Reminder: We still have seen No evidence of Russia Hacking or Trump Collusion

366  2017-02-17 by callmebaiken

No one has proven Russia hacked the DNC. The FBI never even looked at the servers

It relied on the report by third party Crowdstrike, and the report put out by CrowdStrike has been debunked

as it didn't prove any Russian involvement. In addition CrowdStrike is run by a gentlemen who also sits on an Anti Russian Think Tank called the Atlantic Council and has contracts with Google and the FBI. Podesta gave away his password. Weiner was sexting a 15 year old. None of these had anything to do with Russians.

Meanwhile the "contacts" between Russians and Manafort were routine, he's done decades of business in Russia, same for Carter Page. The FBI looked at it all months ago and said there was nothing there.

Trump is even getting tough on Russia in policy. He's said they have to give back Crimea which they were shocked and upset by. He hasn't even lifted the hacking sanctions even though he knows like I know they didn't even hack. But after the Flynn fiasco he's got to be seen as tough, so this isn't even helping the Russians.

The whole thing is a sham. The Russians didn't hack. Trump isn't working for the Russians. The Steele Dossier is a fraud and people are suing over their names being included.

It's simply a conspiracy theory that started out as a an excuse to deflect from the fixing of the Dem Primaries to now being a way to undermine Trump. The entire thing rests on the CrowdStrike and the Steele Dossier.


"The forensic evidence that links network breaches to known groups is solid: used and reused tools, methods, infrastructure, even unique encryption keys. For example: in late March the attackers registered a domain with a typo—misdepatrment[.]com—to look suspiciously like the company hired by the DNC to manage its network, MIS Department. They then linked this deceptive domain to a long-known APT 28 so-called X-Tunnel command-and-control IP address, 45.32.129[.]185.

One of the strongest pieces of evidence linking GRU to the DNC hack is the equivalent of identical fingerprints found in two burglarized buildings: a reused command-and-control address—176.31.112[.]10—that was hard coded in a piece of malware found both in the German parliament as well as on the DNC’s servers.

Russian military intelligence was identified by the German domestic security agency BfV as the actor responsible for the Bundestag breach. The infrastructure behind the fake MIS Department domain was also linked to the Berlin intrusion through at least one other element, a shared SSL certificate." ( )

The evidence that state-directed Russian hacking is responsible for the DNC breach is, in other words, more than circumstantial.

An important part of the hack was a so-called 'spear-phishing' campaign that attempted to emulate legitimate websites to pilfer credentials and even maintain a persistent connection to a secure session:

"The short links in the spearphishing emails redirected victims to a TG-4127-controlled URL that spoofed a legitimate Google domain. A Base64-encoded string containing the victim's full email address is passed with this URL, prepopulating a fake Google login page displayed to the victim. If a victim enters their credentials, TG-4127 can establish a session with Google and access the victim's account. The threat actors may be able to keep this session alive and maintain persistent access."

The forensic evidence left by the hacks (C&C IP addresses, spoofed certificates, encryption codes) point to Russian sources due to similarities between these intrusions and previous ones in Germany, Georgia, Latvia and other confirmed breaches.

More sources:

Again, this has been out since July, including evidence that "Guccifer 2.0" is a smokescreen persona:

"ThreatConnect is the first to identify and detail analysis of Guccifer 2.0’s operational infrastructure. In our original hypothesis, we suspected Guccifer 2.0 might be leveraging French infrastructure to communicate with the global media, and we have validated this finding with the help of the media. As more details continue to surface surrounding Guccifer 2.0, we continue to identify heavy traces of Russian activity, from the specific Russian-based VPN service provider, domain registrants, and registrars as well as various discrete events that have circumstantial marks of Russian origins.

As we pointed out in our previous analysis, we conclude Guccifer 2.0 is an apparition created under a hasty Russian D&D campaign, which has clearly evolved into an Active Measures Campaign. Those who are operating under the Guccifer 2.0 Twitter, WordPress and Email communications are likely made up a cadre of non-technical politruk attempting to establish “Guccifer 2.0” as a static fixture on the world stage along the likes of Manning, Assange or Snowden. Their use of Russian VPN services with French infrastructure may shed light on a method Russian intelligence operatives use — domestic services coupled with foreign infrastructure — to help hide their hand and deter any potential attribution to Russia."

There is plenty of forensic evidence to parse through. Yes, sure, it's possible that DNC networks were compromised by APT28 / APT29 (Cozy Bear and Lazy Bear) and that the leak did originate from another, third (possibly internal?) source.

