Julian Assange: "We're going to fuck them all... crack the world open and let it flower into something new. WikiLeaks may become the most powerful intelligence agency on earth, an intelligence agency of the people."

3934  2017-02-17 by okokok7654

If you haven't seen We Steal Secrets yet, it's definitely worth watching. Whistleblowers are heroes of the people and the enemy of governments.

Edit: I think I should have clarified by saying that this quote is from We Steal Secrets which came out in 2013. This isn't a new Assange statement so don't be disappointed if they don't drop anything... but if I remember correctly Feb 19 might be the day we get the info on Vault 7... not getting my hopes up but that would be prettttty sweet.


When does he plan on doing that?

when he's sold enough merch

As soon as it's too late.

I want to say when Vault 7 drops, but I've been hurt before.

Well get to fucking them all Assange, we been waiting

Don't hold your breath.

Aye. I'm a big fan of wikileaks/Assange but I get the feeling he's liking the attention and wants to be at the centre of it all...

Also, he withholds info. I'd just like if for someone. ANYONE at this point gives us the whole truth as hurtful as it is, instead of the edited version they want us to see.

He actually said they never sit on information. Stop spreading lies and fake news.

Setting deadlines then dropping disappointing info which lacks the gravity that was built up for it. Withholding info as deadman security switch under encrypted key.

Really, those are CLEAR ways of withholding info. They don't need the build up spanning weeks of hint drops. Their audience is large enough to where they can drop info and get it trending and spreading IMMEDIATELY.

deadman switch is insurance against assassination

Slow drip leaks are better than a ton of files all at once

He's in a room with nowhere to run. Like that is literally his position.

So he can do one of two things:

Call up Trump and say this info will lock away bad people let's work something out, which looks like he's fucked either way.

Or he releases the info and let's people know the truth about who is after him and why.

Like how long can you hold that granade cooking before either no one cares or it is too late to put anyone away for it.

Call up Trump and say this info will lock away bad people let's work something out, which looks like he's fucked either way.

How is he going to do that without NSA listening in? See the problem

Like how long can you hold that granade cooking before either no one cares or it is too late to put anyone away for it.

Its a game of strategy. For example he leaked DNC stuff slow to ruin Hillary cause if she won it would have been another vicious globalist puppet screwing the country. And now, there are other factors going on: deepstate/mossad/Saudi's/MSM Propagnada/PedoGate and all sorts of stuff, he has to pick his releases wisely

I hate HRC with a passion. She is a criminal and a liar and possibly a murderer, who has no convictions (moral nor legal[unfortunately]). She is as greedy and corrupt as any of them. And yet....and I can't believe I'm saying this... I would feel so much safer with that lying cunt as our President. Not even a month in, and this administration has proven its utter incompetence beyond all expectations.

Can't say it ain't waking up Americans.

He has only had a month in office. Regardless of who won the election, If you didn't expect things to get worse before they get better, you are incredibly naive.

He has only had a month in office

My point exactly...

Hillary might be shady as fuck, but she can comport herself in the manner befitting the POTUS. Instead, we get twitter rants, a white supremacist as an adviser, along with a cabinet full of so much conflicted interests its gone way beyond irony. He tweets like a petulant child, willing to be drawn into the most childish disagreements. He still has the Spice Worm arguing that his inauguration crown "was like, wayyyyy bigger than anyone elses. Also Hillary rigged the election."

Political viewpoints aside, what we've seen of trump thusfar are not the actions of someone who has a clean bill of mental health. Listen, I was admitedly happy when I heard he won, hoping against hope that he would drop his ' campaign persona' and do a great job running the country. It became immediately apparent however, that what many mistook for a persona was, in reality how he is. He clearly suffers from Narcissistic PD. He became addicted to holding his rallies and hearing people cheering his name. In fact, he's holding another one in the upcoming week! I wish it were different man, I really do, but he is so far out of his depth, and it's becoming increasingly more obvious.

This doesn't even touch upon Russia, Flynn, lies lies and more lies, as well as the debacle at the airports, trying to deny entry to people with greencards. But according to God Emperor Cheeto II, it was flawless. A well oiled machine.... And the SCARIEST PART, anyone who says otherwise is spreading 'FAKE NEWS' trying to make him look bad. All those polls about 55% of the country strongly disapproving of his actions thus far? FAKE NEWS. I honestly believe that's the only way his fragile ego can remain intact.

Hey I did some tweak the other day too! Are we besties now?

Drip drip drip

Hey, just because you think arming Saddam Hussein, and Osama bin Laden in the '80s is no big deal does not mean that the information is disappointing.

But we already knew that. Anyone who actually cares about this stuff already was spreading that information.

We didnt know the US is arming ISIS. What if you knew in real time that bin Laden was attacking US citizens and planning attacks in the US while we were arming the Mujahideen? That is far from underwhelming. If Trump did it he would be drawn and quartered already.

ISIS is a branch of Al Qaeda


Reagan armed them. We have been arming them. We've been arming "Guerrilla" groups and Cartels in the Americas for many decades. Anyone that doesn't see the US fingerprints in stuff like this without wikileaks doesn't care enough want something to change.

Youre right its absolutely nothing. No biggie. Thanks for pointing that out. ISIS is just an arm of the US military and even though they kill US citizens. Not a problem and literally everyone knows this is happening. And everyone approves. Youre right.

If people cared they would be working together to stoo this. Electing one guy and posting haahtags don't change the situation we are in. Getting involved is the only way to stop it. Idk why you're getting an attitude about this. People don't care. Go talk to people about this, they'll go, "Oh, ok cool" and go on about their day.

So why would you normalize it yourself?

You are DENSE...

I am not normalizing it. It just doesn't surprise me.

Ok, but if anyone needs a dead mans switch it's him/Wikileaks. In fact, I would say it would be impossible to pull off what they have without one. It is a pragmatic use of withholding info, nothing sinister about it.

I understand that 100%.

I guess my personal feelings of putting everything out there and letting the truth be know get in the way of backing that type of action. Not that I'm condemning him for it. I'm just whining cus I want to know.

Ya, now that I can relate to. I bet it's fucking juicy haha.

That's controlling it's dissemination not with-holding info. Granted he's got an agenda but the only "disappointing" one he did was one shameless self promotion. He releases it all eventually. He is human plus he's been on de facto house arrest for 4 years. He needs all the leverage he can get.

Because the truths arent all of the insane shit that yall have cooked up in your heads, and a way for him tonstay relevant. Thats the truth.

I don't subscribe to the crazy theories. I think I have a pretty sensible approach to how the world works and the USA's "influence" on the rest of the world.

I think he said he does withhold if people's lives are in danger.

What about all the kid's that are being eaten and disssolved in acid? People's lives are in danger? Bullshit. People are already DYING. Every single day. Drop the information. He scrubs it bone clean, then releases it like he has done some great service to humanity. Meanwhile, he is probably sitting on the most important information of the last 2 thousand years.


Let's roll. Release the goods. Stop trying to be a celebrity. If you actually cared about disseminating information, you would probably, oh I don't know, do more DISSEMINATING INFORMATION.

this right fucking here.

although, he probably knows that he'll be taken out as soon as certain shit is dropped.

this right fucking here.

If he drops everything, he will have no protection, wikileaks will be swiftly dealt with, and you'll have no more truths, all because you got greedy and gobbled up all the truth before supper

He probably has to wait until he has new information damaging enough to still protect him if he releases the other information. A game of counterbalance if you will.

If that's true then he either dies a hero or live long and becomes (part of the problem of deception and secrecy).

Whoaaa what is this about kids being eaten and dissolved in acid!!!?! Link please! Holy shit.


I have to imagine he has a VERY tough job. He can't just release information without verifying it, or his credibility is ruined. Trying to verify secret information with a limited amount of trusted individuals, while remaining secret has to be ridiculously tough. I'm sure that I don't have the patience and tenacity to do that.

Right? I mean imagine how much disinformation must get "leaked" to him to try to ruin him. If he just released every leak without verification he'd release some bullshit then what would he be? Reddit. Plus something's have got to be hard as fuck to verify at all. I have some completely confidential super secret leaked info that next to no one knows about who is going to say it is or isn't true?

Let's define celebrity... wasted universal energy slurped into a selfish ego, this is how black holes are created.

What if the soul is the impact of your life on those around you, your family and kids, and it's the distance in time by which that impact or influence shall perpetuate

not true, because if that was the case, he wouldn't have an Insurance File sitting armed on his dead man's switch.

What do you think the insurance file is....

Then where's the Trump info he said months ago that they had? They sit in information all the time, to suit their needs.

What's in the insurance files then? And why were the Podesta emails released in groups, rather than all at once?

He also said he hasn't raped anyone.

That's exactly what that huge insurance file is. Him sitting on a huge drove of data.

True he just doesn't want to die so I'll give him a pass on that one.

Humans seem to be incapable of dealing with inconvenient truths.

This is the best comment here. Seems people can't bite big bites of truth. Real truth is not a priority among general population of USA. Unsure if any country is.

There is no God. Authority is an illusion. Governments exist to make money off the people and keep them from uprising. Money is an illusion, a trick played on us all. Some agency, somewhere, has records of everything you've ever done or said on the phone or online. This is the only life we have, and we let soulless old rich men set policies that effect us but not them. The police exist as the strong arm of the government. The water we drink has unnatural additives that mess with out brain chemistry, much like our food. We have been conditioned to think we are in competition with one another, but the elites have long known that when the people work together and take care of each other, we have no need for their version of authority. The wars that we fight in are really about population control, money, and resources.

What did I miss?

When you die you don't go to heaven and you don't go to hell and you don't go anywhere because you're fucking dead.

We have "souls" as in we have sentience, but we don't have souls that exist separate from our physical bodies. So your soul doesn't go anywhere at death. It just doesn't exist anymore.

Oh, and there is no purpose to existence. It's just one of those things that happens.

I disagree

So does Sartre.

Uncle Tito? It's me twister

Fair enough. That's the beautiful thing about humans; that we can disagree and (ideally) not have anything bad happen as a result.

You just stated a bunch of things as facts, but you have no way of proving any of them. You're confusing beliefs for facts.

There is no difference in the two.

Especially when your eyes aren't real.

If it's all a simulation, where's my fucking milkshake?

Yeah I look nothing like my residual self image. Where is my black trenchcoat, cargo pants, and Oakley's? How much do clothes cost in The Matrix?

one bent spoon.

