Thank You Pizzagate Investigators

786  2017-02-18 by BigBrownBeav

I'd just like to show my appreciation to the brave guys and gals who have helped push this story forward. Despite a very vocal opposition of redditors eager to defend pedophiles I'm seeing alot of arrests being made. I can't say for sure whether it's related to pizzagate directly but there is definitely an uptick in awareness to the issue and real children are being saved.

Cheers, Keep fighting


4-5 months later and it's not going away. I was there for the start of PG. I'm actually pretty surprised so many people are joining in still. Definitely a good thing. PG is a gateway to understanding how fucked our government truly is, across all party lines and affiliations

Yes I was lurking in a thread over on /pol/ when this first started to break. I remember everyone being like shocked at what was unrolling in front of our eyes.

And to think, had Podesta just come up with a reasonable explanation for those coded emails this could have likely put out the fire. Instead, we got a media push on the term fake news which backfired in a huge way on them.

The last couple days, especially after watching Trumps media lambasting, it's starting to feel like the pendulum is swinging in the just direction.

If the media didn't double down on fake news when the story dropped it would have never gained this much traction. They "debunked" instantly.

Yeah they still haven't caught on. Or maybe they have consigned themselves to being damage control PR firms. Either way we are the media now.

Either way we are the media now. Thanks internet.

We have to be vigilant. They can take this away to an extent.

Then we go outside and talk to our neighbors. They don't want that.

The most effective method for them would be "poisoning the well". Basically, if they can't fight the truth with lies head-on, then they'll make the truth look ridiculous by associating it with something crazy. That's what you have to worry about.

But there's only so much manpower among them to be effective. How many "keyboard warriors" can they put towards the effort?

That's why they loved the legacy media. It was a centralized and easy to control. The Internet? Not so much.

Make the truth look ridiculous huh? Kind of like what they did with that "shooter" that went into Comet and only shot at the computer? You know that guy that's worked as an actor before and whose dad works for the Clintons?

spot on

This month I've red-pilled hard on pizzagate. I heard about it in passing when it happened initially and kinda brushed it off and did not delve into it. Thanks to people like you for keeping at it!

I remember seeing the pizza related emails when they were first posted. I decided to read them out of curiosity, but I thought people were making shit up. I could not explain what I was reading, and others were struggling to do the same at first. It just seemed really bizarre to me to have those words in official emails.

When someone posted the Franklin Scandal video, I decided that something was up.

Keep it up! Together, we can end this. We can't eliminate all the weirdos, but we can eliminate all people in power who sacrifice children.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist.."

It is the ultimate redpill. I've been researching conspiracies for years and pizzagate redpilled me. It makes total sense why we are being brigaded. Because the research is turning up wayyy more than just pizza pedos.

So what about Dyncorp and all that stuff?

Check out George Webb day 100

Is it all interconnected? Dis getting crazy

Yes.. CIA black budget is real.

What specifically captured your eye. Don't link me to anything, don't be generic, give us something specific

PG is a gateway to understanding how fucked our government planet truly is, across all party lines and affiliations

FTFY...but yeah. I agree.

Pedogate is worldwide.

I knew it the second I found this picture and discovered comet ping pong way back it feels like. Easily the biggest single awakening I've ever had.

I still think Comet Ping Pong stands for something. CPP. Child Porn Something? Cheese Pizza Something? Not sure...

Child porn productions.

Clearinghouse for Pedo Porn

You could be on to something

Found this on urban dictionary so take it with some salt

Comet. kom-it Noun. 1. A person that passes through your life repeatedly who is intense and awesome, and when gone you are still in contact with that person in some way but they are not a continuous partner.

I have found there is a hole in the poly lexicon. The term "play partner" doesn't fit non-casual partners. Play sounds trite. Some of these relationships can span years and even decades. Some are very deep, with a combination of intimacy, friendship, admiration, and shared history. Poly circles use the term "play and pause" which also doesn't fit many of my "comets" as I don't pause. Many I stay in touch with daily or weekly.

Some comets come by every 18 months when the schedules line up or, to continue the metaphor, when the stars align. I have even heard some use the term partner-partner. As in, "they are a partner but not like a partner-partner." This is an example of that awkward lack of a term for someone who is somewhere between fully in your life at all times and a casual play play partner, that you like, but don’t have an ongoing connection with. Ana is excited to have her comet Fredrico visit because they have hot sex and a deep connection. This is despite him living in Granada Spain and focusing on his poetry, while Ana lives in Seattle with her primary.

"ping pong" is code for the act of hooking up with the opposite gender. Hey. do you wanna play ping pong with me in the basement?

That would make sense, in a very sick and depraved sort of way. Oh, boy...

God, "Pedogate Worldwide" just rang in my head like Prestige Worldwide from Step Brothers.


It just might be catchy enough for the cucks

Cheese and pizza!

Losing isn't an option. It's the whole world's one chance to see the truth that's been hidden for generations and do the only thing that is humanly decent in response - fight the evil to the very end.

Yes 4-5 months of attacking/smearing somebody with no evidence and nothing uncovered. Pushing to arrest somebody with no accusers, witnesses, victims, parents of victims, former employees collaborating any accusations or any evidence of a crime. Great job getting that police state stated!

I'm seeing alot of arrests being made. I can't say for sure whether it's related to pizzagate

They're not, people just attach pizzagate to any arrest now, even if it happens in fucking Sweden.

Pizzagate does not mean all pedophilia, that's revisionist bullshit. 4-5 months of accusing a random business owner of a terrible crime with no evidence because he donated to the Democratic party.

Oh and finally great job painting everybody who goes against you as a pedo or a pedo defender when they point out the gaping holes in your logic. Really the tactics of the people on the right side.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Do more research and understand PizzaG8 is more than just a story about a pizza place it's about shutting down the trafficking and rape of children and if you can't get behind that then leave us alone.

Do more research and understand PizzaG8 is more than just a story about a pizza place it's about shutting down the trafficking and rape of children

No its not. It tried to change into that because Tyner pizza place was nothing and rather than say "well guess I was wrong about that" supports said it's about ALL child trafficking, so they can now never be wrong about it.

Then why every weird and fucked up performance, video, act, etc... everything is recorded in that bizzare place? That world-corpo video where Podesta-exact-like voice and accent was heard and a child was screaming turned out to be filmed during some party-thingy in CPP...

Plus the initial start for this theory was the Podesta e-mails.. There were tons of e-mails where Podesta used: hotdog, pizza and other food names in sentences and discussions that were not even about food. It could be clearly see that they were used as code-words not to describe food for real.

And you just assumed he was taking about pedophilia? Or were you maybe helped along by a 4chan code list and a push from the d?

Quote some of those lines with the "code words". They are clearly about food, it's only if you decide beforehand that they aren't that you can conjure up nefarious hidden meanings.

So you talk like this about food? "I want pizza for an hour"

Can you link to the email with context?

Try harder, I'm not convinced you're a shill yet.

The worldcorp video turned out to be filmed a a cpp party? You might want to double check that.

If there is nothing to it, then you would be open to an investigation. A real investigation would easily solve this mess.

What would they investigate? There is no accuser beyond anonymous online accusations, no victim, no parents of a victim, no witnesses, no former employees collaborating anything, and no evidence of any crime.

"Excuse me sir, some people online accuse you of being a pedophile because they think you're creepy. You are now under investigation."

You are all not only pushing a police state, but literally frothing at the mouth to do it because THERE ARE CHILDREN BEING HARMED RIGHT NOW!! The fact that there isn't any evidence of that is secondary.

Think about why pizzagate is pushed so hard reposted information is on the front page every day. For fucks sake it was stickied on the day Flynn resigned! When has this sub ever pushed something that hard.

That was a wonderful Q&A thanks!!

Soon as he responds block him. He is here to waste our time and spin our wheels. He has no interest in real debate and is either crazy obsessed with PG or has some other incentive to be so focused on it. Either way it's not benefiting us in any way like a good debate can do with someone willing to actually look into the facts before trying to refute them.

Whatever you say, pedo.

Please dont call this scumbag piece of shit names... That's not nice... Even paedophiles have feelings... (BARF!!!)

