Does anyone find it extremely fascinating to watch 4chan, The_Donald, r/Conspiracy, Pizzagate on voat, Youtubers all work together to expose the crimes of TPTB.

1603  2017-02-18 by Winter_Folger

It's like watching an army of insects share and inspect information. It's literally a web. It's fucking awesome. Hats off to everyone. Keep on digging boys and girls. Talk about collective consciousness!

Edit: So much negativity in this thread. Advice: If you don't like the thread, try to find another one! By attacking people, you're only derailing the thread. To facilitate good discussion, try posting an intelligent genuine response instead of an attack. Go ahead and give it a shot!


It's not a web, it's a pyramid.

I Say its a golden Fibonacci spiral. Starts in the deep web and slowly spurts out to everywhere on the web.

a golden Fibonacci spiral


I slowly spurt out a golden fibonacci spiral this morning myself. Hmm, kind of a golden-brown fibnacci spiral, actually.

It was deep.

i love it. it's becoming distributed -- much like the internet -- essentially impossible to shut down.

/long like the internet

What if 4chan would ban these treads, youtube delete videos, reddit ban r/conspiracy (they would find the reason). Yep, then it would be done.

Okay, in nowdays it could be very possible, but not all internet is very censored

Imagine world after 10 years...

Imagine it after 50...

Censorship, surveillance is growing every day. And people are just getting less and less intelligent

The opposition will always find a way to censor, and then again we fight.

maybe we will find out how people how people in China transfer clean data without risking their life doing so. Anyone knowledgable in how they do it?

VPN and rehosted content usually from what ive heard. Not everyone is involved but the ones that are tend to go deep. No point in risking your life for a status update.

Look at what cuba/latin america does as well. I know vice is biased but they had a documentary a while back about how American shows make their rounds down there. They have them ripped to a flash drive or external drive where they are then sold and distributed from person to person.

Its so big that they cant shut it down

That's actually becoming quite common in North Korea too. There are even organizations who risk doing fly-overs to drop USB sticks with news and TV shows from South Korea and the US. I read an article from a NK defector who said that if a revolution were to happen those USBs would be the catalyst.

It's very easy for the various TPTB across the globe to censor information, but once something gets out its damn near impossible to scrub away. The truth always finds its way out eventually.

There's a frontline episode which shows them smuggling in Western media in to NK on sd cards. The SK smuggler goes at night with a big bag of sd cards and meets a NK at night. I thought that was a pretty cool way to get in info.

Brave, can't image that risk. Get busted with Western Propaganda over there and i'd imagine it's straight against the wall.

essentially impossible to shut down

Just cut the few ocean fiber optic lines and you've basically halted the internet.



What about Fukushima? Do you mean the prefecture or Fukushima daiichi?

Could you imagine if someone took out the Transatlantic Telegraph Cable in a terror attack or whatever. That would be crazy.

Sometimes, when I'm driving to work, I think about how very vulnerable we are as I pass by our, essentially, naked infrastructure. I devise little ways of fucking with stuff. I mean I would never do it because I'm a pussy, but just stuff like filling a bunch of paintballs with a bit of gallium, soaking them in warm water so they're nice and liquefied, then just, you know, driving a highway at night, stopping to pop off a shot or three at the base of cell towers. Or, you could shut down train traffic just by taking a spool of wire around with you, then stopping to lay a piece across the tracks so that way the signal station thinks there's like a fallen tree or a cow or something on the tracks. Or you could take nails around with you when you travel, then drop handfuls in government building's toilets (massively, massively expensive to fix). Or like our dang transformers are sitting on wooden poles down unmonitored alleyways for pete's sake. Either terrorists are stupid, or they're not going for the kill.

Theyre stupid for the most part.

Or you could take nails around with you when you travel, then drop handfuls in government toilets

I for one would prefer this "terrorism" over the current paradigm.

(And I am sure the plumbing industry wouldnt mind either)

That's not halting but fragmenting the internet.

essentially impossible to shut down

Just cut the few ocean fiber optic lines and you've basically halted the internet.

What about satellites would they keep cables from being a weak link?

Satellites are rarely used for internet but they'd be overloaded pretty quickly

This is why the internet will soon be restricted. Under the guise of protecting kids from pedos on the internet, security screens, ID cards, log-ins, trackers etc.... will be implemented sooner rather than later. In the UK politicians came close in 2011 to introducing a national ID card for every citizen.

This is probably as good as it gets for the internet. I have no doubt behind the scenes that cracking down on the internet is happening. Hopefully the good people at least on this subreddit can stay strong in the face of it.

The irony is that the extra security features will likely be used to help cover up the crimes they are supposed to prevent

This guy understands how things work.

That and people will get around the restrictions while simultaneously improving their own privacy.

They let the smart people build the system the world communicates by, and now they're seeing that that was possibly their last mistake. I don't know that you can quell what has been awoken without blood and fire, which I would not put past them for a second, but I think that we, as a nation in US, are in a particularly odd position in that we are, collectively, very moral, and have it in our bones that it is right and good and just to stand against corrupt government, so I cannot imagine they will have much success mobilizing the troops against their own countrymen. It is far too early to call a checkmate, but I can smell it brewing.

The military members I personally know, are well aware of everything that has happened. Mainly because they'd be in prison for doing what Hillary had done.

Give me liberty or give me death.

I always liked that quote, even though Patrick Henry said it and he owned over 60 slaves.

You sound like a fucking cuck

That would be his wife taking a dick from a trump supporter, while he watched... MAGA Cucked...

Rule 4

It's not irony that's the point. I can't help but think our days are numbered.

Which is why we need to organize and start our own meshnet now.

What's a meshnet? Also inspire us if you can. I'm ready to hear what you got.

If I'm not mistaken, it's using radio and cellular signals from personal devices to create a miniature internet. And if enough people do it... It's not so miniature anymore.

Oh whoa so wild west. How neat.

Great to hear this is being done, I had imagined that an encrypted message could be bounced along from device to device until it got to its intended recipient. No central servers. I think this will happen.

This is one area I'd like to see a brighter light cast on the present day happenings internally at the last-mile ISP level (Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, ...) and social network gatekeeper level (Facebook, Twitter, reddit, ...).

The consolidation of telecoms into a smaller number of massive companies facilitates rolling out Room 641A or more direct controls across the entire internet, as allowing consolidation of media facilitated control of propaganda/info across that industry. Regulation through hardened net neutrality at the FCC level helped delay and disrupt implementation of controls across the Internet. A preferred method at this stage would bring down the anti-trust hammer against the consolidated telecoms and push for splitting them up, encouraging competition and making it more difficult for controls to be universally implemented.

Was talking about this exact thing the other day with some parents. That Pokemon Go app asks for every permission there is. I told them to delete it and don't accept the requests.

This was fixed like a week after it came out. It no longer asks for everything.

This is why the internet will soon be restricted

You think Trump will sell the US under with internet?

Obama already [has] .(

You realize Washington Times is owned and run by a religious cult?

I gave up as soon as I read "Carter hates America just as much as Mr. Obama does"


I have no doubt behind the scenes that cracking down on the internet is happening.

It's already started a couple years ago

All that means is that we have to win, this time around, and we have to win decisively, because we are not going to get another chance.

Hence, failure is not an option. Defeat is not an option. A marginal victory is not an option.

Either we drive the malevolent demon-gods off this planet permanently, or they win. Ain't no other way about it.

Why is net neutrality about to be eliminated then?

And since dear leader can do no wrong most people on t_d are cheering it on.

It's those who buy into the notion of "influence marketing" (the corporate term for shilling), they did it. It makes anyone feel like they're doing the right thing when they cheer for an abused underdog. They have no love of story, those who buy the minds of others in the hopes that they will buy the people along with them.

Any president that gives you everything you want is a bad one. The destruction of net neutrality is awful, but he was bound to do disagreeable shit.

Username and post contents do not align

Yes, give the powers that be the power and authority to regulate the internet!

Let me guess, you're also anti-bill of rights?

I sensed sarcasm.

The bill of rights lists areas the government CANNOT infringe

You know "Net Neutrality" is a 1984 tier term, right?

what do you even mean by that?

On what planet do you live where banning people from hiding other people's content is 1984 in any way?

What makes you say that? The FCC was never supposed to regulate corporations the way they do now, it should be the FTC's responsibility. Just because you gut the FCC (which already has extremely overbearing regulations) doesn't mean you are eliminating net neutrality.

This is kinda old but explains it well.. Love these guys.

These are the posts that make me smile at r/conspiracy. It's a shame I've been banned on main accounts for trying to defend against those who baselessly denounce this subreddit and this platform in particular. In the process of appealing given the recent sticky post.

There are many of us.

it was shut down alright during the boston hoax

I watched this really really low budget public access show called "Shifting Dimensions" with this guy Jay Weidner (guest), and the host said it in a really cool way: it's regarded that Christianity contributed to the fall of Rome - how did Christianity disseminate? They used the roads of Rome, built by the military.

The internet was built by the military - and how is information disseminating? Through it.

/long live the onion


I haven't been on 4chan side like 8 years. Back then you would never see them helping this cause. Hell there was so much illegal kiddie porn being posted on /b/ and /cake/ back in those days

Uhhh username?

It actually stands for cheese pizza cause I really like pizza but so many people ask me about it I should have just chosen a different user name. And yeah it's kind of a joke I guess bottom line is I should have just picked a different user name.

Does cheese pizza stand for small blonde kid?

If cheese pizza is being served it strictly means that little boys will be at the party. If it's a cheese pizza with anchovies then little girls will be there too.

You monster!

You're not hankerchiefing any maps with your pizza are you?

I don't have a answer to your question at this time.

sure dude

Uh you must of never ventured outside of b cause 4chan has always been helping causes all around.

lol k newfag

Best Bait 2017 goes to you, friend0.

what's more than crowd sourced investigation? multi-platform crowd sourced investigation.

I'm thinking about writing a book about it honestly. If pgate is true this will go down in the history books as the death of MSM and the birth of Hive mind and nvestigating

Lol well put.

didn't work in Boston Bombing.. the problem is when something is wrong no one takes responsibility for it.

Frankly I still have my doubts about the official story.

Of course you should doubt the official story. The FBI would never admit to fucking anything up. Remember the 2009 Bronx bombing plot?

The attack plans and materials were all supplied by the FBI informant who coaxed the accused into participating by offering incentives, a clear case of entrapment.

IMO the FBI had full knowledge of the Boston bombing plot and were going to swap out the explosives for dudes, but somewhere someone in the FBI fucked up and real explosives were planted.

It's not coincidental that there was a massive disinformation campaign against people trying to identify the bombers even though law enforcement agencies were specifically asking the public for help identifying the bombers.

We did nothing wrong but everytime an /r/askreddit post asking about bad things reddit did appears, there's always a highly upvoted comment saying reddit drove someone to suicide and harassed their family and therefore should not have tried to investigate. The comment's claim is completely factually incorrect as doing a minimum amount of research into the topic will reveal, yet lower comments correcting it never get as many upvotes and the original comment never gets retracted.

Excellent points! I wasn't on reddit then

The FBI asked for help on finding the names of the bombers after they released the pictures. When people say reddit fucked up they're referring to before that. People we scouring new footage and incorrectly doxxed a few people who had nothing to do with it.

I like how you say "people who did any research" and then get it completely wrong. It's even more amusing at least 10 other people just take your word for it.

What are you on about? There was no request for help for the first person or two reddit 'identified' and harassed to fuck. That shit was completely unprompted. The request for help came well after reddit started playing detective, and the harassment of everyone that a chain of comments 'found' was before any requests for help.

If they didn't say anything or ask for any help, we'd still have done the same thing.

Most of the negative comments here follow Trevor's Axiom. They are trying to get your riled up.

lol why would they bother replacing the explosives with "duds" (not sure how you make "dud" pressure cookers though) and not just arrest them and take all the glory of foiling the plot?

Do it, and then make a documentary for the non book types. It makes for a pretty epic story, honestly.

Would be better if it's also the death of show business as we know it, NO MORE DOCUMENTARIES.

These topics need to be taught in High School history.

Not as long as the state controls education

Yes! My experience is that they are some ex-hippy history teaches who are willing to slip stuff in when they have the chance. LOL.

You are right, though. We need to take control of the curriculum, so what is taught is historically accurate.

DeVos is on the case! 👩🏼‍💼

We can hope. Certainly more govt control and more money hasn't done anything but make it worse... and give is the crap called common core. (With some sicko deciding sex ed for kindergarten was appropriate).

For the first time in my life I'm happy to live in the south/Bible belt. I never thought that'd be possible.

Hive mind investigating

Should expand to NWO crimes

the birth of Hive mind investigating

What could possibly go wrong?

This is one of the first go-arounds. I'm sure the process will refine itself.

Actually, and this may surprise you, trial by mob has been around for quite a long time.


"Hive Mind Investigating", yes. I love it and I feel so empowered by the level of intellect I am surrounded by. I believe it is true but that's my opinion based on all the pieces I have seen thus far. God bless the children.

Wait ... are you waiting for factual, verified evidence?

Obviously. Though if this whole pizzagate thing was false it would still make for a great book on sociology/psychology groupthink and maybe CI disinformation. Seaman would've been sued I imagine if there wasn't some truth though.

Yeah, exactly. This subject is fascinating to me. I'd love a study about confirmation and selection bias in groups of people that lack accountability. With the propensity that humans have to form witch hunts, it seems to me that it could be a natural progression to opensource investigating. Echo chambers are fascinating to me as well.

If pgate is true the earth is flat this will go down in the history books as the death of MSM science and the birth of Hive mind investigating

The earth is an oval

I've seen the term a lot and I want to understand more, what is MSM?

Main stream media

Oh okay, thank you. What are good, legit sources for news that are outside of main stream media that I could go to?

Unfortunately I can not answer that, I just like reading the threads here.

Oh okay, same here.

I think people who think 4chan is credible need to think hard about their choices.

The number of apparent 12 year olds commenting in this thread is AMAZING...

What do you mean by that. And do you just have a tracker for 12 year olds? Maybe you should contact Mr. Podesta, he'd be interested in one.

I mean the signal/noise ratio from those sources is... less than impressive.

You can build a better view of a pedophile trafficking network by looking at the arrests posted by the law enforcement agencies for National Human Trafficking Awareness Month which just ended, and looking for nexus of relationships.

Watching people fumble manually through instagram accounts for clues is entertaining though.

No amount of research hurts. I will always argue that 4chan is vital.

I would argue that a lot of what has been done on 4chan and youtube has hurt, but you are entitled to your opinion.

Some of the people trying to earn money off this are deliberately creating disinformation to promote themselves.

I would argue that a lot of what has been done on 4chan and youtube has been incredibly helpful. Check out George Webb. Sure people will try to make money off of Pizzagate. Do you have any examples of people creating disinformation? I'd be interested in seeing that! cheers!

Not playing that game with you. If you've been following pizzagate, you are aware of how many false positives have been promoted as latest and greatest only to be destroyed by the next person with theory. My favorites are the "Pegasus" museum which turned out to be Alefantis mother home... and O'Neil published her address with a claim there was a kill room in the basement.

Then there was Seaman saying he had legit insiders telling him big name busts were coming down.

Pretty solid research there...

These pizzagaters are getting out of hand. Time to start alerting the authorities.

"Arrests are coming in the next 24 hours."

There has never been a single arrest connected to Podesta or Comet Pizza other than the conspiracy nut who decided to try to shoot up the place.

Disinformation is intentional. There is no evidence that Seaman's information was intentionally wrong.

This is why people don't take anything seriously related to it. When you're confronted with something concrete like this, Pizzagate fanbois start trying to squirm out of it.

What is your "concrete" argument lmfao. What am I trying to squirm out of. You're the one in this thread just shit posting rofl. Why are you even in this thread man.

This is concrete: there has been no arrest related to Podesta, Comet Ping Pong or any of the central cruxes of the theory other than the nut who tried to shoot up the place. Do you deny that?

There is no evidence that Seaman's information was intentionally wrong.

That's trying to squirm out of it.

Who is saying that there have been arrests related to Podesta? No one. I'm not even really sure what your argument is. No one has been arrested? Yeah no shit.

That's trying to squirm out of it.

Okay so then show me proof that the Seaman info was intentional disinformation. Btw is there any point in arguing. This is not the point of this thread.

Who is saying that there have been arrests related to Podesta? No one. I'm not even really sure what your argument is. No one has been arrested? Yeah no shit.

There have been promised of high level arrests related directly to Pizzagate numerous times, and yet, none of the people connected to the theory are ever arrested. Imagine that. If there's going to be a high level Pizzagate arrest, there should at least be someone related to the central conceit of the theory and not some escort agency bust in Memphis, no?

"You're the one in thus thread just shit posting rofl"

Says the guy who is shitposting rofl

Hey screw you bud

They move the goalposts so much, you have to wonder why they ever bother setting them to begin with. The_Cheeto, Pizzagate, and their ilk never admit to being proven wrong about anything. They just move their goalposts over and over until people get tired of dealing with them behaving like children caught in their own lie.

It wasn't even wrong. Someone was arrested.

If you would actually do any type of research into that the man had an imbd page that was taken down because people found out he was an actor like many of the others in false flag attacks. Why are you even here if you are calling people crazy conspiracy nuts? You're on fucking r/conspiracy?

Maybe he had an IMDB page because he lived in a part of North Carolina that has a lot of film shoots, including Iron Man 3? I'm just here to try to apply Occam's Razor to you guys, and I notice you don't like it.

Yeah, I live in NC, and two of my exes have IMDB pages.

Occam's razor is nothing more than a straw man argument because it always tries to discredit an opposing theory with the idea that the simplest answer is always corrects. It's for weak minded people who lack critical thinking skills. Now go back to posting on porn subs and stop diluting this sub with your sub par "reasoning" skills

Occam's razor isn't a strawman at all, although I would see why someone who has expressed white supremacist views and only posts in altright themed subs other than here would want to discredit it.

I'll bite, why would you see that? What's your logic behind it? Any real reasoning or are you just trying to discredit me by using pejoratives that are meant to shut down the conversation like "racist" and "white supremacist"?

Oh, just making the point that two can play at that game. Although, Pizzagate is one of those altright-style tactics. You've got this vague conspiracy that no one is quite sure exactly is about, and you can expand it at will to apply it to any person or situation that you need to discredit.

