I feel like there's something more to this "Russian" thing

0  2017-02-16 by agentf90

Not just Trump aides talking to Russian officer, but also in the 11th hour Hillary's radical shift to condemn Russia. Now Russia is flexing their muscles militarily. Could we be on the verge of something big going on behind the scenes that nobody knows about?


Well, the democrats obviously aren't satisfied with only Flynn.. The shit is still brewing

they hope he's the jet fuel they can light the fire with. Too bad the logs are solid , like steel beams, and they can't melt steel beams.

The Democrats and Republicans are the fucking same, it's just an illusion. C'mon, you should know this by now

I think has been going on for a while. It's either gunna blow over or be WW3, and I hope it's the former.

so many unknowns. Got to admit that Russia's been more patient and quiet than I'd expect they would be with all the Russia hating from Hillary and misc others. The weird ship off eastern seaboard is odd, but not unheard of.

Hillary's big shift against Russia was to deflect on her email problems..

By blaming the Russians it lays the narrative that If the Russians don't like Hillary, then she must be good....

I know that's the official narrative, but I'm asking if perhaps there is more going on than we are being told.

There is ALWAYS something more than we are being told...

It's about the pipeline. It's been brewing since well before 9/11.

Here's Jimmy Dore explaining it

Or Ryan Dawson

What is Russian currently doing different now that would construe 'flexing their muscles militarily'?

There was a story in /r/news today about a Russian airplane that buzzed a Navy destroy 3 times. and also there's some Russian nuclear sub 3 miles from one of our Navy bases.

I wonder if it's a threat to the IC 'deep state'... if they try to stage a coup, Russia will take it as a direct threat and pre-cursor to war

what is IC?

Intelligence community

intelligence community

The Intelligence community, or 'deep state'. The people who don't change when a new president is elected.

I wonder if it's a threat to the IC 'deep state'... if they try to stage a coup, Russia will take it as a direct threat and pre-cursor to war

What coup would you be referring to? Are you saying the deep state would stage a coup to oust Trump and that would threaten Russia?

Are you saying the deep state would stage a coup to oust Trump and that would threaten Russia?

If Russia is working with the Trump administration to work in concert to destroy terrorist organisations and they are reducing tensions, and then the Intelligence community goes and blows that up so they can reignite the cold war, why wouldn't Russia be threatened by that? Why would Russia not be threatened by a friendly government being replaced in a coup? And why shouldn't the US try to get along with Russia?

I don't know, maybe Russia still pissed they lost the cold war and their long game is coming to the final 2 minutes.

What's their long game?

In the 80s they took children and planted them in the US with the eventual idea they'd be activated 20 years later. I'm just saying they could be calling in those sleeper cells.

That would be something. I'd think the 2017 model of the CIA plant to probably be superior tho... But seriously, tensions with Russia is no good for anybody except the military industrial Complex

Yes, I believe that is what he is proposing could be a problem.


The Deep State is behind schedule and if Assad remains in power it will derail this whole plan altogether. They have 16 years vested in this shit.

The "working together as a trio" part would be optimal. We should strive for peaceful ongoing relations with China and Russia so we can keep an eye on them, and vice versa. It's like your attorney watching your financial advisor, who's watching your financial planner.

It is my belief that these are routine and a simple tit for tat game played among the US/Russian military. I don't think there is any escalation at all.

Our destroyer was in the Black Sea I might mention. That would be similar to say a Russian Ship hanging out near Houston in the Gulf of Mexico....

I understand. but we don't hear about it much.

Do you think there is a reason why it is being showcased now when it hasn't before?

Do you think there is a reason why it is being showcased now when it hasn't before?

well its either one of two things, its always happens and is completely normal but fits the narrative they are pushing so they report on it, or there's something bigger going on and these are just small clues.





One trick I've learned since the narrative is switching so rapidly is to utilize the date range tool on Google. Right now, the media is in a full court press with the propaganda. They are pumping out articles so fast it is pushing old stuff on like page 3 or 4 of the search results (Google is also helping). They also don't refer back to old articles that the same news outlet reported on previously (like you do see in in-depth investigative pieces). Use the date filter and you can also google search in different countries which may give you another view.

Google has tried to remove the date range function twice (users backlashed). I would not be surprised if they tried to do it again.

also the missile thing

That's blatant propaganda. As is the story about "russia's banned weapons".

How many cluster bombs did the US drop today? How much white phosphorous? How many depleted uranium shells launched before lunch time today?

Maybe they are ramping up distractions because Wikileaks is planning to release vault 7? Idk just a thought. We saw a lot of distraction news when the emails where being released daily.

WL never comes through on these cryptic teasers.

Man, I wish this were untrue. Something seems to be fucky with them.

Assange suddenly appears on his personal twitter? I don't know, it all seems fake.