You are acting like a retard.. You probably support these kind of acts or did something similiar in real life and 'no evidence' just proves that you are not real member of conspiracy community as those who have been here and are here for legit research and information purposes are already up-to-date about every creepy, weird things and facts related to PedoGate..

Literally every your post on /r/conspiracy is in dismissing nature. I have no idea what are you doing in this sub as you do not seem a legit /r/conspiracy member.

You need to read PizzaGate 101.. I do not remember the URL, but I think it was hosted on Google spreadsheets or somewhere else as a .PDF... It draws together all the evidence and facts as long as you are willing to read it with a open mind not in-'this crazy fake troll alt right conspiracy news witch hunt' manner..

And John Podesta bringed 3 young preteen kids with him at hot tub which itself is fucking creepy and weird.. Imagine if Hillary had won and this person became Secretary of state.

And John Podesta bringed 3 young preteen kids with him at hot tub which itself is fucking creepy and weird.

It was a pool, but it's always mentioned as a hot tub because that makes it creeper.

And what are you supposed to do when literally half the posts in this sub are about pizzagate but there is still no accuser, no victim, no witness, no parents of victims, no former employees collaborating anything or any evidence of any illegal activity.

Everything about pizzagate is just "look how creepy this is! Clearly a pedo." Is a witch hunt.

So, pool or not, but still why would a old man swim with 3 freaking children... Can you explain that?

Did you read the email? It was at a party, they weren't the only people there. Did the email say Podesta would be swimming with them? Why are you automatically assuming that three kids being at a party means they're getting molested? Some guy is using the party to announce his candidacy for something, the fact that three kids are there isn't evidence of anything.

He also wants Pizza for an hour. You need ro to through the volume of evidence before you come here to crap on it.

It was the Haitian pizza email that made it clear for me." The pizza isn't very healthy so finish it off this time." I mean come on, that's not pizza they are talking about

Would you be so kind as to link that email from wikileaks

I don't know what email it was in. But I've read most everything I know about this from links in this subreddit. Look for posts that say all info so far.

Are you confident you read an actual email on wikileaks containing your quote, and not just a comment on reddit?


Thats interesting as I have only ever seen it mentioned in comments, I have not found any such email on wikileaks.

Oh ok

How is that evidence of pedophilia? Like that's the basis for your investigation? Everything you point me to as evidence is literally nothing.

I wonder if he uses the remains of the children in his pizza recipe.....

The email stated that the three children will be there for further entertainment and that, "those children will definitely be in that pool."...... Why was it necessary to assure they would be in that pool? How entertaining could three children that age possibly be to a group of adults with plenty other forms of entertainment available to them? Use your brain.

Bonnie will be > Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and > almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in > that pool for sure.

Pretty sure the victims aren't old enough to hop onto Reddit and write a review about Uncle Skippy

"call me daddy!"

Ha. I spotted you trying to shoehorn a pedogate argument into something irrelevant earlier today. Do you get a weekend differential?

Maybe its double overtime for Presidents' Day weekend

Careful, I got banned on my main account for inferring someone was a shill.

Because I'm not a shill you fucking clown. But keep calling everyone who points out your shitty logic shills. Very convincing.

I didn't even touch on whether or not you were a shill, but nice defense mechanism bro. Was just looking out for a fellow commenter.

Well when you have the people constantly calling you a shill and a pedo because I call pizzagate bullshit and having the mods do nothing gets pretty old. Especially when you have people giving them tips on it.

Well, I'm not sure if you gleaned this from my comments by my "tips" were to "not do that."

You know, I ran through your post history because I was 99% certain you're a shill account that's been around for 5 years and was purchased a year ago. Instead I see that you like to lurk and you used to debate trump supporters and were generally pretty open to discussion, if not open minded politically.

Yet in the past two months you've been doing nothing but trolling around /r/conspiracy arguing about pizzagate. What happened to your interest in /r/comicbooks? Nothing worth talking about in /r/askreddit? It seems to have become your most recent obsession.

You said you're a pats fan a while back (Maybe you've forgotten, because who knows if it's even you at this point). Nothing to say regarding the superbowl win? Especially since you were against Deflategate?

I think at the very least you've become pretty obsessed on this topic. You should have noticed by now that the people who believe this will believe this whether you comment about it for months or not. Leave them to it.

Lmao if you really took the time to look through my whole post history you'd see I've been a fan of calling out circlejerks and bullshit the whole time I've been here. And this just happens to be the biggest most nonsense circlejerk I've ever seen.

I mean you literally just went through five years of my posting history rather than refute anything I said.

Holy shit it's insanity. It's a political witch hunt, a moral panic and Boston bomber type Internet detective shenanigans all wrapped up in the biggest ball of bullshit I've ever seen.

plz stay on topic.

he asked you something. maybe do answer?

if you are just insulting... you prove his point, not yours.

Honestly the real witch hunt is the persecution of anyone who even mentions pizzagate, and that's what has me thinking that there is a truth to this matter.

Ben Swann? What happened to him after the segment? If it's such nonsense, why did the segment need to be taken down?

Why did the fakenews term pop up immediately after pizzagate? It backfired spectacularly, but the timing of it is exceptional.

Why did Joe Rogan's podcast 911 not show up immediately in Podcasts app, was not on most popular podcasts, etc.?

Why did pizzagate subreddit get shut down and have to move to voat? There's still no evidence of doxxing being posted, even if you claim that there was.

Why did the child porn on twitter incident get completely ignored? It was child pornography found to be rampant on one of the largest social media platforms today?

The real test here is to do a thought experiment of - if you were a reporter, would you report on this? I definitely would. If it were so easily disproven I would blast it on the news 24/7, invite pizzagaters and embarrass them on my show. This simply has not happened because pizzagate is being hushed. The last reasonable attempt just to cover pizzagate on the media was deleted off the channel entirely and the reporter had to remove all his social media.

That's the real witch hunt.

Because you're accusing a pizzashop owner of a heinous crime and somebody already showed up at his restaurant with a gun looking to "free kids". What do you think would happen to reddit if that happens again and they have a subreddit dedicated to finding out personal information on him under the guise of looking for pedophile connections? Is it possible they might be liable in a civil case? I know if I'm the CEO of reddit or one of these other companies I don't want to find out.

Trump supporters took over /r/conspirazy, and it sucks. That's it. No shills no shit.

fully agree and well written. Something seriously smells rotten under the floorboards.

It's worldwide and interconnected.

Agreed. Thank you to those that have dedicated so much time and effort to stuff that's very hard to look at and think about. Thank you to those making connections and using your internet connection for good. Not everyone has that luxury, it's important to remember how many people need and rely on you guys. We know it's hard, and were behind you to support all of your findings.

Keep digging. Keep posting. We'll be here waiting to spread the smoking gun.

Yes! Great work everyone! I've been following this since day number one and I have never once felt this was, 'Fake news,'..... Considering they made it out to be fake news immediately. Take note that any other 'conspiracy' is ignored. This one... They felt the need to comment.

They didn't just comment, they literally invented the term "fake news" and got it made the OED Word of the Year.

I investigated the shit out of pizzagate, then watched as it blew up. This whole thing is a giant confirmation bias mass delusion.

Its interesting that everyone who is heavily anti-pizzagate is also heavily pro Trump/Russia.

I see you're also pushing this thing about Flynn being 'the biggest conspiracy since Watergate', which is so obviously bullshit, but obviously a CTR talking point.

How about this perspective then. Pizzagate potentially is a red herring but based in lots of facts but with some of the wrong targets. Also what if it is just a small part of a much larger picture and this is actually still the "small part" that can be afforded to be the false positive, especially with the election being over and winner and losers decided. I am not pro trump nor Russia, I am pro skepticism.

I don't fucking work for ctr. Why don't the mods clean out the trash here?

Yes, thanks for keeping your heads in the sand to everything that's going on to instead focus on one obviously fictional manipulation. - signed, people in charge

I salute you, all.

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."

None of you are investigators.

There has been a huge upswing in arrests and we don't know if they are or not, but keep telling yourself that

But none of the people arrested were "investigated" by pizzagaters.