After all, it's a very bold and risky play to deliberately use cyberwarfare capabilities to leak internal documents in lieu of traditional espionage: it compromises quiet ongoing surveillance in favor of a ploy that may or may not work, and could even spectacularly backfire. But it's also compatible with an emboldened Russian foreign policy.

And certainly it's also possible that the leak had far more wide-ranging influences that anyone intended, and all the players are caught off guard here and just improvising. (In fact that's more likely: only in movies does the villain 'foresee' events 12 steps in advance).

And the evidence is more than circumstantial. Cozy Bear and Fancy Bear left significant fingerprints over the crime scene, from the command and control IP addresses, to the specific code and exploits used, to the Cyrillic settings on leaked documents; again, read the third-party security analyses for yourself. We don't have to just take someone's word for it, even though the American intelligence community is unanimous in its assessment here.

So: there is evidence; it's not a slam dunk, but pretty close; and there are many unanswered questions still.

I've been pointed to this write-up:

and this one, by the same author:

It's definitely not a slam dunk. In fact, it is best characterized as one investigator relying on other investigators in a big circle jerk of a self reinforcing echo chamber. The truth is all they have is some code that could have been used by anyone, some circumstantial tidbits that could just as easily be evidence of a frame job to throw off the scent, and a bunch of ip addresses that are tor nodes used by thousands of hackers. There is no proof in the sense that the term proof is usually used. There is even less proof of any connection between Russia and Trump. In short, it's bullshit. And we've been here before: Iraq WMD.

The Germans identified the c&c domain as gru years ago, it's not in dispute. Script kiddies are not using those ips.

This was a Russian government sponsored hack and everyone knows it.

Just keep saying it over and over

Is that the maximum level of discussion of your assertions you can muster?

He may have had a throw away line that many have interpreted that way, but he spent months adamantly denying anyone knew who hacked, which is my position. I don't want to dismiss your evidence. Where can I read more any the similarities to the German hack? I'm open to your info

So this is addressed in the word fence article I linked to

We refuse to agree.

Haha ok



If anyone can acquire please post the source of x-agent and seaduke.

So you can't provide evidence of the claim the malware used for attribution is available to anyone?

We googled it and found a website that makes this malware. You can find the site at this address:

PAS Website

You can enter a password that you will use to access your malware once it’s installed and then hit ‘download’ and a ZIP file downloads.

The ZIP contains a text file and the malware. The text file looks like this:

PAS malware text file

The website claims the malware is made in Ukraine and the date at the bottom has the Ukraine country code UA.

This malware is version 3.1.7 which is newer than the malware that the DHS indicator of compromise identifies

I said x-agent and seaduke, everyone knows PAS is a publicly available webshell. PAS isn't what caused attribution to those 2 groups, it's the unique malate that I mentioned.

"I think" is not the same from "I know"

Plus Tillerson said it was Russia

If such things were identified years ago, it's even less plausible that it's the russians.

"There is no way for your to change or mask your IP, checkmate"

The Germans identified the c&c domain as gru years ago

If that was true, then whoever used this definitely wanted us to think it was Russia (so probably not Russia).

I was on the fence about this until I read your explanation, now I know there's no possible way this was Russian state hackers.

You guys are acting like these people are seriously worried about getting caught. It worked before, worked again. Our government has been hit by state-sponsored cyber attacks multiple times, and we know most of the sources. Trump was finally convinced it was them, but he won't do anything about it. DNC just tried to make a bigger deal about this than people usually do, by the basis that the leaked info compromised our election (whether you believe it did or not).

It's not a slam dunk. But you said there's no evidence.

There is evidence, and you lied.

I think it could have been anyone. I haven't seen anything showing Trump was involved. But if I'm wrong you'll be the first one I apologize to.

Nothing indicates Trump was involved.

His connections with Russia in general are very strongly proven, and he has repeatedly lied about them.

However, there is nothing linking him to the hacks except his own stupid twitter account cheerleading them on.

Those connections are pretty weak considering he has real estate deals all over the world. I'm going to say that your entire comment is in line with the headline of this post.

Failed to parse, eh fam?

S'okay, reading's hard.

The point that Trump lied is more important than the degree of connections. For comparison; President Carter had to sell his family peanut farm and the Republican Congress ordered a full investigation of its finances anyway. That's the degree of honesty that was expected in the past.

You did lie about Russia Hacking in your headline. You can debate whether or not you believe the evidence, but you said "We have seen No evidence" and that's not true at all. I don't know why you lied, but it's simply not true.

I'd give you pass on Trump Collusion, because his encouragement was public rather than private. Public encouragement is technically collusion, but I'm not going to call you a liar on a technicality.

