George Webb asked his followers to reach out to @DevinNunes asking why muslim brotherhood can have stolen intel while fbi is in violation of federal records act and foia by withholding the 650k emails from us

176  2017-02-17 by 911bodysnatchers322

  • [Day 113 part 1]
    • Quick recap of the toppling, ratlines, and how Palantir manages it
    • What allowed Hillary to go around the Congress, Senate Intelligence Committees, and House Intelligence Committees was spying. Tyler Drumheller was the key person in Osprey Global along with General Grange and Sid Blumenthal that enabled that to happen.
    • This happened 10 days ago, but and IT spy ring of 3 muslim brothers living in the same house was busted in Congress. Marie Bartaromo with that story.
    • Three brothers were able to be in the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the Dept Homeland Security Committee and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs-- the three key intelligence committees in the House.
    • HPSCI oversees the CIA, Homeland Security, ODNI, all the Military Intelligence agencies, 22 agencies it oversees. There were about 8 congresspeople involved in these hacks
    • Awan brothers--all under 22 years of age, and all making 160k/yr. Jamal Awan.
    • Haven't heard much about this in the press, a little on Barney and on Lou Dobbs.
    • This is equivalent to the Rosenbergs; they put the Rosenbergs to death, so I don't know why there hasn't been any arrests been made. They were fired from their jobs but they were caught hacking into these 8 representatives' accounts: Duckworth, Carson, Schult, Castro, Richmond, Frankel, Spier, ? (what's the eighth?). That's espionage act. That's death sentence.
    • Adam Schiff didn't say anything, CNN didn't say anything.
    • Ranking member of the Republican Congress in the House is @devinNunes. George asks people to send this video to devinNunes on Twitter.
    • Again, our enemies have more information than what's going on in our government than we do as citizens. This is further exemplified by the 650k emails
    • If you can circumvent the government with these 19 gmail accounts, then the enemies know more than the American public
    • We know these went to Israel Russia and China; but if the three brothers talk at all--all in the same house I assume they would, that means the intelligence is going to the Muslim Brotherhood. This is recent as in a couple of days ago.
    • The Muslim Brotherhood of those 32 countries now has that intelligence, so we need to know now more than ever those 650k emails. Families could be travelling, on business trips in these other countries and need to make informed decisions.
    • Not releasing this information is several felony violations of Federal Records Act "CTC, D&D"
    • According to McCabe, it's going to take the FBI 5 yrs to process the 650k emails, but it's ok to let three treasonous Muslims take all the date from the 3 top Intelligence Agencies to the Muslim Brotherhood in 32 countries
    • This is beyond a National Security question, this is a failure of 3 branches of government
    • The address is @DevinNunes, he is the chairman, ranking member of the HPSCI
    • @DevinNunes needs to get on CNN to counterpoint Adam Schiff
    • Going after Assange, I think we have to go after Awan brothers equally--this is a hanging offense: "Equal Protection Under the Law"

relelase the 650,000

Anyone in possesion needs to release this EVERYWHERE!!!


truth out

Has Webb spoken out about Trump appointing the Dyncorp CEO?

Old voat thread implicates him in a lot of shady shit.

In 2007, Feinberg told Cerberus shareholders, "If anyone at Cerberus has his picture in the paper and a picture of his apartment, we will do more than fire that person. We will kill him. The jail sentence will be worth it."

Trump said in his press conference yesterday that he doesnt need him

He appointed him yesterday?

Yea - that article came out before he spoke. I watched the conference and i heard it from his own mouth - he said Feinberg offered his help, but Trump said he wont be using him. Thats a victory, in my book

Yeah I think the media was trying to force feinberg in.

Fucking scary

Oh i hhhhhaaaaaa888te that. They keep pushing "Bernie hates Trump" misreadings of Bernie's words, too. Manipulative shits 💩💩💩

This-theyre using bernie as a weapon - the propaganda is relentless - the only way i see trump surviving (figuratively) and being successful is that he seriously has to break away and expose the CIA and deep state, and if there really are criminal politicians, he needs to expose them too. He needs to encourage a mass awakening so people can understand how they have been deceived - if he doesnt do those things, it will be an uphill battle the whole time and trump will still be considered a puppet

Anyway, the FBI said back in November the 650,000 emails were mainly duplicates of emails they already had. What does Webb think is in there?

Just like Hillary told us her server was only for yoga and wedding emails.

I don't think I've seen a single god damn yoga email this whole fucking time.