So from now on any pedophile arrested anywhere in the country will be a result of this?

Oh I see what your saying .. issue is there are so many ideas what pizza gate means.. it's about the systematic abuse of children by the elite, and trumps administration seems aimed at stopping it.. IMO

Trump's administration did not hire the prosecutor in Cleveland and the fbi and CIA are almost all Obama administration holdovers. Trump isn't responsible for this and hasn't even addressed it in a formal capacity

I mean, when they're all not only pedos, but child traffickers working out of agencies that receive federal funding to help at risk and disadvantaged children...?

Yeah, then those arrests are probably pretty fucking likely related to Pete's Gate. 1,500 arrests in the U.S in the last month :D

most of the 1500 are just johns and pimps and hookers..

Johns and pimps of children. F animal.

Dude, they confiscated 150 TERABYTES of the worst shit you can imagine in Norway. Just because you don't know doesn't mean it's not true.




They inflated that number.

What are you talking about? Anthony Weiner and Epstein are in prison right now.

Not Epstein. He is busy settling more civil lawsuits brought on by his underage victims. He only did 13 months time because of an extremely cushy plea deal.

I wonder what bigger fish he ratted out to get that deal

Podesta. Barry. HRC. WJC. McCain. Graham. Schumer. Admiral Mullen.

Wow. So surprising that everyone on your list just happens to be critical of Trump.

IMO, Epstein got the deal because of his very, very close ties to the Clintons.

Weiner's case is ongoing. His confiscated laptop holds a treasure trove of evidence.

How could you possibly know that? Just making shit up as usual.

LOL. Weiner and Epstein were NOT taken down by PizzaGate. Pizzagate started when the Podesta leaks happened. Weiner and Epstein were on their way down already because of LAW ENFORCEMENT. The same Law Enforcement that catches actual Pedos unlike the PizzaGate Brigade who has caught NO ONE.

Wrong, pizzagate predates the DNC. The investigation predates the hashtag.

Only idiots and shills think pizzagate started with the podesta leaks. That's just when the hashtag started.

LOL. You mean you've been doing this since before the Podesta leaks? And you STILL haven't caught anyone? LOL.

They caught Epstein, Weiner, Hastert, others.

No they didn't LOL. Law Enforcement caught those fuckers. Show me where internet sleuths had ANYTHING to do with those arrests.

I told you, 4chan is the propaganda arm of LAW ENFORCEMENT.

How would you go about arresting Bill Clinton for pedophilia without a prior propaganda campaign to make the arrests make sense?

WTF. Law enforcement don't need to sell a bunch of morons on 4chan the idea of arresting someone before arresting them.

And even if that theory was true, show me where 4chan knew about the arrests before they happened.

wouldn't even be looking at someone like Hastert cause he's a republican and it doesn't fit their target.

This is how I know you are uninformed, you probably think this whole situation started during the US election (it didn't).

No, they need to sell the rest of society on it, and 4chan is working for the FBI, and has been infiltrated by them multiple times.

they are not, they are not related to the DC pedo ring which is what Pizzagate is.

the arrests are mostly prostitution charges.

Then why are you so sure that it is? There's absolutely nothing to suggest that this is related to pizzagate. Yet this entire sub insists on patting itself on the back instead of shifting the glory on the people doing the real work.

If you're talking about the news of 100s of people arrested here and there from prostitution, then it's not pizzagate related. Happens ever year. From a few years ago

So do I need to have a special "investigator" nametag to be allowed to dig into pizzagate? 😒

Looking through a pizza place owner's instagram picture does not make someonr an investigator.

Bro you don't even know how deep we've gone.

It's a tough pill to swallow. When you learn everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is controlled by evil people who engage in the satanic ritual abuse and sacrifice of children, it can be a little disjointing. Was for me anyway.

I had nightmares for a few weeks. It's the hardest pill agreed. Which is why people on this understand our unawoken brethren. It's not easy to want the whole truth. Some would rather just not bother when the truth is even worse than WE even thought.

Lost weight. Less social. Drinking way more bourbon. That worldcorp video took me right back to day 1 and spirit cooking. Even before Alefantis. I don't even think about much else anymore, man. It actually sucks. I need to take a vacation for a few days. I'll rest when that little boy in the shower (and all others) are atoned for.

Rest is important. You need to take care of yourself. It will all still be here when you get back, but seriously consider resting. You can only stare into rhe abyss for so long.

trust me....the abyss BECOMES you!

I'm going through the same thing.

Tell me more about that

This only spurs us on.

Yeah well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

Might as well shut up if all you have is maymay replies.

Maymay? It's a movie quote.

I'm an investigator. I have a license and everything. Crazy right?

It's good practice to go down the rabbit hole every now and again.

Pizzagate equals 666 in English gematria...whatever that means...


1 in a Million

100% if you're looking for coincidences. That's like saying 'pizzagate' has 9 letters, which is the square of 3, which is the number of sides a triangle has, which is the shape of the 'pedo symbol'.

Not quite...Gematria is a real system of applying numerical values to letters to find the sum total to see if the number has significance. These numerical values per letter are pre determined and are not up to a person to decide on the stop. If they make up their own than sure they could be "looking for coincidence" but for pizzagate to add up to 666 in English gematria, that truly is an astonishing coincidence.

Try it for yourself...I did and it's true. I did not set the values for regular (not simple) Gematria letters. I assume that happened many years ago.

But the point is you why gematria? There are endless ways to apply numerical values to words. As well, why 'pizzagate' specifically? Someone could've done the same for 'pedogate', 'podesta', 'johnpodesta', 'clinton', 'hillary', 'comet', 'cometpizza', 'alefantis', or thousands of other words. You will eventually run into coincidences if you try millions of combinations.

But none of those (that I'm aware of) equal 666. Sure you could make up your own type of system to derive that number from words you want but not all words can equal that in any of the forms of the established forms of gematria. I don't even use it. Just saw the coincidence and pointed it out.

As for why "pizzagate" I can only speculate but if someone chose that word specifically to equal that value I would guess it's because it is an intangible movement of "forces" not a specific object. Manipulation of energy and forces is the point of 'magik' and gematria is a form of that.

3779 : 0

I understand it isn't the original type, but the values set for English gematria were set years ago. Even if it "doesn't work" in some spiritual sense, could it not be used as a simple sort of code? The fact is that if you take the pre determined values in English gematria and add up pizzagate it equals 666. So that is certainly a strange coincidence at the least, no? Not sure what it means though just pointing out the coincidence.

That is indeed weird, but consider that English uses numerals to represent the numbers, and I think it always has. Hebrew does not, and never has. The letters and the numbers are the same thing, in a sort of superposition state, and they have been that way since the the language emerged. There is a foundational, integral interrelationship of letter and number in Hebrew that simply isn't present in English. That's why Gematria works in its original language.

On the other hand, we can encode the letters of English however we want, without affecting the meaning of the words themselves, because the English language doesn't have that same fundamental interrelationship between letter and number. It's a contrived system, not one that evolved with the language itself.

Fair enough, makes sense, thanks. So a word could possibly be chosen to represent a desired number you wish to encode in English gematria. In Hebrew Gematria it adds up to 1183. I am not aware of any significance of that number but would be interested in hearing from someone who might understand this form of Gematria better, that could explain.

Well, yeah, but what I'm saying is that English (and any language that uses numerals to represent numbers) isn't particularly well-adapted to the use of gematria in the first place. It might give weird results sometimes, but I'm not sure it gives really meaningful ones.

Is anyone else concerned that a lot of these low profile (relatively speaking) arrests are being made to look like real progress is being made, meanwhile none of the big name players will go down? Don't get me wrong, all arrests are a great thing, I just hope the big names won't be swept under the rug because "so many arrests have been made."

Nothing to do with Pizzagate mate.

What are you talking about? It's all related. CP, kids getting abused, sold, traded... It's all in the same realm. What I'm saying is if enough "normal" people get arrested for all this type of stuff, it detracts from the real elites who are also guilty. I don't want them to be forgotten by mainstream because of the other progress being made.