Just a quick note on the "Russia, if you're listening,I hope you can find the missing 33,000 emails"

A) that was a joke, turning the Russia accusations against him around on the accusers by drawing attention to her deleted incriminating emails. But still a joke.

B) her server has been offline for four years by then

Like I said, giving you a pass on it.

It could just as easily have been two teenagers in North Carolina

As soon as Trump saw the classified reports, he admitted that it was the Russians.

I think he was just crying uncle, but that was a mistake. We know what evidence was collected and what wasn't. We've seen the report that everything potentially classified would be based on, and it proves nothing

We've seen the report that everything potentially classified would be based on, and it proves nothing

This is an objectively false statement.

Why the fuck do you think you know what highly classified intelligence briefings contain in them?

Because no one settle had access to the server

what are you talking about? that literally makes no sense at all

No, it makes perfect sense. What you're saying doesn't make sense. You're saying a medical coroner could perform an autopsy without every seeing the body, or a cop could solve a burglary without ever examining the crime scene

holy shit, are you a troll? that is literally the opposite of what is happening.

the rock solid, irrefutable evidence is classified.

you and i will never see it.

all the people who HAVE seen it, agree that Russia is responsible.

is this too complicated for you to understand?

Are you a tool? There can't be any evidence not based on crowd strike. They're the only ones who looked at the server you idiot. I'm done here

So you are telling me that you are so stupid that you think someone couldn't be convicted of, let's say murder, if there isn't direct evidence that they did it on the body?

Like, if there is a video of them shooting someone, and they get caught with the gun, and there are multiple witnesses, you would just sit back and say "well if there is no evidence on the body, it's impossible to prove."

You need to learn about deductive reasoning, I think. Really pathetic that your thought process is this basic and naive.

I said there could be an autopsy done without looking at the body

The best evidence that it was Russia did not come from the server you dolt. It came from highly classified intelligence assets, aka spyware that have on russian machines.

Maybe it's all bullshit, I'll admit that. But every person who has seen those reports walks away saying, "yep it was the russians"

I haven't heard anyone make that argument in your first paragraph, but it's creative. As to the second paragraph, I don't trust the likes of McCain and Graham or Schumer and Pelosi. But I agree with this sentence

Maybe it's all bullshit

This has been discussed for a while, actually (they actually discuss on here how digital forensics isn't the only evidence needed, but it's rather a combination of that and other intelligence information)

It's true that we will likely not see the full evidence. But this information is probably what Trump was briefed on. And, as has been pointed out, he subsequently agreed that the Russians were behind it after this briefing.

I've seen no reporting on any "upstream" data that would prove the hacking. Instead, the 17 agencies have said publicly that they are relying the on the crowd strike report.

“CrowdStrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official said, adding they were confident Russia was behind the widespread hacks.

"pretty good" yeah...

Well not everyone uses Donald Trumpian adjectives to describe things lol. They're not advertising CrowdStrike. But it's one of the most reputable cybersecurity contractors there is.

I haven't seen anyone say they are solely relying on the forensic analysis, even though it is a good indicator. We factually know there is other classified information, which probably includes things like intercepted communications (mentioned by unidentified officials in the Reuters piece). This is pretty standard stuff for how they operate, and Trump was likely given this information which led to his conclusion that the Russians were behind the hacking.


Who pays you to post on reddit?

Who failed you as a parent and raised a human to be a paranoid and ignorant sheep?

The NSA does not need physical access to the server to investigate this hack actually.

Oh I see

Russian State hackers don't leave obvious clues, unless they are doing that on purpose.

What makes you say that? How do you know their habits?

McAfee has been involved in the industry for like 14 years... After he left McAfee in 1994 he was only an investor in companies and wasn't involved in the process, like when he invested in zone labs he only put money in. Since 2003, he has not done anything in the security industry.

Which experts did you cite in response?

Pretty much every security firm agrees it was Russia. Crowdstrike, Fire Eye, Mandiant, etc. Independent researchers such as Schneier and Grugq also agree.

I remember some controversy surrounding CrowdStrike in this very sub...

You mean how the DNC let that organization check on their servers but not the FBI?

Unfounded controversy in this sub, what a surprise.

I didn't make the claim.

Because I thought about what I would do if I was a Chinese hacker wanting to pin the blame for this on Russia for like 10 minutes.

But China doesn't really care about out elections and They would have benefited from a Hillary president.

You're missing the point. Pretend to be somebody else so that the evidentiary breadcrumbs don't lead back to you. Spoofing.

I'm sure the NSA has never heard of spoofing, thanks, you cracked the case.