Pizzagate is one of those alt right style tactics? You're still straw manning so hard right now. What are you even talking about? What argument do you have? You've obviously never even done any research into pizzagate and high powered pedos. watch this and look into it and try and tell me it's bullshit. I'll know you're just a troll if you do

Oh look, yet another Youtube link TOTALLY unrelated to Pizzagate.

Why are you still responding if you arn't even trying to debate or refute anything I've said? It's blatantly obvious at this point you're just a troll with nothing better to do

He said an arrest would happen. It happened. What's the problem?

The arrest alluded to has never happened.

Yah. It did. Sandusky was arrested that day. Do some googling before clocking in at SB.

How is Sandusky connected to Comet Pizza or John Podesta?

Papa Sandusky was Hillary's brothers coach.

You obviously haven't done any research into Pg. It's a huge web of degeneracy. The tentacles reach out to every corner.

Lots of people went to Penn State and played football, are they all pedos now?

Ur Probs right... it's just another "coincidence" all those Haitians are such liars! He WAS ONLY TRYING TO HELP MINE THEIR GOLD AND TAKE THEIR KIDS TO PLAY MINI GOLF.

point taken, David Seaman took a huge hit for that one. It really damaged his cred.

Some people are trying to claim Seaman was talking about the Sandusky arrest now.


Hey, if you ever see someone saying that no one says anything negative about Trump or Pizzagate on conspiracy. You should always remember this thread where you, VirulentThoughts, and grooljuice usually averaged 20-65 upvotes per comment compared to the pizzagaters who barely have 1.

Its probably not weird how every comment I've replied to on other pizzagate posts say that conspiracy has a huge bias.

The guy who said he recieved two calls from James saying he was screaming and constantly threatening his life, but fails to record even one second of both phone calls even though his friend is on his phone right next to him. And then has the fucking nerve at the middle and end to promote his shitty pedogate merch site.

People here ate that shit up like butter though. Do you really think he would call and threaten the guys life over social media messages several times? Especially to a guy who 'exposed him' by bringing up an old instagram picture.

There is so much disinformation on the subject, much more than there is actual information which makes believing the conspiracy now much harder.

Sometimes I believe the reason this pizzagate thing is being posted so much here is to distract us from whats going on todays government.

The guy who said he recieved two calls from James saying he was screaming and constantly threatening his life, but fails to record even one second of both phone calls even though his friend is on his phone right next to him.

This wouldn't even cut it as proof of a conspiracy, all it proves is that people get pissed off when you try to convince the internet they're a pedophile

True, but he claims that James was threatening him and his families life multiple times, something you wouldn't do as an wealthy and famous accused pedophile or not a pedophile at all. The whole thing was complete bullshit no matter how you spin it, can't believe people actually believed that shit for more than a few minutes.

Such as? More information on people trying to profit from PG would be nice, I haven't heard anything about that.

It wasnt even a week ago that that dude, seagram or whatever, who everybody was upvoting like crazy, was discredited after promising he had the inside scoop a series of pizzagate arrests that were supposed to happen monday. The guy was begging for donations and selling tshirts. Nothing but a scam.



He said a high level arrest will happen. It did.

he's so high profile you had to refer to him as 'Jerry Sanduskys son'

Not to mention that the Sandusky investigation opened in March, so not pizza related.

Still though it's pretty significant that the arrest happened on that day. Seaman exagerated on the high level part.

When it distracts from people with any accountability and credibility doing their jobs and causes "researchers" to go into a pizza place with a gun I think it hurts a bit. Bullshit stacked on groupthink bullshit.

Next time could even be worse! This shit is seriously crazy.

No amount of research hurts.

Bullshit. If I looked through your post history with enough dedicated people who wanted to find the worst thing they could find, we could twist your words (or even just pretend you're actually saying other words--what if "research" actually means "child porn"????) into something nefarious. If no amount of research could hurt, double jeopardy wouldn't exist as a concept.

Notice how there's always a few shill posts that get heavily upvoted in every thread? It's always the same statements from these shill cunts, oh 4chan is not credible, pizzagate is nonsense etc. Question that and you get downvoted.

Trevor's Axiom

Spotted the 14 year old.

And here is our 15 year old.


Nice one bro, what are you, 16?

If I were a high level official who wanted to leak information to the masses anonymously, that's the place I'd do it. Same goes for releasing any investigative work I didn't want attached to my name.

You're on the conspiracy subreddit, but your comment history makes it seem like you're not the type who would normally be here.

has any 4chan leak turn out to be true?


yep people keep thinking the leaks are true?

Once, in /v/. The Arkham Knight season pass contents were real, but were grossly oversold.

Didn't most of the Pokemon sun and Moon leaks start on 4chan?

They started on an Asian chan and migrated to 4chan once they were translated.

If I were a high level official who wanted to leak information to the masses anonymously, that's the place I'd do it

Probably a contributing reason for why you are not entrusted with that kind of responsibility.

In a whistleblower capacity.

There are better platforms for whistleblowers.

4chan doesn't look that smart if you read the Snowden leaks.

So you would send information to a site which is mostly associated with nerds, hacking, and child porn, rather than, say, the newspaper that exposed Watergate?

When did I say that 4chan is credible? There are people there that do the same kind of research we do. Sometimes major pieces of info are first posted to 4chan. 4chan is vital to the operation of crowd sourced investigations.

Sure, you don't have to believe in the FBIanon shit, but to lump 4chan as a poor source for information growth shows that you've been misled.

Isn't believing anything FBIanon says considering him credible though? Your implication in the OP is that the biggest LARP site in the world can ever be trusted - which it can't.

When did I say FBIanon was credible? You don't have to put words in my mouth. Again, when did I say that 4chan can be trusted? I merely said that it is fascinating to watch the massive spread of information. There are people on 4chan that want to destroy TPTB, just like people here. Stop talking as if 4chan is one person. It sounds like you're the one believing everything FBIanon says.

For Pizzagate to be real, FBIanon has to be credible, since so many of the dangling threads depend on his information. If just one thing in the Jenga tower that is Pizzagate is considered to not be credible, the whole thing collapses.

Why would FBIanon have to be credible for Pizzagate to be true. That's pretty illogical man.

Parts of the theory that depend on FBIanon's story don't work if he's not credible. If he's not credible, parts of the theory that only stand up based on those parts that depend on FBIanons's story collapse. It's like WTC, controlled demolition, man.

The Clinton Foundation has been criticized by conspiracy circles for human trafficking for a long time, and even a mainstream political commentator like Christopher Hitchens was vocal about its role as an influence peddling platform taking bribes from foreign and domestic actors.

Now, think about the fact that we are allied with Saudi Arabia where it is essentially known they are engaging in slavery, sex trafficking, and realize that these people giving directly to the Clinton's Foundation is a direct connection in our relation. Recall Jeffrey Epstein, known to have been trafficking underaged prostitutes and whom had video surveillance equipment set up throughout his property. Not only was he associated with Bill Clinton, during his defense it was claimed he had been part of the group that founded the Clinton Foundation.

Those are just connections, it's not incredibly solid. But what we know is that people at the highest levels of government and industry have been caught in multiple cases using underaged prostitutes- these kids and teenagers are coming from somewhere and it is all but guaranteed there are other people procuring them for these people. It stands to reason, that there are channels connecting very powerful people to organized sex trafficking. No guarantee its any specific group, but an organization like the Clinton Foundation that is international and multiple connections to areas and people known to engage in this kind of activity certainly looks like a place to look, no?

I see you brought up Epstein. Let's recall this interview with Epstein from 2010, from Vice News.

Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump? A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir? Q. Have you socialized with him? A. Yes, sir. Q. Yes? A. Yes, sir. Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18? A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.

Why is there never any concern about this? hint: it's because it's T_D pushing this to keep the conspiracy crowd busy from what their president is doing

There's plenty of concern about it, somebody mentions this connection literally any time you bring up Epstein. There's a quote from Trump more or less alluding to Epstein's activities from before any of this blew up.

Most of the conspiracy circles that aren't overtly Marxist/feminist are following Trump closely and support him. They like it when he attacks media corporations they've hated for decades, criticizes intelligence agencies they've criticized for decades, attacks the internationalism that is the progenitor of every New World Order conspiracy ever. Indeed to anybody that does not share their worldview, major conspiracy outlets now look like the conspiracy as they are largely covering positively a president that mainstream sources universally despise.

You think so? Every time I see a discussion, any connections to Republicans like Trump's associations with Epstein and DynCorp are dismissed or flat out ignored, and the focus is promptly back on Podesta and Comet Ping Pong. All I see are conspiracy outlets becoming the lapdogs of the people they claim to oppose because Trump has the appearance of being an outsider.

Well, I think most conspiracy circles ultimately think that the New World Order is a Marxist form of globalism- though they package this idea in different flavors like Satanism, lizard people, jews- whatever. The common theme is world government and internationalism though. I think that most conspiracy groups ultimately promote a more right-wing world view, though you could categorize leftist targets like the patriarchy, global capitalism, etc in a similar way probably.

Point being, Trump is attacked by the establishments that right-wing conspiracies see as having control which proves his authenticity to these groups. So of course they will downplay his involvement both in his long history of involvement in many aspects of the establishment, and people like Epstein and the Clintons themselves. The ones that acknowledge these connections will spin him as a turncoat.

In general, people are more likely to defend someone they like and someone they feel is on their team. Donald Trump is the first president to do an interview on something like Infowars. So yeah, your concerns aren't misplaced. My instincts are that pedophile groups are going to become a public target of the Trump administration, and that high profile figures will be found or manufactured. My belief is that these groups exist and in them will be household names, but the risk of this as an excuse for a transition into fascism has crossed my mind as pedophilia has been the reason given for Russia's crackdowns on LGBT communities and Alexandr Dugin's philosophy has clearly influenced parts of the alt-right concerning traditionalism.

Ooh, can you point me to the feminist conspiracy sub? That's new to me.

"9/11 was pulled off by men!"


Observe how the defender deflects.

Now that pedophile epstein is mentioned he conveniently deflects by bringing in trump.

I've seen numerous post stating this on voat, 4chan and the like. They always bring it up anytime Epstein is brought up because even pizzagaters don't fully believe in Trump

There is concern, and always has been ever since this started.

Epstein and Trump are both billionaire buisnessmen,its not unreasonable that they would have had some contact.

Once Trump found out about Epstein he banned him from his Mara Largo resort.

The reason Trump supporters aren't worried about the Epstein connection is because we all know it bollocks.

If they had anything on Trump they would have used it by now instead they are forced to make up Russian hacking bullshit.

The Clinton connection to Epstein on the other hand ....

You are either a pedo youself defending your yellow king, or just plain stupid. Or perhaps both.

You're dads a pedo you fucking clown.

Wtf would he plead his amendment rights during a fucking VICE interview? These are the same guys who teach people how to take dabs and roll righteous blunts out in Colorado.


I saw an interview last night with robert john steele (ex cia) and the way he referred to fbianon strongly implied that he thought it was a real insider source.

Don't need logic man, just gotta deflect and defend defend defend.

The fact that he's saying absolutely nonsensical trash like fbianon has to be real otherwise pizzagate collapses, tells you all you need to know about this defender and yet you can see all the magical upvotes this defender is getting.

Let me ask you, have you seen any evidence of widespread pedophilia within our government.

Have you? Here, I'll answer for both of us. No.

rolls eyes I don't think the word evidence means what you think it does.

Do you need a fucking picture of Obama fucking a kid for you to wake up. Jesus dude. How is that not evidence.

Maybe an actual arrest or accusation that doesn't depend on a bunch of kids playing on the internet? That would go a long fucking way.

What if I told you that is what we're trying to accomplish. If pizzagate is real, then it's not hard to imagine that this is an operation on a global scale. Which means justice will be obstructed. There are plenty of cases of pedophilia getting covered up.

What if it's not real though? You're all starting with the premise that it is and working the "evidence" to reach that conclusion and not going the proper way.

What would be the proper way.

Start the investigation, look at the evidence you have. Find what you can prove without making assumptions or leaps of logic, then go off only parts of it that you can prove. If you can't prove it - or at least come up with an angle to further investigate that, discount that completely. Only after examining everything and acting only with what you can prove, come up with the conclusion that it does or does not exist. Everyone investigating Pizzagate has started with the conclusion that it's real, and it shaping the narrative to support that conclusion, no matter how poor the evidence actually is.

mic drop

Hardly a mic drop, people dissing pizzagate NEVER refute actual evidence they just refute the idea that it's even possible. If you think it isn't real take the giant pile of overwhelming evidence, circumstantial or no and debunk it already. Until then stfu about how pizzagate isn't real.

There is no evidence to refute. That's what all the sane people try to tell you in these threads. Moreover, extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If you are trying to build a comprehensive case about pedo rings involving very high profile people you had better produce evidence better than circumstantial subjective circlejerking.

There absolutely is tons of evidence but you wouldn't know if you have never seen or looked for it. The main stuff you see posted isn't the most damning stuff. It's the real estate deals, the donations and the Clinton Foundations involvement in groups known to have trafficked children etc etc.. It's all there but look away and keep lying to yourself so you can feel good about yourself if you want to but just know you are defending the systematic kidnapping and subsequent ritual abuse of thousands of young children. Whatever, doesn't really matter. The people that matter know that it's true and this it will all come out soon enough. Just wait until you see what's on Wieners laptop and in HRC missing 33K emails.

I am not defending anything, it's all a figment of your overactive imagination. Apophenia coupled with mass hysteria. A few centuries ago people like you would be burning innocent women as witches.

It's funny how the next revelation in your psychosis is always just around the corner, and if nothing comes out of the laptop or mails you'll pretend it never happened and cling to some new 4chan fabricated evidence.

I truly pity you. I hope when the (rude) awakening comes you are not personally responsible for taking innocent lives. The way this crackpot pg thing is going looks like it's a vain hope...

Bro or sis, that is a nice sentiment and all and I can absolutely see how you come to such a conclusion but THIS HAS ALREADY BEEN EXPOSED and many people especially in government, media and Hollywood have known about this FOR DECADES. CIA uses companies such as DynCorp to traffic children and used them to blackmail politicians, businessmen, law enforcement etc.. It is no secret at this point. Why do you think the world is changing so fast and everyone is getting hysterical? Power is shifting and things are coming to light, like I said these things are already exposed and are very much effecting how things are unfolding right now.

"There's evidence, it's really big. Trust me. You don't know what you're talking about - look. There has been stuff that happened."

Let me put it this way, and this is totally hypothetical. I'm going to decide you're a pedophile. Now, I'm going to go on your social media and see that you're a summer camp counselor and have pictures on your instagram of you with shirtless kids. That's evidence that you're a pedo, based on my conclusion. Say you have an infant child. There's a picture of you giving them a bath in the sink. Even more evidence, and you may be eating babies, since they're in the kitchen sink. What kind of madman are you?

You're comparing apples and oranges. You're deciding I'm a pedo before even looking at evidence. The evidence came before deciding Podesta was a pedo. But honestly dude please wrap up your argument because I'm getting tired of replying.

Lol, you don't even see the similarity. Podesta was declared a pedo before they started putting it together. You can stop responding, you're completely cucked to the theory, there's no way you can even consider that it's not real.

I literally said if Pizzagate is real. God you're a moron rofl

Think it was more things like Tamera Luzzattos emails to Podesta and others about her grandchildren in the pool that got people started. It didnt jusy come from absolutely nowhere like you tried to project onto the above poster.

That's still completely out of left field with no support though.

Im not fussed how you define it quite frankly mate, it is what it is. People found it odd. Emails invited out for ranch gatherings where 3 young kids would be provided for 'entertainment' in the swimming pool, the art tastes...hell, they are even friends with 3 known pedophiles, one of John Podestas emails had him saying "might be time for Denny to vanish to an undisclosed Japanese island" in reference to Dennis Hastert being indicted by the Justice Department for bribery in relation to molestation coverups. There were numerous odd 'coincidences' that got peoples interests piqued, it didnt just spring from nowhere like you are trying to portray.

Reagan was friends with Hastert too, that doesn't make him a pedo. Like I've tried to point out over and over, coincidences don't make things so.

Nah they just form the base that get people interested. You formed a comparison by calling the op you were replying to a pedo, insinuating that there was absolutely nothing suspicious relating to Podesta before people made a judgement on him. That is not true, wether you agree with the merit of the 'coincidences' or not.

Tamera Luzzatto also took down a website after being exposed in wikileaks where she was advertising her infant granddaughter "raw and uncut" live on webcam. And those emails aren't out of left field those are THEIR OWN FUCKING EMAILS what more support could you have ffs?! And there is so much more evidence, you obviously have only skimmed, pizzagate is just the tip of the iceberg.

You can be sure if that happens, this defender would still say there's no evidence, he would say obama accidentally fell unto the kid.

Ah YouTube videos are not evidence, if that is the best quality of evidence you can provide, then sorry but you are part of the problem.

Uhhh..... you're accusing people of widespread pedophilia in government

So... yeah. You kinda need ACTUAL fucking evidence of somebody fucking a kid in order to substantiate that. Is this really a debate???

And yet he'll bash Trump for doing it with even less evidence.

To make the point. Seeing as pizzagate is too moronic to be a serious conspiracy theory it must be misinformation by Trumpettes. So he is trying to mirror the so-called evidence using a person you actually like. It is astounding how you cannot see this.

Don't try and argue with shills.

Are you a bot?

No? Are you?

Why is it always YouTube videos? I feel like that's the only way people here can consume information.

This is why pizzagate is laughed at, we're strictly using Youtube and Ben Swann as our source now a days

What else would we use? Msm doesn't talk or pizzagate, or when they do it's just labeled as "debunked"

People like you do such a disservice to your own causes. Daring people to make intelligent comments and then every link you post as your proof is totally hearsay and your attempts at logic and understanding credibility are massively flawed.

Intelligent discussion or YouTube heresay "proof", pick one.

Shill shall shill

Really, dude? I'll have to interject here. Everyone knows convictions have been scare, largely in part because the DOJ/AG were corrupt and the Dems were covering for each other. Let me stop you there, this isn't part of some larger partisan rant.

But since you've asked about evidence of evil pedos infiltrating the highest levels of gov't, how about 3rd in line to the throne?