Dude, it's bad this happening to the kids, but don't kid yourself, this has nothing to do with Podesta, Alefantis, or the rest of the Clinton folks. Reality means admitting you're often wrong, this one of those times.

P.S. I'll let you know when you're right. Cheers!


thats a good podesta impression!

There are many indications that the video you are quoting from is pizzagate disinfo being spread by the campaign attempting to discredit pizzagate by associating it with fabricated "evidence".

No, there are many indications that the video was in possession of a kid who had his younger brother abused by Podesta. They found another hidden video of the kid from the shower alive at some point with his teenage brother (and a third?), and if you listen to the video you can hear an older voice yelling "stop!" rather faintly - thought to be the brother. In the video he also exposes himself to the younger brother, suggesting they've both been abused.

WorldCorp is becoming our god, I think.

Who are you to define reality? Last I checked, YOG-SOTHOTH still knows the Gate. YOG-SOTHOTH still is the Gate. Past, present, future ... all are one in YOG-SOTHOTH.

Do you actually think yourself so powerful that you may stand alongside Him?

Do you know where the Old Ones broke through of old, and where They shall break through again? Do you know where they have trod Earth's fields, and where They still tread them, and why no one can behold Them as They tread?

YOG-SOTHOTH knows these things.

Iä! SHUB-NIGGURATH! As a foulness shall ye know Them. Their hand is at your throats, yet ye see Them not; and Their habitation is even one with your guarded threshold. YOG-SOTHOTH is the key to the Gate, whereby the spheres meet. Man rules now where They ruled once; They shall soon rule where man rules now. After summer is winter, and after winter summer. They wait patient and potent, for here shall They reign again.


see r/thecultofkek......we WILL have what is ours!

child rape apologist right here.

Don't expect idiots to read between the lines. They expect to witness actual child porn to start smelling something.

I agree with him. It's called a "limited hangout"

It's where they bust a bunch of low level guys to protect the higher ups. Happens in organized crime all the time, and I think were seeing it here.

I'm hoping that the plan is that smaller fish will turn on the bigger fish.


Why would Podesta get arrested? What evidence is there that he's committed any crime?

I have the same suspicion. Appease the populace by putting away the little hairs and let the big wigs fly. I wonder how many of them are afraid of Judgement Day....

The only people who have done anything to stop pedophilia are the police and officers of the intelligence services. In other words, the people this subreddit loves to hate. And who reports on these pedophilia arrests? The mainstream media.

Pizzagate investigators have not found a single victim. No child has been saved. The vast majority of "work" by pizzagaters has been done from the comfort of their home computers.

So stop patting yourselves on the back. You've done nothing but accuse people of pedophilia without a shred of credible evidence.

100% this. Bunch of fucking children in here patting themselves on the back for accusing potentially innocent people of the most horrible crimes in existence without a single solid piece of evidence. Then they call anyone who disagrees with them regarding the legitimacy of "evidence" pedophile defenders? Once again proving themselves to be nothing more than children rather than reasonable, mature adults. But they'll never see it that way, unfortunately.

You know the gunmans father worked for the Clinton Foundation, right? And one of the bullets he fired was into the hard drive of Comets computer? No one is getting data off it now! Have you ever heard of a false flag attack?

Lol that "fake gunman destroyed the computer evidence for them!" theory is even more laughable and ridiculous than most of the other shit I've seen from pizzagaters. I honestly believe most of you ARE immature teenagers, which is why I feel kinda bad arguing with you people on the internet. But I do feel like you don't fully understand the consequences of your words/actions yet, and they effect they can have on mentally unstable people and thus potentially innocent people like the pizza shop owner.

I'm 36, a business owner, and would never advocate violence. I take it that you haven't done due diligence on all the facts. I don't blame you, this is awful stuff to come to terms with. Who would want to admit that they live in a world like the one we are seeing revealed. No one believed the horrifying truth about Cosby, Hastert, Sandusky, or Savile either. It's upsetting to realize those in power know and do nothing to stop other powerful sexual predators.

We all believe that pedophilia exists in the elite. It's been documented. We all know that because the police investigated the crimes the media reported the crimes.

Pizzagate is a separate matter. There is no hard proof of a crime, no victim, no witness. The reason people don't believe in pizzagate has nothing to do being upset with the "horrifying truth." It's the lack of evidence.

People have been sentenced to death in this country on less circumstantial evidence. You are either:

A. worthless scummy shill B. pedophile C. Have not done your due diligence

If you had done C, you wouldn't be A. We are basically left with B or C. Pick one.

Oh yes, the time honored tradition of calling people pedophile and shills if they disagree with you.

Someone who wholesales dismisses Pizzagate has either not done their due diligence or diddles kids, bud. It's real simple. There has never been anything this comprehensive or obvious on this sub. This makes 9/11 and JFK look like child's play. You guys and your lizard people ideas, and dismiss Pizzagate. The resistance only strengthens resolve. This will come crashing down. Podesta will be arrested. Either do your due diligence and be compelled by the evidence or don't comment. If you had done any legwork, you'd be a believer. Yet to meet someone who took an honest approach to this and didn't say, 'yep, something is way past fucky here.'

Do you think it's possible that someone could have done their "due diligence" and come to a different conclusion that you? Yes or no.


You know, I like to look at the post history of people who talk in absolutes like this. The whole "with us or against us" shtick tends to signal either one of two things. Their either /r/the_donald regulars, or /r/politics regulars.

I'm not surprised to find that you are the former.

I am a defense attorney who was a Bernie supporter this time last year. You were saying?

Do you think that there's enough "evidence" in PG to warrant a trial? Also, how do you end up voting for the antithesis of Senator Sanders?

Not only does enough evidence exist for a full on investigation of these people, there exists enough evidence provided by citizen journalists to obtain a hardcore conviction with the right attorney and proper voir dire.

I don't believe him to be the antithesis. I believe he was framed as the antithesis. I went from Gary, to Bernie, to Donald around 4th of July with the tarmac bullshit. If you think Donald Trump is a republican, you have only just begun your quest.

Not only does enough evidence exist for a full on investigation of these people, there exists enough evidence provided by citizen journalists to obtain a hardcore conviction with the right attorney and proper voir dire.

You're a defense attorney, correct?

I don't believe him to be the antithesis.

Then you didn't listen to him speak or pay attention to the people he surrounded himself with.

I believe he was framed as the antithesis.

Both had distinct policies. For someone repeating "due diligence" ad nauseum, it seems that you didn't do yours.

I went from Gary, to Bernie, to Donald around 4th of July with the tarmac bullshit

I went to Bernie then to Gary. The tarmac incident was bullshit, but what about policy? You can't hand wave their policy with "belief".

If you think Donald Trump is a republican, you have only just begun your quest.

Okay. I listened to Trump make speeches and statements and that's how I formed my opinion of the man. It's obvious that, by his own statements, that he is the antithesis of Sanders (save two stances). I really don't care who you voted for, believe it or not. What I'm interested in is if you really supported Sanders' policies, how do you rationalize support for Trump. I had a pretty in depth discussion with another poster here about this and it fascinates me.

Do you think you need a gun or a body to convict someone of murder? Surely, you don't.

Listen, I do not have a party. My party is the preservation of America and its core values. Donald Trump, vis-a-vis, the process of awakening was the clear choice for the future of America. Let's stick to the topic at hand: pizzagate.

I promise you that I am not the only one who traveled this path. I didn't agree with much of Bernie's points while simulataneously understanding that much of his rhetoric was just that: rhetoric. I believed him to be a true bastion of freedom for the people if this country. I was wrong.

What is your sticking point with Pizzagate? I am curious not only for your sake, but for the sake of others who are having a hard time coming to terms with this very obvious truth.

Do you think you need a gun or a body to convict someone of murder? Surely, you don't.

No, but you need proof of a crime taking place, don't you?

Listen, I do not have a party. My party is the preservation of America and its core values. Donald Trump, vis-a-vis, the process of awakening was the clear choice for the future of America. Let's stick to the topic at hand: pizzagate.

It's tertiary, sure, but it gives me insight to your thinking process and how you could rationalize a choice.