Strawman much? Thanks ShareBlue

would have benefited from a Hillary president.

Russia would too - Hillary was extremely friendly with them in exchange for speaking fees laundered through a Canadian shell company.

Yes, if it was apparently Russian or Chinese hackers, it wasn't Russian or Chinese hackers.

They would be smart enough to use completely unique methods, if they're going to hack a party, and fuck with a woman who very well could have become president. The American military isn't something anyone wants to fuck with...and I have no doubt Hillary would have lashed in every direction if she had won. We would all be gearing up for the draft to go fight her war.

completely unique methods

Yes, let me invent a way to route to an IP address that doesn't involve the TCP/IP stack!

Lol, hat's so cute, sweetheart. You have no idea how security works.

I do, I've been a network security analyst for over 10 years. Very easy to say "unique methods" in order to try and "sound" right while not doing a single thing to substantiate what they could or should have done differently in order to not betray the evidence you accuse them of revealing on purpose.

Lol, GTFO of here kid!

I don't know why you are pretending like "state sponsored hacking" is somehow any more difficult to trace than regular hacking. We aren't talking about proprietary radio frequency control of surreptitiously embedded vulnerabilities in pieces of hardware. We are talking about regular-day hacking, so when you say "completely unique methods" not only is it clear you have no idea what the fuck you are talking, but that you are in total denial of this fact.

Are you serious? You claim to have expertise in internet security, and you think it's as simple as tracing an IP address?

No, hun. The way we do it in the real world is by determining the methods...because they don't fucking do it from the Kremlin, you tard. The issue is they don't stick to the same method of attack.

If you actually knew what the fuck you were talking about, you would know that, kid.

When did I say the only way anything could be done was trace IPs? The example I gave wasn't about tracing IPs, it was pointing out how fucking meaningless it is to say "completely unique methods" without any attribution as to what they may be in a system that is defined by an agreed-upon protocol.

As someone who is saying "they can do unique things that haven't been conceived of yet or are otherwise entirely unknown at large", it is your burden to establish such a thing to be a possibility and how that unique method would obfuscate detection. Otherwise you aren't actually saying anything, and I'm entirely justified in being incredulous at your suggestion. Which I did point out as being technically untrue to one extent or another, so feel free to actually engage in that instead of offering your pithy handwaving and unfounded assertions.

Yes, let me invent a way to route to an IP address that doesn't involve the TCP/IP stack!

Forget about that? Or are you pretending it didn't happen, now that you've been called out on how stupid it is?

Are you dense? That's not a comment about tracing IPs, that's a comment saying how are you going to connect to a TCP socket without using TCP????

Yeah, backtrack, crybaby. I'm done with you.

What the fuck?

Why is this the first time I've heard this? Is the command and control ip link as damning evidence as it sounds to a semi-layman?

Because to a non lay person it just proves that whoever did the hack wanted us to think it was Russia.

Not really, that sounds like something a lay person would say. Or do you think the people at Crowdstrike are laymen? What about Schneier? Most security firms and independent researchers agree with Crowdstrike for a reason.

You know that the DNC hired Crowdstrike to investigate these "Rusian hacks" right?

You know that crowdstrike is an extremely reputable and reliable security firm, right? Hiring them doesn't make them lie for you.

No but you can argue that they were compromised.

I guess, but you wouldn't have anything to support that argument.

I don't have evidence, but it's known that government and political groups hire contractors to conduct research that is favorable to their cause, we see this all the time in corporations, specially in pharma.

Ever seen it in computer security firms? Unlike big pharma these people would be blackballed from the industry.

Hm I don't see how is it different really these are all contracted private companies just so happen to be different in field.. but no i haven't seen in specifically in computer security, but I mask haven't investigated about this.

What Id want to see is their actual research papers, I'd they ever release them.

Crowdstrikes report is pretty good on it.

The NSA would probably never release it because it would expose their capabilities. But multiple ex NSA people have admitted that the agency would have all the evidence for positive attribution, including Snowden and Binney.

These are high-wage workers whose job security isn't contingent on elections. They're contracted for the depth and accuracy of their work, and not on their ability to make anyone look good. Like the other guy alluded to, they'd pretty much be blacklisted from the industry if anyone found out they're willing to lie for money or something. Saying "they're compromised" is an easy answer to anything, but doesn't really make sense here.

I don't think you understand the "evidence" you're linking to be honest.

A C&C adress that might have been used by earlier by somebody who might have spoken Russia is not evidence. And who rhe fuck hardcodes the C&C IP?

All the other shit you post doesn't even connect to Russia. You are fake and your post is fake.