Today is my lucky day because I have plenty of those. Finally my debilitating dependence on shooting hero-...I mean...shooting pool pays off.

I'm not confusing anything. I'm stating my opinion, which a controversial one.

There are people who claim that soul do exist. Do you go and tell them that they're stating opinions as facts that they have no way of knowing? I doubt it.

It's obvious that you were implying that what you were stating was fact based on the context of the comment chain that you were responding to. If you had stated, as a matter of fact, that humans have eternal souls, I would have had the same reaction.

The comment chain I was responding to stated that God isn't real.

You didn't react to that charleybucket. Why not?

Souls should theoretically have energy, no? Since energy can never be created, nor destroyed, it doesn't make sense that your soul would disappear upon death.

Energy can be transformed though. If 100% of the soul's energy is converted into heat, then the soul has effectively been erased.

There is absolutely no substantial proof that says there is or is not a soul or afterlife. Hell we don't even know if we are the only life in our own solar system, and our oceans remain vastly unexplored. Our depth of human knowledge is so small we may never answer questions like these.

Of course there isn't.

But you know what?

Religions and ideologies that claim things such as the existence of souls were created by charlatans who didn't believe their own bullshit and sold it to everyone else who eagerly bought it because it justified their existence. It gave them meaning and saved them from nihilism.

So for the sake of pragmatism- is it better to believe in such things, or not?

Well the people the people who don't believe- the nihilists- are the ones running the world. The people who do believe are their pets. And there IS PLENTY of evidence to support that.

It's like gravity. You do realize that gravity is just a theory? We can't prove gravity does or doesn't exist, at least not at this point. But the functionally practical thing based on all evidence we do have is to work as though gravity does indeed exist.

We can't prove souls do or don't exist but what we can do is look at the people claiming to have proof to know that they exist and we can look at the evidence they. As you said, there is no evidence they do. And there is evidence that they people who want to claim they exist are charlatans.

With this knowledge it's more pragmatic to go through life as if it's the only one you'll ever have. Waiting for a better existence after life is exactly what keeps people from making the biggest impact they can in this one.

gravity is just a theory

Many, many things wrong with what you just said.

First and foremost, "Theory" in scientific contexts does not mean "hypothesis" like it does in layman usage. A scientific theory is a rigorous model which aligns with experimental observations and makes accurate predictions. Nothing in science gets the label "Theory of X" without a mountain of supporting data.

Furthermore, you're not even right in saying gravity is "just a theory". Gravity is a natural law. We directly observe the effects of gravity literally everywhere we look in the universe, from things falling out of our hands to the movements of heavenly bodies. We have even correctly predicted that gravity affects the path of a beam of light, and a wealth of observation backs that prediction.

What is a theory - and not "just" a theory, mind you - is the Theory of Gravitation, which is our explanatory model for how gravity works. So far we have not been able to disprove this model. There is still the matter of directly observing a force mediator for gravity, as all other known fundamental forces are mediated by some particle, but the current model is backed by so much experimental data that it is highly unlikely that it will ever be overturned, only modified. Even still, the finite probability that the model may be overturned by some radical observation doesn't change the fact that the phenomenon of gravity itself is a natural law, not a theory.

In closing, read a book.

First of all, I know what a theory is. Calm your tits.

Secondly what I was actually referring to was the general theory of relativity, which is how we describe gravity.

Finally, you're missing the point entirely because you're stuck up your own ass.

In closing, grow up.

First of all, I know what a theory is. Calm your tits.

You literally don't. You're trying to claim gravity is a theory. It isn't. It's a natural law.

Secondly what I was actually referring to was the general theory of relativity, which is how we describe gravity.

This has to be the single biggest bullshit backpedal I have ever seen on this site. "Uhhhh clearly I was talking about this tying I never mentioned nor alluded to that can not in any way be inferred from the text of my post!"

In any case, GR is so well-supported that even if that's what you meant (it wasn't), you'd still be wrong in the argument "it's just a theory! We can't know!" because its predicated upon a complete misunderstanding of what a theory is in scientific contexts.

Thirdly, you're missing the point entirely because you're stuck up your own ass. You're missing the forest for a tree.

Speak for yourself, friendo.

In closing, grow up.

Again, speak for yourself.

How would you know you don't go anywhere after death?

You give out knowledge so much credit it doesn't deserve.

The comment I responded to stated there is no god.

Tell me why that comment was is positive while the comment I made which essentially insinuated the man is insignificant is negative.

The water we drink has unnatural additives that mess with out brain chemistry, much like our food.

Would like some fact based source on this that doesn't include some 17 year old girl on Youtube talking about the pineal gland being the "third eye".

Otherwise, spot on m8.

I have the same bitterish-skepticism as you do on the third eye bs my friend.


But there are plenty of fact based sources on the effects of fluoride on the brain.

Who is in competition?

Are you talking about people who better their existence by exerting great mental and physical effort to provide a good or service to society the expression of such effort comes in the form of a universal commodity that is then used to reward other people for their great mental and physical effort for their contribution to society?

The poor conspire to become rich. The uneducated are conditioned to worship the better offs. The addicted believe that they are worthless because they believed that they could be saved with substance. You only missed the disenfranchised who have been given the means to destroy their lives without anyone to blame but themselves when really it was an outside force shaping their lives.

The point.

Missed a big one: The true shape of the plane-t. Sounds fucking ridic but all you need to do is just a little research with an open mind. Forget the indoctrination, the mind control since birth. Globes are pushed on us even before we can read. Symbols are power and we are run by occultist who know this. I offer one proof and it should be enough evidence for YOU to do your own research. No matter how high you go on the plane, the horizon always stays flat and stays at eye level. This is it. This is the only evidence anyone should need. This is an impossibility on a sphere. If we believe the ancients had higher technology and a better understanding of our world then why not believe them on this? Egyptians, mayans, they all knew it. Before you call me retarded, stupid, imbecile, look for yourself. Search weather balloon flights on YouTube. Make sure that they are not using a fish eye lenses. Even if they do use a fish eye, the horizon with flex. It will go from concave, to flat, to convex and back again. This is only possible with a straight line. I never thought I'd say this publicly, but search it for yourself if you think I'm wrong. And again, remember that the globe symbol goes deep in you. All the way back to birth. Keep an eye out and check out how often you see it. It is pushed on us from everywhere.

Also, there is a lot of misinformation out there to keep you off track. The flat earth society is just that. You find one piece that doesn't fit or isn't right and you say, see! This is bullshit! And you go back to your old way of thinking. This is a psy-op on a massive scale. Yes there are holes, no I have no clue what the model of our world really looks like. But I do know what I've researched. Operation high jump, operation fishbowl, Antarctica being off limits, multiple countries (including US & Russia) signing a treaty to keep Antarctica off limits during the Cold War, Russia & the US sending nuclear warheads straight up for something like 5 years.

Good place to start: https://www.youtube.com/shared?ci=urRRX06I0Fo

You do realise the cruising altitude of a passenger airliner is about 40000 feet and the circumference of the earth is 40000 kms right? There are 3280 feet in a kilometre. So when you're 40000 feet up in a passenger jet you are 1/3280th of the earth's circumference above sea level. What are you expecting to see big picture wise?

I'm not talking about passenger airliners. Look at high altitude weather balloons. There are videos on YouTube where they get up to 121k feet. By simple geometry that should be enough height to see the curve. There isn't one. It's perfectly straight. Or, if you do see a curve it'll flex. Going from concave, to straight, to convex and back and forth. The only way that is possible is with a straight line. In fact, if you take the high altitude Red Bull jump video and compare it side by side with a weather balloon video at the same altitude you can clearly see manipulation. Fish eye lenses work wonders for creating curves

It is pushed on us from everywhere.

My question.... why?

Why would "they" work so diligently and tirelessly to keep the entirety of humanity convinced that the world is round? What purpose would it serve?

I'm not trying to take a dig on you here, I'm genuinely curious why you think "they" would focus their attention on something that seems like such a mundane, unimportant thing.

Who cares if the earth is round or flat? What would be the danger in the population realizing the earth is flat (if it actually were)? Or, perhaps a better question... what would be the benefit of convincing everyone that the earth is round?

More on religion is needed, and more mention of how they keep us divided but overall an excellent synopsis. Well done!

This. Also, people seems to incapable handling big lies too. This was the main reason for Goebbels' success in Hitler's Germany. They theorized people will easily detect a common lie but when you lie to people on a scale they cannot think of, they can be fooled.

The Overton Window

I refuse to believe that

Seriously, anyone who thinks humans can't adapt has been asleep the past few decades.

I adapted alcoholism because of it, does that count?

Only if you think it does, and even then only as a mainstream transitional bandaid that just happens to be highly addictive.

Al Gore did make a documentary about it. Nobody seems to have gotten the message and there are plenty who vehemently deny it.

/only slight sarcasm

Well he did say I'd be living underwater right now, and I'm not. So it's less of an 'inconvenient truth' than a 'money-making lie'.

climate change is real. The people saying it will murder our babies in 5 years are wrong.

No one I know denies climate change. They agree with you, to a person.

But Gore didn't help the cause at all with his specious data.

they deal with whatever truth is forced upon them.

Now more than ever we are extremely divided and entrenched in our views. No amount of empirical evidence could change the minds of these people.

It will all be dismissed as fake news. The small percentage that knows it true will still find a way to spin it and blame on others. The more proof you provided them with the stronger the or belief gets.

This is all essentially what you said I just wanted to add a little

The Donald comes to mind. What a fucked up biproduct of society. Hopfully they do the right thing and volunteer for the war trump will inevitably start, before a civil war breaks out

This. They stopped the Podesta emails after deciding the "thrill" wasn't as much after a few weeks.

Probably because they will add context to the leaked emails which would make them look a lot less suspicious with all the contextm

Too busy selling crappy anti-hillary tee shirts.

Did they, though? Or was Assange snatch-and-grabbed out of the embassy, and a massive DDoD attack then happened to kill the dead mans switch.

Dead man's trigger?

Name one thing he's withheld. One.

He wants attention to the leaks, not himself.
All you fuckers saying he's about money or fame are being willfully ignorant or blatantly misleading.

Okay then why doesn't he release everything?

Or anything?

Wtf are you talking about, he's released a ton of shit over the last year

I haven't seen anything substantive since the POL debacle. Maybe I have been relying on Reddit too much for this info. I know he's done interviews and whatnot, but that's not releasing info.

