby machine. Trump is a billionaire asshole. In a lot of ways he's a symbol for everything hated by the common man, but if he can do damage to the controls that prevent genuine change, then he's alright in my book. He truly is an outsider; he can't be controlled by the secret societies that have controlled literally every other president in my lifetime. It's nice to see things like TPP get swatted down in an instant.

The problem is, who do I trust. We've seen MSM lie and cheat, and they're the ones reporting on Trump lying. MSM has lost all credibility with me and many others, that I just cannot accept what they are telling me most of the time.

Trust yourself man, look at facts. Consider sources. If the media is saying something you find through q source is wrong (I mean provably wrong, not something sourced from Infowars etc) hold them accountable, and disregard their stance.

If you find many news organizations corroborating the same story, be inclined to believe it, even if it's just a little bit. Every news station has a vetting process stories must pass through and be they do their best to determine if the story is factual before presentation. It's why you'll see a mega bombshell on one station, but another may not be reporting in it yet as their trying to confirm the story for themselves.

In a time where misinformation is spread to mislead people, just try and look at everything. Look at what's reputable. Look at actions, consequences, who it affects the most.

If you discredited MSM over the WH, youd be believing some things that can factually be proven wrong. (Illegal voters, Inauguration numbers, Flynn etc) and I'm sure that goes both ways with CNNs slip up of WikiLeaks etc.

I know what you're saying. I don't take anyone's (WH and/or MSM) word as gospel. Its just so much shit to sift through in order to form your own opinion. We have democrat congressmen going on live TV and telling people this is all an organized effort to deligitimize trump and raise tensions with Russia, and we also have high level officials admitting they're lying to people in the administration. Its just tough to really take a stand when it seems both sides are lying

I agree 100%. I think that's why subs like this are vital, so people from whatever side can come and see all avenues of thought and facts. It's when people start denying all accounts of those just to defend their political affiliation is where it gets disheartening. No political party is free of corruption, it's up to us to root it out and have factual debates. It's hard when people, regardless of which side, will stare facts in the face and yell wrong.

If you find many news organizations corroborating the same story, be inclined to believe it, even if it's just a little bit. Every news station has a vetting process stories must pass through

But what if that vetting process isn't based upon telling the full truth, but a portion of the truth that best serves a select few people's interests? That's what it has seemed like for at least the past 3 years probably longer, when you only see one side of the story and having an emotionally driven title is more important than the actual information you know something is wrong.

Each site doesn't act in a bubble and they get there information from specific people and places. They not only control public opinion of all public figures as seen by false allegations of anti-semetism in pewdeepie, but control public opinion of each other (Republicans are labeled as racists and nazis, Liberals are labled as SJW) we live in a 1984, brave new world site where the full truth is hidden in favor of selective facts without context and anyone who disagree's will be called "denying facts."

Just look at one example of (media colussion)[]

A lot of what you are saying is definitely true, but there is one thing that bothers me.

The mainstream liberal media was very Anti-Bush at the same time that they were pushing the bogus establishment propaganda that justified the second Iraq war.

The msm narrative was 'W is an idiot', but when it came to war the administration and the MSM were in lockstep. They found something they could agree on in the name of 'patriotism' (read 'profit').

I don't know what that means for our situation today, but I do think that the people who seek to control the opinions in this country are very good at what they do. The message that they put out is less important to them than the reaction the masses will have to that message.

I agree completely, that is a very good point. That is what scares me, they know what they are doing. Most likely some sort of divide and conquer technique.

When it suits their agenda they will push the narrative regardless of party. Their agenda is anti-Russia. It has been for a while now. They want to knock over Assad, they don't want a multi polar power system. When Trump seeks a war with Iran they will push that agenda too, or they will push him in that direction as they have never met a War they didn't like.

Big difference. They where hostile to Bush in appearance only. The attack that they use at the time where lame and not pertinent. Nothing that would have any great traction toward an impeachment. Basically it was just noise.

With Trump it's an all out war! what they are implying is outright seditious. Appeal for assassination, Legal overthrow, Violent overthrow etc.....

Not the same thing at all.

I see a lot of similarities in the attacks. Remember that Bush won the electoral college but not the popular vote and was made president by a Supreme Court decision. The whole 'not my president' bullshit was going on then too.

The people who are calling for violence are merely doing so to polarize the nation and divide the people.

Even the Russia stuff against trump, while seemingly damaging, has no substance. It only serves to intensify the division of the people. Trump supporters don't trust the media so they just rally around the president. The people on the left only believe it because they want a reason to hate him.

As long as the people are divided we are powerless to stop those in control from acting against our interests. As long as we are distracted fighting each other TPTB will continue to destroy this country, and they will do it with the consent of half the country.

Well said, although I disagree with the whole draining the swamp thing.