Fomer disgraced Speaker of the House Hastert is convicted and received a slap on the wrist of 15 months, (also note he was a Republican, so this is also evidence I have no partisan political agenda by bringing this case up)

I don't think you know what widespread in the question I was responding to means.

So that means you think this is an isolated incident? Even with the verified podestathamolesta emails that suggest otherwise?

Roger that!

Do they suggest that, or does someone else suggest that and you work your way to that conclusion without considering alternatives?

Alternatives? Lulz, would love to hear you explain some of these doozies.

wait so is the agenda to spread the truth, or to spread any information instrumental to destroying TPTB?


It's spelled shill.

The mods literally stickies a thread about banning people for accusing each other of being shills. Cut the toxic name calling. That's all this sub had become and it's a tired trope. We are real fucking people, not bots, not paid by any outside party for providing our own thoughts here. So chill the fudge out.

When your entire evidence was "hey look at the weird decoration in the restaurant and hey look at the ping pong paddles on the menu" don't be surprised when no one takes you seriously

Clearly you haven't done ANY research. Lol!

Get psychiatric help.

Know any good ones?

That was a comeback?

Newsflash "get psychiatric help" is in the OLD shill instruction book. Shilling. You're doing it wrong.

Bet a mod will come and ban you in 5..4..

please check the user name "oper..." They don't even try to hide.

Still waiting on that first tasty paycheck

Would love to get my hands on that book. Forward it if you get a chance

Here's the honorable version:

That is what you type when you have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation and want some free karma from you're fellow tards at /r/all

Great argument and presentation of your own proof and research. Surely being condescending and never producing any sources supporting what you're saying with any kind of fact will help sway hearts and minds to see your side of things.

Pathetic. You destroy your own cause.

The best evidence for "pizzagate" is the fact that they are paying CTR types to spam the internet denying it.

If it was just some crazy theory no one would bother.

Hahaha in the Alex Jones world there's no such thing as a "crazy theory" thing that gets ignored

Yet no one was even talking about Alex Jones the kook.

Try to make a flat earth post. See how much hate you get. Conclude that the establishment really hates you, so you must be doing something right, and everyone that disagrees is just paid shills who are paid and are shills.

Where is your "evidence" that anyone is paid and not just anti-trump/idiotic conspiracy theory?

That's not the entire evidence. Does the name Robert David Steele ring a bell to you? If not, you should look him up.

Go on, I'll wait.

Still waiting on that Pizzagate victim. There must be 1000's dying to testify.

Still waiting on an investigation

It's usually the other way around.

A victim equals a crime. No victim, no crime. There are very few exceptions. Prostitution and drug use being two of them. Pizzagate is not one of the exceptions.

The number one way of getting away with murder is to hide the body well. It's why we have the phrase "no body, no crime."

The bodies are still alive.

Why are they not talking then?

They're mentally broken. This has been happening to them since infancy, it's what they know as life.

An investigation requires real evidence, not fantasies.

It also require non-corrupt parties in positions of power or that are in charge of actual investigations. Here's looking at your DOJ/AG

True, but my point is that investigating pizzagate would be like trying to investigate and prove that lizard people exist. When the evidence only exist in the realms of someone's imagination, it is pointless to waste resources on an investigation.

No isn't. New people in the mix that can move forward down this path.. Looking at the circumstantial evidence we have already uncovered with fresh eyes. Over 1200 arrests of lower lever traffickers already within the last 30 days. All it takes is one of those folks that got hemmed up to sing for a deal, then we'll see some real action.

It's a highly fluid situation subject to change day-to-day. So yea, if this was years past, I'd be inclined to agree with you. But today, tomorrow, the next day??

In my opinion, completely different ballgame.

You do realize that the recent arrest of human traffickers have nothing to do with pizzagate?

False. Arrests where made in both haiti and norway. Both countries where the clinton foundation had a strong presence. Shortly after the arrests, the "donations" abruptly stopped.

Care to explain that?

The donations did not abrutly stop. What occurred was that revenue for the foundation was down in 2016, because all the Clinton's were focusing on campaigning for the election, so they were not raising money for the foundation, as well as voluntary restrictions that they put in place, and all the political and personal attacks from Trump and his supporters.

As a result of the election, for the last few weeks they have been scaling back their efforts in various countries, and redirecting them to other places that need them.

Oh and I think you forgot about the idiot Trump and his bizarre executive order banning federal assistance for international health groups who counsel women on abortions or provide assistance for abortions.

The Clinton foundation worked with a number of organisations to improve access to health services like Planned Parenthood which rely on federal funding, however with Trump's executive order this is no longer possible.

Trump as president is forcing the Clinton foundation (and other non-profit organizations) to reassess and retune what services they are providing and where, because they have no idea what other crazy shit that Trump will force through.

Oh look, they already had plans to terminate the Clinton Global Initiative, as well as pull out of Haiti. This was back in September.

Right, because they knew back then they were burnt and their nefarious agenda had been exposed for what it was.

For the record, I didn't vote for Trump; I agree with you, he's an idiot. In fact I don't subscribe to rather archaic 2-party system. It's broken and it's a farce because they make us believe we have a choice, when we really don't. But that's another discussion for another time.

But seriously, you realize that the CF works closely with Dyncorp and the CIA to kidnap, market and otherwise exploit missing children, right? And before you say, the CIA!? No way! They have a long documented history of drug smuggling, illegal arms and human trafficking. The money generated from these sales are used to fund their black operations that aren't included in their budget.

I can see you aren't a believer yet, that's fine. Be patient, this is huge and when it breaks, there won't be a deep and dark enough hole for them to hide in.

All of the "missing" emails (650k of them) from Anthony Weiner's shared laptop with his estranged wife Huma, are now in possession of the FEDs and likely Wikileaks as well. The machine was not scrubbed and it was purposely retained by Weiner. Why you ask? The files were found archived in a folder called, "Insurance policy". This would suggest he knew he was playing a very dangerous game with people that would murder him without giving it much thought. Essentially this was get out of jail free card.

Arrests are coming.

I can see you aren't a believer yet

Of course not, I don't buy into hysteria or witch hunts. Not one shred of believable evidence has cropped up, and every time one of the "pieces of evidence" is proven to be nothing but fantasy, it gets ignored by the Pizzagate hypocrites. and they draw even longer bows to try to keep their fantasy together.

There will be no arrests because the pizzagate conspiracy does not exist, and never has. The only places you can find these evidences, are fake videos and conspiracy blog sites.

I looked into Pizzagate and found that it was being pushed by conservative trolls on 4chan and /r/the_donald, and the noise got louder the more evidence about Donald Trump came out.

Twitter got overrun by bots from Turkey, Russia and even Checkoslavakua promoting the Pizzagate hysteria during the election. Someone is trying to distract us from Donald Trump and I will give you two guesses as to who his puppet master is (hint the same one who promised him a reward for removing sanctions)

This is also something to be extremely concerned about.

If you don't know her yet, meet Laura Silsby, now known as Laura Gayler. She was busted in Haiti for trying illegally traffic 33 children across the border to the DR. She was arrested, media didn't want to cover it, (surprise), and WJC + HC personally intervened on her behalf. Now she's a Sr Exec for the company that issues Amber Alerts for missing children.

Links related:

So the only evidence you have is an edited screenshot, and an editorial from a conspiracy blog site that specialises in fake news and anti science. Zerohedge is extremely untrustworthy

They literally arrested like 1500 people this month.

The made a pizzagate arrest? Link please.

There's been over 1000 human trafficking and pedophile arrests nationwide and overseas in like a week or two. Probably just getting started.

Cool story, how is it pizzagate related?

"Pizzagate" is just a theory suggesting there might be a huge possibly global pedophile ring or interconnected ones. Sandusky's dad was rumored to be involved in something like that, lots of arrests, good stuff.

Secret coded emails sent by Washington organizing child fuck parties in reverence to Satan was the theory actually. It was quite specific. I guess it's evolved.

Yeah we've known for years. I was looking for the pizzagate arrest. There were 1500, one should do it.

So pedophile rings are real and you've know for years why are you on here downplaying them?

I'm downplaying that you or OP or pizzagate saved the world from.1500 pedophiles, you can't even find one fucking link so you suggest that I'm a pedophile?

When did I suggest that? WTF is wrong with you?

There's your link have fun going down the list.

TIL all sex crime is Pizzagate

That's the theory, that worldwide coverup and enabling occurs by govts and other entities. It takes resources to traffic humans and organs etc.

We knooooow

What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm downplaying child molestation because I want to see an actual link to these claims? You can't provide a single one so you question my motives for asking? That link below is not what I'm asking for and you know it.

You're hostile for no reason, sounds personal.

There you go again. Sorry for questioning Pizzagate. Please don't doxx me.

Many have come out already

Don't forget Cathy obrian either

The source doesn't matter if the info they find is real. I have doubts about the codeword list people have shared around but 4chan has undeniably been a huge driving force behind this investigation.

what info have they found that's real?

If we're going to argue about what's "real" then you're arguing about Pizzagate as a whole.

I said they'd found important information which is true. The entire of Pizzagate originated in 4chan for a start.

"Find" was probably the wrong word to use. Saying "if the information they use is real" would probably be better.

Most of the information behind Pizzagate originates from 4chan investigations. In fact, the whole theory started out there. Off the top of my head I'd say the dodgy Instagram posts and more recently the Worldcorp stuff was found there.

They guy asked you about info. So you can point to any specific info that has been found instead of deflecting

It's basically a given that info has been found on 4chan though. Wether or not you accept the theory it's wrong to say 4chan hasn't investigated it. I also have two examples, the Instagram posts and the Worldcorp links.

What Instagram posts and Worldcorp links?

Do you really not know about the Instagram posts? They're fairly integral to the whole conspiracy.

Here's a good compilation of them anyway. Make sure you glance at the comments while you scroll through, they're some very odd discussions going on in them.

There's a good run down of the Worldcorp videos here:

The Pizzagate links are fairly tenuous if I'm honest but not worth completely dismissing. The child addresses the guy filming the video as "John" (Podesta's first name) and his voice is similar to Podesta's.

I feel like so many people that are going against the idea of pedogate simply haven't read enough on it. I'm saying nothing concrete, but one does have to do some dot connecting. Than again, if you don't believe, you don't. Simple as that.

Exactly. And if you don't believe, don't insult those who do. I don't believe in flat earth but I don't call those who do "fuckface" (an actual word someone said to me in another thread for criticizing Hillary)

Good lord, why is this so difficult.

What about the Worldcorp discussion swayed you one way or another?

So which of these Instagram posts am I supposed to be freaked out about?

What about the Worldcorp discussion swayed you one way or another?

So which of these Instagram posts am I supposed to be freaked out about?

That's all irrelevant. You asked what information has been found by 4chan, I gave you some of that information. It doesn't matter what you think of it or whether or not it freaks you out.

So you've read through all the info and you can't repeat one bit of info? Cool!

I mean, I gave you all the info there.

If you really want your questions answered the Worldcorp video didn't sway me because I already believed the theory when it came out. It's also a fairly tenuous link.

The Instagram posts which I think are the weirdest are the baby duct taped to a table, the "kill room" and the child sized coffin.

You are the most fucking annoying troll I've seen in weeks. What right do you have to go around demanding a perfect executive summary of the MASSIVE investigation? I've been reading shit for 4 months and I STILL find new stuff every day. There is NOTHING about Pizzagate that is easy to summarize.

Here's some hard proof that maybe even you will listen to. Comet Ping Pong and other Ping Pong places in Europe have been tied to CIA money laundering.

First of all dummy, I didn't ask him to give me a report on the investigation. I asked him to tell me anything about the Worldcorp link and he couldn't.

"I believe I have tied in the evidence to prove that the United States Federal Government, the British Parliament, and the Russian Federation are working together through Mr. Taylor and Mr. Rautenbach, to launder hundreds of millions of dollars of child sex trafficking, drug running, and arms dealing through a plethora of offshore shell corporations, and back into high society Pizza Ping Pong businesses that exploit children."

This is complete lunacy. So I'm supposed to completely believe this one source, why?

Did you even read the paper trail? You're the worst kind of shill. You literally read the first paragraph then you come here spouting this bullshit. Read the entire thing, unless that's too hard for your tiny little mind to comprehend. It is perfectly tied in with the Panama papers, you can follow the paper trail yourself. He explains exactly the relation between each shell company, how some are tied to convictions for money laundering, and ties to the "Lord of War" through Priscila Lustre Taylor.

You're clearly not fit to read anything longer than a tweet. Don't bother looking into Pizzagate, you'd probably have a hard time reading a childrens book let alone a complicated international criminal syndicate investigation.

Are you done with the insults?

Whoever put this info together without a doubt already believes the child-abuse angle of Pizzagate to be true(which still-to-this-day hasn't even come close to being proven), so why should I take his procedural analysis as gospel?

Lmfao Ad-hominem attack on the source doesn't mean shit, try harder. "This guy believes something I don't therefore anything he says isn't true!"

Prove him wrong about the paper trail then. Search all those shell companies and prove they aren't tied to each other. Prove that the convicted money launderers aren't tied to those shell companies. You have no grounds to stand on and you know it. Take your bullshit somewhere else

I'm sorry that you're very fired up about something that's completely unrealistic and that's been "researched" by random strangers on the internet. The very same strangers who haven't found a single piece of credible evidence.

Lmao classic conspiracy, if someone denies a pizzagate source, automatic shill label.

Look at the guys post history! All he has done for weeks is attack anyone who talks about Pizzagate, the guy has a huge agenda. He doesn't listen to links anyone posts, he attacks posters instead of actually discussing the information people are giving him, and is generally going SO FAR out of his way to antagonize anyone that mentions it that I seriously question his mental health. He's got a huge vendetta and he doesn't care what facts people give him.

Doesn't make him a shill, sellout or close minded though. And his post history isn't sketchy at all, if anything he's just been trashing PG for the last day or two. The thing is he wasn't even trashing PG, he's just very skeptical of all this shit and I don't blame him.

I also wouldn't call any of this pizzagate stuff a 'fact' yes the instagram stuff is sketchy at best but we've literally had no hard evidence on the Alafantis case so far, just a ton of speculation and far fetched thoughts.

Lets be real, 99% of the pizzagate stuff on this sub are reposts, complete bullshit or text posts such as these and less than 1 percent of the posts here are original and can be used to build a case. Everytime people like me see a "Pizzagate is going down tomorrow!! Pedophiles and politicians set to be arrested by the thousands!" kinda posts we lose a little hope each time they're debunked, and lets be real we've seen close to a thousand of these false flag/bullshit pizzagate posts.

Are there pedophile politicians? Statistically very very likely. Are there more pedophiles than we think? For most of us I'm sure that's the case. Are all these arrests and public photos linked to this whole pizzagate narrative? Probably not, and I think this sub is trying to push this agenda too hard.

I've always been a PG supporter, but I lose more and more hope each day to a point where just a sliver of me believes parts of it. I think Alafantis and Podesta are sketchy, and James could be a straight up pedophile, but IG photos and emails with code words isn't definitive proof and I would count them as 'Not guilty' if this was a court of law because none of this is truly damning.

I fully see where he is coming from, and I see where you come from as well, I respect both of your opinions (except you labeling him a shill) but I can't stand on either side (except I'd probably lean more on his side if anything)

We wouldn't be having this conversation if it wasn't for the fact that there is so much pizzagate bullshit peddled and reposted in this sub to a point where it's just annoying and ridiculous as fuck at this point. I honestly think this PG thing is being pushed by certain groups so we ignore the conspiracies that lie in our current government.

Rule 4

First of all dummy, I didn't ask him to give me a report on the investigation. I asked him to tell me anything about the Worldcorp link and he couldn't.

A) That was irrelevant to the question you were originally asking me.

B) I already gave you a perfect video summary, the way it supposedly linked to Pizzagate and my opinion of it.

C) The two above points made it fairly clear that you weren't genuinely interested in more information and just wanted to deflect the argument.

D) I also gave you some extra thoughts on the video in another comment because you asked so nicely.

Comet Ping Pong and other Ping Pong places in Europe have been tied to CIA money laundering & convicted money launderers through the Panama papers, including arms trafficking.

I just read all that. It doesn't show anything of the sort, there's no connective thread throughout any of it. It's a load of disconnected statements with speculations, assumptions, and unrelated facts thrown in; and goes completely off the rails by the end.

Try joining the dots in your own words for me and you will see how it doesn't work.

Besta Pizza -> Besta World Group -> Sealight International -> Everygood International Co -> Standard Directors -> Develcan Ventures LTD -> Ms. Elisana Marie-Antoinette Labonte and her money laundering charges and Priscilla Lustre Taylor and her ties to the Lord of War, if you read this article

That's just one shell-company trail. It's very hard for civilians to investigate this stuff so I'm sure there are more paths like this waiting to be found.

I will concede that the link between Besta Pizza and Besta World Group is flimsy, though. There is more discussion about the connections here:

So you're saying that it fails at your very first connection? Besta Pizza != Besta World Group.

But let’s fantasise and say it is. Then it fails at Sealight Incorporations Limited (I assume you mistyped) since it's an intermediary for nearly 4,000 companies.

Their director is “Standard Directors Ltd.” who are the listed director for 1,993 other entities…

One of those is Develcan Ventures Ltd.

One of their directors and shareholders is Elisana Marie-Antoinette Labonte.

That brings us to that page, I cannot attest to the veracity or that or really know what’s going on there (the site as a whole or that entry). But there are no “money laundering charges” that I can find, and I can see that ‘investigators’ aren’t getting it either they’re just reading “laundering” (or “laindering” as it says there).

I am going to bail there since it just gets madder, and the first connection failed in any case; not to mention subsequent ones.

And why start with Besta Pizza anyway, because of a logo that was changed following pareidolia + harassment?

Besta Pizza was sold for $0 by a Saudi Arabian owner back in 2007 along with the rest of the nearby restaurants (Bucks, Comet, etc.). The whole street is a Saudi blackmail operation, that's who Clinton works for. It's not just the logo, it's the financials behind it and the owner.

Besta Pizza was sold for $0 by a Saudi Arabian owner to Andrew Kline back in 2007 along with the rest of the nearby restaurants (Bucks, Comet, etc.). The whole street is a Saudi blackmail operation, that's who Clinton works for. It's not just the logo, it's the financials behind it and the owner.

So is there a source and evidence for this? Even Voat disagrees - .

