What do you guys like to do in your free time.

3  2017-02-19 by [deleted]



save you a click: plays video games

Virtual Reality games specifically

noice. gonna click again.

I sew and do other creative things like that - crocheting and cross stitch. Also, I read historical romance fiction (always a happy ending).

Writing, keeping record.

Summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. Making meat helmets.

Did someone say meat helmets https://youtu.be/pU3EzNcL3d8

What the fuck did I just watch?

nice try NSA.

mike echo hotel

Do you actually think I'm NSA?


Because if you are NSA you gotta tell us if we ask

They already know, they don't need to ask you on reddit.

That was my first thought but the question and the nature of responses (defensive versus other) could be useful. Funny thing is that they don't even have to dip into the fish bowl all that often to keep their finger on our pulse...

So... what do you like to do? I'm not recording it, you know, I just thought it rude not to ask

  • Totally not the NSA

Ha. However. If I had to bet, I'd bet heavy that OP is sincere.

I have confirmed intel that he isn't with the NSA.

Ah so DIA? CIA? FBI? DHS? AIA? ASA? ha jk

Wait, I do think he is part of the American Institute of Archaeology. As his pastime.

Air Intelligence Agency. But yeah har har

Yes I'm an NSA agent, I came here to ask you a useless question that if I wanted to could have answered using my vast and unlimited resources.

Damn it George! You always fuck this up.

I like to respect my local, state, and federal laws. I also enjoy paying taxes and praising our wonderful government.

Are you serious or memeing?

What about you, OP?

Reading, listening to music, gaming. The usual.

Noice, same here. Minus gaming.

Collect plant exudates.

I enjoy watching women wearing antlers and carrying severed heads.

Eat pussy

What are you doing tomorrow?

Besides spend time with my family, friends and dogs,I spend time at the family ranch, on a motorcycle, and partying hard.

Spoken like a true anti-American threat to society

/s obv ;)

Watch sheep graze. Seriously, i'm that boring.