That doesn't bother me. Julian Assange promotion to celebrity status through the alternate media, and the increased attention that he receives as a result = increased public awareness of Wikileaks = increased knowledge of the information leakages published on Wikileaks = a more red-pilled voting population.

And is now controlled by the Russians.

Power corrupts

I think you are confussing Assange with Alex Jones lol.

Do you like any politicians or public figures? Don't those public figures, who you like, enjoy being "at the centre of it all"?

Why should Assange be the only Saintly public figure who doesn't enjoy being "at the centre of it all"??

This is the most basic form of character assassination.

After all the teases during the primaries with nothing but vapor. Im inclined to agree.

These two comments sums up reddit quite well.

"I've been waiting on someone else to do it since I don't have what it takes"

"Don't expect it to happen because nothing happens, I'm going to be a negative influence somewhere else now"

So by your logic I can never be critical of Obama or Trump or any other politician, because at least they're trying to run the country while I am not.

Yeah that makes perfect sense.

Yeah, actually. I mean you can try to be critical. But it doesn't mean shit.

"Don't hold your breath".

Maybe you'd like to take on the powerful people and the powerful countries that Assange has taken on?

If you had Assange's pressures for 5 minutes, you'd fold your cards and run home to mama.

Fine. But it still doesn't change the fact that he's being a bit of a huckster now. Sorry if that offends you.

I guess Julian likes foreplay... alot

"Them all" will not include Russia.

And not some girl in Sweden

By all does he mean all the western powers and members ofNato

By all he means people he has an agenda against, except for Putin, obviously.

Putin, China, South American, Middle Eastern, African Country's as well as companies from these areas just don't seem to have any information worth exposing....

he got trump elected didn't he

Exactly and 4 years down the line and fuck all has happened.

Well, this last election cycle was pretty unusual.

That ruins the "surprise"

I feel like Wikileaks will be hard pressed to fuck Trump faster than he's fucking himself.

They have been releasing information slowly but surely and Assange even explained the purpose of this and it makes perfect sense. I'd say it's pretty ignorant to state that Wikileaks hasn't done anything big yet. Look at how far we have gotten thanks to them.

I don't understand how comments like these that totally disrespect all the hard work they've been doing make it to the top. Don't disrespect my hero like that anymore


I know. Doesn't sound like the guy to be honest. Wonder what's going on there.

It sounds like Steve Bannon, TBH.

jullian is the top.
And on the outside he,s seen as the main key.
But there is a whole lot more to Wikileaks then julian alone.
He,s the diamond that shine,s and attracts the focus of those around the world.
But the place and the mechanics behind him that puts him on show for all to see are way more complex then the simple shiny diamond

Spoken like a true attention whore.

All that's missing is "government officials hate me because of this simple trick!" And "You won't believe this list of crazy secrets. #6 will blow your mind!"

It's a shame because this kind of thing will turn a lot of people off the important work that groups like wikileaks have done / are doing.

All these years locked up in the embassy, the exponential rise in fame/exposure while also being completely isolated from the rest of the world, almost literally living in the I Internet and then being cut off for months. The threat of being ejected from the embassy after the Equador election... I think it's getting to him and he's losing it a bit. Whoever is in control of the wikileaks twitter account isn't doing him any favours either.

This guy has done more and sacrificed more than you will ever - all for the sake of justice and getting truth out. So for you to joke about it, it's a little ugly.

No. It really isn't. He sounds at times like an attention whore. It's just fact. He could just release stuff instead of pimping and promoting it for weeks first. But he loves that spotlight.

He might like the attention (I would as well), but your wording comes across kinda disrespectful. I agree with u/ericcarver , he sacrifies so much still to this day, he deserves better.

Isn't he only sacrificing because he wants to be the image of Wikileaks? He could've remained anonymous right?

you need at least some spotlight to do anything today really. there is no wikileaks without assange and that is a fact, even if it is a cia front ... in fact, who captured him or killed him or whatever if not cia?

It's so ridiculous that we are being downvoted below threshold during a normal level-headed discussion. What the fuck is this, does this sub not want any conversation? It's become an echo chamber

lately i take it as a compliment when i get downvoted heh

He could have, I guess he wanted fame for what he is doing. And in hindsight I bet you he would give ANYTHING for having stayed anonymous. Surely you would agree that giving up freedom, being shamed as a rapist and having fear for life is no substitute for fame.

Oh brother.

Who said anything about perfect? I agreed he likes the attention.

People who do mockable things deserve to be mocked a bit. Even your dear leader Assange.

"perfect man" "your leader"

You are so childish.

Sorry, I should treat him with more reverence.

He's glory whored the entire thing, and he's admitted that he's released leaks on a time sensitive basis for maximum impact.

He may very well be a liberator of information, but he has an agenda, and he's a manipulator.

Yeah, but wouldn't you agree, regardless of him enjoying the spotlight and trying to maximise impact for wikileak's (or other agendas') benefits, his work did A LOT good for the world and he sacrifices a lot? He doesn't deserved to be mocked imo.

It's not missing, it's simply last season. Chillax doll. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/07/f8/67/07f867e5f8678d5fcd2910d49805196a.jpg

If they take Assange down, something tells me he'll go out in a blaze of information glory.

I still think he already has been taken down.

I'm inclined to agree

I wish they'd release the rest of the Podesta emails then..

Oh shit. That's right! They haven't released them all, have they? Well wtf...

Third wave or bust!

I can't wait for Burritogate!

Great joke! 10/10!

Si, es muy bien.

Tortillas is code for something...

Flattened corn, usually.

Who the hell says something like that? "You should bring all children that are available." Sick fuck.

There's also their "insurance files" that are all over the place just waiting for the keys to be opened

Can you point me to something that shows there are unreleased emails??

And why wait til now to release them? Literally no one gives a shit about Podesta or Pantsuit anymore.

Sure, the wikileaks site shows 58660 emails yet there is actually 59258 emails on the system.. some of which don't appear in count.

The wikileaks twitter tweeted on 8th october, at the beginning of their release that "We have published 1% of the #PodestaEmails so far. Additional publications will proceed throughout the election period."


On 8th oct there was only 4146 emails released - if such is 1%, then 100% is 414600.

Trump always won. No point for them to do it now.

I'm going to watch a live stream from him tomorrow night, I'll let you know how CGI/fake it feels.

Remindme! 48hours

I will be messaging you on 2017-02-20 01:19:01 UTC to remind you of this link.

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Remind me! 43 hours.

Remindme! 24h

Where is the live stream? Can anyone tune in?

Remindme! 24hours

It's going into Auckland and I think Melbourne at 9.00 pm local NZ time. I dunno mate, have a Google, I just blagged a free ticket.

Remindme! 28hours

Reminder - just because it's not fake (it's probably not) doesn't mean he hasn't been made a puppet. Everyone has a weakness.

I'm not saying that's not true, but he's living a pretty crappy life for a sell out. I'd want more than living in an embassy.

I'm not insinuating sell out. I'm insinuating he has no other choice.

How was it?

Yeah it was good. Could've listened for many more hours. There was a certain opinion that sure the Podesta dunno that he was pro trump, I can assure you that is not the case. His organisations philosophy is very interesting. Would recommend one of the streamed talks to anyone.

So, how was it?

See my other reply, just posted :-)

Thanks! Can you also link the livestream if it was archived? I'm having hard time finding it.

The company was called Think Ink .Com.au you could see their site or Twitter maybe.... Was being streamed through YouTube


Has there been any more attempts of proof of life?

no, just weird attempts since October. There is a palatable difference now vs pre-internet-down-day. I wish him the best and hope he is in that embassy.

He could have dispelled these rumors with a random, 30 second visit to the balcony. The fact that he hasn't, and instead went on Hannity of all shows, speaks to me of something untoward.

Step out on balcony randomly, get shot by sniper. I wouldn't if I were him.

Seriously? Like they would ever send a sniper t

like jfk?

I can't believe that he is under scope at all times. Is someone really watching at 2 AM? I believe he has been bought out. Every man has a price.

He's been on the balcony before. Now that the election is over, his chances of being waxed by a sniper are lessened than when he's been out there before.

It is indeed very strange. However knowing how big of a narracist he is I could see him not doing that just so people keep talking about him.

He loves the limelight and with everything going on and the elections over most people have forgotten about him.

I do hope he is okay though. Everything about it is just weird.

exactly this. x10000

Wouldn't you think that he had some sort of fail safe if he does not check in and like everything releases?

He definitely should have.

He did, wikileaks is compromised

He does. The day the Internet went down was the same day he went missing.

Why would Assange keep his dead man switch tied to his Internet at the embassy. Surely he anticipated his Internet being cut. I mean that'd be the first thing I would have thought of and I'm certain he's far smarter than I am

It wasnt just his internet. Almost the entire internet went down for everyone. It was the largest DDoS in the histroy of the internet.


Google xkeyscore

Really? I don't think I experienced the outage... Do you have any sources? My Google-Fu isn't very good and I'm coming up with random tech support stuff

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016_Dyn_cyberattack

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There is no way a DNS DoS stopped the deadman's switch of a dude who's had 4 years to plan how to stay alive against the most powerful people on the planet.

I'm just providing the source. But what if it wasn't meant to stop but was used to detect/find it?

There's just no way. My DMS would have redundancy across Tor and I2P and I don't have enemies at the state level. I'm not saying he's not dead, I'm just saying you're not stopping a DMS if it doesn't want to be stopped, much less by a DoS via DNS. If we're entertaining the notion that Assange is dead, my guess is the DMS leaks keys to the blockchain. That's what I'd do.

You'd think he knows better but sometimes his arrogance gets the best of him. This is the same reason Hillary had a private server and how Flynn was caught on monitored phone lines.

And Nixon recording his crimes. These are all people who should absolutely know better but still end up doing stupid things. I just hope he actually does have a off-site secure backup.

PS. Please don't get distracted by the names I used for examples. They are just some names that most people are familiar with.

There have been several prerecorded interviews and a live video AMA. I wouldn't go so far as to say that proves he's alive, but they would honestly be pretty hard to fake. The Morais interview in particular seems like it would be tough to fake. That said, I personally believe he's alive, but suspect he's now working for the CIA.

In the video AMA he recited the characters from the latest bitcoin blockchain transaction

Which proves that somebody was alive at the time of that video. I'm not willing to dismiss the possibility that the CIA has a body double or really good rendering software.