Oh and also yes no kidding there are thousands of companies, that's why it's hard to track. But a link is a link. The key to hiding transfers like this IS having a huge number of intermediaries, that is exactly how money laundering via shell companies works, by making a paper trail that is too hard to follow.

You need to address your initial problem of Besta Pizza having nothing to do with Besta World Group first. Then try to argue your 1/3896 > 1/1993 > etc as a link and not completely meaningless.

In my searching after reading your comments I came across other 'investigators' doing the same thing with registered business addresses. Trying to claim those are links when it's not uncommon to find thousands of companies using a single address, and for that to imply nothing untoward.

You're very right about that, I read it early on and didn't revisit it later to see it discredited. The problem with dealing with an entire mountain of stuff people are sifting through, lots of false positives.

There's a longer discussion into the details here, you are right neither the OP or comments really found the solid link between Besta Pizza and Besta World.

I've long since moved on from Comet Pizza to the horde of other connections, European Adoption Consultants, Children's Aid Society in Ontario taking kids and high death rates in foster care, British Columbia and Robert Pickton's Piggy Palace Good Times Club, British Columbia and strange cults on small islands, the pattern of child & organ & drug & gun trafficking and wars worldwide etc. there's a whole worldwide underground of pedophilia going on. Comet Pizza is just one tiny drop in the bucket. And where there's pedophilia, there's also other trafficking going on.

I will concede that the link between Besta Pizza and Besta World Group is flimsy, though


you are right neither the OP or comments really found the solid link between Besta Pizza and Besta World

Why can't you just plainly say that there is no connection whatsoever?

This is not how an investigation works, this is how a witch-hunt works. You start with an accusation and then throw everything you can at the accused to see what sticks.

I've long since moved on from Comet Pizza to the horde of other connections, European Adoption Consultants, Children's Aid Society in Ontario taking kids and high death rates in foster care, British Columbia and Robert Pickton's Piggy Palace Good Times Club, British Columbia and strange cults on small islands, the pattern of child & organ & drug & gun trafficking and wars worldwide etc. there's a whole worldwide underground of pedophilia going on. Comet Pizza is just one tiny drop in the bucket. And where there's pedophilia, there's also other trafficking going on.

You claim you've moved on, yet here you were trying hard to connect Besta Pizza to God knows what and you didn't even answer why.

And you're referring to "connections" again. What are you trying to connect all those to?

I posted someone else's train of connections, it was not good proof, I admit it. Still doesn't change the mountain of other evidence. Not gonna dive 500 comments deep explaining it to the other guy though. Someone has to have the internal motivation to look at the evidence, as long as they take a look at a few instagram pictures and call it a hoax they're never gonna get anywhere.

I posted someone else's train of connections, it was not good proof, I admit it.

So you still can't say that it's completely false?

Still doesn't change the mountain of other evidence.

But you were so very confident about this being "hard proof" of Comet Ping Pong being a government front tied to CIA money laundering. But that didn't stand up to even a moment's scrutiny. What else is as damning in your mind?

Oh and other connections just means abusing adoption agencies, foster care systems, and the courts, police, and federal agencies in cases throughout time and throughout the world. Pedophilia has ALWAYS been the thing the elites indulge in the most, as anyone who goes deep down the rabbit hole will realize. This isn't new, it's been going on for thousands of years in one form or another.

So you are connecting those things to the "elites" then? Could you specify?

Dude, I posted a link, I'm not asking to get psychoanalyzed. What is damning? The fact that there is a wiki this huge detailing exactly how many connections there are. It's not Comet ping pong, it's pedogate, and I understand exactly what they are doing with children. I have watched enough videos of survivors telling the exact same stories, medical professionals like psychiatrists discussing the rampant Dissociative Identity Disoder and it's connection with abused children, MKULTRA experiments pointing to the same torture, dissociation requiring children under extreme stress and torture to fracture their minds. MKULTRA is very confirmed, and what it produced was dissociation with Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omega etc. states being programmed. It was run by Nazis from Operation Paperclip, the same Nazis that the Bush family and Royal family amongst others supported. But I'm getting off track about the children. So we see charities flourishing in countries like Haiti with huge donations, no results, and tons of human trafficking and organ harvesting. Then there's a Haitian charity office of Clinton's across the street from Comet Ping Pong. Then there is joking about Haitian special pizzas all over the aforementioned Instagram pictures. A citizen in 2008 filing complains about Comet Ping Pong claiming it is a haven for rape and murder, and filming video outside with childrens screams clearly visible. Then the tunnels underneath Comet Ping Pong, confirmed with many maps (and explored too), then the placement of it on the pentagram of DC along with other children's care hospitals, and parks where there were ritually sacrificed animals found.

I could go on. Then the Hawaiiian incidents with Obama's "hot dog stand", the "cheesybay" seller selling broken hard drives on eBay and an Anon investigating and finding what looks like a bucket of dissolved organic matter and underground wifi signals. Plus his signature was Mr. Potato Head, and many politicians implicated specifically took pictures with said doll. Then Obama and Biden's cheese pizza "friendship" bracelets. Then Biden being creepy as FUCK on CSPAN with children on numerous occasions. Then Jeff Sessions specifically blocking him from his kids.

Then the Podesta emails of the North Korean trafficking suspects that Bill Clinton got off (and flew home in a known pedophilic hollywood directors jet, Bryan Singer IIRC) with a picture with little kids - WITH IMAGES HIDDEN IN IT WITH STEGANOGRAPHY.

Then you have the numerous, numerous ex-CIA and ex-intelligence officers saying YES there is a conspiracy and YES it is abusing children and YES it is satanic. Ted Gunderson knew himself, he was killed. Andrew Breitbart called out Podesta, threatened Obama, and got himself and Tom Clancy killed. Robert David Steele is confirming it. Steve Piecnezik is confirming it (that should be enough by itself). EVERYONE has been saying the SAME THING for DECADES.

This goes back to Salo and 120 days of Sodom. It's their nature. They are sick, twisted, and quite fucked up. Anyone who puts even a trivial amount of effort into the research would be able to find dozens of scandals and blatant exposures of the operation that just never seem to get investigated. Johnny Gosch? Franklin Scandal? "The Finders"? It's all the same shit.

You're doing it again, following the witch-hunt method.

That's the never the way to 'investigate' anything. If you've all ready arrived at a conclusion then your own biases will always lead you to find that anything confirms it.

You wrote this:

Here's some hard proof that maybe even you will listen to. Comet Ping Pong and other Ping Pong places in Europe have been tied to CIA money laundering & convicted money launderers through the Panama papers, including arms trafficking. So even if you're ignorant enough to go "LALALALA" at the child abuse stuff, Comet Ping Pong itself is proven to be a government front.

You could not substantiate a single word of it, and it all fell apart instantly because a (different) pizza place has nothing to do with a company with a similar name.

Now you're throwing all this rubbish at me, even the kitchen sink. It's almost all stuff I've read/seen before, and often I have a better recollection of the details than you it seems.

It's amazing that you can believe in all this, when I've seen the same and think it's bunkus. But it doesn't make me question myself, because I haven't looked at this with any point to prove, no axe to grind, and no "elites" to call pedos. But you've come at it from the angle I've described previously, where critical thinking is not endearing because it interferes with the conclusions you all ready have.

Pedophiles are real and there are doubtless some amongst the wealthy and powerful. The rest is fantasy and you're being used and manipulated.

But are you really Johnny Everyconspiracy and a bit 'off,' or is this an act?

Dude, I said one wrong thing based on something I grabbed quickly. Good luck with your life. I hope your children are never stolen from you and raped.

I hope your children are never stolen from you and raped.

What a strange thing to say. I can't tell if it's an aggressive outburst or some sort of feeble appeal to emotion.

Statistically I am far, far more likely to be stolen and raped than my children.

Were it to happen to my children it would not be committed by the worldwide global elite who would rape them in satanic ceremonies, then MKUltra them so they are disassociated from their Alpha & Omega states but somehow free to make YouTube videos about how it all happened to them when they get older. ...Because there's no such thing.

Pedophiles are real and there are doubtless some amongst the wealthy and powerful. The rest is fantasy and you're being used and manipulated.

I think people who think that they're suddenly "defenders of exploited children" while at the same time praising 4Chan (an ESTABLISHED and well-known distributor and host of child porn) and Donald Trump (who has been accused of abusing/raping underage girls by SEVERAL victims and who had a relationship with a known and confirmed child sex party planner) VERY interesting.

But yeah no... let's all ignore that giant elephant in the room....


4chan bans CP you mongoloid, and source for the laughable Trump accusation?

4chan bans CP

It does ..... now. After it started getting more and more attention.

4chan consists of different boards as well you know. Cp was only prevalent on /b/ and other shitty boards.

/b/ and /pol/ are where Pizzagate started, what are you trying to say here?

That you can't just discredit 4chan as a whole just because /b/ posted cp in its early stages.

That guy really just reinforced my case for me. I gotta thank him

Google Trump and Epstein, comes from Trumps own mouth that he partied with him.

Rule 4

So what? He's either involved in it or he isn't what difference does it make?

And Assange is another one with his roots in the Russian disinformation machine, having both ties to Donald Trump's administration through Roger Stone as well as his own show on RT, Russia's state controlled tv channel.

Lol troll

Why break rule 10? I sure hope the mods do something

Cry some more, maybe theyll notice

Don't forget that these people that touch themselves to the thought of leaks are the first ones to scream like a banshee when anything about their orangutan overlord gets leaked.

Hi shareblue shill

Anytime someone conflicts with your worldview they're a shill. Anytime something conflicts with your worldview it's MSM conspiracy. Anytime trump says something stupid or wrong it's 1337D strategy.

Another rule 10 rule breaker with nothing to actually contribute

You're very misinformed and your account is pretty new.

Over 7 months from a quick glance. In what realm is that "new"?

Also, if it WAS new, then what does it have to do with anything?

Any excuse to not believe reality, my friend.

To respond to the 2nd part in your comment:

New accounts are known to be the chosen weapon of paid shills. They get exposed or outed for what they are and then they disappear only to reappear under a new identity. I think that was the original point that he/she was trying to make.

Also have you seen that reddit has recently be caught inflating their numbers for new signups? New people aren't exactly flocking to this platform.

Anyone who disagrees with me is a $hill.

But really it's "anyone who believes in pizzagate is a stupid trumper"

Yeah pretty much. You're all fucking stupid.

You are. You ignore mountains of evidence

You ignore mountains of counter evidence and common sense claiming it to be liberal bias.

lol counter evidence?

Yes, evidence. Such as the fact that no physical proof has ever been shown to support pizzagate.

you dont even know what the word "evidence" means

I'd respond to this in another manner if it wasn't your cakeday. In which case, I'll let it slide.

Instead of calling him misinformed and implying he's a shill why don't you actually try to refute his points? Do you even know how to?

I merely pointed out a couple of random things

Which contributes absolutely nothing to this discussion. You could actually participate in logical and rational discourse with the guy above and try to prove him wrong?


Op's account is 25 days old. Oh, but that you don't care about...


Others have pointed out the stench of ignorance that wafts from your words, but I felt compelled to plug my nose and point out that Julian Assange is accused of having sexual relations with adult women, which started out consensually and became non-consensual.

Is that skeezy as hell and criminally wrong, if proven? Sure.

But a date that turns rapey and diddling on prepubescent kids ain't in the same ballpark. They're not the same league. They're not the same fuckin' sport.

Still a rapist.

You were in the room? Nah, that's probably not your style.

You were probably watching through the window, weren't you? Ooh, so dirty. So scandalous. Hopefully nobody saw you touching yourself.

.. yup. Really lending your side credibility there, buddy.


Ahhh, how quickly we slip into false dualities!

I'm not on anyone's "side". The fool gets caught up in "sides", while the sage sees through to the heart of things and realizes that there are no sides. The so-called "sides" are illusions, and in any case there are many more than two.

I wasn't taking anyone's side just now. I was pointing out, using crude humor, that you cannot make an empirical statement about whether or not Julian Assange is or is not a rapist (and neither can I!) unless you were there, looking through the window, you dirty peeping Sven, you ;D

The last part is hogwash and i'll tell you why. The "rape" allegation faced by JA were very clearly a ruse to silence him. i.e. create false charges to get him to Sweden where he could be promptly extradited to the States to face Federal Espionage charges. Literally anyone could be charged for a crime with no basis like this.

Both woman have since refuted their original testimony. He did have sex with them, but it wasn't rape.

Also, how well do you know Sweden's laws since you've gone out on this limb? In country you can be charged with sexual assault if you have sex with another adult WITHOUT a condom.

This story has reeked from day one. Total bullshit.

Literally anyone could be charged for a crime with no basis like this

Yes. I'm well aware of the PizzaGate story.

I've set a reminder to this thread. I'll be back when indictments are handed down and charges are rendered. If nothing else, to say told you so.

Oooh. Good idea!

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RemindMe! 6 months

See you then ;)

Lol did you forget to log back in to your other account? 😂

Not all of 4chan is credible but some are...same goes here on reddit and any other place on the internet. Thought that has always been common sense to not trust everybody you meet though. And this is the reason why your credibility comes into question when you cant even recognize the obvious...

Fairly certain this post is a shill post trying to discredit the sub by grouping in the donald and 4 chan...

Well, I'll say this, if you put any stock in the FBI Anon drops, one thing he said was something like some folks in the FBI love 4chan and visit it frequently. He was also operating under the assumption that 4chan was the last true bastion of free speech in the world.

Some may say that we are becoming tptb

I like this.

'The powers that will be'


Identify yourself. I don't know you.

It's what makes me jump out of bed every morning. Who needs Netflix when you've got citizen investigators uncovering the most evil network in history?

"Who needs netflix when cheetos addicted neckbeards can make stuff up and not do jackshit"

"Who needs a refutation when I can jump to ad hom?"

refute what, baseless speculation?

My thoughts exactly. Its one of the first things I check when I wake up, and one of the last before I go to sleep.

Good, this is what the Internet was made for, not cat videos, not watching the Kardashians, not Netflix, or porn (although this is good too), it's to network with others and share information about what's going on in the world today and getting the real news out there. Hats off to the citizens who have now shown that race, ethnicity, sex, whatever, doesn't matter to us, only humanity and its prosperity and freedom do.

It's so good that Tim Berners-Lee didn't patent it. We would be living in a totally different world if he did.

Wait hold on. So the internet wasn't made for people like you who only comment on one clearly biased issue/subject matter

R/the_donald, r/conspiracy, r/hillaryforprison crowd is hilarious

This is a shill please ignore.

It's kind of amazing that they actually exist, huh? Reddit is swarming and they get so many upvotes. I wonder if it's other shills, or if they just automatically get upvoted? pretty sad/funny..

its so bizarre you guys collectively think any dissenting opinion is a shill -- spoiler alert, the burden of proof is on the ones making the claim. you're literally speculating on imaginary codes and symbols from random webpages and linked together to create a fake connection.

This guy gets it.

the first and last, i'll give you that.

It reminds me of my first days on a BBS and IRC. Meeting like minds as I had never done before from my fantasy novels to conspiracy theories I definitely didn't find like minds in mid 90s high-school =)

like a true neckbeard

It's humanity at its best, if you ask me. :u)

these people live to be able to manipulate the narrative. they can't do this any longer in the age of the internet. they are fucked and they know it. if Trump exposes these fucks, I'll call him God Emperor with no intentions of trolling/baiting.

Trump can't even take a question at a press conference without freaking out what makes you think he's going to expose anything

I watched the whole press conference, I caught it live, can you tell me when exactly did he ´freak out´. To me he was surprisingly calm.

I bet you only watched the clips where they cut out a few words and one-liners to make it appear he was all over the place.

Haha remember when the Hasidic guy tried to ask about the rise in anti-Semitic violence....

Trump didn't let him finish asking the question.

This was a guy who went out of his way to say "we don't think you're anti-Semitic"

So you call misinformed ´freaking out´, OK then.

I see how it is. I clearly knew what I was talking about, made a perfectly clear point and your only response is something about Trump being misinformed. Is that a joke? Trump stopped him mid-question. No one was misinformed there. Trump wouldn't let him finish. But I have feeling you'll come up some other excuse or deflection

The Jew supports Trump, and he clarified his question in an interview later.

You are right misinformed wasn't the correct term here, he misunderstood the question so his answer made him look foolish. But he definitely wasn't freaking out.

Interesting to see though that he cannot seem to concentrate for longer than a sentence. Wonder if he does have some kind of attention deficit disorder.

Lmao. What conferences have you been watching?

Lmao. Well, I mean.. it's not like he can say "They're faking hate crimes to get more sympathy." Which is the truth.

How many Jewish college kids have gotten busted spray painting swastikas on their campus? I've lost count.

Same with Muslim women lying about "white man wth trump hate ripped off my hijab!"

Fake hate crimes.


"Wow" inb4 "FACTS ARE RACIST!"

What? Need proof?

Here ya goooo

You're an unbelievably stupid human being.

First of all, I provided a clear cut example of Trump acting like a child and then you went into some weird deflective rant which is reflective of your shit upbringing and shit parents.

By the way, the validity of the guy's argument wasn't the point of the post. Trump's reaction to the guy is everything. Even more hilarious that the guy went the extra mile saying he nor his community blame Trump for rise in anti-Semitic issues. You know it, I know it, no matter how hard you want to make this into a fake crime argument, bozo.

Well of course anti-semitism isn't his fault. It's their elite's fault.

I'm going to try this for the third time..

So you're the guy who shit on me by saying Trump's words are constantly being cut, right? Why didn't you actually listen to what the guy was saying to Trump? For the third time he wasn't blaming Trump. He was wondering if Trump was planning on confronting the rise anti-Semitic threats.

Read this to yourself one more time, stupid, he wasn't blaming Trump at all.

sorry, TPTB?

The powers that be.

The powers that be. AKA the elite.

The establishment, the Zionists, the lizard people, MSM, Thr'nak, the Illuminati, the weather channel, Aliens, Scientologists, the Democratic party, devil worshippers and the Swiss.

Don't get me started on the Swiss!

the pirates that bay (at the moon)

It depends. I love the idea of crowdsourced investigations, but confirmation and selection bias run rampant in those types of communities. Our species has quite the history when it comes to witch hunts and without a way to keep people honest, I fear more bad than good will come from it.

More good will come than bad. There's already a hidden hell on earth that these children are being forced to endure. To say trying to help these children being tortured, killed, and raped, will cause more BAD than GOOD?