You should stop fucking watching the news.

And who rhe fuck hardcodes the C&C IP?

Someone wanting to leave an obvious trail for inept intelligence agencies.

Pretty sure you'd use it to avoid using DNS. The more advanced way is domain name generation algorithms but this is still susceptible to low level forensics and it looks suspicious, it's main advantage for botnets is resiliency against c&c failure/takeover, which isn't a big deal if you're not worried about your c&c shitting on you.

good link thanks

The biggest flaw with this analysis is that it attributes various things (APT28 for example) to Russia without actually having proof that it was Russia.

It literally assumes that these high-tier Russian hackers wouldn't have known to use a different IP to do this. Wow. Marketers on Reddit know that if you use the same IP to spam stuff, you get caught by the spam filter. How would these guys not know this?

The rest of the analysis weighs heavily on this, which completely undermines it. Seriously, go through the links, there are loads of assumptions.

Furthermore, they're analysis is that they are "moderately confident", in the sense that this whole thing is plausible. I agree with that at least, a government hacking another government is definitely plausible. But moderate confidence isn't enough for me, and shouldn't be for anyone, especially after the CIA had "high confidence" that Iraq had WMDs.

It literally assumes that these high-tier Russian hackers wouldn't have known to use a different IP to do this.

This logic is like saying a high-tier assassin would have known to hide the murder weapon.

Maybe they should have known better, but it's not plausible for somebody else to have co-opted their C&C for the purpose of framing them for an attack that we know they wanted to do.

...but I can argue that, some of the analysts who looked said the same thing.

And what you described is absolutely plausible, Snowden said that he caught China doing just that when he worked for the NSA.

They didn't "get caught"

Some of their activities were connected to some of their other activities.

the American intelligence community is unanimous here

I keep hearing this narrative but have yet to see any official statement from any single one of the supposed 17 intelligence agencies.

But… but…. But it was on CNN.

CNN: Post by callmebaiken on Conspiracy sub on purports to show how Russia hacked the election and colluded with Trump. Reports

its all he posts on every sub

Good stuff

The shills have been so busy trying to frame Russia that they have blindly ignored the actual collusion with Israel. Way to go geniuses. You should go work for Trump instead of Brock, because out of your blind stupidity you are doing more to make a smokescreen for Trump than he would have ever been able to manage himself.

So the Russians are competent enough to pull off a "sophisticated" state sponsored hack...but just so happened to leave their fingerings all over it? Then use ip addresses known to be associated with them? Come on..

.but just so happened to leave their fingerings all over it? Then use ip addresses known to be associated with them? Come on..

exactly what I'm thinking. If they are at that level of sophistication, then its bullshit that they would leave traces. On the other hand, someone else doing it and making it look like it was Russia is more logical

First, it wasn't that sophisticated.

Second, the individuals responsible for the hack did not implicate themselves, they only revealed their long-term agenda.

They have a long history of attacking critics and economic rivals of the Russian government.

That doesn't prove the Russian government did it, but there are no other suspects who meet the profile.

First, it wasn't that sophisticated. Stuxnet (the US operation) was sophisticated. The DNC hacks are less sophisticated, but the difference is about what you'd expect from a country with Russia's resources.

Second, the individuals responsible for the hack did not implicate themselves, they only revealed their long-term agenda.

They have a long history of attacking critics and economic rivals of the Russian government.

That doesn't prove the Russian government did it, but there are no other suspects who meet the profile. Nobody with the resources to do that operation would have benefited from the false flag.

Everybody on Hillary's side would have benefited from the leaks not happening at all. Everybody on Trump's side would have benefited from it looking like an insider job.

The independent actors wouldn't have had the resources to pull off a false flag on that scale

That being said, there was more than one set of DNC leaks. I believe that Guccifer2.0 was an insider pretending to be a Russian disinfo operation, and that they used the Russian hacks as cover to get away with it.

That's why I used "sophisticated" in quotations. All signs point to leaks. Evidence of infiltration is just that.. infiltration.

Just like politicians are competent enough to get away with murdering children but just so happen to be figured out by a bunch of nobodies online?

You must forget how many people have Internet access in the world

just so happen to be figured out by a bunch of nobodies online?

Feel better about yourself?

I don't think he meant it as an insult. But I mean it's a bunch of anonymous people online who are nobody's. no professionals with skills and experience.

I like how your account was on hiatus for an entire year, then 4 days ago you come alive to shitpost on r/politics and r/conspiracy.

And yet we're the nobodies.

only downvotes with no response. People see what they want to see. I agree with you btw.