He did a livestreamed Reddit AMA, and has also participated in several tv news interviews.

The livestream was a greenscreen though which is weird.

He did a radio show on 2/15/17, after the rumors of his death: https://soundcloud.com/kiis1065/15217-kyle-and-jackie-o-show-631

Plus he's been tweeting up a storm. I mean the audio could be doctored. But if we're gonna go that route, then Donald Trump is a hologram...

I get that, but I was there. I was there when the mystery internet attack happened and all the weirdness surrounding the embassy that day, then I was still there when we were all clamoring for some shred of proof that the was ok, then I was still there watching as we were bombarded with bizarre attempts to offer that proof, and through it all, there's just been a noticeable change that's taken place in Wikileaks. I don't know if he's still alive or not, but I definitely feel like they got to him, somehow.

This is just how I feel. I was there aswell. Well put. I fear the worst and hope for the best.

I kinda feel like a veteran reading this. I was there too, and I'm pretty sure that anyone who witnessed this shitshow live is still skeptic. I just wish I could relate to people IRL about this.

After all that's happened in between I now feel we're already experiencing the worst. But it's getting better, now people are becoming aware (or woke what have you)

Pam pops iin for lunch. RT get threatened with having bank accounts frozen (or did, can't recall), city airport is evacuated briefly, Assange goes missing, the rest of the emails never came and Clinton has a chat with somebody important for a while in a plane on the tarmac.

Yeah... What was in those other emails was probably enough to cause civil unrest in the US. I think somebody thought it was wiser to cover for Clinton & Co and bury whatever really damaging shit it was forever.

Yeah man you're totally like a veteran, you've been through some fucked up shit haven't you? It's been really tough on you hasn't it, I mean it can't have been easy to experience all this up close and personal like you did, heck I bet you still might have PTSD you poor bastard.

This sub never disappoints. "I watched some stuff on the internet. The nightmares...I can't sleep at night. No one in real life can understand me anymore, I'm in too deep." Lol.

It was sarcasm...

So was the comment you replied to. 😉

I've gotta say something here. Are you suggesting that people can not be affected by world events that they have witnessed, either first hand or via news? Think about it. JFK, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, etc....FFS.

Exactly the opposite actually, I'm suggesting you absolutely can be affected by things by experiencing them first-hand but that "first-hand" doesn't include behind a computer screen.

I would disagree. Events like the Arab Spring would be my first example, people all over the world were affected by videos and news received online. Only a few hundred people witnessed JFK’s assassination, but hundreds of millions were affected just by the mere knowledge of the event. On and on, endless examples throughout history show this.

Haha, take it easy there soldier. I think you know what I meant, don't take everything so serious.

You sound like a fucking clown

Up vote for your username.


first time someone sees it, or atleast comments about it. haha. your's is pretty good to.

If that were true, why would everyone around him be keeping quiet. The only answer I've been given is "they were threatened ". I don't buy that. I don't believe all of those people would keep quiet. Pilger, his lawyer, his family, wl staff?

Assange has a dead mans switch. If he was captured or killed all his info would've dumped. It hasn't...........He's still alive

CIA is great but they cant kill everyone ever connected to Assange that could possibly be the one holding his info ready to be leaked the minute he's dead. CIA would've also had to take out WikiLeaks staff to assume control of their site and Twitter

That's just too much.......

Why would the CIA even kill Assange? Let's say the CIA hates leaks - seems reasonable enough - and hates leakers in particular. The last thing they'd want to do is kill Assange or do away with Wikileaks. Someone might replace it with some sort of transparent, anonymous, open-source solution. Instead, we've got Assange and Wikileaks - people subject to criticism, people with agendas, no transparency, one well-known organization to monitor diligently, etc. Assange and Wikileaks present an opportunity to governments around the world - leaks are going to happen, may as well know who is most likely to receive them.

I have no doubt what so ever if the CIA could, they would have Assange in a torture chamber right now trying to get every last bit of information out of him

Plus ya know.............Theres the whole rumor Assange knows what really happened on 9/11 such as the CIA is involved. Something like that would obviously be enough reason for them to want him dead

They could offer him a better life though. Every man would sell out for security and bliss. Would you risk your life for the people if the alternative was a life of wealth and luxury? I like to think I would but then again...

My opinion, which is just an opinion and is no more than that, is that there was a lot of activity behind the scenes involving the US government, Ecuador, and possibly/probably Russia. I don't think Assange was captured or killed. I just think that something got to him and he has to play his cards a bit differently now.

Of course, it makes a better Tom Clancy narrative if we believe he's been killed and the CIA is running Wikileaks now.

Speaking of Tom Clancy, stevepieczenik.com may interest you if you haven't already heard of him. He worked with Clancy on a couple of his books and more interestingly had some things to say about Clinton and others before the election (when I discovered him). Check his videos around then, quite the rabbit hole given his history and career...

Yeah but - consider the other highly likely possibility at the time: all that mess was created in order to make Julian Assange seem less credible by making it seem like he was compromised/captured. That was done so at a critical time when the integrity of wikileaks was hugely important. As he puts it (and as was said at the time by other conspirators) it was a "black PR campaign", and one which he had no control over (no ability to definitively give proof that couldn't be countered by black-PR trolls that didn't involve him having an active internet connection for live-streaming). There's a strong case for a group associated with the Clintons cutting his internet and causing all that mess in order to discredit him at a critical time - for little consequence (nothing illegal or dangerous PR e.g. killing him). It was an easy win - all the discrediting, minus the martydom. Once he's finally back, all people can whine about is how the poor guy didn't have internet for a few months. Big human rights complaint, there.

I dunno. With the livestream, I'm convinced he's alive and well. Maybe compromised still, but... eh, he always could have been. He continues to say and do important things, that's all anyone can hope for.

and the ama :)

He's also done 2 interviews. The Fox anchor one is legit imo. Both in frame, no blend cuts, they discuss ongoing things post his internet cut.

In the Hannity interview, when they are both in the same shot, you can see that Assange is actually STANDING, and has his hands on some sort of table, which actually looks like his legs if you dont pay attention. You can also pretty easily see that Hannity and JA are not looking at eachother. Something is definitely up.

This is WRONG.


Julian was on a stool of some kind, it was simply higher than Hannity's. Did you watch the interview at all, wtf? a table?

I don't know if he's in the embassy or not but you're wrong about him standing with a table.

THat hannity interview was ridiculous. The most absurd camera angles, weird shots and colors. You can't for one second justify the fact they have indeed doctored the RT interview what's from stopping them now with these shorty quality interviews

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Listen man, I've been following the shit too. I am uncertain whether Julian is safe or not.

But disinformation is disinformation, and it's always harmful. Saying he was standing, saying there was a table. Wtf? And that post had UPVOTES. No wonder everyone talks about the Mandela effect, it's probably actually the effects of flouride, gmo, glyphosate destroying the brains memory functions.

And by the way, I get that you're excited, but attributing straw man arguments always makes you look bad to those with decent reading comprehension. Did I say a thing about the RT interview? Or, the overall validity of any interview?

The only stance I took was that there was no table. R E A D.

What straw man arguments? I never argued about a table. I live in city that does not fluoridate the water. And I don't eat gmo

No fluoridation huh? You're so trust worthy

he only brought it up because I did first.. lol

You can't for one second justify the fact they have indeed doctored the RT interview what's from stopping them now with these shorty quality interviews

I never tried to. Your tone and substance of the post completely implies that I disagree with assange being gone. I don't.

Then why waste time? If you agree?

Because disinformation is disinformation.

So your wasting my time with disinformation?

Wow. I've been nice to you. But you are truly an idiot.

Okay, yes, your shot makes more sense than my table argument. Was that pic from the real interview, because i think what made it look like he is standing maybe is the big blue line at the bottom, that has other news on it etc. I stand corrected.

What a clusterfuck WL has been since Octorber.

Certainly a strange interview. I just hope assange is OK but naturally I am skeptical.

I suppose an explanation could be, that it's a small room, limited space in the embassy, and rather than have two of the same chairs in the study, it's better to have two different chairs. That's about all I can think of as far as why the interview was filmed like that.

BUT that's not even to mention all of the other questionable things around Julian. All of it, taken in the context that we have, certainly presents us with a very very odd body of evidence to draw conclusions from.

I believe he's done 6 or 7 since Oct. 2016.

Come on. This is r/conspiracy. This is not at all outside the realm of possibility.


Yeah I'm here for the same thing most other people are, conspiracies lol I just believe he's alive based on what I've seen.

Look at rogue one and the CGI admiral, that was super expensive, I doubt the government would be able to pull off convincingly what even Lucas arts couldn't.

Maybe they could make a mask, have someone wear it and create his voice convincingly in software but I work in production and the timeline to pull that off between when Hannity went to London and the interview would be tricky unless they made it well in advance so maybe someone can rewatch it and see what the most recent event he discussed was and extrapolate how much production time they would've had to pull something like that off.

I'm skeptical for those reasons. By the was the first one was suspicious as all fuck I don't know what was going on there.

then Donald Trump is a hologram...

He's definitely a Freemason

It was nice of the Freemasons to leave convenient messages behind to help us expose them. Kind of a stupid plan for a secret organization, though.

It's always been that way, because they're not a secret organization. They just have secrets.

Anyone can become one, even you, if you want.

As for Trump? No one had really touched upon his masonic influences until this article - he made it hard. But in the end, nothing stays secret forever.

It's always been that way, because they're not a secret organization. They just have secrets.


Anyone can become one, even you, if you want.

Almost anyone. There are conditions to meet, and interviews to pass. Most good men with a belief in God can have the opportunity to join.

As for Trump? No one had really touched upon his masonic influences until this article - he made it hard. But in the end, nothing stays secret forever.

There are no Masonic influences because he's not a Mason.

Even those in /r/freemasonry can't believe he's a Mason. The joke's on them.

No joke. Lots of people (rich/famous and otherwise) are Masons, including the Queen of England's husband. Trump doesn't appear toone of them and the stuff you talk about in your article is not how one Mason lets another (or the world at large) know that he is one.

There are no Masonic influences because he's not a Mason.

That is circular reasoning.

I'm not following you, I'm following this post...because it's garbage. Stop copy-pasting the same sad excuses every time I reply about it.

Stop copy-pasting the same sad excuses every time I reply about it.

I'd ask the same of you.