Take a look at yourself

More good will come than bad. There's already a hidden hell on earth that these children are being forced to endure. To say trying to help these children being tortured, killed, and raped, will cause more BAD than GOOD?

Man, don't burst out of the gate with an appeal to emotion against something that I haven't said. I'm speaking in general and keeping the Boston Marathon Bombing in mind. As far as I know, by the way, PG investigators have contributed to exactly zero arrests.

Take a look at yourself

Why not address the concerns that I had in my post? It's fair to worry about confirmation and selection bias when people come together, with zero accountability, isn't it? What about the propensity that we, as a species, have for witch hunts?

We KNOW pizzagate is real. There is a MOUNTAIN of evidence. They won't get away with this for much longer.

Don't just leave me hanging, without presenting that mountain of evidence there bucko

go to

everything is there

That's not how any of this works. You're supposed to present actual evidence. This is crowdsourced, unvetted info that's subject to the same confirmation bias we're complaining about.

Your comment is less than useless has a megathread archived of all the evidence. go check it out

That. Doesn't. Count. The evidence should be presented with authority, it should be verified by multiple people. I just read over some of that megathread.

They have a picture of a little girl taped to a ping pong table. The girl is the daughter of one of the subjects of interest to the whole Pizzagate thing. They tie this admittedly odd event to a picture of Michelle Obama playing ping pong on a different table, at a different location, for one of her Let's Move! Campaign events.

Do you see the insanity of that little nugget of info? That makes no sense. There isn't even anyone willing to stand behind the allegations that Michelle Obama was involved in taping little girls to ping pong tables. There's no evidence of it happening. It's basic pattern recognition, but there's no significance.

Shut the fuck up please, your being swayed by some of the dumbest shit ever

You are a confirmed shill. Congrats selling your soul to the devil!

I can assure you that I am not a shill. I do appreciate that you earnestly believe that anyone who challenges your weak worldview is being paid by a shadowy overlord. That is very self centered and petulant

all the evidence is right here for you to read. it is a mountain of evidence. if you can look at all of this, and still think pizzagate is a hoax, you have proven you are a shill.

I earnestly tried to reason with him, but it was for naught. That type of mindset is becoming far too common.

Can we all stop calling each other "shills" please. It's the new shitstain phrase and it's annoying as fuck. This is a forum for open discourse not name calling. Be better than that.

Okay, so besides the hyperbole, are you going to answer my questions and contribute to a discussion? I'll repeat them for you -

  • Why not address the concerns that I had in my post? It's fair to worry about confirmation and selection bias when people come together, with zero accountability, isn't it?

  • What about the propensity that we, as a species, have for witch hunts?

As far as I know, by the way, PG investigators have contributed to exactly zero arrests. Have you attempted to donate time or money to groups dedicated to curbing human trafficking? Have you thought about trying to draw connections between all of the people that the police arrested?

We KNOW pizzagate is real. There is a MOUNTAIN of evidence. They won't get away with this for much longer. James Alefantis, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton. You are done.

Are you incapable of having a discussion? Okay, so besides the hyperbole, are you going to answer my questions and contribute to a discussion? I'll repeat them for you -

  • Why not address the concerns that I had in my post? It's fair to worry about confirmation and selection bias when people come together, with zero accountability, isn't it?

  • What about the propensity that we, as a species, have for witch hunts?

As far as I know, by the way, PG investigators have contributed to exactly zero arrests. Have you attempted to donate time or money to groups dedicated to curbing human trafficking? Have you thought about trying to draw connections between all of the people that the police arrested? I can repeat myself ad nauseum too!

We KNOW pizzagate is real. There is a MOUNTAIN of evidence. They won't get away with this for much longer. James Alefantis, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton. You are done.

There is a special place in hell for tormentors and traffickers of children, and those who defend them.

So, /r/Subredditsimulator is that way. Damned bots always escaping!

Why can't you answer simple questions though? My original post had nothing to do with defending anyone. It was a post that incorporated common knowledge of human behavior and I thought it was interesting. Do you intend to contribute or did you, in fact, escape from /r/subredditsimulator?

I'm not a bot. The reality of Pizzagate is not a question anymore, we all know it exists.

Okay, great, but what does that have to do with my post? You've yet to contribute to the discussion with anything more than hyperbolic babble.

Your questions have no relevance to anything, that's why i didn't answer them. All that matters is bringing the child fuckers and pedo defenders to justice.

Pizzagate is real.

Get back to me when you're capable of having a discussion about human behavior like an adult.

I'm good. Pizzagate is real though.

Don't worry, I know this guy is either an actual brainless zombie or simply a paid agent of disinformation. It's always funny to see how they shut down and focus on grammar and etiquette rather than facts and research. They go after stupid and easy targets that mean nothing.

This whole exchange was both confusing and humorous.

It was definitely a head scratcher for me. I'm still not quite sure what's going on.

Don't worry, I know this guy is either an actual brainless zombie or simply a paid agent of disinformation

Well, that's not very nice.

It's always funny to see how they shut down and focus on grammar and etiquette rather than facts and research.

That's... not what happened at all. I mentioned some things about human behavior that I thought were interesting. I've never once mentioned grammar or etiquette. I also don't know what you mean by "going after stupid and easy targets". Was my insistence on addressing the point of my post what you took issue with?

I think you're just a moron who doesn't want to actually do anything reading or thinking. Why are you even here bud? Blocked and reported.

So, you personally attack me and completely ignore my posts? Are you insane? Why not contribute to the discussion like an adult? Are you incapable?

Do you want to be friends?

Actually, yeah. It would be cool to have conversations about topics that interest me.

reported for being a bot

Not a bot. You can easily check my post history

You can see how someone could think you were a bot because of your comments though, right?

You see how someone could think YOU were a bot because of your comments, right?

Uh, come on dude. I've tried to engage you in a good faith discussion, but you just refuse to do it. And no, your childish dig does not apply. I never made irrelevant post replies over and over again, literally like a bot. Why did you even bother replying?

Can you admit the existence of Pizzagate? If not, you are not worth my time

I must be worth your time as you deemed it necessary to reply to me repeatedly while making yourself look foolish. I tried to engage in good faith, but intellectual dishonesty won the day.

See how you haven't admitted pizzagate is real? See how you desperately try to steer the conversation away from it? This is how I know you are a shill

See how you haven't admitted pizzagate is real?

Why would I as it has nothing to do with my original post? And why should I if you refuse to address the original post?

See how you desperately try to steer the conversation away from it?

I'm not steering the conversation away from it, it's irrelevant to my post. You can dig through my post history if you want to know that badly.

This is how I know you are a shill

Ah, the "get out of debate free card". You're just an intellectually feeble individual who is afraid of a contrary opinion. You're no different than a SJW who calls someone a racist to stifle discussion.

No, you are a retarded soulless shill trying desperately to discredit pizzagate and steer all conversation away from it. Sad, really

Only one of us is acting irrationally, posting irrelevant information to steer the direction of the conversation. Only one of us has no intention of intellectually honest discourse. And only one of us is using fallacy after fallacy to attempt to make a point.

One day, you'll see that the world isn't black and white.

And that person is you. evidence is here, take a look, and stop ignoring it.

What fallacy? All I see is mountains upon mountains of evidence.

You will soon be jobless, shill. And if you aren't a shill, you are just a complete idiot with your head in the dirt. It's all. Right there.

And that person is you. evidence is here, take a look, and stop ignoring it.

This is what I'm talking about. You're completely unable to have an objective discussion. You're the epitome of a demagogue.

What fallacy? All I see is mountains upon mountains of evidence.

Christ, I refuse to believe that someone can be this dense on accident. Take an objective look at the posts that you've made and ask "what fallacy" again. You're literally acting like you're a member of a cult right now and you lack the self-awareness to see it.

You will soon be jobless, shill.

There's your "get out of discussion" free card. It must be scary when so many disagree with you. It must be scary to be surrounded by "shills".

And if you aren't a shill, you are just a complete idiot with your head in the dirt.

I'm an idiot because I went through your link and saw example after example of confirmation and selection bias? I'm an idiot because I'm skeptical of a hyper-partisan witch hunt? I'm the first to admit when I'm wrong, but you've done nothing to assuage my doubts and, in fact, have only made my case for me.

It's all. Right there.

You're right. You've made my case for me.

Still ignoring the evidence. Why?

Thanks for further proving my point. Way to completely ignore everything in the post to contribute nothing.

You're projecting. You still haven't acknowledged any of the evidence I posted.

You are being obtuse, not I

You're projecting.

Stop using phrases that you don't understand.

You still haven't acknowledged any of the evidence I posted.

You still don't get it. I've went over this thoroughly in other posts. You can dig for it. You attacked me, like a cult member, and ignored any good faith attempts at discussion. I refuse to discuss your pet project until you show a little intellectual honesty and address my original post.

You are being obtuse, not I

And with that, I'm done. You're a fucking idiot who cannot be reasoned with. You argue like a child, seriously, your style of argumentation could be simplified into "I know you are but what am I". All that you've done is prove my point for me, without a drop of self-awareness and while I should be laughing my ass off, I find myself overwhelmingly sad at what passes for discourse. I pity you, truly.

The fact that you are using the term 'demagogue' points further to the fact of you being a shill. That is a shill exclusive term. I see through you.

"Beep, boop, beep, boob" ^

I just have an actual question so that there can be actual discussion. I think you raise fantastic points. I'm a pizzagate believer myself and I won't shy away from it, and I agree that confirmation bias can run rampant in those places, however it comes down to the individual to look at it and decide for themselves. But here's my question. Besides actual witch hunting in the days of Salem what type of witch hunting has their been? I'm really not aware of any.

Yes! Someone furthered the discussion! Faith restored!

Besides actual witch hunting in the days of Salem what type of witch hunting has their been? I'm really not aware of any.

History is riddled with mobs of humans making bad decisions. I have to be honest with you, however, your question took me by surprise as I hadn't really thought about it. I did some reading and learned a bit, so thanks for that.

I would think the Red Scare or McCarthyism is another example. People made accusations to avoid being accused themselves and tons of people lost their jobs. The Salem Witch Trials are definitely one of the more popular in history. From my understanding, it was basically mass hysteria. Not all cases of mass hysteria are deadly, of course. A more recent example would be the Satanic panic in the 80s and 90s. A lot of people were accused of some pretty heinous shit.

I guess that my point would be - How do we do these crowd sourced investigations without succumbing to hysteria, selection bias, and confirmation bias? There's no real accountability, and I don't know that there would be a real way to implement accountability without adversely affecting net neutrality and that's just not something that I'm comfortable doing. Like I said, I love the idea behind them, but I don't know how to keep hysteria, selection bias, and confirmation bias from rearing their ugly heads without some kind of accountability.

I'm glad you researched I do think witch hunting is a problem. However, how many times through the course of history have people of extreme power and or wealth use their means to systemically exploit, murder, and rape those of lower means. I think there is a propensity for alot of things and there is historical precedents for both.

Exactly. I find it to be an extremely tricky subject, especially when it comes to accountability for those taking part in mass hysteria.

However, how many times through the course of history have people of extreme power and or wealth use their means to systemically exploit, murder, and rape those of lower means.

Yep. It's tricky. I honestly can't think of a solution that I would be comfortable with.

Haha dude I get it! I love having real discussions and it sucks there are alot of people who won't and just get combative.

My brother and I are really completely sane and he makes blogs and YouTube videos about pizzagate that I believe come from a pretty grounded place.

Right on, I'll take you guys out.

Civility is all we got brotha.

Yeah that guy is literally doing what his antihero, trump, is doing.

I earnestly tried to reason with him repeatedly. Amidst accusations of my being a pedo sympathizer, shill, and a retard I still tried to reason with him. He just outright refused logic and reason.

Because the Achilles heal of this entire "investigation" is that it is full of bias and tenuous links between "evidence" that quickly falls apart under real scrutiny. The "FBI" files that just got linked are full of "zomg lizard people" type talk and aren't even official government files, but they are being played off as such.

Basically, the people behind this investigation can't take any criticism and from my own personal experience, have admitted to twisting facts and presenting data in ways that is intentionally misleading for the sake of "muh story! Think of the kids!" If this were a side they opposed acting like this, they would laugh them off.

Nothing brings people together like a common enemy.

Isn't it fascinating how the left isn't also? Think about it.

It's incredible. This is what a real grassroots movement looks like.

The best thing is that we've already won. MSM are discussing shadow governments and the deep state, you can talk about this stuff to normal people without being called a nutjob. Even if people are still denying it, the important thing is that they're discussing it.

The best thing is that we've already won. MSM are discussing shadow governments and the deep state, you can talk about this stuff to normal people without being called a nutjob. Even if people are still denying it, the important thing is that they're discussing it.

Oh my goodness, you are beyond delusional


I think he's implying no one has won yet. Can't deny progress has been made though. We are still very polarized as a nation.

I think he's just being a cunt tbh. Look at his other comments in this thread.

Here are some honestly astonishing links from voat- with links to original source documents like Epsteins black book.

So what were the achievements of those forums exactly, other than talking about and speculating about the leaks published by whistleblowers and wikileaks?

Maybe you should do some research of your own?

I take that as "there aren't any".

It's hard to pinpoint exactly where information first emerges from. So I can't help you with that. I'm sure the researchers that know much more than I do can tell you what info was found where. Are you trying to say that the investigation has only looked at the emails?

Based on my observations the forums lag behind leaks/news

Of course there might be exceptions but that's not remotely the norm.

We stopped Hillary Clinton from getting elected.. lol

I'd say if that's ALL that was accomplished so far, it's enough, but I do think the dots being connected on behalf of the FBI is a beautiful thing even if we don't get to see specific results directly from our efforts, because they've not only have the assistance of thousands of patriots but a morale boost knowing they have support.

Pretty sure Wikileaks did that

And James Comey, and Clinton herself for being dishonest about several things.

lurk more.

you will never know about the chans unless you go into them. it wasn't until last month that MSM figured out /pol was a satire group. Then you go to 8chan/pol and find out its actually High level Fringe wizards doing gods work. Also thats where the true aryans hang out.

lurk more.

Halfchan and truechan*

Hahaha this comment is so hilarious. I've been watching the Pizzagate threads from the beginning, you can't ever get anyone to describe specific evidence, it's always go research this or that.


Okay then what evidence have you seen? Since you're so informed on the subject. What info have you seen compiled by the forums? Clearly you've seen something, or do you just waste your time in threads you have no interest in. Do I need to link you MASSIVE webs of information connecting dots globally?

I guarantee you won't ever actually go into any info youve found that's appealing, you'll just deflect

Of course you link to something at Voat. Haven't seen that before.

Why-Can't-You, Using-Your-Own-Words provide something specific

Why are you being such an asshole man. There's a lot of information, it's hard to just spit all of it out. There's a lot of connections. I'm not one of the hardworking researchers, I just read what has been researched. It's like you come here just to be a douche man. Reread the title of the post, why are you attacking me.

I don't give a shit about you specifically, but the problem is the Pizzagate world is filled with tards like you all spewing the same tagline. I asked you for something specific, anything really, and all you did was link to Voat. Come on dude.

its like being on the fantasy sports subreddit thread and every time someone asks about the hot-player of the day just linking to

Well I mean I linked to a fully sourced page with Pizzagate info. Why does it matter if I can't tell you something specific. It's like you're trying to convince yourself it's not real.

When asking for proof, why would you want a sliver of specific info instead of a large fully sourced page with info? What's your opinion on the voat info?

It's like you're trying to convince yourself it's not real.

All Im asking is for you to give me something about Pizzagate that swayed YOU specifically. I'm not asking you to sway the entire universe, I'm asking what really caught your eye.

It's the fact that I already have reason to believe that this world is in the hands of supernatural forces. I don't think these are your average greedy business men. I think we're dealing with a fucked up force.

I've had some pretty weird supernatural experiences throughout my life. Experiences that I don't even tell people because they're so far-fetched. I've seen what I believe to be the bottom of the rabbit hole (although it never really ends).

So Pizzagate doesn't surprise me too much at this stage of my spiritual journey. I still look at every piece of information with a skeptical eye. Not every Pizzagate guy swallows all the shit presented to him/her. I'm the most skeptical person you'll ever meet.

You can't ask me what specific piece of info swayed me, because there is a much bigger picture involved. Each piece of info is useless on it's own. All we can do is wait and see. I've never once said that Pizzagate is true, and I won't until there are arrests made. But I have reason to believe that there is indeed a massive child trafficking ring, and I believe DC is involved.

I dont know if hes trolling but anyway is a legitimate question, what are the evidences found, or at least stuff that deserves to be investigated? Im a deplorable God Emperor supporter so Im not suspicious of trying to pollute this forum, but really, weve spent months talking about the same emails: the handkerchief, the hotdogs, etc. Im serious , what are the biggest evnidences in your personal opinion?

You can't ask me what specific piece of info swayed me, because there is a much bigger picture involved. Each piece of info is useless on it's own. All we can do is wait and see. I've never once said that Pizzagate is true, and I won't until there are arrests made. But I have reason to believe that there is indeed a massive child trafficking ring, and I believe DC is involved.

Buddy, I'm not even trolling you but you haven't presented a single thing except for a link.

Holy fuck dude, you just perfectly described what confirmation bias is. Look it up.

You had already made up your mind on something so of course anything anyone proposes as evidence, even if untrue/shady/shitty you'll just take it as proof to confirm it.

You're doing a reverse investigative process. That's a pretty dangerous way of doing things.

We asked you to cite some solid evidence about PG and all you can come up is that bullshit nonsense about pre-conceived feelings of supernatural forces and PG happens to fit that inclination in your mind.

Hope you realise how insane you are.

You're arguing with a troll

Because he's here to derail, not to converse. Do not engage the sh- ....

The naysayer*

George Webb has like 100 videos, people have been pushing connections to Haiti and Ghana, and you want someone to describe what they believe is a massive global conspiracy in their own words?