This is a tricky line of argument. On the one hand this thread is complaining about a lack of evidence. This becomes tautological if you take evidence for Russian involvement as the exact opposite on the assumption that if Russia did it there would be no evidence.

Yeah, just like how Podesta is competent enough to get away with running a child prostitution ring for decades, but incompetent enough to run it through a public pizza shop that caters to children.

Good podcast on the Flynn deep state hit:

The Flynn Fall and Trump's First Month.

Thanks for the reminder comrade.


We do have a lot of evidence of fake accounts promoting fake news and manipulating content on Reddit

I believe the entire Russian lie is nothing more than an attempt by the deep state and other bad actors to obfuscate the truth and change the narrative away from where its headed (to their exposure as traitors and child rapists).


Wow, 1984 type stuff. Sounds like it costs them money and resources every time an account is identified or suspected. They have to find new accounts that have credibility all over again. There are easy ways to find such users in this sub that stick out like a sore thumb based on their accounts.

All I've soo far is projecting on behalf of the lying press. We don't know what Flynn said to the Russians, for all we know they were talking about meat loaf recipes, but with the way the media is talking people expect the worse..

Actually we have pretty full reporting about what was said, assuming it's true: The ambassador asked about the hacking sanctions, Flynn said they'd be reviewing it once in office

that's weird, I didn't know I was on T_D..

I thought I was banned..

You should... go ahead and ... get yourself banned from here too.

So anything you disagree with belongs on the t_d? Fuck off nobody wants pussies like you on r/conspiracy

Can always tell a Trump supporter by their thoughtful and eloquent discourse.

many hacks

all russia: no

some russia: yes

wikileaks russian: no

Reminder: we still have seen no evidence of pizzagate.

Yeah but based on circumstances we must talk about it every single day and post about how it is a 100 percent fact already. This Russia stuff needs to not be talked about for.... "reasons"

It's funny how you can tell someone goes to r/politics just by the way they talk.

Either way its true

The one strange thing i find about a lot of the pizzagaters is this belief that Trump will be the one to save us from all the high level pedophiles. The same Trump who said he knew the pedophile Epstein for 15 years and called him a "terrific guy" in 2002, the same Trump who is named in Epsteins black book, the same Trump who just picked Alexander Acosta for labor secretary.

Acosta was the guy who oversaw the sweet deal that Epstein got in secret which Acosta allowed to happen. So Trumps pick for labor secretary is a guy who helped protect a fucking pedophile and gave a big fuck you to the victims. Also why is hilary still free? Anyways to think Trump will be catching high level pedophiles is a joke because he is most likely implicated in such crimes too given his connections and previous comments.

The evidence that John podesta is a pedophile is more compelling than Russia hacking the election

The evidence that John podesta is a pedophile

Stop, youre going against his precious narrative!

So three different people associated with the campaign all resigned over nothing?

who are you referring to?

Manafort, Page, Flynn.

Ah. Well my understanding is that Manafort was let go due to a campaign shake up, which clearly was a good move. Page doesn't appear to have played much of a role in the campaign, in fact he's never met Trump. Flynn has been covered to death but here's my take: The Russians were being sanctioned for having that they didn't even do. Flynn told them to sit tight but he was vague surely understanding the sensitivity of the subject. Even though he was vague and really didn't cross any lines, he lied to Pence the media and the fbi because he didn't want to admit to even being vague. Trump found out and didn't have a problem Smith what he did or his fudging the truth. But once it became a media shitstorm he canned him just to move on. No one looks good but nothing happened that was really unethical. The sanctions are baloney and should be removed.

The sanctions are baloney and should be removed.

The sanctions were put in place because Russia invaded their neighbor Ukraine. Tanks and soldiers marched across the border for vacation to take other people's shit.

Ukraine, was in dire financial straits, and it's only gotten worse since the invasion. Prior to the Maiden Revolution, Ukraine had been petitioning for EU membership. Access to the EU would've granted membership to a way more robust and successful economy than the shitshow Russia can offer within their own trading block.

Russia (Putin), said fuck that, and sent his troops to have a holiday seize the region of Crimea. Crimea is also the home of Russia's only port in the Black Sea, in Syria.

What's your beef with the sanctions? Should the invasions of sovereign nations be rewarded or punished? Do you want to play with someone that steals, lies and murders? I don't see the benefit of oustrizing the rest of the world and partnering up with a authoritarian nation whose only valuable export/resource is gas. We have a "friend" like that already and Saudi Arabia sucks.

We don't need more shitty friends. Especially not ones like Putin, that guy poisons way too many fucking people.