What is your sticking point with Pizzagate? I am curious not only for your sake, but for the sake of others who are having a hard time coming to terms with this very obvious truth.

That Pizzagate hinges on a code from 4chan. That people believe those involved to be brilliant and nefarious masterminds while simultaneously posting supposed incriminating information via social media. That no one has come forward, that there are no victims or witnesses, that there is no proof of an actual crime being committed by those involved. Pizzagate seems, to me, to be the biggest exercises in confirmation and selection bias that I've seen recently.

proper voir dire

I'm curious to know how you would select your jury, by the way. Find the ones that have a tendency to succumb to confirmation and selection bias? Easily swayed by emotion and little else?

It is very obvious that 'crimes' have taken place. You could manage a conviction of indecency with a child right now as we speak with Alefantis. I would crucify him. What other codes have been broken in DC? Which federal statutes? To that, I am admittedly ignorant. I would venture to say that 3 FBI agents and 2 days would deliver some of the most shocking news the world has ever heard. If you can't convince your DA that there is smoke here, you need to find other employment.

You rationalize choice based on the unfurling of personal awareness and/or information. It's basic humanity. You do not seek to prove what you think, rather what is real.

Pizzagate hinges on codes and symbols. The FBI identified the symbols, and I, myself, have confirmed the code on the dark web. If you want to fuck kids, you ask for '5-7 pieces of pizza.' It took guts and bravery to prove this to myself. I will be happy to provide you with a dozen links confirming that pizza is equivalent to child porn.

Every attorney worth their weight in dog shit, and who has the discernment of an 8 year old, tries to get people on the panel that are most likely to agree with your stance, though it be unknown to the potential jurors at that time. You ask a series of questions in order to narrow down potential candidates. Attorneys vote on them. Ever seen voir dire?

"I have a hard time believing..." Yeah, no shit. That's why I continue to respond to you.

For the third time: your sticking point?

"I have a hard time believing..." Yeah, no shit. That's why I continue to respond to you. For the third time: your sticking point?

For fucks sake, do you read?

Do you read? Have you attempted to prove this to yourself you fucking pedo-sympathizing piece of shit? I don't care what you have a hard time believing... If you have done 40+ hours of pizzagate research and still don't believe it, you have a hard time believing the sky is blue. Go outside, bubby. My god. Do you have any human characteristics left or did 15 years in your mom's basement do you in?


Says the dude who is mad his lizard people sub is being brigaded by a REAL conspiracy.

How about this. Do a RemindMe for 7/4/17. If Podesta is not in jail by then, I will Venmo you 500 hundred bucks.

Fourth time - what is your sticking point?

Do you read? Have you attempted to prove this to yourself you fucking pedo-sympathizing piece of shit? I don't care what you have a hard time believing... If you have done 40+ hours of pizzagate research and still don't believe it, you have a hard time believing the sky is blue. Go outside, bubby. My god. Do you have any human characteristics left or did 15 years in your mom's basement do you in?

I'm objective in my research. There is no evidence a crime took place. Now, here's the part where you have no argument so you attack my character. When there are claims that Clinton has Kuru because she cannibalizes children after raping them, that requires some evidence, no? You said that Podesta would be arrested. For what? How would you construct a case?


Who needs evidence when you've got feelz and fallacies.

Says the dude who is mad his lizard people sub is being brigaded by a REAL conspiracy.

I don't know what to do with all of these fallacies!

How about this. Do a RemindMe for 7/4/17. If Podesta is not in jail by then, I will Venmo you 500 hundred bucks.

I would, but you won't. Anyone who claims to be a lawyer that says Podesta would be arrested with no proof of a crime taking place is full of shit. Admit it - you've succumbed to confirmation and selection bias because you want to believe that this is real. I'm well aware that I could be wrong, but I need proof before I call someone a pedophile. Poor taste and being weird is not enough for me to form that opinion of someone.

Fourth time - what is your sticking point?

I've repeated the reasons for my skepticism several times. You've not addressed them once. I'll do it again, for the sake of posterity - That Pizzagate hinges on a code from 4chan. That people believe those involved to be brilliant and nefarious masterminds while simultaneously posting supposed incriminating information via social media. That no one has come forward, that there are no victims or witnesses, that there is no proof of an actual crime being committed by those involved. Pizzagate seems, to me, to be the one of the biggest exercises in confirmation and selection bias that I've seen recently. I really have a hard time believing that you're a defense attorney.

Your effor on a message board prove to me you like to fuck kids. I don't have the energy for this. You're not quite there... I hope you get there one day. Someone who spends all day being the architect of RFPD's all day does not have time for nay-sayers who have not done their research. Keep digging, my friend. I'll keep saying

What is your sticking point?


RemindMe 7/4/17

You've spent all of your time in an echo chamber, accustomed to not having your ideas challenged. Your critical thinking and reading comprehension are muscles that you're going to lose if you don't start using them.

I've tried to have an earnest discussion with you, but all you do is deflect and attack my character for looking at information objectively. It's apparent that you're not reading, let alone comprehending what I'm saying.

Your effort on a message board proves to me you like to fuck kids. I don't have the energy for this.

This hyperbolic bullshit proves to me that you're no lawyer. Every time you make a weak statement and you're called on it, you attack someone's character instead of the argument.

What is your sticking point?

I've addressed this... five times? You can go back and try and read. You've yet to respond to a single point and that you've ignored it is telling. You really need to leave your echo chamber more often and if I were you, I'd spend a bit of time doing some introspection. I'm well aware of my faults and I try hard to keep myself honest in discussions of a political nature, but you're close to being a full blown demagogue.

This makes me think that this is a hyper-partisan witch hunt fueled by confirmation and selection bias. Do you really believe that you could convict Podesta of pedophilia and child trafficking in court?

Learn law. It's easier than you might think.

Right! Clearly, you've just got me completely outclassed! That you've had to resort to ad homonem and other logical fallacies in this discussion casts a large shadow of doubt that you're actually a lawyer.

How do you do all those weird quotes. Secondly, what possesses you to rail so hard against something that has more evidence than anything you have or will see on this sub? What is your sticking point, pedobear?

Your arguments are weak as fuck.

If you don't think a childless homosexual posting pictures like that is evidence of criminal activity, you are not even close to understanding the world around you. Go outside. Make a friend. Get a girlfriend you love. Make a child. Then come talk to me.

I think that I'll avoid life lessons coming from a confused teenager.

You are a childless boy who is talking to a professional who actually has kids and a wife. Stop writing so much and discover. You could've done research in your hours responding, yet you have chosen to make these huge posts against pizzagate. For the 7th time, I will ask you WHAT IS YOUR STICKING POINT. I will drown you in evidence, bub. You are someone who has a pointed interest in this being false. You are barking up the wrong tree, bub. Your interest in protecting pedos is now rearing its ugly head....

You are a childless boy who is talking to a professional who actually has kids and a wife.

Says the guy who can't argue without copious amounts of logical fallacies. That you speak so confidently of who I am when you know so little is hilarious.

Stop writing so much and discover.

45 seconds to type out a post. Discover what, by the way? That, from your post history, you're a demagogue?

You could've done research in your hours responding, yet you have chosen to make these huge posts against pizzagate.

You know that people can type a post like mine up an a little over a minute, right?

For the 7th time, I will ask you WHAT IS YOUR STICKING POINT.

And for the seventh time you will ignore it.

I will drown you in evidence, bub.

You've done a piss poor job of it.

You are someone who has a pointed interest in this being false.

I have a pointed interest in the truth, not some hyper partisan witch hunt led by intellectually dishonest sheep. After looking at your post history one could say that this is an exercise in confirmation bias for you.

You are barking up the wrong tree, bub.

You're just salty that this isn't some echo chamber that will lap up all your bullshit.

Your interest in protecting pedos is now rearing its ugly head....

Your weak asa arguments and logical fallacies have already shown everyone that reads this thread just how much you care about the truth.

What is your sticking point. Quit with your weirdo quote posts and tell me what you are hung up on. 11th time I have asked.

That is correct.

11th time.

