Trump is impeached for incompetency, and VP Pence takes office giving the Republicans success in getting what they wanted all along.

0  2017-02-17 by [deleted]



First he steps down, now he's getting impeached. I wonder who's posting on this sub this morning.

I don't know chigg. I've never posted here in this sub. I have however, been closely watching politics my whole long life and there is a widening divide between the realities of say someone like me and those in the Repug party.

I wanted to hear what others thought. I don't engage much at my age w/people in my life so this sub seemed a great place to run this 'conspiracy' by.

I really have never seen anything like this, ever, in politics. Nixon came close but the Republicans (tea party religious zealots) have shown they will go to any lengths to achieve their ultimate goals.

I hope that makes sense. I think people are really concerned, don't you?

The reason you have never seen anything like this is it was a rigged game since at least post Andrew Jackson.

Trump is the FIRST president since George Washington to not be owned by anyone. That is why it is so unique.

Trump is going to save our country or die trying. And if they kill him, D.C. will run red with blood.

oh I'm sorry. I just threw up in my mouth. I don't have anything to offer to your comment, sorry.

Go back to r/politics for the anti Trump circle-jerk.. open minded repug/tea party baby.

Good suggestion. I have to tell you true however..........I don't join any circle jerks. I am well minded and have occasionally enjoyed this subs contributions to the front page.

Too bad ......your loss

Have a good day. open minded repug/tea party baby.

Nope, try again.

I am well minded

Doubt it.

ah spooky.......

open minded

You openly stated you started a hippy commune. That does not go along with the open minded part of your claim.

  • Yes, I did.

  • Oh? It doesn't? OH NO!

  • Repugs? Is Rethugs betta?

  • Aren't you bored yet responded to my submission?

  • Don't you have anything better to do? Post your phone number, address and ss# and maybe your life will get more exciting and you can fill your time more productively.

OH.I.GET.IT: You're really KellyAnn Conway! You silly girl!

Ta ta

you see how the user separates people. that's the key

Ah a troll account. Got it. Going to guess you are lying about following politics your whole life as well.

hahaha. out of your mouth bud........maybe you spend too much time here? So you think this is a troll account? I've just a little less time than you dearest.......why do you think so?

I'm not worried about President Trump

I worry about the massive paid for media blitz on President Trump er go the American people. And it is a Blitz, big scary people that reside in the dark corners don't like him. that is brazenly obvious .

Watching politics your whole life! Watch out guys we have an expert among us!


Against the Vietnam war. Marched for Civil Rights. Marched for Women's Rights. Was one of the original 13 that started the Taylor Camp in Kauai.

How's bout you?

What's an insider sugar?

this is a shill account

what the GOP elite want, you mean. Everyday Republicans voted him into office by a landslide.

yeah, and mostly based on 'entertainment'. This is Tea Party crazy and I've watched interviews w/normal Republicans that they can't compete w/those crazies. ie: The last run for Gov in Montana. I forget the guys name but he was stunned by the ruthlessness and anything goes tactics used by these religious zealots.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts


The liberal establishment would ever want a Pence in the WH. Trump at least has entertainment value (not to mention ad-revenue).

TBH the GOP doesn't play 8D chess. Trump does. GOP likes to play it safe, this is why they tried to appeal to Latinos in 2016 elections (Guac, Rubot, Zodiac). Pence had no idea he'd win, and for Trump, he was just a pawn to bring in conservative voters, not to mention to scare the shit out of liberals in the case he would ever be ousted.

Ah. DJT had entertainment during the election. Now? Not so much. Contrary to your opinion, which I respect, I do think the Tea Party zealots, the Koch bro's and all the other extreme crazies like DJT would go to any lengths to achieve their goals. Machiavellian is the word of the day.

he was just a pawn to bring in conservative voters, not to mention to scare the shit out of liberals in the case he would ever be ousted.

Sorry but I don't understand this last statement of yours

Is this it sounds like when a Martian analyzes US politics?

Pre.election, the Republicans wanted someone like Pence to be president but they knew they could never get him elected.

So, "pre.election" Jeb Bush was not the choice for most Republicans?

well I don't think Koch nor the tea party wanted Jeb. No

And if they ever did? JB seriously under performed that whole campaign. What do you think?

What do you think?

This theory(?) is hard to understand.

Oh. Sorry if I failed in my articulation to provide enough clarity to a theory

Worse than that you wrote...

"Trump is impeached for incompetency"

Maybe you've a breakdown on your rational for this gem?!!

compulsive liar? too emotionally insecure to be trusted?