This is the only copy-paste I've used, replying to your copy-paste. Where I've addressed the issues with your article, I addressed each post individually. But here's another copy-paste reply to another copy paste from you. I suppose we can do this all night, or until I get bored (I assume you'all never get bored of this, as you obviously have no shortage of free time as evidenced by the article that started all of this.)

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He most probably isn't, and your article offers not a shred of evidence that he is, unless you consider leaps of logic connecting out of context quotes and misunderstood Masonic symbolism as evidence.

You keep following me around to different subs, insulting my character in the process.

Nothing looks more petty than what you're doing, and it's incredibly unmasonic. You give the entire Order a bad name and reputation, and frankly, you should be ashamed of yourself.

For those who know nothing of Freemasonry, but see your comment, you might just ever put them off petitioning a lodge.

After all, if this is how you treat the research of fellow masons, how do you think they'll feel as strangers?

Lodges are supposed to be places of acceptance for all races and creeds. You should honestly turn in your card, because you're tarnishing the entire order.

I'm not following you, I'm following this post...because it's garbage. Stop copy-pasting the same sad excuses every time I reply about it.

Stop copy-pasting the same sad excuses every time I reply about it.

I'd ask the same of you.

This is the only copy-paste I've used, replying to your copy-paste. Where I've addressed the issues with your article, I addressed each post individually. But here's another copy-paste reply to another copy paste from you. I suppose we can do this all night, or until I get bored (I assume you'all never get bored of this, as you obviously have no shortage of free time as evidenced by the article that started all of this.)

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I fucking KNEW it!!

I don't think so. The man must have some kind of insurance information that will release if they will him.

Whistleblowers are heroes of the people and the enemy of governments.


I'm fed up with this horrible little shit being treated like a hero, instead of someone who should be facing Swedish and British justice.

Pretty sure he ded

I hate this, it gives those who want the information out incentive to take him down.

He probably got smuggled out of the embassy last year to protect the people he hoped to publish information about. Now the most powerful media organisation on the planet has been corrupted by the most powerful nation on the planet to perpetuate misinformation and lies. While Julian Assange sits in a top security holding cell in North America with no connection to the outside world.

Cryptome seemed to be hinting that he wasn't there.

If he goes down, he'll be a martyr and inspire others.

Which will be downplayed it ignored by the MSM. Worse still, a convenient terror attack somewhere to draw people attention away

I think they did and his final bombshell was the emails that sparked the gate of gates.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but if Assange was tortured or even worse, murdered, wouldn't he go down as a martyr and just make things worse for the elites?

*Unless you are a bank. Then we are going to "lose" the info we promised to release.

What info did he promise to release about banks?

"A day earlier, on Nov. 29, the director of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, said in an interview that he intended to “take down” a major American bank and reveal an “ecosystem of corruption” with a cache of data from an executive’s hard drive."


However, despite having multiple copies of all their data both online and offline, the data was lost.



And if it's on russia? Hell, they're burning the harddrives with the info as we speak before putin kills him for it.

Got a source for the quote?

is it in the movie? I don't know, just seems plausible

You're probably right, just wondering if OP can clarify.

totally - and this particular quote is preceded by:

Text from emails rumoured to have been from Julian Assange is displayed online.

(emphasis mine)

The couple of searches I've done have this thread as the topic response with not much else below.

Problem with Assange is it's always "free booze tomorrow"

He has claimed to have a "poison pill" of info to be released in the event of his death. It may be the only reason he's alive. Again still human

well, the insurance file is large. It has something in there.

Probably the original source of every meme on the Internet in the highest of resolution and quality

The Alpha Pepe

A picture of a small green tadpole, smirking.

Having the information would make him a God.

The real plot twist would be that it is exactly what's in there is just a collection of the finest memes every produced by humanity. Like the Egyptians putting animal heads on human bodies for statues, must've been the funniest thing on earth at the time.

Lmfao that would be shitty but hilarious. The Rick roll heard around the world no one would ever be able to top it

well the worlds going up in flames, might as well have a laugh while we're at it.

I tend to think they put stuff aside for the file but have release some to stay relevant. Stuff from the early 2000s (hint) is what I always assumed was in that file. But in 20 years (if WikiLeaks is still around) it will look like old news.

Y2K confirmed. Knew it was a cover-up job.

If Y2K was real we wouldn't have to deal with all the problems we're having now. We'd be giving land back to Native Americans in exchange for their knowledge of living off of nature. Luddite utopia

I thought the idea of the insurance files is it is constantly rotated. Some stuff gets leaked immediately, some is put in the insurance file. Then sometimes when the insurance file is still big enough thyey'll leak something out of it. That way it's not all just old news.

He's already told us what's in it, in interviews. It's just future WikiLeaks releases. They update it every so often then release information from the old one after vetting.

why is this not ridiculed here but when this dicussion is had on or sprouting-from r/conspiracy there's a massive backlash?

Rumor has it Assange has the only known copy of Half-Life 3.

It has a level where you're stuck in an embassy trying to effect not steal an election and take breaks to play Half-Life 4

While running away from Pamela Anderson.

I believe he's published the highest level (gamma) secret documents ever seen by the public.

And, has anyone in history published more secret documents than Assange? Sorry to say it, but you're just a coward next to him.

Let the fucking commence. No lube is necessary. Let them feel the pain they have inflicted on generations of people.

Lots of talk, not much leaking. I admire your organisation Mr. Assange, but you have really been a fuckup since mid Oct. 2016.

No one knows what really happened mid Oct. to Assange.

it is within the realm of possibility that he was black bagged in October. Be patient with him. This is info that he knows, he's seen, he has to live with. If he isn't able to release it, there is a reason.

Personally I suspect Wikileaks is now a front for the CIA. I keep hoping they'll release something serious and prove me wrong.

Yeah. The Vault7 clues didn't seem very on par with what came out the other day about the CIA and French elections.

I've been following Wikileaks for 7 years now, and something just feels off since Oct. last.

yeah. I was in here and r/wikileaks the weekend after Julian lost his internet and was asking people why things felt hinky. No one questioned it, and those that did stood to get banned as concern trollers. Was a weird time.

Oh my God, did 'concern troll' annoy me. I'm concerned for an organisation that's important to me because weird shit is going down, nobody has explained anything to my satisfaction, and the CIA is likely involved. That somehow makes me the bad guy here?

exactly. and with the new mods and a news blackout... was a weird moment to be.

/u/Here4Popcorn went on a rampage and banned everybody who said anything he didn't like (anybody who suggested Assange wasn't alive, at the embassy, and in the best of moods), and that didn't help. The moderation team on /r/wikileaks are some of the worst mods I've encountered outside of /r/politics.

You are an idiot

I am not, I just think that you are an abusive mod. I think a lot of people would agree.

yep. we had to move to whereisassange sub which death-spiraled within weeks.

yes, very different tone.

So many promises. He promised to bring forth evidence that would imprison HRC many times during the election. Look how that turned out. He was presumed captured or dead for months and instead of just making a public statement he did nothing and allowed the people to think Wikileaks had been compromised. I have officially became a Assange skeptic.

He hardly did nothing. For a time his internet was cut off. But even during that time, he done multiple interviews and friends of his made statements saying he was fine.

Which seems really strange.

His friends saying he was fine? If so, then that's just because many people were worried his about safety and/or Wikileaks being compromised.

Do you know his friends? My friends say I'm an astronaut! Doesn't mean it's so.

No it doesn't. But the amount of people, including his mum and interviewers, makes it very unlikely.

Oh ya? internet being cut off also cuts off your phone? All it took was a simple phone call. People act like his internet being cut off meant he had zero ability to contact the outside world...fuck that. Assange is NSA imho and right now it is a battle between the intelligence communities. NSA vs CIA vs FBI.

He done a phone interview when his internet was cut off so I have no idea why you're saying that? And yes I agree his interviews did seem sketchy considering the circumstances. But his live AMA on Twitch was sufficient proof of life for me. And he said himself there was a Black PR campaign to discredit Wikileaks.

Jesus im not saying i still think he is dead. im saying i dont trust his information. The way he went about the internet cut off at the embassy really didnt seem quite right. He basically allowed the entire world to doubt wikileaks for a good month.

That's fine not to trust him. I was only arguing your point when you said he did nothing. He had heavy restrictions imposed upon him so he couldn't further intervene with the election. It's entirely possibly he was only allowed to make calls to his family and close friends until they were over, and unable to do any interviews.

Then why not say that? Why not get a wikileaks post out there stating all of his restrictions? He left it all up in the air. He left people doubting wikileaks as a legitimate source. I followed it all from start to now. He is not a prisoner. He is a free man within the confines of the embassy. He wouldnt even look out his freaking window at the embassy....And whats with Pamela Anderson bringing him lunches? Too much fishy shit for me to take Assange seriously anymore without even taking into account the plethora of false promises.

He's not a prisoner but while he stays there, he stays there under the embassy's terms. He either follows them or they chuck him out. Pamela is involved in many activities (so was likely very interested in getting to know him), she was introduced to him via Vivian Westwood. I don't really see how that's fishy? If she wasn't involved in activism then I'd agree. He has many people visiting him, probably every single day. Compared to some other people she doesn't visit that regularly.

You arent going to convince me anything. Sorry. There was NEVER a mention of his phone calls being cut off or restricted.

Like i said, all it took was him to shout out a freaking score from a sports game. Instead we got sketchy interviews without any real proof when they were recorded. I feel like im the only one that remembers this sub for the long time it was speculated he was dead or captured. Do we not remember #whereisassange? I mean we had an entire subreddit dedicated to trying to find the truth and there were no conclusions reached. And you are here trying to convince me it was obvious he was ok.

You misunderstand. I did not say his phone was cut off or he had restrictions placed on his calls, I said it's entirely possible though, as we know he had some serious restrictions. I never defined what they were because I don't know. I'm also not trying to convince you he was obviously okay. I'm saying he is okay now. At the time I believed something was up, I followed r/WhereIsAssange from the start. It was only after his Live AMA that I was reassured he was okay. And then look back to see it now makes sense what was going on.

literally nothing in the interviews he posted over the period of 30+ days made any mention of events that would confirm his well being. Why couldnt he just read a paragraph from a newspaper article or mention a few sports scores? The list goes on as to how he could have confirmed his own well being to the millions of people shitting their pants wondering if he had been killed. He did nothing that would make someone go "yup he is alive" it was all fishy fuckery bullshit

Well going with your theory about the NSA vs CIA vs FBI then I would say Assange is CIA because he worked for the CIA before NSA and then proceeded to leak NSA info to make the NSA look bad.