Every time you've asked, I've provided a quote and a reply. You never address it and continue to ask. I honestly can't tell if you're trolling me or not at this point. I've given you some specific reasons that I cannot just accept the ideas espoused by "investigators". I'm not going to continue to quote myself if you're not going to read it.

Here's what will happen when I quote myself again-

  • I'll quote myself and point out that you'll attack me again and commit yet another logical fallacy.

  • You'll commit said fallacy and ask me to link the reasons that I don't buy into Pizzagate.

  • I'll point out fallacious reasoning and link my reasons again.

  • It's the circle of liiiiiiiiiiife.

You say that you're "woke", but in reality you're the opposite side of the same coin of the nutty Liberal. You use buzzwords to stifle discussion because you can't handle opposing opinions. You've bought the narrative of your God Emperor and no longer question their administration's actions. I'm glad that you revealed who and what you are through this discussion. Your verbiage made it transparent for me, but the rest will have irrefutable proof that you're just a demagogue with no real argument.

I will hit your pedo ass with so much evidence, even a satanist couldn't deny it. Stop with your cool quote posts and do some digging on the biggest conspiracy in the history of the world. When you do, get back to me with your STICKING POINTS.

Your IQ is sub 70 if you do not believe pizzagate. How about this...

Which conspiracies do you believe. You are on r slash conspiracy. Which one do you believe?? UFO's? Which one? Tell me which conspiracy you believe.

I just realized you trolled the shit out of me. Bravo!

Your IQ is sub 70 if you do not believe pizzagate.

Oh god this is gold.

You never answered my question. You say you could convict Alefantis of indecency with a child.

What child? What evidence can you present that a crime was committed? What day was the crime committed? Who are your witnesses?

Were you sexually abused as a child? 8th time

What is your sticking point. I love how you avoid the deluge of proof by avoiding a simple question.

How much time have you spent researching, and what is your sticking point, pedo boi. 9th time a charm, pedo? Boys or girls, pedo?

Why does he choose Antinous as an avatar? Do you know who that is? Let us start there.

Of course, for the TENTH TIME, I still do not know your sticking point.

Because Antinous has been a gay symbol since the 19th century.

Is that your evidence of a crime? Indecency with a minor? You call yourself an attorney. How would you build a case for indecency with a minor against Alefantis with that piece of evidence. Who is your victim? When did the crime occur? What witness would you call to the stand? Go on. I'm waiting.

And my sticking point is that there is no evidence of a crime, or a witness or any hard evidence.

Wrong again.

Antinous is the symbol of pederasty. I would track down the children and the pictures and use law enforcement to extract information. Are you jealous that I have a real job, a real wife, and real kids?

How long have you lived with your mother after you graduated high school? He did not stand for gay. He stood for fucking kids. I am waiting, too. Someone who has no idea how the process works is talking to me about probable cause to an investigation. What a fuck cock. I could slay him for indecency with a child based on IG pics alone. All I need is names and depos of said deponents. HAHAHAHAHA. Jesus Christ son, do you even know what discovery is?


How long have you been with your mommy?

If you do not even know who Antinous is, you do not have a fucking clue what is even going on. I suspect something different. I suspect you are a pedo as well. I could find these kids names in 24 hours, bud. Too easy. Do you have a job?

14th time. Which particular point do you need clarification on? How many kids have you fucked?

I'm going to again ignore the insults of pedophilia.

Which instagram photo would you convict him for indecency with a minor? None of the photos are even close. Specifically, which photo. And which D.C. law is that breaking. Since I'm not a lawyer, please explain to me how that photo is breaking the law. I'll wait.

And Antinous is indeed a gay icon. Read the Wikipedia article. I've looked at it before. He was the young lover of Hadrian. However, the symbol of Antinous is not known to be used by pedophiles. Maybe you can show me a pedophile who has used that symbol and prove me wrong.

Answer the sentences that end with question marks, pedobear. What is so hard?

22nd time.

Identify the sticking point and I will help clear the water. Do you chicken hawk? Pretty obvious you do honestly.

23rd time.

Specific sticking point.

Answer the sentences with question marks.

Rule 4


Do you know what a subpoena is? Do you know how to define circumstantial evidence? And, if you think for one second, that pedos like yourself will derail this, you are very wrong. It would take me 2 weeks of constant production of evidence to a panel to prove.

Of course, I don't expect a pedophile to ever understand pizzagate.

15th time.

What is your sticking point? Specifically. Give me an answer. Do you know what colobama means?


I think we found one, guys. How many kids you fucked? Your comment history tells the story of your agenda re pizzagate.

Just went through your posts. Did you make an account to debunk pizzagate?


How old are you, pedo? Why did you choose pedophile protection. Ready for the deluge, pedo? How many kids have you fucked, nasty pedo? Tell me.

13th time. What is your sticking point?

To be clear, you're calling me a pedophile again because you have nothing else to say.

Maybe you can tell me again. You say you can convict Alefantis for a crime of "indecency with a minor". Prove it. What child? What witness? What time and place did the crime occur? What other evidence do you have? Go on. You can call me a pedophile all day. If you respond with that same line of attack, I'll just assume that you have no answer to my questions and you've given up.

Do you still believe you could convict Alefantis. Prove it. Show me. No more ad hominem. Use your brain and your powers of persuasion, attorney.

Julian Traeger...... Tamera Luzzatto.....

16th time.

Sticking point?

Ok, those are witnesses? What did they witness Alefantis do? When? And how does this constitute indecency with a minor?

Which way do you want to go? Poor guy still doesn't even know what the hell he is talking about. How many hours have you spent researching pizzagate. Better yet, how much time have you spent investigating anything. Look at this pedo dude's history.

19th time.

What is your sticking point? Ready for the deluge? Say the word, kid fucker.

I can tell you have not experienced higher education or sunlight in many years.

18th time.

What is your sticking point?

So you're still calling me a pedophile. That's an admission that you've given up.

You still haven't provided a single witness of a crime by Alefantis. What specific instagram photo? What specific law is that breaking? You won't say of course. You'll stomp your feet and deflect, as always.

You ready for the deluge, pedo. All I am waiting for is the direction. You ready for the deluge? Evidence exists. Sasha Lord? Pegasus? Marina? Which way do you wanna go?

Aaron Roa? InstaPatGram? Night Cheese? Which way do you wanna go?

17th time.

Sticking point?

Why don't you go ahead and show me what each of these witnesses actually witnessed. What did they witness Alefantis do? When? And how does that constitute indecency with a minor? Simple Questions. Throwing out a torrent of names does not provide proof of a crime by Alefantis.

You NEVER need witnesses or times to prove indecency with a minor. Jesus Christ. Have you ever been in a courtroom? Aside from being the D of course. I have been baited in to talking to a childless pedo with no education whatsoever. Goddamn, son, go OUTSIDE once in awhile!

What is the sticking point?

Do you know what colobama means?

Poor dude.

20th time.

What is your sticking point.


Last question: How many hours have you devoted to Pizzagate?

Your history indicates you have devoted way more time to debunking than actually researching. Why is that? You think we can't see you?

Which conspiracy on this board do you believe?

If your response does not answer the sentences that end in question marks, your response is invalid and will not be entertained. Answer the question marks or dry up the responses. Your call. This is a R2P. You know what that is, right?

21st time.

What is your sticking point, pedoguy?

You NEVER need witnesses or times to prove indecency with a minor.

OK prove it then with instagram photos. Go ahead. I'm waiting.

I said question marks, pedo. Are you illiterate? Answer the questions.

Why is your entire account devoted to derailing pizzagate? Tell us. The entire account.

Do you have kids of your own? How old are you? Were you sexually abused? Answer the fucking questions, sloth.

I said answer the question marks, didn't I?

I already asked you many times with questions marks. Which instagram photo specifically? What law did it break?

Ok not answering your questions for obvious reasons

Answer the ROGS, pedo. I will show you how to answer interrogatories.

How dense can you be?

Here is some help.

If you see a sentence and it ends in a question mark, answer the question.

How old are you?

I am 32.

How many kids do you have?

I have 2.

How many kids have you fucked?