But 4chan, Voat, YouTube, Worldcorp, WikiLeaks, and FBI raids during the month of sex trafficking awareness (one of which was a foreign adoption agency in Ohio), the strange media bias and the rise of Fake news around the time the story dropped, the shooter who was an actor and had an outspoken liberal brother and his family were nonconservatives but was portrayed as white trash as they could make him, the fact that they were unable to tell how many shots were fired, the fact that the only damage of the shooting was a computer, the fact that the police chief is friends with Alefantis, the fact that there has been no investigation into CPP even though Metro PD said they had (FOIA request), the fact that Comey and the FBI never had access to the server's that they were investigating, the Instagram nonsense, the twitter CP find, weirdly phrased emails, Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?, Madeline McCann, Freud, Laura Silsby, Podesta connection to Hastert, Anthony Weiner, NYPD with their weird ass leaks, and any of the previous conspiracy theories involving the Clintons are off limits.

You haven't presented a single evidence.

Okay then what evidence have you seen?

None. I've seen loads of wild speculation though. Thats the problem.

Also lmao @ your post history.

So you're not going to go into anything specific?

I posted two comments.

Something fishy is going on, dude. Every negative comment is getting 20+ up votes and anything in favor of PG is in the negatives. They're correcting that record hard as fuck tonight, yo.

What's 'fishy' is the tiresome front page of this sub, the same shit in a slightly different order, every single day.

Because it's a conspiracy that involves children currently being harmed as you shit out a half baked rebuttal.

Not at all. I just think pizzagaters are idiots that need to be shut down. Enjoy the downvote! 😙

Why are you even in this sub

Plenty of specifics. What did it for me was the weird ass handkerchief email. He is worried about someone finding a "handkerchief with a map on it the may be pizza related." Now this makes no sense literally. But put into context with known pedo lingo, map = semen, pizza = children (in a sexualized sense). Shit is weird.

If by known pedo lingo you mean supposed lingo that was decoded on 4chan of all places...

So this is a completely normal conversation? Describing something as "pizza-related"?

I also suggest you look into the Podesta's taste in artwork. That's when I started to think harder about the whole situation.

Occams Razor. Are they emailing about jizz on a handkerchief and asking if the dude wants it back or are they talking about a pizza map handkerchief.

Why would they say that the dirty handkerchief was 'pizza related' if it was a 'used' handkerchief? Wouldn't it make more sense to say 'we found a dirty handkerchief!' rather than 'found a handkerchief with a map on it!'

It makes no sense for them to be talking about it the way they are if it's anything like what you assume it's about. Why would they go into so much detail, even if they're speaking in (apparently very basic) code?

Or could it be he just a hankercheif that had a world map design and was used to clean up some mess with pizza. You know like the actual food? Just a thought, Occoms Razer and all. 🤷‍♂️

"I don't know what it means so it must be pedophiles"

I've seen the artwork and the teenagers aren't naked you dolt. A simple google search of the artist reveals nothing nefarious. More reaching evidence....yawn.

These are not bizarre claims purely from 4chan. I'm no pedo but I don't think the term "pizza" meaning kids wasn't purely from dudes on 4chan.

And handkerchief/map/pasta and all the other code words? You know, the code words that are pretty much the basis for the entire conspiracy? Where did they come from if not that single 4chan post?

He's literally not worried though is he. Podesta literally says don't worry about it, I don't care about the handkerchief.

Show me where in the emails someone says he is worried about someone finding the handkerchief. They don't. They just say the found it and Podesta says do the worry about it.

True, but that doesn't discount the oddness of the language. Maybe it wasn't used in any sexual act and the guy just assumed knowing podesta? Therefore, its a "no don't worry about it " situation.

On not halfchan, someone actually found another PIZZA RELATED handkerchief on an IG account of a member of majestic apes other band. It was a legit "pizza related map" giving directions to the lodge where Scalia "died".


Ok so we can acknowledge you were talking shit that anyone was actually worried about the handkerchief being discovered. Now you think the language is odd, nice sidestep.

It's not by the way, the language is completely normal unless you are viewing the world through your pedo-tinted glasses.

By the way you can do this with all the "evidence" for pizza gate. A cursory examination and it falls apart like a cobweb.

I'm not sidestepping anything you jack rabbit. The guy who emails podesta does it out of concern. And the language fits known pedo code. Not rocket science.

You are. Admit it, neither Podesta or the person emailing is in any way worried about this legendary handkerchief. That's 90% of you argument about this very suspicious handkerchief gone in a flash, so you drop that and go on to the "language".

It's not suspicious, in any way.

Hi John, The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you're busy, so feel free not to respond if it's not yours or you don't want it. Susaner

It's mine but not worth worrying about

Now if I realised that a random realtor had stumbled across my secret pedo handkerchief I'd probably display slightly more concern. And the realtor and the lady do so out of politeness, not fear that Podesta has accidentally left the secret map to the child dungeon on the kitchen Island.

You are grasping at straws. Known pedo code? For starters I doubt podesta is on 4chan a lot, secondly if it's a known code, no one would be using it.

And ffs, I thought a top researcher such as yourself would have this covered

The fact that he emailed him in the first place shows concern. If not, why bother? Maybe not worth freaking out over, but just enough to worry since he knows podesta likes kids. Anyways, I'm not sure if pizza and map aren't pedo codes, it's what I've been told and to me it makes sense. It fits in the context. And I will admit to being surprised how many handkerchiefs actually have maps on them. Knowing this, I still find it odd that he says it may be related to pizza. To me it's obvious this is a code, and if pedos refer to kids as pizza, that's incriminating. I didn't see any of those handkerchief with maps show a pizza route. Anyway, I appreciate the more respectful approach, that actually opens up dialogue.

It shows the realtor and Susan are normal, polite people. Maybe a bit overly nice. If I found a nice handkerchief that I knew someone had left behind, I would try and get it back to them. It's not a tissue, for all we know it could be a really nice silk handkerchief. So he sends an email, I found a handkerchief, do you want it back? Podesta, who lets not forget is undoubtedly a busy man, says nah, it's not worth the effort. It's a totally normal exchange.

Bet then you add your pedo code to it. Do we have any reason to suspect they are talking in code? Only if we have a code to begin with. What is the history of that code? As far as I know Cheese Pizza or CP was used on 4Chan as a code for child porn. All other food related codewords were made up and fabricated by an anonymous 4chan poster and then grabbed by pizzagate "researchers" as gospel truth. These other words exist prior to PG at best as urban dictionary references. They certainly do not form part of any known (by the fbi or otherwise) pedofile code language.

It's also interesting to note the the phrase "Cheese Pizza", the only code we actually know existed, doesn't appear anywhere in the "incriminating" emails.

Imagine you are a keen car enthusiat and I steal your emails. I decide that "keys" means child slave and exhaust means asshole. What's this? Someone emailed you

"Hey silkenindiana, you left your key behind at my house, I can drop it off if you like. tomorro?" you reply "That'd be great, not sure what use it'll be though, the exhaust is wrecked after Saturday!"

Disgusting! I better trawl through your instagram.

One post ago you couldn't believe such a thing as a map on a handkerchief existed, now I have to find you one specifically pizza related.....and if I found one of those you'd demand Podesta's actual handkerchief.

I have seen his instagram, it's not mainstream and not to everyone's taste, not mine anyway. Have you ever been to any of the less savory areas of a big city? the redlight districts? You'll see weird shit like this and more. People are kinky and wierd and like all kinds of funky shit, it's not evidence of child abuse. They make sick jokes. Alefantis has made a mistake lots of people make these days and forgetting that his instagram isn't just for him and his social circle, anyone can find it. Yes I looked at the "instagram evidence" it's evidence for nothing. Just out of context withc hunting. I mean the kid with her hands taped to the table that got PGers frothing at the mouth, that's literally nothing, adults playing with a kid, she's clearly having fun, the tape is masking tape not gaffer tape. It's a joke. Only someone with an agenda could find something sinister in that picture, and people that do should have a look at themselves and their motives.

I'm not trying to be difficult by asking for a handkerchief with a pizza related map on it, I just don't think that is reasonable conversation in a literal sense. I don't believe they exist, or at least not very frequently. Even the way he says it is odd. "I think it may be pizza related." That's weird, and makes perfect sense if pizza is a code. I guess if this was it, the sole evidence, i would be a skeptic too. But it fits a bigger picture in my mind. Anyway, I think you are absolutely crazy to say anyone that thinks a picture of a kid with her hands taped up to a table is weird has an agenda. That's a stretch in my mind, a big one. Anyway, that's not the only picture. Anyone in my circle of friends makes pedophile jokes they are no longer my friend. You seem to think it's ok, which is odd to me. Anyway, thanks for the discussion, it's been interesting.

Problem is, people like you won't even take a look. I have never seen more curcumstantial evidence in my life than that attached to 'pizzagate'. There is no hard evidence, but when you have a look at the curcumstantial evidence, and realise that there are far too many coincidences and connection you know there's something going on.

Is it mass child trafficking and rape? I don't know. But to brush it off as nothing or to say there's no evidence is disgusting. The FBI needs to directly address the information and give very specific explanations. If there's no crime, then fine - but this has hundreds of thousands of reasonable people VERY worried. Give us a fucking explanation of why there are code words and pedo symbols everywhere we look. These codes and symbols were on the FBI's website. There's too much fishy shit to ignore. If you can't even agree that this needs to be looked in to, addressed and investigated, then you most definitely have not given this proper time and an open minded look. I don't know one person who gave pizzagate a proper look and was not completely convinced there is some sick shit going on. Hard evidence or not - we have enough to know there's a massive cover up of something fucked up. We want a fucking investigation. Not radio silence from authorities and media..

But... you just said that those people are researching it already. Isn't the point of an investigation so that not everyone on the planet had to investigate the same thing?

I'm not sure what your question is.

You are telling people to investigate when right before you just said people already are investigating... imagine if you asked the police "why did the crime happen" and they smugly said "why do you investigate yourself".

It sounded like the poster was being a douche. Maybe I misinterpreted his comment.

Classic /r/conspiracy comment.

Google it sheeples!!!

how does one achieve, based on uncorroborated, non-verified "evidence"?

We achieve by putting out the good word. We have the MSM called out on bull shit daily and have them looking completely retarded.

Yes, the good word, doxxing people and causing a gunman to confront workers at a pizza parlor.

You're all doing a bang up fucking job.


spot on

It turns out you can achieve a pretty impressive ruse cruise.

Organizing, spreading data. Fitting the material in a comprehensive narrative. Calling media out on obvious bull shit and lies.

The MSM and Deep State is failing spectacularly again and again and it is completely amazing to watch. We see where they are going and we are getting stronger by the day.

bypassed the corporate gatekeepers of the mainstream news media

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 33295

It's amazing. The collective consciousness will win out

i dont understand 4chan... on one of the forums is the top post just simply the latest or the best? And is there one for conspiracy???

The top on 4chan is the most recently added or most recently commented on. When things get popular they get many comments and get 'bumped' more and spend more time at the top.

thanks. where can i put conspiracy stuff do you reckon?

Politically Incorrect or news. Be warned politically incorrect is a cess pool of shit posts. A ton of low effort shit posts about nationalism, racism, antisemitism etc. You gotta wade through all the poop to find good threads.

oh ok thanks!

Tptb? Tony podestas terrible-r brother?

The powers that be


It's nice to see all these people who would normally be spitting venom at each other working collectively (although not directly) towards a common goal.

wew, the shills jumped into this one full throttle.

Honestly theyre only able to discover things basically hidden in plain sight...

By rejecting the leftist establishment they are free to look at things from a different perspective. Still they are mostly internet trolls.

Don't be naive. It's probably a big psyop by white-hat illuminati types to cover up the real people who are actually doing real work behind the scenes, i.e. not posting memes and paranoid schizo-inspired infographics.

death by a thousand cuts

Interesting way to look at it. I like it.

That's what's happening to your leader/ dictator right now.

What are you doing in this sub? This is the conspiracy sub for free thinkers. All opinions are allowed here. Shouldn't you be in the cute animals sub with the masses. Why are you in a sub for free thinkers, you know you will never convert us back into a lemming.

Yeah about that, how come that so many Trumpster want to talk here freely but don't allow other people to have opinions against Trumpy? He calls everything he doesn't like fake news while his are alternative facts.

Trump is an idiot and an asshole. Hillary is the most corrupt crook on this earth. They are politicians and that is what you get. The key is to live within there bounds and understand where they are coming from. Too any people are black and white, left, right, flat, round. It is up to us to choose what is right and wrong and free think. Use your mind to think. Don't let MSM tell you what to think. Weigh the options and you decide.

"All opinions are allowed here." Did you seriously say that? Let me correct that for you: You must have meant, Only opinions I agree with and don't trigger my snowflake feelings are allowed here."

Yet here you are.

And here I am reading your drivel.

Oh, that would be because you're wrong, and you don't actually rule the sub. ;)


Implying that Flynn's resignation wasn't part of the plan from the beginning? Lmfao. Git rekt

*Online citizen sleuthing will continue to be the most important force in tracking down elite pedophile networks, political corruption and inhumane occult practices, while continuing to challenge official cover-ups and disinformation. The citizen investigators with the online discussion groups has proven in Pizzagate that they are a credible part of the press arena by proving themselves to often be more accurate and honest than the news in print or television. Still needed, however, were methods of traditional journalism in organizing the many findings into comprehensive articles, which was done rigorously as possible and sometimes with acid humor in this Pizzagate series.

-Yoichi Shimatsu

I love watching and working with people that are logical, use common sense and are passionate about the truth. We often times don't get that but the times we do more than makes up for all the fuckery.

I find it fascinating that r/ Donald has infiltrated this sub so completely. Cause if there is anything we need here it's a rich white guy bought and paid for by corporations to solve all our conspiracy problems. #sad.

But he said some mean things about other rich people so we can definitely trust him

I am not a republican. I also personally find Trump distasteful and kind of stupid.

That being said... whats my choices here? Because to me, it looks like I have a choice between a deeply morally fucked deep state with no redeeming qualities and Trump.

He's literally the only thing that gives me hope. That and a couple alternative media outlets putting in the work every day.

Pedo Globalists should rot in hell.

If Trump gives you hope, your future must look pretty damn bleak.

Spoken like someone with no hope at all. And if not, who are you to judge somebody else's vision of hope?

T_D Users be like "by god it's so crazy it just might work!!"

He then proceeded to hire them. So much for draining the swamp, no conflict of interest or hypocrisy there.

What corporations bought him?

Goldman Sachs, Exxon, Russia, to name a few

Lmao proof? Goldman Sachs actually made a rule banning their employees from donating to his campaign. Where's the proof of Exxon contributions? Or the proof of Russian involvement?

I've got plenty of proof showing china, Saudi Arabia, CIA and Soros involvement. Where's yours, playboi?

I've got all the proof. So much proof. I can't show you the proof, but it's the best proof. Wonderful. Amazing. Big.

Fuck off and eat a rake until you're willing to base your opinions on facts, not tweets.

Lmfao. Yeah that's what I thought. None of you have jack shit. Such surprise.

Lol All you did was ask for proof and he responded by not providing any and claimed you to be doing what he's doing.

Pssssssst. I asked him for proof because I know it doesn't exist. I used to hate Trump, too. Spent hours digging for dirt. There is no proof.

Psssssst, I'm a completely different person. Learn to read.

Ahaha ha. I did.

🚀<--- my witty banter 👨🏻‍💻<-- you

Nope, you didn't ask me for proof. I know it's hard, but try and understand basic concepts like replying before you hit post.

Or fuck off completely, both would be nice.

I know who I was replying to ahaha ha wtf are you on about, m9?

Pssssssst. I asked him for proof because I know it doesn't exist. I used to hate Trump, too. Spent hours digging for dirt. There is no proof.

You didn't ask me anything, you asked someone else.

The words at the top of the post are called usernames, they're there to distinguish between different people. It's so you can know when you're talking to someone youve talked to before, or when you're talking to someone else.

Keep trying tho, Gramps.

Nice try! We all know they're all your alt accounts! Can't fool us! Try again, Brock!

Rock types are fuckin lame, son.

Why would I draw attention to the difference if I was on an alt? Not everyone is as mentally challenged as you're getting in your old age.

Brock's grandparents have been dead for a long time, but nice attempt to be 'down with the kids'.

What's next, you gonna try some cool and appropriate slang for the situation?

It's pathetic, the backpedaling. Man up and take responsibility for your fuckups. Act like a fucking adult.

I'm 12 ur bullying me

Please, any 12 year old would come across smarter than you did.

Ok I'm 9...

I know, bro.

I'm a different person, and I'm mocking him for being like "I've got so much proof" but not actually showing a single shred of it. Are you really so stupid that you can't recognise the sarcasm even when I literally copy the format of a trump tweet?

If you're still struggling, I can try and explain in smaller words if you like. :)

The burden of proof is on you, fuck boy.

Nope, I didn't make any claims to prove. I just mock stupid people for being stupid. :)


I'm 12 ur bullying me

Yeah, I'm the troll. I'm gonna continue calling out stupid people for being stupid, and hopefully a few of them will stop posting so many stupid things.

You're not calling anyone out when you don't cite sources for your facts. You do realize you're the one who's coming off as the dumb ass, right?

You realise I was parodying him for demanding sources and providing none? I didn't make any claims to provide sources for.

How do you not understand when you're being mocked?

How do you not understand that I don't give a fuck? Lololol

Where's the proof of Exxon contributions? Or the proof of Russian involvement?

I've got plenty of proof showing china, Saudi Arabia, CIA and Soros involvement. Where's yours, playboi?

Clearly so little invested. You don't feel the need to defend your beliefs at all.

Yeahhhhh. I hate Reddit and most of its users and realize you're all dumbasses. Sooo I don't get all butt hurt. I truly don't give a fuck about arguing with any of you on shit lolol. ~~~~Your opinion means nothing~~~~

Hate? Strong words for someone who doesn't

I'm a hateful person, twat can I say?

By continuing to reply, you're showing you do care what people here think about you.

Don't careeeee

Yet you replied like 5 times. SAD!


Hey man, the world is crazy and people can be dicks, but try not to let hate into your heart.

It's Yuuuuuuuuuge! The yugest. Big league!

Not that you'll care, but Steve Bannon, Steven Mnuchin, and Gary Cohn. All of them have worked at Goldman Sachs. And not just as interns. Jay Clayton is/was a lawyer, and did not work for Goldman Sachs directly. However, he did advise Goldman Sachs when they accepted it's bailout money, and his law firm counts Goldman Sachs as a client.

That's four related to Goldman Sachs.

Nah. I do care. Those are valid points. I don't trust Cohn or Mnuchin at all. However, i do trust Bannon. He's been very vocal about how evil they are since he left.

