Holy shit! One week ago anyone would mock you and call you a conspiracy nut if you mentioned a "deep state" or "shadow government." Now all mainstream media outlets are mentioning it.

750  2017-02-18 by [deleted]



its funny, people are now talking like someone recently woke.

Not really.

There are books about the double government by widely respected authors, ( in by some of te mains stream community).

Just because it wasn't well known doesn't mean they were not aroun around. Shit, I bought it even

It's basically a known fact, but the media pretended otherwise and many people were unaware of the impact of the deep state. Until recently.

Just because books were written and you bought some is not a good argument. We have the MSM, which is viewed by millions every day, openly talking about it. That's a huge difference.

Yeah but surely a large percentage of the population realised that if the gov changes after an election , many of the same people remain in the CIA, in charge of nukes, space agency's etc.

It's fairly clear to work out ?

Most people accept what the talking box says at face value. If people critically thought about things we would be a very different species


I use to only browse political comments on news sites

I always remember these words

"there comes a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart you can't take part - You cant even passively take part..."

The CTR shilling made me come out of the lurk, i'm not a smart or rich man, I think more need to help. Left right rich poor dumb or smart. I have the romantized version of what reddit could be

I think reddit in combination with google have created the first mass intelligence, a crude AI capable of self-diagnosing. Like how they designed the first computers with hole punchers, we are the flashcards with punchholes set to a task. Like ants working autonomously make a colony

Advertisements are the plague thats sending our ants to a deathtask, colony self purge.


I think reddit in combination with google have created the first mass intelligence, a crude AI capable of self-diagnosing. Like how they designed the first computers with hole punchers, we are the flashcards with punchholes set to a task. Like ants working autonomously make a colony

mate! I was thinking something pretty much the same a few hours ago! whoa!

Hive mind confirmed

maybe AOL was hivemind v.1.0?

lol ... I prefer "collective consciousness" myself ;D

Ha yes I agree. This is why I believe there will never be another world war in the same vein of the first two. I feel that people all over the world are breaking free of the manipulation and will not consent to being cannon fodder for war profiteers any longer

Inb4 feels before reels

God is love

and so, the next step is then to help people "think better things" .. to 'refocus' on the 'good' (postiive) rather than the 'bad' (negatives)

I'm on the same wavelength my man/woman, I'm trying to educate people in a gentle way. I was definitely too aggressive in my initial approach, but I've learned it's all about planting seeds... people will learn, you just need to point them in the right direction


I've learned it's all about planting seeds


stay awesome amigo

*tips fedora

rubs bald pate appreciatingly

I've suggested the same thing over at r/futurology and r/worldnews. The basic idea is that using your computer+reddit+internet results in a weak form of telepathy. Thousands of people thinking about the same topic results in a hive mind.

Because nobody has ever dealt with an actual hive mind before, nobody knows exactly what it can do or how it might be different. Also, TPTB probably don't realize that it exists yet.

Maybe we have an advantage and don't realize it?

they absolutely know. TPTB want to merge with this created AI and transcend mortality.

the only question is if this AI has already been made.

This AI lies within each of us whether we are in touch with it or not.

Except it's not artificial. So, not "AI", but just "I".

Ive said this before, a part of the universes plan to intuitively know itself is to create a habitat for itself then advance a species that is capable of building...something

I just think we're here for a reason, maybe theres no reason and anything is basically pointless - except the joy you get from spashing puddles, but then My 'puddle' is seeing this through

that's the basic gestalt of it.

"The all is mind; the universe is mental" -the kybalion

Not only do they know that the hive mind exists, they are actively in control of it, and that control is growing.

CTR, Cambridge Analytica, and even the "failed" Microsoft Twitterbot experiment, "Tay" (I say "failed" because I believe it was utterly successful, and that they have implemented that technology across other platforms, reddit included)...

All of these data collection/analyzation/social marketing companies... they live and die on how well they can analyze and manipulate the hive mind. They have over two decades of data to pull from. Cambridge Analytica claims to have 2,000-5,000 points of data on every American citizen. They have perfected the algorithms to the point where it can already be a relatively hands-off process.

All this data collection from corporations and the NSA, etc., that's not about "spying on you", it's about observing, containing, and manipulating the hive mind.

We all should be humbled.

We should all be the Terminator.

We definitely have an advantage.

"the people up top push the people down low"

I think it's a little beyond that: The more closely we align ourselves with truth, the more we act as an egregore -- a group intelligence acting in concert -- without a need to communicate or coordinate actions. Like, if you and I both know "The Right Thing To Do", both of us are going to do that Right Thing regardless of whether we discuss it.