Anyone who tries to talk to me about circumstantial evidence without ever having achieved a conviction on lesser implications can go back to the drawing board. He'll be up on capital charges soon. Mark it down. What is your sticking point? Request #6

How do you do all those weird quotes. Secondly, what possesses you to rail so hard against something that has more evidence than anything you have or will see on this sub? What is your sticking point, pedobear?

Lizard people confirmed?

If you don't think a childless homosexual posting pictures like that is evidence of criminal activity, you are not even close to understanding the world around you. Go outside. Make a friend. Get a girlfriend you love. Make a child. Then come talk to me.

Indecency with a child? Which child? Who are your witnesses and what is your evidence?

Utter bullshit. I can't believe that you're actually an attorney.

Indecency with a child? Which child? Who are your witnesses and what is your evidence?

It's news to me too. If that has happened, he should be prosecuted. I've yet to see any evidence for the claim, however.

Utter bullshit. I can't believe that you're actually an attorney.

I'm struggling to take him at his word, too. I can understand that someone could come to a different conclusion than I have, but for a lawyer to say the things he has... it casts a lot of doubt.

I think I made Perry Mason lose his shit. He's had a bit of a meltown further down the chain.

I noticed, haha. I love that he said you have to have a sub 70 IQ to not believe in pizzagate.

Okay, I'm not following. Possibly winning a pizza party with Clinton has what to do with international satanic pedophile child trafficking rings?

Conviction of what crime? And which person are you charging with a crime?

Down vote away. If this evidence was standing against me, I would be begging for pleas. You're a child without children.

I said you're a /r/t_d regular, and you are. Did you forget people can read your post history?

"People have been sentenced to death in this country on less circumstantial evidence"

what does this even mean?

Wow. You are a piece of shit and your post just proved it. You can't call someone a shill or a pedo because they don't believe in Pizza Gate. WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU?

Fuck you, pussy. If you don't believe it you are:

  1. pedo scum
  2. shill
  3. stupidest motherfucker on earth

LOL. Look how triggered you are. Sad.

Triggered? Real men don't have triggers, they pull them.

How many hours have you researched PG? I'll wait.

Ya. think. ya. hot. shit. dontcha?

I've been following this conspiracy theory since day 1, and have continued following it on here, 4chan, and voat whenever new "evidence" emerges that I see pizzagate people going crazy over. Not a single piece of that "evidence" has EVER been anything that actually points to the guilt of the accused parties involved.

And I've also been following conspiracies in general for over a decade now, and I'm well aware of previous pedophile rings and even pedophiles among the "elites" working in government. I'm not denying that any of that stuff exists...I'm solely talking about whether or not Alefantis is running a child sex trafficking ring out of comet pizza/ping pong. And I don't believe he is. It's fine if you want to disagree, but I think we BOTH need to acknowledge the fact that NEITHER of us can know the truth yet. He COULD be innocent or he COULD be guilty...I just happen to think it's much more likely that he's innocent of raping/torturing/eating children and selling them to others for those same purposes.

My main problem is with the people who aren't even willing to acknowledge the POSSIBILITY that he could be innocent. The people who have already convinced themselves 100% of his guilt. Those are potentially dangerous people. Once you're 100% convinced that someone is DEFINITELY guilty of raping/torturing/killing/eating children, and you see that law enforcement won't step in to do something about it...that's when shit gets dangerous. I know if I were 100% convinced of something like that, I'd have trouble sleeping every night knowing that I KNOW where this guy lives/works and what he does for a living and I wasn't doing anything about it. And I'm not even mentally THAT is why it's dangerous.

Btw, I wasn't surprised at all when I first heard about Cosby. I always kinda thought that dude was a bit off and kinda creepy even when I was a kid. Maybe I just have a good sense for that kinda thing.

I only need two sentences to know you're talking out of your ass.

I'm solely talking about whether or not Alefantis is running a child sex trafficking ring out of comet pizza/ping pong.


I've been following this conspiracy theory since day 1, and have continued following it on here, 4chan, and voat whenever new "evidence" emerges that I see pizzagate people going crazy over

You don't even know what you're talking about. That's where this all started but it's grown much larger than that. I'm inclined to believe that one of the options /u/GulliverDark said in reply to Cotecozonia is true:

C. Have not done your due diligence

But that remains the CRUX of pizzagate, is it not? Pedesta and Alefantis, with an entire ring/organization of other "highly suspicious" people surrounding them. If it weren't for the fact that MANY people accepted the original "evidence" against them as very legitimate, then it wouldn't have spawned a whole community of "investigators" in the first place. I've been voicing my disagreement here since day 1, and the weeks following. I've been open to the possibility the entire time I could be wrong, but have yet to see a single thing that convinces me otherwise. Instead, I keep seeing more and more shit that just makes me question the judgment of the so called "investigators".

If you'd like to point me towards a few pieces that you consider solid evidence, feel free.

lol - if each day I grow some more and fatherhood are AR games to you, please quit responding as you have identified yourself as a childless cuck with no empathy or emotional intelligence. Go outside more often.

How about instead of the endless stream of personal attacks you actually have an honest discussion since you and I clearly disagree regarding the likely source of the worldcorp video. What FACTS do we have so far regarding the source of that video? Tell me what you know that I don't know about the YouTube channel and the original creation of that video. Tell me why you are able to be ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that you know that video is real and what is contained within it.

You don't seem to deal in probabilities, but only absolutes.

Are you of the opinion that pizzagate is false? Quit down voting, dude. I'm not doing it to you. Jesus Christ. State your case, man. I will drown you in 100 links that prove otherwise.

Pizzagate is real. Podesta is a satanic abuser of children. CPP, Buck's, Besta, Pegasus, et. al are major players in the DC field. If this truth is not self-evident, man, please tell me what is your sticking point. I am about making believers or being proved wrong. I don't want enemies or fracture.

I haven't downvoted you once.

Do you own a pizza shop?

Do your employees know that you're a retard?

No one believed the horrifying truth about Cosby, Hastert, Sandusky, or Savile either.

Of course not but there is a distinction in those cases -- hard, incontrovertible evidence

No one believed the horrifying truth about Cosby, Hastert, Sandusky, or Savile either.


is there prove that his father worked for the Clinton Foundation?

You are an idiot and this proves the msm has a stranglehold on public thought. How does it feel to know your views aren't your own, that they have been crafted and placed in your head to make sure you act in line?

Lol, you know absolutely nothing about me so it's funny you'd make the claim that I've been "brainwashed by the MSM". I don't blindly trust MSM in the slightest, and I gather my information from a wide variety of sources. I always question the various biases of ANY individual source when gathering information.

It's just really funny that you people believe that anyone who comes to different conclusions than you regarding the legitimacy of "evidence" put forth so far surrounding pizzagate must either be a shill or part of the "brainwashed masses". That is so incredibly fucking closed-minded and ignorant in itself. I could say the same thing about the echo chamber within r/conspiracy or r/the_donald or r/politics or any other online community or source of information. Anyone who blindly follows the majority opinion of ANY of these places isn't very intelligent, imo. Confirmation bias runs rampant in the information age. Everyone is guilty of it to some extent, including myself...but at least I actually acknowledge that fact and actively attempt to counter it within my own independent research techniques by carefully analyzing all sides of the argument and never becoming dogmatic in my beliefs one way or the other. I ALWAYS leave open the possibility that I might be wrong. And that's more than I can say for most people around here.

Ehh I was being a bit over the top, in a somewhat sarcastic way. But I do think there is a lot of evidence for pizzagate and believes where there is smoke there is fire. I just think people who discredit all of pizzagate are crazy, and can't be objective. There is just too much evidence of shadiness.

Ehh I was being a bit over the top, in a somewhat sarcastic way.

Ok Donny J.

But I do think there is a lot of evidence for pizzagate and believes where there is smoke there is fire.

Anything that isn't circumstantial at best?

I just think people who discredit all of pizzagate are crazy

Lol, you just keep believing that the owner of Besta Pizza is part of this, you just keep living in your own little world, you are doing great /s.

There is just too much evidence of shadiness.

So are you Columbo now?

you just keep believing that the owner of Besta Pizza is part of this

Bu... but.... muh triangle spiral logo!