I lost all hope that Trump drained the swamp, he went from trashing Hillary and Cruz 24/7 for having such deep wall street ties and claims over and over again that he's going to 'take down Wall Street' and then his first day he hires 6 of the highest Goldman Sachs CEO's to run the economic side of our country. Not only that, but he dismantled the Dodd Frank act which had the sole purpose of regulating Wall Street so that we won't go through another economic crisis.

I don't trust the media all that well, but when I see every intelligence agency from around the world slowly come to the same conclusion that Trump has heavy Russian ties I tend to have more faith in the conspiracy.

It's obvious Trump is hiding his involvement in Russia, anyone who's talked to their fair share of human beings can easily see that. What we as a community need to do is get to the bottom of this just as we do with Pizzagate or Hillary or Obama. We can't just let this entire thing slide because 'the media can't be trusted'

So many people, especially here, treat politics as if it were their favorite football team. There are no winners or losers here, we're all American for the most part and that means we're all on the same team. There's no point in fighting and bickering with each other.

We all need to approach each subject with an open mind, being a closed minded Trump supporter/Trump hater won't get you any further in life.

What people really need to do is just flat out drop ties to our favorite politician/government, our government has never cared about the average Joe's like you and me, why the fuck would they start caring now?

'Every intelligence agency from around the world slowly come to the same conclusion'


You don't think Leftist Elites could possibly be organizing and plotting to keep their globalism scheme and the dwindling EU in power?

'It's obvious Trump is hiding his Russian ties'

Source? Evidence?

This is what I don't get. Do you people truly think globalization is a vast conspiracy, and not a natural consequence of advancing technology and increased connectivity? Is it really a coincidence that globalization has increased in lockstep with improving communication technologies?

I agree with everything that you are saying. And I do think we need to make a strong effort and wake up our family and friends.

But I think we're all forgetting something very important here which is that Ashton Kutcher is on the case. So I don't think we need to worry anymore! :)

people hate the establishment more than they hate Trump

Aye.. seconded

Yup that's why he won. It sure helped me vote for a buffoon like him.

But Trump IS the establishment now...

nah he's still a rich independent at war with various alphabet agencies.

he's more comparable to JFK than "the establishment"


Thank you for that.

Yes, with his being bailed out by the Rotshchilds, expanding the NSA, renewing the Patriot Act, not abolishing the Fed, infringing on the Second Amendment without Trial, and undying support of Israel (all things Hillary were for) - yeah he's SO anti establishment.

Hillary was also for Saudi Arabia, war with Russia, the death of Assad, money laundering in Haiti, the destruction of Libya etc.

But she's not the president so she's not the establishment!

people hate the establishment more than they hate Trump

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Mainstream media is hopelessly biased, however you should be applying the same amount of skepticism to alternative media.

Any issue with a partisan or political element, or foreign policy objective should raise red flags as being possible (if not probable) propaganda and scrutinized accordingly.

Ya, haven't trusted them since WMD's in Iraq. Welcome aboard.

"The Media."

Can you point us to any sources of information that are not 'the media?'


The left have their billionaires. Zuckerburg, Gates, Musk, Cuban and Buffet. Just because you're a billionaire doesn't mean you're part of the swamp. That's why i'm prepared to give the billionaires the benefit of the doubt for a little bit.

To add to this, Reddit, r/conspiracy, this exact post are media. Question everything, draw answers, and find the truth.

Totally agree with you on the media. Trump will give people plenty of real things to worry about like his cabinet picks and his comments regarding civil forfeiture. The amount of focus on Russia is disturbing. I have serious concerns regarding Trump. I think he is leading us to war with Iran and he is a hard line authoritarian with little regard for the constitution which is dangerous given the tools at his disposal.

But this rift with Russia they are endlessly pushing falls right in line with Iraq, WMD, etc.. They want to ramp up the cold war again and weaken Russia, which is not good for the majority of the people in the world. Things would be much better if we existed peacefully.

The media is like a cancer eating itself. The new red scare is simply ridiculous.

No shit. What else is new? This has been a talking point since 2009 FFS.

I feel that neither the MSM nor Trump can/should be trusted blindly.

This site is part of the media

reddit used to be owned by Conde Nast before it became a CIA asset.

The lies and manipulation straight from the President's mouth is more troubling than anything the media says. Why does nobody give a fuck about that here?

Seriously - how can you guys trust Trump when he either lies to your face, answers any question with "muh crowd sizes" or sends his ill-informed surrogates out to simply make it up as they go along.

Oh look you got some upvotes whereas every other time you've posted this exact same thing, you were downvoted hard. I wonder how that could possibly be.. Perhaps money helped? But that's just speculation..

That's quite the claim , how about you prove it :)

lol fuck you :) <--- that is a bad use of emoticons and I only mean it to represent how you choose to go into an argument. It is not my opinion and in no way is it meant to be taken as anything more than an example.