I was referring to the December sanctions related to the hacking. But while we're on the subject of Ukraine, that was a shady operation as well:

Not saying Putin is Mr Rogers, but he's on the hit list clearly

The author of that article is a long-time Russian-Putin apologist whose been described as a sensationalist argument starter.

Yes. Opening Ukraine to the EU weakens Russia's trade, military and political standing....But...How does Russia's advancement help anyone besides Putin and his cronies?

Under Putin, Russia has become more authoritarian, more dangerous for the press and much more aggressive. He nationalized multiple productive industries and now holds more wealth personally than many nations.

Putin has also been funding many of the nationalist movements throughout the western world. Rampant nationalist movements are responsible for many of the worst atrocities of hr last 100 years. The prevailing strategy of all of these backed movements is hatred of the other and strongarm tactics.

But...None of this is new information. Putin has been ruling Russia for nearly 20 years, and for 20 years he's been poisoning, jailing and straight up robbing his opposition. Shit. That's the kind of man you want standing with you?

From a realpolitik perspective, they're only value is as an energy producing state with militaristic tendencies. The former is good, but gas is a finite resource and the use of it as an energy source is detrimental to our environment. The latter is terrible for both business and general life. War can be profitable for a few, but tends to beggar the majority.

The point of this post is to deny collusion between my man Trump and Putin, not to defend and stand with him. The point is, we haven't seen evidence that proves he hacked anything nor that he's got a backroom deal with Trump. I completely agree that he's a mafia don. No one could argue with that. I don't want anything to do with him. Just tried of this phoney conspiracy theory being used to tarnish the populist uprising here and around the world. It's so silly I think Trump just laughed it off, but it's getting dangerous now and those on his side need to start debunking it aggressively

Well, since we stand at odds, I'm not sure I care what you think the purpose of your post is.

This is propaganda, poorly made propaganda at that.

Once Trump's actual finances are revealed and the depths of the corruption shown everyone is going to wonder why they wasted so much on pizza related bullshit.

Your man, is a traitor, he stands ready to sell everything to the highest bidder and those that stand with him, whether it be due to being gormless zombies, racist hatemongers or just general stand grade idiots...You're at fault for enabling him lunacy, but it's not too late to take a step back from the edge.

There's a literally, actual conspiracy unfolding before us and most T_Ds are still wetting their pants over librul tears. Three different people involved with Trump resigned in the last year and all had contact with Russians.

More disappointing, even users of this sub have been too focused on...Pizza? And Clinton's emails? I read everything there was on it, and it's all a bunch of unsubstantiated bullshit. Hell, Trump is literally doing even more unethical record keeping now, but there's still more of her email bullshit on conspiracy frontpage.

There are good things that come can of this though. It'll just take a good bit of work.

Guess we'll see

Well nothing that we know of which is actually ridiculous because these are the people who directly control major aspects of our lives... If you then take that and look at what's blowing up right now, I'd say that's probably our answer.

And state propaganda is legal

Firstly - I agree with you, I think this is largely a distraction, but not in the way you might think. Has it ever occurred to you that Trump "getting tough on Russia" is just a ploy to look like he is playing the part? I mean there are clear and undeniable links between Russia and the Trump administration.

Here's a very easy one: Rosneft & Tillerson Cui Bono? It doesn't take much of a leap to see what's happening here.

So lets assume Russia make a bold move regarding the Ukraine (it's actually happening right now). Do you think that NATO will take action? Military action? The same alliance that Trump decried during his campaign basically being none of America's business. He's not necessarily wrong, nobody wants war, it's bad for business for a start.

I'm extremely surpirsed that you could be so trusting, geopolitics is a shady game, nothing is what it seems and the media can't be trusted, you know this. There is only ONE guiding principal follow the money

The Russia and Trump colluding is a legitimate conspiracy theory, just for the reasons you outlined. But doesn't it make you suspicious that the MSM is pushing it? When have they ever been interested in exposing conspiracies? I'm open to believing as soon as I see real evidence

I guess is that it's being pushed for a number of reasons,

  1. It makes great news.
  2. There are a lot of powerful people out there who don't like the status quo.
  3. Legitimate criticism of what appears to be a 2-dimensional reality TV version of a Presidency.

Trumps biggest mistake by far has been the destruction of his relationship with the media. There WILL be criticism, no government in the world (save North Korea!) gets away without being asked tough questions, scrutinized, and judged by the media, sometimes this can be unfair and legitimately untrue! But breaking that relationship in the way he has means that he has made enemies that have far more power over public opinion that he could ever hope to have. A fatal misstep in my opinion.