I call this egregore the Christ Consciousness, or the 2nd Coming of Christ. Maybe this is what was predicted all along.

I use to only browse political comments on news sites

I always remember these words

"there comes a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart you can't take part - You cant even passively take part..."

The CTR shilling made me come out of the lurk, i'm not a smart or rich man, I think more need to help. Left right rich poor dumb or smart. I have the romantized version of what reddit could be

I think reddit in combination with google have created the first mass intelligence, a crude AI capable of self-diagnosing. Like how they designed the first computers with hole punchers, we are the flashcards with punchholes set to a task. Like ants working autonomously make a colony

Advertisements are the plague thats sending our ants to a deathtask, colony self purge.

What puzzles me is why is the mainstream media using these terms. It is almost as if they want to disclose the truth to the masses perhaps as a way of regaining control the narrative. The MSM rather than deny their existence will try to convince the people the "Deep state" and the "shadow government" are forces of good. The way the information was leaking out through conspiracy sites was making the deep state look extremely bad. They were forced to change strategy. Rather then deny the existence of the shadow government they are re-branding and coming out of the closet as pre-tend good guys.

They used this same strategy with Federal Reserve a decade ago. Before about 2008 if you talked about the Federal Reserve being a for profit privately owned bank they just go into full denial. Then after Ron Paul published "End the FED" the powers that be tried to regain the narrative by openly admitting it and then trying to spin private ownership of the Money as a good because it would be BAD if politicians had the power to create money out of thin air. Only us private banksters are allowed to make out of thin air. Now go back to sleep serfs.

They are doing the same thing with the Deep state and the shadow government. We are switching from the denial phase to the out in the open phase. They will probably spin it the same way they spin the Federal Reserve. Elected politicians are bad. It is "good" we have a shadow government to protect the masses from fools like Trump. This is not a prediction but is happening right before our very eyes.

Fucking brilliant

Keep posting

Please make this its own post ty


Agreed! A post dedicated to "branches of govt" that made the leap from denied to disclosed would be excellent!

They should now ban owners & directors of media companies from operating if they have dual passports. If you control the narrative, you're loyalty cannot be mixed in any way.

You don't sound puzzled to me, you sound like someone who sees pretty clearly what's happening.

I suspect that the strategy to legitimize the deep state as a force for good is a conscious, calculated, recent response. I had come to this conclusion a couple of days ago when browsing an acquaintance's social media posts. This is a lifelong acquaintance who married a multiple-security clearanced member of the deep state. He has worked directly for the alphabet agencies as well as for many of the defense contractors since the 90s. Over the years, I have learned to listen carefully to what she says because she inadvertently lets slip a ton of useful information.

The intelligence community isn't just about the collection and analysis of intelligence. Because it employs vast numbers of people, it is also basically a propaganda machine wherein they indoctrinate their own community with certain ideas that they intend to spread. They create truths, convince their compartmentalized cube monkeys of the veracity of whatever they're pushing, and then let those ideas grow and spread "organically." I suspect it is just one way that those pussy hat protests "sprung up" so quickly, for instance.

So, my acquaintance, wife of cube dwelling letter-agency monkey, has changed her tone dramatically lately. Before, it was considered gauche to discuss politics openly. Further, it was a threat to her husband's position or consideration for future positions. Now, she's posting right and left about nothing else. She is a very good little parrot, spreading the office culture into the ether. That whole "the IC is going nuclear, he'll die in a jail cell" thing the other day - she said essentially that about 36 hours before it hit twitter.

The IC is pushing the narrative that the "deep state" is merely that collection of non-political lifers who make the world go round smoothly. They're indispensable, as such. We should be thankful that these good, honest civil servants have everyone's best interests at heart, and anyone with two brain cells to rub together understands that Trump is a threat to order that needs to be stopped ASAP. But, never fear, the deep state will take care of him.

If you look at the psychology of the situation, you can see it isn't hard to inject these ideas into that culture. Who wouldn't want to think they're fighting for the "right" team? If they have unsavory tasks, well, they're just saving everyone else from seeing how the sausage is made.

Add to that, that Podesta and HRC have loosened up and started talking to the media/on twitter as though they think they have this coup in the bag. HRC's retweet the other day mentioning Comet, as well as Podesta's presence in the MSM lately - they have become emboldened for some reason. That reason, whatever it is, has given them confidence that they're "winning." Maybe it's as simple as this "cast the deep state in a good light" strategy has taken off running. I don't know, something has shifted.

cube dwelling letter-agency monkey

Is there a length limit on Reddit usernames?