That's exactly what the NSA would want you to think! lol

haha True, true.

When he said that 9/11 conspiracy theorists annoy him...that didn't raise a red flag?

Sure it did. Ive always doubted Assange. But right now i outright dont trust anything he says or does.

There was enough evidence to convict HRC

Yup I'm pretty sure wikileaks was a Russian operation and Assange is a paid agent for the FSB. The timely release of the Podesta emails and his throwing shade on the accusations of Russian interference in the election source make me think that he at least was being manipulated by the FSB.

Everyone talks about the "deep state" but right now i think there are 2 shadow powers at war. Im slowly being convinced that Trump is not a conventional establishment politician. They continue to attack him in the MSM which never happens after a president wins. To me this is a telling sign that he is in fact pissing some really high profile cunts off.

It almost feels like it is NSA vs CIA with the FBI in between. Assange = NSA, Mainstream media = CIA

At least 2, probably more.

It's just the fact that Assange is such a huge fan of Trump and has never released dirt on him that leads me to believe that Trump, Wikileaks and Russia are all on the same page.

Not saying it's fact, but it's just my personal prediction

I don't think he's working on behalf of Russia but his goals are not dissimilar to the Kremlin in that he wishes to decrease US hegemony.

There's a frustrating habit of people to deduce critics of the US to be working in concert with a foreign power.

This is just a paycheck for him there is no higher purpose.

By this logic, he's not at the embassy? Because he's been there for a while and I don't think his paycheck would cover the years of loss of freedom. You think he goes home in some suburb after a day's work at an undisclosed CIA headquarters?

I am confused about Assange's personal security. The embassy is often bugged and he gets his internet shut off aonetimes, but that's kinda light. Do you think a straight up assassination attempt at the on Ecuadorian property, in central London would be too much of an international incident for the CIA, MI6, etc.?

He might say they never sit on information but they kind of are, no? There's no way they've been tweeting out all those Vault 7 teasers without actually having the information they claim they're going to release.

They don't release the leaks immediately after receiving them. They go through them and plan a method of release for maximum effect.

I guess that would make logical sense. Just seems like it's been hyped up for a while now with nothing to show for it except redditors trying to link all the pictures in the tweets together. I suppose that could be wikileaks' intended goal to gain awareness & if so, has rightfully succeeded haha.

Indeed. I do hope they release something substantial soon. I feel they're starting to drag it along a bit too much now. But you never know what's going on behind the scenes, there could well be circumstances they can't publicly talk about.

Agreed. There is probably a lot going on behind the scenes that we don't know about, especially when having to consider all the possibilities of consequences after releasing it.

Exactly. They have to play it smart and be extremely cautious not to fuck up too badly. If they discredit themselves, then leakers won't feel comfortable going to them and people won't trust whatever they release. Then their whole operation turns to shit.

Then do it. Don't talk about doing it and actually do it.

If you have ground-breaking information, release it.

Given up on any hope of Wikileaks actually being anything more than a repository for information.

There's only so many times you can tell me you have something and be proven to have nothing.

Assange has become the proverbial boy who cried wolf. I have lost any interest and confidence.

Sorry. Just sounds like more bullshit.

Yup they never hit. Its so dissapointing

Almost sounds like r/conspiracy in general. Not trying to hate on you guys but the majority of these so called breaking leaks here end up to be bunk.

"Hillary and Bill Clinton apprehended by Trump administration trying to flee the country! Pedophile arrests set to happen TONIGHT!!" -Top post here one day with 3,000+ points.

Sounds like I'm making up some /conspiracy circlejerk post but sadly that was the number one post for some time

I'm sorry what has Wikileaks releases that has been bunk?

They have a decade long track record of never releasing a single falsified document.

The problem with 'gimme shit now' media consumption is that it leads to Fox and CNN.

In order to verify all sources, vet everything and everyone, and gather information from whistle blowers, it takes time.

If you want 'news' you can watch TV. If you want news, you have to know where to look, who to trust, and realize it takes time and effort.

Especially if the release of the info could help a lot of people...

Call me crazy but I think we're all getting played lol.

Everything is just a LARP at this point.

Russia played Assange like a fiddle.

It's easier to believe that than to believe Assange played you like a fiddle, huh?

Unusually assertive of him. If he is dead, maybe this is an impostor about to drop a huge misinformation leak.

Well it's an old quote so that's unlikely.

He hasn't done jack.

Well, he better get on it before net neutrality is eliminated, it would make censorship easy. Don't like the content? Just slow it down to a crawl, modify it, or stop it entirely.

I tried to back search this and couldn't find another link for proof, but I did see this same quote posted on FB back in 2013.

If Julian Assange were a Mossad asset, what would be different about his leaks and statements?

Nothing. Assange is a friend of Israel.

Does "friend" mean being blackmailed and controlled by Israel? It's pretty obvious when he said "911 was a distraction" he was a Mossad operative. 911 was a false flag attack by Israel.

Wikileaks is controlled ffs. Anything that comes out of there is what they want you to believe.

This is a funny post, because Assange has been quoted as hating this movie.

Traditional communism was a world of the people and not the elites, though the right (rather astutely in many cases) have always asserted its a big con, the ultimate con, in that it's a system in which all aspects of life are determined by the "new bourgeois," usually in dictatorial, monarch-like fashion, and the people must play entirely along or else be destroyed. Freedom = slavery, the dictatorship of the proletariat heavy on the first part. Judging by how Marxism was politically utilized for many years, its detractors had a point.

I guess I'm weary of a claim like Assange's because it could easily be another form of "control by the people," this time in the realm of intelligence. We just cannot know if Wikileaks' curation includes withholding or burying submitted information for Assange's own ends. It's not that hard to conjure-- a scenario in which one man essentially has the ability to topple governments or systems at will, depending on what he chooses to deploy. I hope I'm not right, that Assange doesn't view himself as some kind of savior or world-builder in this vein. His power and influence are unparalleled in human history, really. It's staggering to consider.

Maybe it's the monopoly of trust Wikileaks has gained over the years, the lack of competition? I don't know. The world needs whistleblowers more than ever, and it is great to consider a more transparent political planet, even if it has to happen by informational force. We'll see.

we are gonna fuck them all ta death

I'm going to watch a live stream from him to NZ tomorrow night, very excited and I'll report back on proof of life.

Actual Julian Assange is too eloquent to publicly state something like "We're going to fuck them all."

assange rip and TY

I'll re-watch it but I'm not in the assange is dead camp so maybe I'm biased. We'll see how it shakes out.

Questioning all comments I read now.

So he's not dead then. Hmm

This sub needs to get their head out of their ass. Nothing is going to change if the people don't unite together.

I agree with Hillary. Julian needs to be stoned.

R/Politics is leaking

I wonder if Wikileaks could get a whitehouse press pass

Fuck em till they're dead!

"... of the people.", yea right!

Assange has his own agenda and I'm quite most of these "people" wouldn't agree with it in the slightest.

Question for our CTR / ShariaBLUE folks: If you really hate Trump, and you really think he's an idiot and all the other things you call him, why the hysteria? why the MILLIONS of dollars and man-hours and "protests", hashtags, tee shirts, slogans, death threats, slander, viciousness? Why not just let him do himself in?

Either you a) don't ACTUALLY, TRULY believe in your heart of hearts that he is the demon you keep apoplectically insisting he is, and you're just throwing a fit because you're FUCKING BRAINWASHED, OR, b) you DO believe he's a horrible, stupid monster and YOU aren't even smart enough to just let him self-destruct.

WHICH IS IT, you fucking downvoting, LYING, RIOTING, pedo-defending, law-breaking, delusional HYSTERICAL jerkoffs?

p.s. FUCK YOU, DAVID BROCK. You miserable, traitorous scumbag. and you too, Sore-Ass.

CTR is funded by the same people who have been pushing globalism aka international oligarchy. Trump is actively destroying globalism, so this is what you get.

Right by kissing the ass of the biggest oligarch of them all Vladimir Putin

Right by kissing the ass of the biggest oligarch of them all Vladimir Putin

As usual, the snowflake has no idea what he is babbling about, but yet he babbles.

Too much fake news for you.

Putin hates globalists, and the entire NWO/globalist cabal hates him.

Is this a serious question? When the most powerful man in the world "self destructs" he does it while ducking over a large portion of the population.

Because "doing himself in" involves damaging the country.

You don't think having an idiot in such a position of power, including controlling nukes, could possibly be a legitimate concern?

If you really hate Trump

The reaction to Trump doesn't even compare to the loud conservative wail during the Obama years.

you really think he's an idiot and all the other things you call him, why the hysteria?

Believing that your leader is an idiot who may do harm to your country or to the things that you care about is the exact reason anyone would want to protest, create hashtags, T-shirts, etc. BTW, do you realize that conservatives have done all of these things?

death threats, slander, viciousness?

Those are the sort of things liberals have faced for years -- even more so today when right wingers are declaring liberals and leftists to be enemies of the state.

don't ACTUALLY, TRULY believe in your heart of hearts that he is the demon you keep apoplectically insisting he is

Compared to right wingers actually calling Obama a Satan worshiper or an agent of Satan?

BTW, the problem here is that even disagreeing with Trump has become "hate" to people such as you.

you're just throwing a fit because you're FUCKING BRAINWASHED,

You don't even seem to understand the Trump's opposition, so I don't see how you can fucking claim to be a "freed mind" or something if your beliefs are predicated upon cliches and tropes.

WHICH IS IT, you fucking downvoting, LYING, RIOTING, pedo-defending, law-breaking, delusional HYSTERICAL jerkoffs?

Yep, just as I thought -- you proved my point. If ANYONE sounds hysterical, sounds like they're demonizing others, it is YOU.

Assange hasn't been in charge of wikileaks in some time. Anyone who has followed it from the beginning knows this.

Where's that quote from?

There's something I want to say about this, it's on the tip of my tongue. Aargh. It's about that something that comes for the fall? I can't think of it now. Ugh, so annoying.


Wake up people, Assange would never say anything this endangering. He was always all about the long game. This is not him.

Pride comes before the fall.

I believe arrogance will get a player killed quicker in a chess game than anything else.

Ding ding ding we have a winner! You have won a FREE RFID-CHIP:DDD

right, no one has a source for this quote. Can anyone just give me a source for this quote? Can't find it anywhere. looks fabricated.