So I'm getting the sense that this sub is full of tea party/rt wing repugs? lol. sorry charlie to have entered your kingdom. ending comments to inbox.

Have a great day!

compulsive liar? too emotionally insecure to be trusted?

Oh Doctor, Judge and jury tell me more about your observations and personal opinions.

Have a great day!

Translated: I'd love to stay and defend my ill conceived post but pressing matters preclude me from doing so. Ta da!

Well babe, I can speak for myself. I see you are speaking for me and that's a sure sign you've nothing to say that is worth contemplating.

I have no problem accepting that perhaps this wasn't worded well. That happens. Wasn't too well thought out? Yeah, okay, that happens too.

Your nastiness? All yours baby. All yours. wear it well!

Trump is impeached for incompetency

Yeah, you are a victim! Wear it well!

and try to maintain control with key words, lame

I think you are weak ass troll

Look you all: I wanted......was hoping for some dialogue. If a Redditor can't come to your /r/conspiracy sub and post a text theory w/o getting down voted for asking questions.........well that's pretty sad.

I don't believe my thoughts were stupid nor off the wall. A couple of you who replied: thank you.

Sorry bud. This sub turned into an alt-right hangout 8 months ago or so. It is completely incapable of objectivity now. It's a real shame. On the bright side, if you visit /r/conspiracy/controversial you'll still run into some centrist objective posts from time to time.

Now a days it's all left wing conspiracies, a disturbing obsession with pedophilia, nationalism, and no questioning of trump. Pretty bizarre ain't it?

OMG thank you honkimon!

I have never seen anything like it.

What's worse? Christians have become, IMHO, the most hateful, vindictive, resentful, scheming, gossipy, self righteous/closed minded opinionated bigots I've ever experienced.

Like I'd stated: I'd never been to this sub. Taken over by Thrumpets? Well, they had to go somewhere I guess. I'd blocked every sub that titled their mindset; this one caught me off guard.

Trump=conspiracy retards? yeah. It fits. LMAO.

personal side note: Chris? don't take this personally, lol

watch the user try to divide again

what you wanted was anti PRESIDENT TRUMP sentiment

When was the last time a President was ever impeached? Nixon resigned before that happened, unless he resigns or gets Kennedy cursed, he's not going anywhere as much as you hate him based on your MSM brainwashing. No one up there is innocent and neither is he, focusing on just him is naive though. Both sides are friendly and this is all media bullshit, wake up.

when have we ever had a crazy man like DJT in office? never

Andrew Jackson!

you give yourself away

This post completely misses the big picture they've already admitted to with the shadow gov derp state. It's past time to stop thinking in terms of Democrats and Republicans.

I certainly agree w/you on disagreeing w/someone based on Dim/repugs.

I think both parties are a failure. Thanks for your contribution dissdigg.

trump will not resign give it up already

They already have what they wanted all along. They don't need to do anything with trump, he does everything they want.

yep! Thanks for your contribution. I respect your opinion drdoug

just the answer you want

Thanks for the PM

take a hike spammer.......GET A JOB YOU JERK OFF

way to make yourself seem more respectable.

Here let me repeat it for you sugar: you've spent how much time this am insulting me.........adding nothing to the topic. If you didn't find my post appropriate, interesting or valid, you could of dropped a down vote and moved on.

I can only assume you and most of those here are young. In school?

But no. There has been very little opportunity for discussion. Just insults, off topic comments and you guys are still going strong. Most mature folks just don't even bother.

So I decided to allow myself the luxury of sending you a PM and I did state:

take a hike spammer (that's you incognito) I also stated that you should get a job and then the icing on my PM? You jerk off.

Go do something good for someone. Go look for someone that maybe needs a helping hand. Maybe you could find someone that you could compliment.

I just am encouraging you to stop trolling me....w/you unsolicited comments/insults/suppositions.

I've never seen a posting w/(0) up votes and 48 comments. You all are so bizarre. You should have your cell phones taken away.

Your loved ones have my sympathy. peace and love bozos

you've spent how much time this am insulting me..

Aproximately 30 seconds. Don't flatter yourself.

I can only assume you and most of those here are young. In school?

42, so wrong again.

Just insults

You have made most of them.

peace and love bozos

More insults from the peace loving hippy. You suck at this.

(((hugs))) lol

Concern trolling is not a good look on you. It makes your butt look fat.

lol It's past your bedtime.


oh I'm sorry. I just threw up in my mouth. I don't have anything to offer to your comment, sorry.

I certainly agree w/you on disagreeing w/someone based on Dim/repugs.

I think both parties are a failure. Thanks for your contribution dissdigg.