You left out Anthony Scaramucci and Dina Habib Powell.

lol working with people who used to work at GS doesn't mean you're bought by GS. A ton of talented people worked at GS because they only hire the best.

We're on a sub that peddles fake Pizzagate shit. Who are you to ask for proof?

I got it. I make a CIAANON account and that will make it legit.

You're just naming companies that some people on his cabinet have worked at, plus a country he has no ties to.

Is this really your best? It doesn't seem like your best.

He handed the State Department to Exxon and his cabinet to Goldman Sachs. Seriously what is wrong with you.


Why does it matter that he's white?

Because they lost and need to blame it on raaaycism

You left out the rich part. White guy/woman who hasn't ripped off every business client or contractor he has worked with and donated to the same people he runs against would be fine.

Just that he's a member of yet another demographic of traditional, establishment power.

Seriously, SMH. T_D has ruin't so much on this site honestly. Sorry been here a while.

lol, been here awhile.. A quick look at those stats of yours.. Wow, what a tremendous addition to the community you've been.

On behalf of the entire reddit family, thank you so much for a solid decade of lurking and other random fuckery.

more like /r/the_donald leaks all over the place. The real immigrants are from /r/politics, which is 100 fucking percent shilltastic.

Other way around. A lot of us were here, first, then T_D came around.

The Donald is a garbage sub.

When did citizen journalism spawn? Was it basically after the pizzagate cover-up?

It started before that. Many people are investigating how Sandy Hook was a false flag set up by Obama as a gun grab. That is just one example of citizens doing investigative journalism on their own. That started in 2012.

Like watching maggots on roadkill.

I literally cycle those 5 anytime I'm on the net lmao

Does anyone find it extremely worrying that the current administration refuses to do anything to investigate pizzagate?

Does Trump not care about the children or is he avoiding an investigation because he knows he would be implicated?

1 month as President and not a single word about investigating pizzagate.

My dream is that Trump isn't a part of the establishment, and that the clintons are found guilty of human trafficking.

Some think the "It takes a village" comment at the beginning is a reference to this.

Today I watched this. . I hope Pizzagate explodes. "Monkey business" I feel like that could be a reference to human trafficking. Who knows. Enjoy the vids.

So you want a guilty person to goes free while the not guilty person takes the fall for it?

That's kind of interesting. Are you also part of it and you just hope others will take the fall for you?

Lmfao wut

Pizzagate is too fucking dumb even for Trump

They are doing it but it takes time to make things happen and also to do it right. He can't just go out arresting people. All the ducks MUST be in a row. We CANNOT afford for anyone to get off on any technicalities.

"They are doing it" - statement based on absolutely zero evidence.

The only person close to this administration who was willing to make any comments about pizzagate were Flynn's son and Trump made him stop.

I'm sure he is looking into it. But when you are investigating, you don't advertise it to the world. If you do, then all the pedophiles start to destroy evidence, hide it, etc.

Trump is no stranger to announcing his plans. I don't understand why people are so afraid to admit that he is probably implicated in pizzagate himself.

He was a close friend of Epstein, he has been accused of child rape and he just plain looks and acts like a pedo around his daughter.

Do you know why he won't investigate? Because he probably involved. No other reason for him to prevent any discussion on the subject.

Sorry. I do not think Trump is involved.

Then explain why he is shutting down any discussion on pizzagate?

He's hiding something, that is for sure.

I'm not going to argue about this with you. You believe one way. I believe another way. Let's just leave it at that. :-)

Sure thing, enjoy your day

Thank you for understanding. Enjoy your day/evening too! :-)

Do you think trump is a pedo?


Key word here is was. Didn't he ban Epstein from his property when the allegations first arose?

So you're saying that Trump used to be pedophile friendly and now that has instantly changed? No, sorry but human nature doesn't just change like that.

Reaching much? Like you know every single dirty little secret about all of your friends. You're looking for excuses to say he was involved now.

Trump was flown around on Epstein's pedophile plane to his pedophile party island. Of course he knew.

It's disgusting seeing people try to justify what happened and being so happy to ignore it happening once again.

And Hillary wasn't? What's disgusting to me is people blindly following false propaganda because it fits their narrative. Multiple victims of Epstein have come forward and not one of them said anything about President Trump, had never spoken to him.

Show me evidence of the president knowing and maybe I'll give you the time of day, until then fake news. And it's disgusting.

It is more worrying if Trump spent that much time and DIDN'T notice, don't you think? He'd have to be as stupid as everyone says he is in order to not realize what was happening.

Watch the new homeland security PSA. More arrests have been made in 3 weeks than in the entire year of 2014.

But yeah, "he ain't doing nutttin."

Those arrests weren't done without any investigation. Those are the result of work which started under Obama.

Lolol. Riiiiight. Because Obama totally wouldn't have wanted it done under his administration so he could brag about it.

I'm not sure what fucked up logic just went through your brain there, but here's how these things work.

Step 1) Investigate the crime

Step 2) Make the arrests.

Unless you think Trump has been arresting people without any investigation, then you will need to agree that that any arrests which happen at the start of Trump's time in charge are the result of investigations which started before Trump took charge. It is very simple.

It is good that Trump allowed the investigations to finish, but don't be so stupid as to think that they didn't start before he arrived.

No. No. TBH my opinion is that they've probably been going on for a long time but, someone in the previous administration was protecting them, preventing arrests from being pursued.

Yes, I feel like this is an amazing time to be alive. To see this the LIGHT being shown on the SHADOW of mankind. The Oroville Dam is very symbolic. The Dam is about to burst. Truth cannot be stopped.

Try being really nice to the hateful people. You can see it working. Just politely decline when someone attacks you, or baits you into something, and say "I would prefer to deal with nice people but thank you for your time".

Or why don't you show them evidence that makes actual sense, not with assumptions inbetween to link it, because unfortunately when you guys make these assumptions and leaps as logical as you try make it out to be in your head, it is still a case of you guys making stuff up to fit your narrative. There is too many holes in your theorys and too much trying to beat square pegs in round holes just to keep your narrative afloat. None of you approach this neutrally and with an unbias mind, you have decided that this is real and you gather things that only suit your side of the argument brush as side anything that contradicts it. That is why no one takes this seriously.

I'm sure you wouldn't appreciate being spoken to in the way you're speaking to me, so I'm going to go, but thank you for your time. We are both humans who try to do good! :D

I laid my observations out clearly and concisely, I didn't abuse you I gave you constructive criticism based on what is in front of me as a whole, if you can't analyse that and attempt to change my thought process by saying "that is incorrect and the reason why is because X Y and Z" or perhaps take it on board and try to learn from it. It's quite obvious none of you have worked in a professional enviroment or understand how to act in a professional manner at all.

You would be surprised! :)

I really would be.

I could only dream of this day before.... now it's a reality and we are all playing a part in it. Fascinating really.

yes, wish there were more 4chan posts.

As you wish

lol, the donald. remove that and you might be correct. we have to wait and see what happens with pizzagate.

n c

This is what a modern day revolution looks like. People coming together for a purpose, change, by all means necessary

People down talk this because there's an army of gov't officials that need for this to go away and it's not. So they send out their army of trolls to make it look like a bullshit conspiracy.

I have no dog in this fight i'm not even American, but I will happily down talk this because there's no evidence just a lot of if's but's and maybe's. It seems as an observer looking in you as a group of people had very little focus in your lives before this now you've found something to give you purpose. Watch Penn and Teller conspiracy theory episode the way he wraps it up the end and sums up the people, it's just you guys but a different factless belief.

Pursuing justice to save kids against the world and their peers who think they've lost their minds.

It is fascinating watching a bunch of people come together with the end goal of creating enough bullshit to cause a suicide or mass shooting..

with the end goal of creating enough bullshit to cause a suicide or mass shooting

What the hell are you talking about rofl. Calm down CTR.

Calm down Trumpeter. Not everyone that doesn't buy this pizzagate bullshit is a CTR.

Problem is, people like you won't even take a look. I have never seen more curcumstantial evidence in my life than that attached to 'pizzagate'. There is no hard evidence, but when you have a look at the curcumstantial evidence, and realise that there are far too many coincidences and connection you know there's something going on.

Is it mass child trafficking and rape? I don't know. But to brush it off as nothing or to say there's no evidence is disgusting. The FBI needs to directly address the information and give very specific explanations. If there's no crime, then fine - but this has hundreds of thousands of reasonable people VERY worried. Give us a fucking explanation of why there are code words and pedo symbols everywhere we look. These codes and symbols were on the FBI's website. There's too much fishy shit to ignore. If you can't even agree that this needs to be looked in to, addressed and investigated, then you most definitely have not given this proper time and an open minded look. I don't know one person who gave pizzagate a proper look and was not completely convinced there is some sick shit going on. Hard evidence or not - we have enough to know there's a massive cover up of something fucked up. We want a fucking investigation. Not radio silence from authorities and media.

Show me this on the fbi site.

Imaginary codes and symbols. Images that come from random webpages and linked together to create a fake connection. Imaginary basement in a pizza parlour. Fake connections based on extremely tenuous links. Fake you tube videos with hoaxers pushing an agenda. Bots from Turkey & Russia tweeting and retweeting this nonsense.

Okay, well I have a lot of problems with the what you said and how you said it. I'm also fully willing to have a discussion about it if you're open. Here's the thing - none of the people online 'de-bunking' pizzagate are open to looking at information or having a civil conversation. I'm not sure it's even worth trying to havbe a fair conversation because it just feels like you guys are being condescending and aren't actually willing to engage.

I am more than willing to hear you out, and have my mind changed. I feel I'm a relatively intelligent person, quite open minded and level headed. I am not attached to pizzagate at all. If someone offers a good argument I will change my mind immediately. The last thing anyone wants tro believe is that this is real shit. I absolutely believe this is for real. You want to talk it out? I would love for you to talk me out of believing that lots of kids are being raped/tortured/murdered/eaten etc.

Here's the thing - none of the people online 'de-bunking' pizzagate are open to looking at information or having a civil conversation

That's not true at all. I've tried, in the past, several times to only be met with "shill" or "retard" or worse. You can see examples of it in this very thread. I agree that needlessly inflammatory posts don't help anyone, but what you said is objectively false.

I'm not sure it's even worth trying to have a fair conversation because it just feels like you guys are being condescending and aren't actually willing to engage.

It is, but keep in mind that almost every one of the people who are skeptical of Pizzagate have been called shills, pedophiles, and retards. It doesn't make their initial response any less assholish, but if you acknowledge that you'll have much more success.

Yeah, you're right - I've seen it myself. Words like 'shill' and 'retards', used at those against the 'conspiracy'. PIzzagate truthers are really aggressive towards the anti-conspiracy folks.

Here's the thing though. I'm never really seeing good examples of people de-bunking or having fair discussions about the core claims of pizzagate. I am yet to see a good argument against what I'll admit is only circumstantial evidence - albeit a gigantic stack of it. I feel I've given pizzagate a pretty good look, and I've spent a lot of time looking at the whole argument and trying to get as much info as possible. I'm not commited to team pizzagate or some shit, I don't see any other explanation for what is the most disturbing and the biggest pile of barely hidden pedophile and/or child trafficking activity.

Have you honestly had a good look at the info on voat? It's all pretty well sourced to me. I would love for you to disprove the thing and help me fucking sleep at night haha

Yeah, you're right - I've seen it myself. Words like 'shill' and 'retards', used at those against the 'conspiracy'. PIzzagate truthers are really aggressive towards the anti-conspiracy folks.

I believe that part of the reason for that is the hyper-partisan nature of the people involved in the investigation of PG. I could be wrong, but that seems to be the obvious reason.

Here's the thing though. I'm never really seeing good examples of people de-bunking or having fair discussions about the core claims of pizzagate. I am yet to see a good argument against what I'll admit is only circumstantial evidence - albeit a gigantic stack of it.

There's no evidence of a crime. No witnesses or victims who have come forward. Much of it is based off of a code from 4chan. Many of these bits of "evidence" are laughable. For example, the Michelle Obama example given earlier and the "Clinton's "seizures" are caused by Kuru" examples make me question the legitimacy of all of it. Not to mention that PG seems like an exercise in confirmation and selection bias. I repeat the last sentence like a mantra, but it appears to have some basis.

Please understand that I could be wrong and I will be the first to admit it, but to espouse these ideas as gospel along, knowing the aforementioned facts, with the self-congratulatory posts like these... makes me think that this just a hyper-partisan witch hunt. It seems like people have used this to sew further division between citizens so that our attention is elsewhere.

I feel I've given pizzagate a pretty good look, and I've spent a lot of time looking at the whole argument and trying to get as much info as possible.

As have I. I just came to a different conclusion.

I'm not commited to team pizzagate or some shit, I don't see any other explanation for what is the most disturbing and the biggest pile of barely hidden pedophile and/or child trafficking activity.

Confirmation bias? Can you be sure that you're truly being objective? You could make the same argument with myself, I'm not short on self-awareness. Those main points that I mentioned previously, however, prevent me from committing.

Have you honestly had a good look at the info on voat? It's all pretty well sourced to me. I would love for you to disprove the thing and help me fucking sleep at night haha

I have. Many of the sources are questionable, at best. It still doesn't change that there's no evidence of a crime. No witnesses or victims who have come forward. I also have a difficult time believing that people who are supposed to be nefariously brilliant somehow posted hints of criminal behavior on social media without setting their profiles to private. I also can't take part as the intellectually dishonest way that skeptics are treated drives me away.

I made a post in this thread and I'd like you to see the reactions that it garnered. The reactions that I received are far too common. You are, sadly, the minority when it comes to PG supporters.

Dude, I'm sorry. I have to bail but I read your response and it's very interesting. Lots to consider, and I will. Thank a lot, I appreciate the response. I will get back to you soon as I can, but that's all very fair. I would love to hear what else you have to say because I've honestly been looking for a reasonable person to debate/discuss this :)

No worries! Have a good night.

Look at this dude's account, man. He spends literally all day fucking with Pizzagate believers. Look for yourself. ALL DAY LONG.

I feel he was quite reasonable, though. I would love to get in to some specifics with him. Maybe that's strange, but maybe he knows way more about the details..

Why is it that everyone who denies it in this sub results to insults? I mean every one of you guys just start viciously making fun of everyone.

It's basically trevor's axiom.

... do you realize the op didnt insult anyone... then the pizzagater came in insulting him... you DO realize that right? Or are you just completely blind to things that don't confirmation bias?

I agree with you friend. Most of the comments that are negative towards pizza gate usually are riddled with insults calling users basement dwellers, lunatics, and they are generally trying to make users look like their stereotype of what they believe a Trump supporter looks like.

You can look through my posts here to see what I've been called when I tried to have a good faith discussion with a PG proponent. Ever wondered if the reason there is such an adversarial reaction could've been caused by people calling skeptics retards, shills, or pedophiles?

Shill accusation. This comment should be removed according to rule 10

Or an investigation... Ideally.

The kind of investigative journalism conservatives dismiss as hateful propaganda?

I'm curious about what you mean by this?

Are you saying that the independent investigative journalism conducted on pizza gate is viewed as hateful propaganda?

Or that conservatives hate investigative journalism? Have they stated that investigative journalism is hateful propaganda or are we talking about Flynn's situation?

I just want to make sure I understand your comment.

They're talking out of their ass and throwing out a blanket statement.

It's only a matter of time until that happens, unfortunately.

I'm waiting for that to happen. It's a little premature to call it exposing "crimes" at this point.

I don't think they've found any crimes on the pizzagate thing yet, but there's some super dodgy stuff there and I follow it from time to time. Lots of stuff that looks bad. Nothing yet that is a total smoking gun. On the other hand, if Donald was involved in anything 1/1000 as incriminating as this stuff this would being paraded about as proof positive he was a pedophilic mastermind.

I mean he said he would do it with his own daughter, but yeah he probably was just joking like he is always joking.

Yeah. Not what he said. What I find hilarious is that all of you fail to see anything wrong with the Super Pedosta Bros collecting "photographs of naked teens in that parents suburban homes" and artwork of children being tortured and sexually abused. THAT shit is just "art and ur jus dumb n don't git it." Yet, you keep stressing on one comment awkward Trump said that one time that was awkward, "HE FUKS HIS DAGHTR!1!!" TBH I've heard a lot of old people say the exact same thing without even thinking anything of it. Is it awkward and weird? Fuck yeah, it is. Does it mean they wanna fuck their grandson/daughter/niece/nephew? No. It's an old person, not thinking, trying to say something flattering. My friends great aunt once told him "Ohhh you've gotten so handsome! If only I was younger!" Again, that doesn't mean she wants to fuck him. She was giving him a compliment and want thinking about the implications.

Ur dum

He definitely has bragged about how hot his daughter is. Just like a lot of fathers who are proud of their daughters.

Sorry to say but I don't know any father that said he would date his own daughter.

Trump makes very creepy statements about his daughter.

Perhaps no incontrovertible proof but a mountain of circumstantial, be WE don't need the proof, and our circumstantial evidence only serves to help solidify any case the FBI brings against these freaks. Don't worry if it takes a little while for them to get it done, it's coming. Let them build the cases right and with integrity so they have no recourse. We owe it to the victims to make sure these people rot.

Donald was on Epstein's pedo plane, same as Bill Clinton.

Trump - 2

Bill - 27 and ditched secret service 6 times.

Ahh I see, just some light pedophilia. Carry on, then.

Or enough times to realize what was going on and to gtfo

In 2002:

"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

This is true. However neither of them have compromising trips to Pedo Island. Neither does any other entry in the logs show any trips to Pedo Island. However, the people at the airport near Pedo Island say that plane landed there all the time. You know who provided the scrubbed logs? Epstein's lawyer, Alan Dershowitz. He's the one covering up the trips.

I'm glad after the successful bust of that SLC daycare center, everyone is still concentrating on taking down the nefarious public businesses.

More like a hydra, cut one head off another grows in its place

Then we do what Hercules did; burn the exposed necks so no new heads grow back.

Mythical sense yeah digital sense no

Its humanity's greatest achievement.

How about you start with Drumpf

I fucking love it. Can't get enough of it. More!

"Ragtag volunteer army of shitposters exposes and destroys global pedophilia network"

What is tptb?

The powers that be

like, Superman powers?

you asked my question!