Remindme! 48 hours

He's full of shit.

Where was 'phase 3' ? Why were the email addresses from the Yemen emails faked and or redcated? Why were some cut in mid sentence? What is all this nonsense about 'vault 7' and 9/11with no followup?

If he wants to be 'of the people' he sure ain't acting like it -- ever since October.

I don't trust them anymore, the Podesta emails were the last thing of verifiable substance, and only because they were auto released.

Prior to Oct 16th 2016 everything Wikileaks released was signed with a PGP key. After the 16th that is no longer the case. Now it's just a honeypot to identify 'dissenters', like most of the internet is.

That appears to be the case. The Podesta emails were DCIM verified, and were auto released (scheduled before Oct) The Yemen emails OTOH had no DCIM verfied-- they couldn't even BE verified because parts are fake or redacted such as John Kerry's email address.

I think Assange himself while alive, has been compromised by pressure on his family, by pressure from Ecuador, or some other way.

Did anyone ever figure out the Insurance file madness? I recall there being a push on 4ch and vo.at to figure out what was hidden in blockchain stuff, but as I recall it kept being wiped every time they got close.

Wikileaks claimed that the reason the PGP keys didn't match because they were signed for the files within the archive, not the archives themselves. That is possible, but it's not how they did it before. Some people have explained away no release of Phase 3, by saysing something they did release was that..sort of a moving target.

The eye catcher to me though is the Yemen emails. Wikileaks has always said they would never edit the content of any documents, because there would then be no way to verify if ANY of it was real. (would not pass DCIM for one thing) But when they released those emails, they had email addresses like 'sender@sender.com' or no recipient , which CANNOT be the real info. And they were cut in mid sentence many times as well (which could be explained somehow, I guess).

email addresses like 'sender@sender.com' or no recipient , which CANNOT be the real info. And they were cut in mid sentence many times as well (which could be explained somehow, I guess).

Could have been a corrupted email archive, but the explanation could really be anything. Very interesting nonetheless.

And then Wikileaks got co-opted and turned to shit.

We may become the most powerful intelligence agency in the world.

The FSB.

Man fuck assange. He's only looking out for himself.

Everybody, except Russia?

One would think if there was significant dirt on russia the american intelligence agencies would provide some to back up their ridiculous propaganda campaign against Russians. Truth of the matter is America is the root of all evil. It's just too bad americans are too brainwashed by propaganda to see it.

If you think there is a country without corruption you are the brainwashed one.

There is a difference between corruption and a quest for global dominance intentionally and aggressively upsetting the global power structure and destabilizing countless sovreign nations across the globe staging violent regime changes all in the name of corporate greed. Sorry but if you want to defend America like it is "just like any other country" then you are truly lost in a sea of lies.

Russia is far worse buddy.

Imagine talking mad shit about Donald Trump online, now imagine Trump sees you talking shit and decides to fucking kill you to silence you. Crazy right? That's what Russians have to deal with. The amount of Journalists and politicians who were killed by Putin is astounding.

According to who? See you onl6 know what you have been told. I judge from interviews with actual citizens who all love putin

Just one of the thousands of sources, if you don't believe this source, look up the thousands of others

And if you're too lazy, 34 journalists who were critical of Putin were killed in Russia, not including journalists killed in other countries or journalists who didnt have sketchy deaths. For comparison two journalists have died in U.S in simular circumstance in the same time frame and three have died in China (EG: that one video where the reporter got shot by a stranger during an interview in public) Not to mention there are far less journalists in Russia than in America, and yet you're literally 3,000 percent more likely to be murdered as a journalist in Russia.

Judge from actual citizens who love Putin? I'm sorry can you link me a single interview? You'll also literally find the same thing in North Korea bro, I can link you hundreds of videos of North Koreans crying when their previous leader died and the people of North Korea absolutely "love" their current dictator, doesn't mean they are right or that they're just simply lying so they don't get put on a list.

It also doesn't seem sketchy how Putin had blatantly overstayed his legal limit as leader? He literally changed the amount of terms you could be president as president and you don't think that's dictator like? Not to mention the fact that he blatantly rigs his own elections and murders his opponents.

You can defend Trump, Obama, Hillary or whoever, but the moment you defend Putin is when you cross the line. Please research the history of Putin and what he does before you defend him, interviews with random citizens only will prove my point TBH. You know when Putin came into power he arrested the guy who ran Russias central media companies and forced him to give up the entire company to the government?

The people in Russia love Putin because any journalist who speaks against him is killed, thus discouraging any other person from doing the same. find me a Russian journalist who is critical of Putin, alive and lived in Russia and I'll legit delete my Reddit account.

What are the journalists critical points that get them killed? You jump to conclusions. Could it be possible these journalists are American infiltrators? See America always talks about Russia infiltrating but it never even dawns on them that America infiltrates pretty much anywhere they please. I want to know about how Putin is a threat to the global power structure so much that we need to bring world war 3. Every...single...time...I hear Putin speak about Western influence im like "yep, he's right, yep, America is trying to dominate the world, yep, you should problem defend your interests for the people of your country, yep"

So if Russians came here and spouted Russian propaganda and Trump ordered them to be killed you would think that's perfectly fine? You think if Trump stayed as president for SIX terms that'd be fine?

Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya wrote many articles being very critical of Putin, she was assassinated in the elevator of the apartment a few days later. It doesn't help the fact that 24 other journalists who were MURDERED had extremely critical views and articles of Putin.

Correct. You don't bite the hand that feeds you.

That would make sense if there were any evidence that Russia ever lifted a hand for Assange.

Salon is not a source.

Sure it is. Just because it tells you things you don't want to hear doesn't mean it's not.

They clearly cited the abundance of evidence they is contrary to your opinion.

But alas, you'll ignore it because it goes against your political narrative.

There's never gonna be hard evidence for conspiracies, that's why they're conspiracies.

But there isn't even weak evidence here...

Feels > reals for the Hillshills

Three of Trumps hires resigning in a single month after being exposed to having 'Legal' ties with Russia? Nope, can't possibly even be a possibility that Trump has ties with Russia, and the fact that he's lied about his relationship with Russia.

I'm not advocating for either side, but I'm just saying people need to not be so close minded. It's not a fact, but it's not debunked in any way, and we as the public know far too little of what's actually happening in our government to make any claims.

Are Trump and Assange now the same person somehow?

Also just gonna leave this here, just one of the dozens of well written conspiracies that have been removed by the mod team for going against this subs agenda

I'm not saying it's true, it just seems fishy when well written conspiracies like that come out months before this story breaks and mods remove it within two hours for bullshit reasons, as they do with most anti Trump/current government posts that gain traction.

Wait what? Assange had his own TV show on RT. That is a state owned news outlet. Literal direct payments from the russian gov.

Here is an article by Glenn Greenwald for Salon. I think you should read it.

Glenn Greenwald is a Russian agent. I wouldn't say that on any other sub but since this is /r/conspiracy so I'm gonna put that out there.

I wish I could downvote this more.

Don't worry the Russian social media teams will. There's been a huge uptick in accounts lately.

Contrary to what the average person thinks, Russia is largely irrelevant in matters other than physical warfare.

To explain: the Russian GDP is about 2.5T, the American GDP is about 17.4T

not Jews, not lizards...

But a coincidentally high number of Jews

If you want to focus on that, sure.

They just have a high average IQ. It's not a good way to measure things, but it's better than others, and ultimately means something

Yeah you're right, probably just a coincidence

You believe that bullshit? Israel has a lower average iq than America btw.

Russia is the world leader in traditional intelligence gathering, to say otherwise is foolish. Assange could have been Russian backed from the start in Australia.

eye roll

Dear Julian, get cracking. Although most of us won't miss Cuckafornia, shit's about to get real, and it's going to be used to try to take Trump down.


note the circles in the weather..

this link may not be allowed..have no idea if PB is permitted so I'm gonna parse it repair link for screen caps of the weather pattern. Any HarpTards around?

http://s66.photo bucket.com/user/Remaq/media/E07E115F-3BAD-495F-B08F-6B4BCDE5544D.png.html

He's so full of shit. He has been saying things like this for what seems like forever now. Just do it already if you can.

Good. I like Assange and think he has been given a raw deal by TPTB. It is time to allow him to leave the embassy. This whole situation reflects the workings of a totalitarian elite.

when is it my turn to get fucked?

I feel like he may actually be back at the Embassy only because of his twitter being made at such a random time and with Vault 7 pissing off the French now, whoever took him may have prepped for him to potentially be publicly moved to wherever they move him to in some grandiose gesture.

So, you guys are realizing that he is no diff't than anyone else?

Woah. He's sounding over-the-top confident. Manic, maybe.

All talk

To bad that Assange is no longer representing whistleblowers and The People

He can start by releasing any and all communications he's had with Russia.

¡Hacéla! ¿Porque esos pedos todavian libertades?


*but not Russia.

A film made in 2013.

In the ass?

Too bad he's completely compromised and a Russian pawn.

The problem begins when they start being selective on what to release and what not to release. Who's saying they haven't already started that selective process.

History is replete with the axiom of '...be careful what you wish for.'

Some truths, no matter how anticipated, can't be dropped; they need time to dissolve.


He'd be more successful opening a comedy club if this is his approach

Tell Trump that they are heroes. He seems to love and hate Assange. What a spineless Bitch. You can't praise something only when it's in your favor without looking dumb as rocks

Assange is a joke. Wikileaks has become a joke. All political bunch of garbage.

a good ol fashioned skull fucking is inr order i reckon


I worry that it is just a matter of time before he acquires false information, passes it on, and then is exposed for providing false information.

They just need to release everything they have and stop playing games. If there is corruption do not wait until you have a beneficial political situation to maybe release it. I admire what they do but dammit just release the information already.

If he says so, I believe him. He's already done more for humanities awareness than any other human.

And then we will sell out to russia.

I think the most powerful intelligence agency on Earth is Facebook

I don't even believe he's still in the embassy. I think he's been renditioned. Pammy turning up there to see him is just theatre and the next pres of Uruguay has said he'll kick him out. problem solved, the deep state can say it's got him and the Brits can stand down their police guard. I think we're all being played.

It's not really him.

"We're going to expose everyone's secrets! Except authoritarian states like Russia and China because we're too pussy to stand up to real oppression!"