I know wishful thinking...

wikileaks don't release Russian stuff

What did I say about Russia?

This relates to a post I just researched for a few hours (I really should do some real work and stop procrastinating, shit). It relates to the whole 19.5% sale / alleged "bribe". I think there is much more going on:

They have been trying sell this stake for a while.

My guess is the undisclosed party is Turkey and/or Saudi Arabia.

Check this out:

> The Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline plan was a "direct slap in the face" to Qatar's plans. No wonder Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, in a failed attempt to bribe Russia to switch sides, told President Vladmir Putin that "whatever regime comes after" Assad, it will be "completely" in Saudi Arabia's hands and will "not sign any agreement allowing any Gulf country to transport its gas across Syria to Europe and compete with Russian gas exports", according to diplomatic sources. When Putin refused, the Prince vowed military action

Wikipedia is okay but overly-summarizes a vastly complicated issue.

Maybe the Saudis are giving up on their threats now that the war looks to be going Assad's way. So now they get a leveraged deal for 19% the company with 25% down but they won't say this publicly or maybe ISIS turns back on their funders. They also aren't on the best of terms with Qatar publicly.

If the above is the case, who loses out the most?

I have no idea how Trump and team fit into all of this as it appears a lot of this was in motion before the election. Doesn't mean turn a blind eye to the rest of the Russian connections - maybe they are adjunctly related as a Plan B.

One easy way to identify propaganda is when there is a major story like this energy deal (regardless of Trump), that doesn't even link back to it's own previous reporting on the subject over a year ago.

But we also shouldn't forget about Glencore and it's history of bypassing sanctions.

I think the hidden Rosneft share probably went to Russian insiders. A consortium of existing oligarchs with close ties to the government.

Given the current shit level of oil prices, I don't think Russia would sell off Rosneft unless there was a giant payoff for somebody on the inside. When the price of oil rebounds, they will make an enormous profit.

I wonder if this was a scheme to "print" money by the Russian gov. They are gold-backed and this many rubles on the market could deflate their currency.

Their 2016 budget deficit was $21 billion, $7.4 billion would be an extra 35% of borrowing that they'd get to do undisclosed. Not exactly peanuts.

Interesting post! Sorry I missed it the first time.

  1. Hillary, the Saudis, and the Clinton Global Initiative mining types wanted the oil
  2. The State Department wanted to topple Iranian independent banks
  3. They wanted to cause economic turmoil in Russia by disrupting their Petro industry
  4. The Clintons ultimately want to build and control a pipeline network throughout the middle east.
  5. The Gulf states and Israel want to prevent Iran from becoming a 3rd major power in the region.
  6. Russian wants to protect its oil and military interests in the region, and it wants to split up the Gulf State/US/Israel coalition

AS to Trump and Russia, I think they plan on overthrowing the central banking system by utilitizing American coal mines with the new process developed in Russia to turn coal in to gold, allowing them to eliminate our dependency on the banking cartel, and Middle eastern oil, and allowing us to return to the gold standard.

Had not heard this 'coal into gold' -- is that real?

It's legit, though it's not yet fully feasible on a large scale. Once the process is refined though...

I think you are pretty spot on but the motivations go a little deeper. I've got a few sources in my other post in this thread.

  1. US wants petrodollar-friendly states controlling oil (Saudis, new-Iraq, new-Syria). Hillary/CGI wants the construction contracts to rebuild what the State Dept tears down. New regimes also need loans ($$).

  2. Any bank not tied to the petrodollar is a threat to establishment (also think Libya).

  3. Russia is a threat to the petrodollar because of oil/natural gas.

  4. Saudis were also very pissed when Assad said no to the Qatar/SA/Turkey pipeline because Assad is aligned with the Russians. They basically said they would fund ISIS and invade Syria because they said no. (aside - interesting that Qatar is now in the Russian 19.5% sale deal... they aren't exactly besties with SA)

  5. Yep. And we fuel this so the State Dept can sell them weapons to perpetuate the above cycle.

  6. Their actions are fairly reactionary until lately and would suggest self-preservation. Putin has to appear strong to his people. But I'm not sure vastly expanding their influence and actively meddling like the US does is the goal. Could be. All the above has been very costly to them. An argument could be made that the US tried to do the above in Ukraine. If Africa had oil we sure would focus on the atrocities that are happening there.



Holy shit

We should research the timeline of Russian relations.

If I recall, when Obama was elected, he wanted to "reset" relations with Russia. Syria happened but we were still cool on other things. Then Snowden. Then Ukraine. Then this current shitshow where nobody knows which way is up and everyone has two right hands.

Trump is worth 2 billion. Putin is worth 200 billion. Any questions?


Who's ya daddy

Jay Tischler 917-545-2463

Nah its Putin

We aren't given enough information to know what's really going on


Jay Tischler 917-545-2463