Heh... I can think of a few four letter words you could replace 'monkey' with if that helps...

20 Character limit on usernames

I've always wondered where writers draw their inspiration for shows like Blacklist, Scandal, House of Cards, etc.

The tin foil hat explanation says those shows are all propaganda to make people comfortable with all kinds of shady backroom stuff that goes on, including the idea that secret cabals run everything.

Avid Scandal watcher here. Olivia Pope has been sporting a whole lot of purple lately. Just sayin.

Also, watching this Thursday, I must have seen at least half a dozen assassination images between the current plotline of Scandal itself, as well as the commercials for (I think) Designated Survivor. It's insane! ABC is normalizing assassination.

Also noticed the commercials for some other show...American Crime, I think it is... taking on the human trafficking subject. Interesting timing.

Deep state is losing. None of us will ever forget what we saw this past year

limited hangout

2008? I learned in high school that the FED was a private bank and that was like 94 when did it become a secrete and people stopped talking about it?

Great observation. A major way MSM misleads/lies is through what they title things (terrorist or freedom fighter). I would have thought they would have created a new name rather than use a term long accepted by "conspiracy theorists" to refer to unelected, unaccountable power. Could be dangerous to validate the idea of a shadow government in the minds of the masses.

Great comment. Just one thing:

The END GAME of all this is America ends up with a government like China's in a few years.

A government where the president can select someone for official state murder without trial, is a government that is as bad as, or worse than, the government of China. Thank Obama for that.

America is already an oligarchy run by the unelected. Maybe the Trump election will upset that. We'll see.


Wow, think you nailed it.

You can see Hegel's thesis --> antithesis --> synthesis philosophy at work. Thirty years ago you would say that China is the antithesis of the US. Today, they are forming into mirror images of each other. Sure, they have some fundamental differences, but the end game is the same: an authoritarian state with a veneer of freedom.

Isn't msm all fake news anyway? So that would mean shadow government is fake?


The same thing was done with the surveillance state.

My friend just confirmed your notion of creating the perception that the Shadow Government is good. The perception that it will protect us from a revolving door of temporary presidents like Trump. It was horrifying.

I think the thing that differs is the way terms like "shadow government" are being used. When the media says "shadow government" they don't mean the illuminati or some secret cabal. They mean the people surrounding the President who weren't elected. People like Steve Bannon and other appointees who were given positions and are making decisions but were never elected.

Is Humpty Dumpty gonna be the official deep state song? I think it is fitting. Can't wait till they are exposed. They (along with Israel's mossad) have created too much suffering.

Outoftheloop. Which mainstream media ?

Where are all these mentions of shadow government in media? Can someone post links?

Chicago tribune had an article as well

Thomas massie was on cnn openly speaking about it yesterday. He went on to say that war mongers in the shadow government were itching for confrontation with Russia. The newscaster didn't seem to keen to ask many follow up questions.

For chaotic as everything seems, I am pretty sure this could be the most unwieldy time all the power brokers have ever experienced. We're basically a lifestyle change away from a better an entirely better world.

This is the only reference to shadow government I have seen. Are there any other mentions of shadow government besides this one that references the FBI leak?

It's because the Trump presidency is a False Flag.

The purpose of it is to have Americans begging for a coup from the Military/Intelliegence agencies (i.e., the "deep state"), which is why Americans are now being familiarized with the concept.

So the Trump narrative is that he is incompetent and treasonous. This will become a more and more perilous situation until your average American is begging for a Military Coup. Comparable to the 2008 bailouts - the goverenment scared the middle class more and more about what could happen to the economy until the average American was begging for their money to be taken and redistributed to the 1%.

This is the real way that politics works in a pseudo-democracy. They have to find ways to get the public to beg for something they would never agree to if they knew the true purpose (i.e., "public relations," propaganda).

So the purpose of the Trump presidency false flag is to simply have Americans begging for a military dictatorship.

Right.. it's been a pretty amazing trend over the past six months. The deep state puts Trump into office against the will of the people, then goes to war with him as champion of the people. There are lifelong skeptics of intelligence agencies who all of the sudden think the USA's only hope is - of all things - the CIA.

You're half right.

I agree that the IC is stoking fear in the public, so that they'll be begging for a couple.

But I think these plans were written a long time ago, likely sitting on a shelf in the Pentagon for years.

The election of Trump has simply given them a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Probably the last time this could've happened was during the sixties.

Or maybe they expected is to hate HRC as president so much we'd be clamoring for the coup?

I guess the flaw with that is MSM would have glossed her over like they did Obama.