Pretty sure we are the ones that are going to get fucked. Too bad we can't do anything about it.

And me without a margarita with all this salt everywhere.

Except when whistleblowers are actually emploted by a state as a weapon against another state.

We get it julian... you are still a thing and super "relevant"

An example of the man's delusions of grandeur and self-centeredness.

I'm from Missouri. Quit talking and Show-Me.

"We're going to fuck them all! Except for Putin, Trump, Le Pen, y'know, my friends."

Unless you're Trump.

He has sold out. Every man has his price. I love you all but if I was offered the world I would give up on my endeavors. TPTB can silence anyone and it's not through violence. I am a good person and I want to change the world but when I am given the choice between a good life and maybe changing the lives of others I will choose myself. And you will too. Assange is living in paradise with a ultimatum of helping himself or trying to help the layman. You decide.

Fuck me all to death

Blow the whistles everyone! It's your damn duty!

Hes a pawn... this is propaganda

sure. So are you

And drum roll please....yes!

Power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely.

How long do you think it will take if it hasnt alreafy for somebody to control this information?

Blah blah blah blah.......... Release something useful besides politics. Where's my xfiles stuff

Holy shit this thread got brigaded hard.

How is this possible when wilileaks blatantly leaked info during the last electron in a biased manner? Every day something reported that the Democrats were doing, but not very much on trumps dealings... idk i find it hard to believe it will be "for the people" instead of just being another media outlet tool to manipulate the way we think...

Yeah, truth has a way if being biased against satanists and NWO scum.

Fuck it. I'm deleting my comment. If you're gunna leak shit, leak it on both candidates and let us the people make up our own minds. All I'm saying. Not pro Clinton or Trump. Just felt the "leaks" were one sided.

Portions of the American public do not care about the truth, they only care about feeling correct. I dont think this will ever crack open.

He sounds a little bit like Mr. Garrison from South Park season 20 in this tweet.

If the "wrong" candidate wins the presidency in Ecuador, Assange will have to leave the embassy and face sex assault charges in Sweden. He's has some heavy karma headed his way after all his collaboration with Russia and help to Trump in the last election. Enjoy the shackles Julian!

Please, all I want out of the N.W.O. is for my debts to be erased. At the end of the day, that's all anyone wants.

in trumps post truth era who cares what dirty things are revealed? People are either incredibly jaded or have outrage exhaustion. "The powers that be are corrupt? What else is new"

So what impact will any new leaks bring?

I see the idiots are still perpetuating the Russia myth.

Let em wake up first before the fucking Julian!

Its to bad he is such a dick.

Is We Steal Secrets on Netflix? I would hazard not since Soros suddenly developed an interest in it.

We'll see.So much shit talking these days...You gotta put up or shut up.

There is a lot of hare on wikileaks in this thread that I don't understand where is coming from.

Do you really think releasing all the info at once will benefit the situation and the cause? There is a reason they release the information in a very systematic and timed way.

Assange is the hero of our time and you guys can't even be grateful for what he's done because you don't like the rate at which he releases the information or accuse of of being an attention whore?


I don't know and I appreciate the civility. That is the biggest question cuz who really gives a shit what the shape of the planet it right? My thoughts are: maybe there is an abundance of land and resources beyond Antarctica. Like what admiral Byrd talked about. Or to hide our divinity? To worship science instead of realizing that we are "god." That we have more power then anyone could ever dream? To make us feel small, insignificant & alone. To play god? Pillage the earth, change/splice DNA, create hybrids, to try to imitate the creator? I don't know. I am not a religious person by any right. If you search flat earth vids on YouTube you will come across a shit ton of people who believe in the Bible and Jesus. Nothing wrong with that but it just turns me off. Especially because the Bible/Jesus are just assimilated or stolen stories from generations upon generations before. Honestly I have no fucking idea why anyone would want to hide it. That is my biggest hang up with the whole thing. My guess? That the reason is a lot bigger than anything I could imaging

Assange might be the biggest troll ever. He's part of the cabal. For so long...no one knows if he's still alive...then he's on Foxnews being interviewed by Hannity.

This sub has gotten too ridiculous.

Assange is part of the cabal. Shuck & jive routine.

Until it is compromised.

Oh, you mean the same Assange that for six months threatened to release damning information that would have supposedly "stopped the DNC in it's tracks", or how about how he supposedly was going to release information that would "put Hillary behind bars for sure!"

Or how about my favourite, when he claimed he was going to leak stuff on Trump - all three instances of stuff he has lied through his fucking teeth on. Wasn't it just completely obvious he was trying to play us? Come on guys.

God damn this sub.

She just wants to bring you a sandwich!


Strife, suffering, and sorrow! Embrace the worst case to be reborn in glory!

when he's sold enough merch

As soon as it's too late.

I want to say when Vault 7 drops, but I've been hurt before.

this right fucking here.

although, he probably knows that he'll be taken out as soon as certain shit is dropped.

Which seems really strange.

Exactly. They have to play it smart and be extremely cautious not to fuck up too badly. If they discredit themselves, then leakers won't feel comfortable going to them and people won't trust whatever they release. Then their whole operation turns to shit.

Oh ya? internet being cut off also cuts off your phone? All it took was a simple phone call. People act like his internet being cut off meant he had zero ability to contact the outside world...fuck that. Assange is NSA imho and right now it is a battle between the intelligence communities. NSA vs CIA vs FBI.

He done a phone interview when his internet was cut off so I have no idea why you're saying that? And yes I agree his interviews did seem sketchy considering the circumstances. But his live AMA on Twitch was sufficient proof of life for me. And he said himself there was a Black PR campaign to discredit Wikileaks.

This is just how I feel. I was there aswell. Well put. I fear the worst and hope for the best.

Whoaaa what is this about kids being eaten and dissolved in acid!!!?! Link please! Holy shit.

Third wave or bust!

If that were true, why would everyone around him be keeping quiet. The only answer I've been given is "they were threatened ". I don't buy that. I don't believe all of those people would keep quiet. Pilger, his lawyer, his family, wl staff?

Does "friend" mean being blackmailed and controlled by Israel? It's pretty obvious when he said "911 was a distraction" he was a Mossad operative. 911 was a false flag attack by Israel.

My opinion, which is just an opinion and is no more than that, is that there was a lot of activity behind the scenes involving the US government, Ecuador, and possibly/probably Russia. I don't think Assange was captured or killed. I just think that something got to him and he has to play his cards a bit differently now.

Of course, it makes a better Tom Clancy narrative if we believe he's been killed and the CIA is running Wikileaks now.

I have to imagine he has a VERY tough job. He can't just release information without verifying it, or his credibility is ruined. Trying to verify secret information with a limited amount of trusted individuals, while remaining secret has to be ridiculously tough. I'm sure that I don't have the patience and tenacity to do that.

"Hillary and Bill Clinton apprehended by Trump administration trying to flee the country! Pedophile arrests set to happen TONIGHT!!" -Top post here one day with 3,000+ points.

Sounds like I'm making up some /conspiracy circlejerk post but sadly that was the number one post for some time

Yeah but - consider the other highly likely possibility at the time: all that mess was created in order to make Julian Assange seem less credible by making it seem like he was compromised/captured. That was done so at a critical time when the integrity of wikileaks was hugely important. As he puts it (and as was said at the time by other conspirators) it was a "black PR campaign", and one which he had no control over (no ability to definitively give proof that couldn't be countered by black-PR trolls that didn't involve him having an active internet connection for live-streaming). There's a strong case for a group associated with the Clintons cutting his internet and causing all that mess in order to discredit him at a critical time - for little consequence (nothing illegal or dangerous PR e.g. killing him). It was an easy win - all the discrediting, minus the martydom. Once he's finally back, all people can whine about is how the poor guy didn't have internet for a few months. Big human rights complaint, there.

I dunno. With the livestream, I'm convinced he's alive and well. Maybe compromised still, but... eh, he always could have been. He continues to say and do important things, that's all anyone can hope for.

Don't worry the Russian social media teams will. There's been a huge uptick in accounts lately.

Let's define celebrity... wasted universal energy slurped into a selfish ego, this is how black holes are created.

What if the soul is the impact of your life on those around you, your family and kids, and it's the distance in time by which that impact or influence shall perpetuate

There's also their "insurance files" that are all over the place just waiting for the keys to be opened

and the ama :)

Because disinformation is disinformation.

Tortillas is code for something...

climate change is real. The people saying it will murder our babies in 5 years are wrong.

I'm sorry what has Wikileaks releases that has been bunk?

exactly. and with the new mods and a news blackout... was a weird moment to be.

So if Russians came here and spouted Russian propaganda and Trump ordered them to be killed you would think that's perfectly fine? You think if Trump stayed as president for SIX terms that'd be fine?

Anna Stepanovna Politkovskaya wrote many articles being very critical of Putin, she was assassinated in the elevator of the apartment a few days later. It doesn't help the fact that 24 other journalists who were MURDERED had extremely critical views and articles of Putin.

Well going with your theory about the NSA vs CIA vs FBI then I would say Assange is CIA because he worked for the CIA before NSA and then proceeded to leak NSA info to make the NSA look bad.

That's exactly what the NSA would want you to think! lol

It's easier to believe that than to believe Assange played you like a fiddle, huh?

Who the hell says something like that? "You should bring all children that are available." Sick fuck.

It's obvious that you were implying that what you were stating was fact based on the context of the comment chain that you were responding to. If you had stated, as a matter of fact, that humans have eternal souls, I would have had the same reaction.

I'm not talking about passenger airliners. Look at high altitude weather balloons. There are videos on YouTube where they get up to 121k feet. By simple geometry that should be enough height to see the curve. There isn't one. It's perfectly straight. Or, if you do see a curve it'll flex. Going from concave, to straight, to convex and back and forth. The only way that is possible is with a straight line. In fact, if you take the high altitude Red Bull jump video and compare it side by side with a weather balloon video at the same altitude you can clearly see manipulation. Fish eye lenses work wonders for creating curves

So by your logic I can never be critical of Obama or Trump or any other politician, because at least they're trying to run the country while I am not.

Yeah that makes perfect sense.

First of all, I know what a theory is. Calm your tits.

Secondly what I was actually referring to was the general theory of relativity, which is how we describe gravity.

Finally, you're missing the point entirely because you're stuck up your own ass.

In closing, grow up.

The comment chain I was responding to stated that God isn't real.

You didn't react to that charleybucket. Why not?