I don't think the media ever operated on good faith. They attacked him right off the bat with everything they could find because he threatens the status quo. It's the same argument with "he shouldn't have picked a fight with the Intel Community" when they attacked him first with the fake Russia stuff and he only defended himself fiercely

Is it just me that thinks if anybody were to hack and swing an election it would be China?

Why would they? Trump was an incompetent crazy person, who badmouthed China constantly -Bad for China, and Clinton was a proponent of (even though she lied and said she wasn't) the TPP -Also Bad for China

According to his Chief of Staff Trump himself accepts that Russians were behind the hacks.

Reince Priebus, Donald Trump’s incoming chief of staff, said Sunday that he thinks the president-elect “accepts the findings” of the recently released U.S. intelligence report that ties Russian President Vladimir Putin to meddling in the 2016 White House race.

“I think he accepts the finding,” Priebus said. “He’s not denying entities in Russia are behind these particular hackings.”

Even taking the hacks as unproven, the behaviour and statements from Trump and his cabinet regarding Russia easily warrant investigation.

To me claiming Russia colluded with Trump is as credible as the pizzagate: if the mainstream media puts so much credibility in these Russian hacking claims, they have no right to label pizza gate as 'fake news'. People who believe in pizzagate never claimed that the pedo rings are 100% real, but only asked for the mainstream media to take the circumstantial evidence more seriously and carry out more serious investigations on the matter, but what did we get? We got laughter, harassment and even embarrassment, dismissing all potentially important evidence that could unearth the biggest yet most serious scandals to date. Since pizza gate, to me the mainstream media has gone haywire, working in unison yet in chaos to bring the mass population to blindness.

I have a new theory on this:

A cyber security company found evidence of Russian and Ukrainian botnets promoting Trump memes. This is the primary evidence cited by the Obama admin that Russia hacked the election.

We've since found out Trump was using Cambridge Analytica, a machine learning marketing automation system to persuade people to vote for Trump. Including suppressing targeting and surprising Clinton voters into not voting. Google Cambridge Analytica, and read the trumps1stmember AMA.

Meanwhile hacking groups were using their botnets to spread Trump memes on Twitter. It's possible they either did this to prevent Clinton from taking office, or they were paid by the Trump campaign to amplify their memes. Either way, the Russians were just hacker botnets. Not actual people necessarily and there's two logical explanations for why these botnets were promoting Trump that have nothing to do with the Russian government.

Since before I was born, Russia (and the now former Soviet Union), has been the United States' mortal enemy. Even today, there are Soviet era nuclear missiles targeted at every major city and production center in the US and Europe. The cold war never ended, it simply morphed into a capitalist detente.

As the US flexed its muscle throughout the world, the Russians have been working against us, by forming partnerships with our enemies abroad, ie. Syria, Iran, etc. We are still fundamentally opposed to one another politically. Russia is a de facto dictatorship under Putin, and we're supposed to be a Democracy.

In any other era, any candidate that refuses to denounce Russia, stood no chance of getting votes. Yet somehow Trump has gotten a pass from the very people that a decade ago would have called for his head. From the rural rust belt voters to the Republican controlled Congress, somehow, now accept the reality of our Commander in Chief having direct ties to Russia. This is the real "sham" here. That Patriotic Americans have been somehow convinced that this is ok under the Trump administration.

In my humble opinion, anyone that does not see this whole debacle as a direct threat to our sovereignty, is just as guilty of treason as the perpetrators of this attack on our Democracy. At the very least, we need an independent investigation, free from any interference by the Trump administration.

This isn't about left or right, liberal or conservative, this is about the United States of America. In case you haven't noticed, we're in a lot of trouble right now, and we need to find a way to get to the truth. Not by screaming "Fake News" and tweeting "the Press is the enemy of the American People". We know who our enemies are, and Russia is Number 1 on that list. If Putin gave Trump any assistance in gaining power, we are no longer a sovereign nation, we're a Vassal State to Russia.

No, it makes perfect sense. What you're saying doesn't make sense. You're saying a medical coroner could perform an autopsy without every seeing the body, or a cop could solve a burglary without ever examining the crime scene

I said there could be an autopsy done without looking at the body

Who pays you to post on reddit?

"There is no way for your to change or mask your IP, checkmate"

Why would they? Trump was an incompetent crazy person, who badmouthed China constantly -Bad for China, and Clinton was a proponent of (even though she lied and said she wasn't) the TPP -Also Bad for China

Guess we'll see

That's why I used "sophisticated" in quotations. All signs point to leaks. Evidence of infiltration is just that.. infiltration.