What a world we live in.

Then why even make the claim to begin with? And the smiley already did its job :)

It's better to just let those like you scream their nonsense until they stop commenting. It's like I'm taking a bit the sum-total energy you allot for commenting in one day.

I'm just here to keep this subReddit accountable , don't mind me I'll be back!

Now say more things.

People like you have literally no idea what you're taking about. Have you ever worked in a newsroom and seen how stories come down, how they're verified and who's making the decision on what to report? Do you know what libel and slander means and do you know the financial and reputation ramifications of being accused of either? I've worked in news for 6 years and I'd advise you and everyone who spews this nonsense to stop getting your media from bullshit sources and stop bitching about a subject you have no concept about. You are all armchair journalists and if you were actually worth your salt, you'd apply to a local station and actually do some investigating/reporting or learn the actual process and how thing work.

The "No Shit" post of the day is brought to you by...

Just so long as we're talking about fox news and breitbart as well because they're spinning the same picture of POTUS 45 as this sub. I reject all of it.

Excellent post! This was really well thought out and after many years of on/off diving down the rabbit hole I have come to this same conclusion.

Trump needs to have the Telecommunications Act of 1996 repealed. This legislation allowed the consolidation of US media ownership, which created the propaganda machines that we have today.

I was thinking just this as I lay on my couch (home sick from school) watching GMA. As soon as the program started they put a big banner across the screen that reads "WHITEHOUSE IN TURMOIL". They then went on to bash Trump for about fifteen minutes. I sat and watched with anger in my heart as I know millions of people across the country are freaking for their trap at this very moment.

I have stopped watching, I think I'll just take today to get better and catch up on my reading. Television, particularly TV news, is the cancer of our nation.

Your part on Flynn is so wrong.

It was illegal for him to discuss sanctions with the Russians while he was a private citizen.

Apparently, he then lied to Pence about that happening.

It was found out that it happened and Yates informed the WH that he could be compromised and blackmailed due to that action.

Then Flynn resigned (or was forced to depending on which spokesperson you believe).

So either A: Flynn did talk to Russians about sanctions but lied to Pence.

Or B: He didn't talk to Russians about sanctions, told Pence the truth, then resigned for having never lied.

And all of this has been confirmed by Trump who has went after people leaking the information.

Only trust them when they bash Shillary and her leaked emails! But as soon as they turn on Trump and the leaks in his administration it's all fake news? Am i doing this right?

There re subs for your political needs. Try /r/politics. This is not for politics.

But he has a point. The tiniest shred of evidence can start an avalanche against anyone here, except Trump. As soon as anything is posted about Trump, everything is discredited.

I've said it before and I'll say it again; Many of the Trump supporters here need to be far more skeptical of anyone in power. People need to realize that it's a new game - new tactics.

I am skeptical of the cozy Clinton/Trump relationship. There was an AMA on t_d of trump insider and he mentioned that Clinton is a member of Trump's D.C. Area golf club and said that Trump had an avalanche of dirt on Bill but didn't need to use it.

No one seems to explore the Clinton/Trump history.

Russia. The Russians hacked muh microwave!

CNN and NYT are not sources we trust here.

I agree. But to me that leads to the main point of it all; people need to stop believing that Trump is a man of the people and that he represents them.

The possible Clinton relationship ought to be a testament to that - amongst many other things.

So many people that ought to be far more critical and skeptical of Trump - and anyone else in power - are eating the whole schtick, just because the tactics changed.

only they don't bash on Hillary. everything that comes out about her or any other democrats quickly gets swept under their by the MSM. Wikipedia released so much horrifying info on Hillary and her establishment but all the reporter's actually is "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA, SPIES SPIES SPIES, TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP"

so no it is actually almost completely opposite what you said

Listen to the No Agenda podcast. They show how corrupt the media is, while being entertaining.

We are all the media now. We have to trust each other.

Trump is establishment, Hillary is establishment, Sanders is establishment. Every side is just the side of one dice. Distrust everything you see and do more research yourself and analyze those researches into a sensible explanation.

While I'm well aware there is highly active corporate and government influence in the media, I still hold on to hope that within every major outlet, there is quietly at least one individual discretely archiving and awaiting a time and venue for safe revelation. It's not going to be like Wikileaks, 4Chan or Snowden. It's going to require circumventing a lot of safeguards.

No shit Sherlock

Lol really bro? Nvm forgot 40mil was rolled back into CTR.

how is he a bad president? he's delivering on everything he said he would. if you didnt like him before than you dont like him now either

Wtf has he lied about? Seriously, he's kept like half of his promises already. Isn't it possible that the historically dishonest media has been lying instead of him?

Direct from the source. Read statements, releases, watch committee meetings, etc. It doesn't need filtering through a bullshit mouthpiece

Truth. And T_D shills downvote you. How sad.