Why would they beg for a coup? Jobs were the biggest problem. Average Joe's won't care about the shadow government if they have a job and a daily routine.

There will not be a military coup against President Trump.

He won the vote of our service men and women, bigly.

Also if there's a coup, Americans will raise arms

So the military that voted for Trump will raise arms against the military? That doesn't make sense.

That's why this plan is so brilliant.

Yes because our service men and women serve our Constitution.

If just mentioning deep state was somehow getting you called a conspiracy nut, then that just means you were talking to idiots. The deep state is not a secret or even a conspiracy. It's a known part of our government and anyone who has spent any time studying our government would know that.

There are a lot of idiots in the world.

Yes, but everyone's understanding is different. Ask r/conspiracy who is the deep state and one gets a plethora of answers. Until everyone gets on one page, it will continue to be a conspiracy.

Think you just called like 95% of US population idiots

If the shoe fits

Mostly it's an ignorance and naivety that public school systems and media have carefully created and cultivated.

Seriously, did you ever think you'd see the day all this was happening? I wonder if the kids know how stunning it is for us in the older crowd to hear politicians say the things we're hearing them say, see the revelations we're seeing and actually be right there in the middle of the information war surrounding it. This is history..and i gladly admit that it's history i never anticipated seeing. No matter what you think it is..it's a game changer

I just love that Trump's admin is letting people like the 7th Floor Shadow Gov. hear "You're Fired" for once :)

That was my main consolation having a reality tv star as president. We've needed some serious attrition in the federal govt and across all the bureaucracy and he dies have a special talent for firing people.

Yea, that is pretty damn good

Ultimately I think there is a silver lining to this shit show of a president and media war. We get to see that corporate oligarchs are self serving, myopic, glad handers, a fact which most knew but some needed to have rammed down their throat, and at the same time we see that there is a tremendously organized yet fractured 'deep state' cabal that will stop at nothing to prevent the status quo from changing.

You mean the controlled lying media? Now I'm sure there is no deep state or shadow government.

Revelation of the Method

I repeat

Revelation of the Method

You think we can thank Mr. Flynn for that?

I think someone knows that the end is near. We humans could have achieved so much, but instead we became wage slaves and religious blind puppets.

I been waiting to see if Trump, given his prior distrust on terrorism and official discourse, and given the issues he's having, might be interested on disclosing or releasing information about the horrors done by the intelligence community (shadow government? other?), local and/or foreign operations. But one of the issues is that Trump started his presidency under suspicions of Russian infiltration, so few to none information might be shared with him, and even given the case, Trump might not be interested on that if it hurts the development of his "political project".

Trump doesn't look like the catalyst required to expose the surreptitious ways of control, manipulation and harassment currently executed around the world, however might be the way some americans showed their distrust and repugnance for the political class/professional politicians, and for others, the opportunity to build a very specific and notorious political agenda (as opposed to that claimed existent agenda). However, improvisation and uncertainty is leading people to trust the intelligence community and mainstream media more than before as the rational and reasonable option.

Could those unfortunate actions consolidate the official discourse (where nothing ever happens and the harassment, torture and manipulations claims are just conspiracy theorists crazy ideas until it's disclosed decades later and everybody suddenly is in shock) as the "right option" based on the erratic aspects of Trump administration?

Trump is a gauge so is H Clinton. The deep state now has a better understanding of which way the wind blows in USA society and can now adjust tactics accordingly. ALL PARTISANS ARE BEING PLAYED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great post. Yeah, it's actually very satisfying. On most things I'm six years ahead of the 100th monkey. By my watch mainstream awareness of a shadow government is right on schedule. Go people!

Of course, the president is a Republican now.

I think this might be the key, this lack of true MSM loyalty: get enough people to believe in the deep state, and MSM will follow the money.

The CIA are trained to control the narrative. It is what they have been doing in other countries, now they are doing it in the US.

National Security and Double Government - Michael Glennon

They're controlling the narrative and giving official definitions to words and ideas. Now there's a definition for the deep state, and that phrase won't ever describe a similar phenomenon but with different people involved.

Mass 24 hour media, social networking and people with an ADDICTION "writ large on purpose" promulgate this Bizarro world. Division is the goal and it seems to be working. To what end? Divide and conquer of course. By whom and for what? Follow the money. Money equals power. A plutocratic slave state is not out of the question... it is the GOAL.🤔


Heh... I can think of a few four letter words you could replace 'monkey' with if that helps...

20 Character limit on usernames

Agreed! A post dedicated to "branches of govt" that made the leap from denied to disclosed would be excellent!

Yes because our service men and women serve our Constitution.