Colombo? No idea what that means. Is there any moment circumstantial evidence? Nope, but when enough piles up I believe in "where there is smoke there is fire." There's a whole lot of circumstancial evidence, too much to be a coincidence in my opinion.

Non-Mobile link:

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It's funny to me how angry all of the people who right for pedophiles are.

They're all butthurt that their globalist criminal scum puppet didn't win.

Newsflash: U are one of the "people here".

He's said "without a shred of credible evidence".

Please be nicer

THIS. PizzaGate hasn't lead to one child being saved or one trafficker being put in jail.

Meanwhile there are actual anti human trafficking organizations like THORN doing great work. PG likes to take credit for all the pedo takedowns but it's actually Ashton Kutcher's THORN organization that's been responsible for the identification of 2000 child victims in just the last year.

And PizzaGate people actually ATTACK the REAL people and law enforcement taking down pedos. It's disgusting. Look how they downvoted this post just because it through a wrench into their stupid narrative:

Nobody is fighting. It's just a bunch of pussies sitting behind computers at their mom's house. The one guy that tried to go "fighting" was thrown in jail for being a tard.

You are an absolute moron. There is more than one way to fight this kind of thing. Light is the best disinfectant.

lol keep telling yourself that

For shooting their hard drive full of CP, allegedly.

Ok thanks

If you haven't already, join us on v_o_a_t.

I fucking love this, man. It's both tragic but exhilarating to see such an effort to bring down this kinda coup. I wonder how deep the rabbit hole goes. Read somewhere that the Isralies bugged the hell outta Lolita Express and Epsteins Island to extort U.S. people with power. It's insanity. This is either going to make, or break the world man. Shit's gone nuclear at this point, I feel.

This time last year, I was blowin' up the tubes about how Donald Trump managed to summon an egrigoros, essentially a semi-sentient memetic golem, and had commanded it to make him President. This, it turns out, is exactly what happened, but it's more likely that it was his supporters did the summoning, because they learned just enough about ritual magick to be dangerous.

Think about the amount of power fucking /pol/ was able to manifest in this world, and then consider that there may be a driving force a few layers inside PG that predates Donald Trump by thousands of years and is now getting sunshine pointed at it.

To call what's about to happen "nuclear" is like calling an actual nuclear weapon a "firecracker".

see r/thecultofkek!

i do think the 3rd world war is the nest step.....

crossing fingers its not, brother :)

the united states could go out like the soviet union....

For sure man, but I've got to hope that in this day and age, those countries who are aching to get a piece at US, will understand that it's not the people fault. It's this fuckin bureaucracy and all the other branches of government that make it soooo difficult for serious change to occur.

see the blog of dr peter truchin so princeton.....

will do brutha! thank you for sharing

dmitry orlov also has a blog that's worth a look....

just ordered some of their books, man! cant wait to read!

then you might want to look at generation theory by the authors neil howe and william strauss.....

Crazy how Sandy Hook "went away". There was some Intel agency fishiness there for sure but no one ever got to the bottom of it

Thank you :) There will be an upsurge in bridge jumpers come late March, as they realize how wrong the side of history they were.

the children will be saved. this is my prayer Lord.

Lo, what children??? There's no children!!!

So brave.

the busts are great and at all, but they mean little as long as the people enabling the pedos remain in power.

I remember just a few years ago the idea of satanistic elite peodphile rings was scoffed at pretty much even in this subreddit.

Its Amazing to me how dismissive the majority are of the subject.

They dont get this offended and worked up about flat earthers and moon hoax people. Not that Im comparing pizzagate to those but in the average redditors mind that surely is the case.

They come out swinging and just completely on the offensive over the issue.

If theres a 1% chance this pizza gate thing is true we need to put 100% effort into finding the truth out. Not make jokes and dismiss it as easily as we do to those who believe we live on a flat earth.

It's showing up all over money across the US.

No one is eager to defend pedophiles, we are eager to defend people we feel are wrongly accused of a disgusting crime.

So brave..... @@

Is Flynngate next? Or some conspiracy with actual facts off limits.

A big hug from Sweden too!! the police arrested 4 pedos the other day. I would like to think it is a result of all the digging into pizzagate. Norway also recently had a clean-up, a much bigger one though. Keep up the good work and we might bring some joy to all the children still in captivity all over the world.

see my screen name.....this is personal.

Do more research and understand PizzaG8 is more than just a story about a pizza place it's about shutting down the trafficking and rape of children

No its not. It tried to change into that because Tyner pizza place was nothing and rather than say "well guess I was wrong about that" supports said it's about ALL child trafficking, so they can now never be wrong about it.

I knew it the second I found this picture and discovered comet ping pong way back it feels like. Easily the biggest single awakening I've ever had.

What are you talking about? It's all related. CP, kids getting abused, sold, traded... It's all in the same realm. What I'm saying is if enough "normal" people get arrested for all this type of stuff, it detracts from the real elites who are also guilty. I don't want them to be forgotten by mainstream because of the other progress being made.

Soon as he responds block him. He is here to waste our time and spin our wheels. He has no interest in real debate and is either crazy obsessed with PG or has some other incentive to be so focused on it. Either way it's not benefiting us in any way like a good debate can do with someone willing to actually look into the facts before trying to refute them.

Lost weight. Less social. Drinking way more bourbon. That worldcorp video took me right back to day 1 and spirit cooking. Even before Alefantis. I don't even think about much else anymore, man. It actually sucks. I need to take a vacation for a few days. I'll rest when that little boy in the shower (and all others) are atoned for.

The most effective method for them would be "poisoning the well". Basically, if they can't fight the truth with lies head-on, then they'll make the truth look ridiculous by associating it with something crazy. That's what you have to worry about.

But there's only so much manpower among them to be effective. How many "keyboard warriors" can they put towards the effort?

That's why they loved the legacy media. It was a centralized and easy to control. The Internet? Not so much.

God, "Pedogate Worldwide" just rang in my head like Prestige Worldwide from Step Brothers.


Are you of the opinion that pizzagate is false? Quit down voting, dude. I'm not doing it to you. Jesus Christ. State your case, man. I will drown you in 100 links that prove otherwise.

Pizzagate is real. Podesta is a satanic abuser of children. CPP, Buck's, Besta, Pegasus, et. al are major players in the DC field. If this truth is not self-evident, man, please tell me what is your sticking point. I am about making believers or being proved wrong. I don't want enemies or fracture.

But none of those (that I'm aware of) equal 666. Sure you could make up your own type of system to derive that number from words you want but not all words can equal that in any of the forms of the established forms of gematria. I don't even use it. Just saw the coincidence and pointed it out.

As for why "pizzagate" I can only speculate but if someone chose that word specifically to equal that value I would guess it's because it is an intangible movement of "forces" not a specific object. Manipulation of energy and forces is the point of 'magik' and gematria is a form of that.

Are you confident you read an actual email on wikileaks containing your quote, and not just a comment on reddit?

What is your sticking point. Quit with your weirdo quote posts and tell me what you are hung up on. 11th time I have asked.

That is correct.

11th time.

Julian Traeger...... Tamera Luzzatto.....

16th time.

Sticking point?

You ready for the deluge, pedo. All I am waiting for is the direction. You ready for the deluge? Evidence exists. Sasha Lord? Pegasus? Marina? Which way do you wanna go?

Aaron Roa? InstaPatGram? Night Cheese? Which way do you wanna go?

17th time.

Sticking point?

I said question marks, pedo. Are you illiterate? Answer the questions.

Why is your entire account devoted to derailing pizzagate? Tell us. The entire account.

Do you have kids of your own? How old are you? Were you sexually abused? Answer the fucking questions, sloth.

I said answer the question marks, didn't I?

I already asked you many times with questions marks. Which instagram photo specifically? What law did it break?

Ok not answering your questions for obvious reasons

Answer the ROGS, pedo. I will show you how to answer interrogatories.

How dense can you be?

Here is some help.

If you see a sentence and it ends in a question mark, answer the question.

How old are you?

I am 32.

How many kids do you have?

I have 2.

How many kids have you fucked?


Oh ok

trust me....the abyss BECOMES you!