I feel, if you don't know, then your're not invited.

a great album

Guys guys. Every time I come to this subreddit the TONE here is incredible! I love you all but god damn you just sound like a bunch of sad little emo kids. I absolutely love your perspective on stuff and keep doing what you do. It's really great to see the doom and gloom sometimes.

I'd add in George Webb's open investigation to the mix

I just discovered his videos. Now I'll probably be up all night watching them. :-)

Exactly. But these non-believer plebs will think George is just another idiot. The guys is legendary at digging and connecting the dots. Pretty sure he's 100% spot on with the claims that he makes.

TPTB was a good album y u want to expose it :(

My only problem with it is how crack pot it's gotten.

Yes, investigate. But if you are proven wrong then find something else.

You have no actual proof and any reasonable person can see it that's why you aren't getting any major traction, because everything is bullshit.

These guys are creating evidence and defaming actual people at the expense of nothing. They are all anonymous and can say anything without recourse.

Where as if you had to say it in public you would be ridiculed for the baseless accusations and society would free market your ass to the sidelines with no voice at all. Yet here you are spouting anyway.

Find real evidence that can convince some one besides the paranoid delusional and I'll listen.

Until then you sound like the inside of an insane asylum simply trying to make your political opponents look bad like a Russian shill, and nobody but you and the few upvotes you see are falling for it.

What about the crimes of authoritarianism.

Obama will get his soon enough, don't worry boo.

Boo? Okay. Obama, Hillary, Bill. Who else you mad at? I didn't love Obama. I don't love Trump either. But just like Obama fanatics you Trump fans are the same way. It's adorable.

Uhh. Bush.. Bush Sr. LBJ, Cheney, Soros, Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Jacob Rothschild, and many more.

My hatred is nonpartisan.❤

Oh. You're special then. My bad

That's exactly what your mother says!

Ha! I win.

Is that so? So all this conspiracy thinking has rotted your brain. You're either a nut or maybe you're ten years old. Stop bothering me.

Gon have to block me. I'm not going anywhere, friendo.

Why the fuck are you even in a sub based on conspiracies? To mock people. Lololol. Ur a Dummy Poo poo pants

Okay Mr. Wonderful

I'm the best. Better than the rest.

Yeah I dunno about that. Kinda sounds fishy.

Just like how your moms sweatpants smell?

My mom passed away. But thanks.

That explains the smell.



Yay. Bunch of delusional people making shit up. They should pat themselves on the back.

Every year or so, there's a new one. And then, suddenly, the old ones just aren't spoken of. Not a single person admits they were wrong. No one assumes accountability. They just move on to the next one and do the same exact thing

See: Boston Bombing, Sandy Hook, Jade Helm.

It's the same exact pattern. Same exact baseless claims of "things are about to happen!" "Dominoes are about to fall!"

This pizzagate conspiracy is one of the whackiest yet. Jesus, i just want a REAL conspiracy to talk about and discuss. But all we get is this BS pizzagate with SUUUPER circumstantial evidence, grasping connections... it's a hot mess.

But yeah, you're dead on. It's only a matter of time.

A kangaroo court wouldn't even touch this with a stick. I'm surprised people enjoy this more than their other alternative of just jerking off.

I think some people just want to have control/power/influence. Peddling shitty conspiracy theories like this one makes people feel important. They legit feel like they're "part of an investigation". People on the internet suddenly "respect" you. People listen to you.

I can see why that would be very appealing to "certain" people.

But come on, at some point, deep down inside, you gotta realize you're skating on bullshit. I hope.... or do people get lost in their delusions? What I mean is, come on. I KNOW the government keeps things from us. I believe in conspiracies..... but that doesn't mean i just go around calling everything a conspiracy. And then there's people who go beyond that and just start making up their own conspiracies when they don't have an original one to talk about anymore.

Come on. What's this pizzagate really about?

They like to call each other centipedes, really strange bond they have. I just don't get it. They should bond over aliens instead. Maybe they are the ones susceptible to cults easily.

Only if you think this kind of behavior is acceptable. If you do, I'll advise you to change, but I understand I don't have control of your life. If you do, great! There shouldn't excuse for this guys actions; regardless if he believe the nation was undergoing a terrorist threat, you don't call for a "Muslim ban." Of course the courts are going to challenge the order, Dony. It's what judges do best. Up hold the constitution!

What should Donald Trump get from his little stunt? He should learn this is a democracy, not a dictatorship. He was elected to "faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of [his] ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." I have no doubt in my mind he had "protect" under consideration, but the last four words of the quote important. Sorry, Dony. But you fuck'd.

I am grateful to all who investigating this. I pray for their safety!

...and then they will become TPTB and do equally disturbing things.

I'm very happy seeing people join forces in order to weed out the pedo ringmasters. We all feel that Good must triumph over this darkness infecting our world. These monsters control all aspects of our everyday lives (Political, Economic, Judiciary, Militarily & Media), and we all want justice for those poor kids who've been abused/killed/enslaved. Also we have to get justice for journalists like Jill Dando, who was investigating pedos in the BBC, Parliament, and other offices of power. Jill was gunned down, and to this day no one knows who did it. So many brave journalists have been snuffed out, and we have to continue the pressure until these monsters are destroyed.

It is awesome. But I'm still skeptical anything is ever going to come from it. Political elite have committed heinous crimes for lord knows how long, we've known about it, and nothing happens. I'm certain PG, or whatever you'd like to call it, is real. What do we do if no charges get brought? We may need to start organizing IRL.

hive minded individuals

The Donald lol

They let some of the peasants become too influential because they thought they were secure.

Has anyone been arrested as a result of said investigations?

No. But if law enforcement investigated then maybe we'd see arrests

I learned to facilitate good discussion by not blindly agreeing with others, by doing my own research, using critical thinking, then discussing as necessary.

It's really like some hive mind shit. Everyone is working together and using what others are saying to further their opinions and then they post aforementioned opinions that lead to new ones and so on and so forth. It's a really cool chain reaction and even with the misinfo, we find out that's what it is and then it's business as usual.

I think this is the first time in history that this many people are aware of the cabal.

That fact alone is EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT!!!!!! Half the battle is awakening...gaining a greater degree of awakening is the key. Without it, we have nothing. We are literally fighting our own brothers in this battle quite often...we are the seers and need to speak the truth, no matter how much negativity we receive!

This many people wouldn't have cared if their cost of living and wages hadn't gone to shit. Nobody asks questions when they're comfortable. Globalists overplayed their hand.

You went full neckbeard there with that comment.

"TPTB" ... in this context are everyone, anyone who disagrees with your non-evidence based ideas and view points.

What does that even stand for?

meh. one of those silly acronyms the internet invented.

The Powers That Be.

Ah, thanks.

Extremely fascinating that they think they oppose "TPTB" by supporting them. r/conspiracy has been hilarious entertainment since the election. Now this thread celebrating some kind of alliance with the worst groups of people on the internet. Comedy gold.


Expose or fabricate?

Citizen journalists are the real journalists in this day and age..Keep it going people!

At some point they're going to start tossing people in the lake to see if they drown.

I find it terrifying. There's 0 real evidence and people are swallowing it whole because they want to believe it.

All cited social forums require zero accountability or responsibility for their words. There are many, many places on the internet where people are collaborating on a whole host of issues and concerns.

Hats off, fellow patriots!

Yeah. It turned out great for the incident in Boston.

I wonder the average age of people in this sub...

well that's all they got... personal attacks, defamation of character, discrediting anything. But we have a synchronous collaborative working to see justice and save some children.

We are many and we are strong... and we are not paid.

When I see pizzagaters patting themselves on the back I'm reminded of that scene in Simpons where Ralph Riggum goes "Hi everyone, I'm helping!". Then there was that other scene where he says "Why do people run from me?" then he pees his pants.

You know I have always thought conspiracy nutters were exactly that; nutters. But after the podesta emails. the 6 , 7 and 9 email. You guys know which one. Like that alone, just that no matter how I try to play it differently in my mind. there is just no way to rationalize that.

You got some sick fuck excited about kids swimming in his pool for entertainment...

Second thing is why doesn't the media ask him about it? Why don't people do journalism about it?

Me personally. I think the reason Hillary is not in jail is because she has the dirt on everyone of these sick fucks. It's a web of blackmail and extortion. How can people watch dramas when the most fucked up drama is unraveling before our eyes every single day.

You mean a bunch of crazy people self validating each other with no actual evidence? I mean it's hilarious. Like lizard people funny.

Meh lizard people aren't too far-fetched honestly.

Along the same line as laundry gnomes and angels. It's all absurd. But it's your way of coping with reality. Have fun with it. It's all just bed time stories to help people fall asleep.


By attacking the thread, you're encouraging more to participate. Just sayin.

I couldn't help myself.

cyber utopia - the belief that internet, technology and Elon Musk will somehow fix the things that have been wrong with human societies for thousands of years.

But the internet is more like the tower of Babel - the biblical story of how different languages were the cause of the great tower coming down (that and weakened steal beams). Yet now we're breaking the world up further to a point where every person has his own language - that's what the internet does (witness this post just as one example). This may seem like a positive things - allowing each person an individual voice - but in fact human groups need focus to achieve things and affect change - extreme individuality of ppl is actually not beneficial to that.

And don't kid yourselves - the internet doesn't even need to be restricted because of the "danger" of ppl working together - people will mess it up on their own - all it takes is a few nuts believing in aliens and reptiles to turn the whole group endeavor into a total waste of time - there's plenty of those around and if by chance they are missing from some group or channel - the power that be will make sure to remedy that.

If you want change it will require what it has always required - a willingness to organize, fight and endure - not the typical traits of a redditor or youtuber (no offense).

It's pretty interesting. I keep watching from the sidelines.

YouTubers all work to enrich themselves.

They are making money from all those videos.

Hey MR. PRESIDENT maybe there are those who do not think like you do. It's a concept that is hard to understand but it is very real.

A discussion is open to all comments. Threads are detailed all the time on Reddit.

LOL look at the shills, they come in specific threads and they flood 90% of it.

How does it feel to defend pedophiles in exchange for some money shills?

OP don't mind the shills. They come in very specific threads and ambush 90% of it once in a while. It's very inorganic and if whoever pays them was more intelligent he would distribute them better to make it less obvious.

The problem is that these shills don't care because they are getting paid, they just follow instructions. It would be interested to take a peak at what type of justifications they probably convinced themselves to be bought by political parties/companies and will actually defending pedophiles and child abductors in exchange for money.

If I hace 200 bucks I could buy half of them since these people have no integrity.

See that whole quote right there, that's why no one takes you seriously.

If by "crimes" you mean making up random conspiracies and ignoring the actual corruption of Donald Trump and his Administration, then yeah, sure.

I drop in here every now and then have a look, fuck me you guys are off the richter scale. I think you need to put the crayons down and chill out, because you're literally just making shit up now. If you went to court with this "evidence" you'd be told to fuck off and never darken the doorstep again.


Wow I swear every day we have these kind of self posts and then suddenly a bunch of people come out of nowhere saying "it's coincidence" "they're ruining normal people's lives" "it's made up".

How much more fucking evidence do you need? The last few months of Internet crowd investigation and alternative journalism is staggering. It's past the point of just "Oh, just another coincidence".

I've said it before. People on here would not be defending this if you were here a year ago. If I talked and liked the same things these sickos do on social media, I would have been called out.

I find it fascinating that voat has a subverse called young ladies ( where literal pedophiles gather while on same token tries to hunt imaginary pedophiles via pizzgate.

I mean..that is fascinating. If pizzagtarers had one once of care they would storming that subverse...

But again for that to happen you need basic logic and empathy .

But it still hasn't evolved from the big pile of horseshit it was at the beginning.

It's weird that there is are no victims. Even alien sightings and abductions have more witnesses.

yup fascinating!!!

and mind boggling the reveals

We ain't insects bruh

Can we start a new conspiracy sub? One that doesn't get taken over by the Donald. This shit is ridiculous

It's amazing what can happen when people refuse to be divided/distracted.

Because I've always been into conspiracy theories. I just think some hold more water than others.

Behold the power of the Hive Mind!

Their really showing TPTB. What with the ZERO arrests that they have been responsible for. Meanwhile they down vote news of actual activists like Ashton Kutchers THORN organization that has Actually caught 2000 human traffickers in just the last 12 months.

I take that as "there aren't any".

Who is saying that there have been arrests related to Podesta? No one. I'm not even really sure what your argument is. No one has been arrested? Yeah no shit.

That's trying to squirm out of it.

Okay so then show me proof that the Seaman info was intentional disinformation. Btw is there any point in arguing. This is not the point of this thread.

Hahaha this comment is so hilarious. I've been watching the Pizzagate threads from the beginning, you can't ever get anyone to describe specific evidence, it's always go research this or that.


This guy understands how things work.

That and people will get around the restrictions while simultaneously improving their own privacy.

It's like you're trying to convince yourself it's not real.

All Im asking is for you to give me something about Pizzagate that swayed YOU specifically. I'm not asking you to sway the entire universe, I'm asking what really caught your eye.

Lmfao Ad-hominem attack on the source doesn't mean shit, try harder. "This guy believes something I don't therefore anything he says isn't true!"

Prove him wrong about the paper trail then. Search all those shell companies and prove they aren't tied to each other. Prove that the convicted money launderers aren't tied to those shell companies. You have no grounds to stand on and you know it. Take your bullshit somewhere else

Get psychiatric help.

You're arguing with a troll

It's not irony that's the point. I can't help but think our days are numbered.

But... you just said that those people are researching it already. Isn't the point of an investigation so that not everyone on the planet had to investigate the same thing?

I just discovered his videos. Now I'll probably be up all night watching them. :-)

Still waiting on an investigation

Haha remember when the Hasidic guy tried to ask about the rise in anti-Semitic violence....

Trump didn't let him finish asking the question.

This was a guy who went out of his way to say "we don't think you're anti-Semitic"

Yah. It did. Sandusky was arrested that day. Do some googling before clocking in at SB.

Some people are trying to claim Seaman was talking about the Sandusky arrest now.


Obama will get his soon enough, don't worry boo.

Where's the proof of Exxon contributions? Or the proof of Russian involvement?

I've got plenty of proof showing china, Saudi Arabia, CIA and Soros involvement. Where's yours, playboi?

Clearly so little invested. You don't feel the need to defend your beliefs at all.

That explains the smell.

Show me this on the fbi site.

Classic /r/conspiracy comment.

Google it sheeples!!!

Great argument and presentation of your own proof and research. Surely being condescending and never producing any sources supporting what you're saying with any kind of fact will help sway hearts and minds to see your side of things.

Pathetic. You destroy your own cause.

They literally arrested like 1500 people this month.

This was fixed like a week after it came out. It no longer asks for everything.

I'm good. Pizzagate is real though.

I think you're just a moron who doesn't want to actually do anything reading or thinking. Why are you even here bud? Blocked and reported.

Actually, yeah. It would be cool to have conversations about topics that interest me.

Imaginary codes and symbols. Images that come from random webpages and linked together to create a fake connection. Imaginary basement in a pizza parlour. Fake connections based on extremely tenuous links. Fake you tube videos with hoaxers pushing an agenda. Bots from Turkey & Russia tweeting and retweeting this nonsense.

You realise I was parodying him for demanding sources and providing none? I didn't make any claims to provide sources for.

I'll bite, why would you see that? What's your logic behind it? Any real reasoning or are you just trying to discredit me by using pejoratives that are meant to shut down the conversation like "racist" and "white supremacist"?

Many have come out already

Don't forget Cathy obrian either

You were in the room? Nah, that's probably not your style.

You were probably watching through the window, weren't you? Ooh, so dirty. So scandalous. Hopefully nobody saw you touching yourself.

I don't think you know what widespread in the question I was responding to means.

Exactly. But these non-believer plebs will think George is just another idiot. The guys is legendary at digging and connecting the dots. Pretty sure he's 100% spot on with the claims that he makes.

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False. Arrests where made in both haiti and norway. Both countries where the clinton foundation had a strong presence. Shortly after the arrests, the "donations" abruptly stopped.

Care to explain that?

It shows the realtor and Susan are normal, polite people. Maybe a bit overly nice. If I found a nice handkerchief that I knew someone had left behind, I would try and get it back to them. It's not a tissue, for all we know it could be a really nice silk handkerchief. So he sends an email, I found a handkerchief, do you want it back? Podesta, who lets not forget is undoubtedly a busy man, says nah, it's not worth the effort. It's a totally normal exchange.

Bet then you add your pedo code to it. Do we have any reason to suspect they are talking in code? Only if we have a code to begin with. What is the history of that code? As far as I know Cheese Pizza or CP was used on 4Chan as a code for child porn. All other food related codewords were made up and fabricated by an anonymous 4chan poster and then grabbed by pizzagate "researchers" as gospel truth. These other words exist prior to PG at best as urban dictionary references. They certainly do not form part of any known (by the fbi or otherwise) pedofile code language.

It's also interesting to note the the phrase "Cheese Pizza", the only code we actually know existed, doesn't appear anywhere in the "incriminating" emails.

Imagine you are a keen car enthusiat and I steal your emails. I decide that "keys" means child slave and exhaust means asshole. What's this? Someone emailed you

"Hey silkenindiana, you left your key behind at my house, I can drop it off if you like. tomorro?" you reply "That'd be great, not sure what use it'll be though, the exhaust is wrecked after Saturday!"

Disgusting! I better trawl through your instagram.

One post ago you couldn't believe such a thing as a map on a handkerchief existed, now I have to find you one specifically pizza related.....and if I found one of those you'd demand Podesta's actual handkerchief.

I have seen his instagram, it's not mainstream and not to everyone's taste, not mine anyway. Have you ever been to any of the less savory areas of a big city? the redlight districts? You'll see weird shit like this and more. People are kinky and wierd and like all kinds of funky shit, it's not evidence of child abuse. They make sick jokes. Alefantis has made a mistake lots of people make these days and forgetting that his instagram isn't just for him and his social circle, anyone can find it. Yes I looked at the "instagram evidence" it's evidence for nothing. Just out of context withc hunting. I mean the kid with her hands taped to the table that got PGers frothing at the mouth, that's literally nothing, adults playing with a kid, she's clearly having fun, the tape is masking tape not gaffer tape. It's a joke. Only someone with an agenda could find something sinister in that picture, and people that do should have a look at themselves and their motives.

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