Mass Psychology and Building momentum in PedoGate

76  2017-02-19 by klemonstrate

I’m a political advisor, behavioral theorist, and mass psychology expert. I’m sick of watching our disparate efforts in exposing PedoGate (don’t use PizzaGate, this was clearly crafted by opposition to render the topic fanciful and castrate its impact) succeed in small vacuums, yet fail to catalyze mass momentum. I am here to help.

The way that topical driven mass psychology works is by personalizing abstract concepts and rendering them in a concise, easily deliverable, high-impact form. The more difficult it is to 1) associate with a topic and 2) carry the message forward, the more difficult it will be to sustain momentum and thwart opposition attacks. Unfortunately, most people are generally lazy, even when considering child abuse. Additionally, satire and the theater of the absurd are incredible tools that work extraordinary well in these instances as they force people to confront a reality, to which they are genuinely opposed, from a contrarian’s perspective. This is why the #DraftOurDaughters message was so effective during the election. It caused people to look at the issue for exactly what it was and forced them into an immediate attitudinal response. Once this opinion is formed, it is extremely difficult to uproot (you know what they say about first impressions) and each new participant becomes an evangelist.

With this in mind, I suggest that you use the same strategy with PedoGate. It is clear that this problem permeates much of society and can happen to virtually any child, anywhere (although it does seem wealthy children and those with resources to fight back are generally left alone). Therefore, I would create a satirical hash tag to abbreviate the phrase “Abuse Our Kids” - #AOK. Not only does this send a powerful message that is easily transmittable, but it requires the audience to invest time in discovering the acronym, thereby making them an immediate stakeholder in the problem, and it sends the message that at present, we are accepting this type of behavior through our collective inaction. Clearly this behavior is not "A Okay" which is where the message derives its' power.

I would then deploy the hash tag with recent examples of incidents where child abuse has been discovered. I’ve listed a few examples below:

In our schools #AOK – insert link to teacher arrest

In our orphanages #AOK – insert link to orphanage shutting down

In our churches #AOK – insert link to church abuse

In our temples #AOK – insert link

In our government #AOK – insert link to Hastert

In our camps #AOK – insert link to Sandusky

The list goes on and on. This is the way to redpill the regulars and create mass momentum. You may need to start with the context (i.e. the full hash tag #AbuseOurKids) to build momentum, but trust me, it will come.


EDIT: Formatting


Great idea I'm looking forwarded to seeing what people are able to create. The #DraftOurDaughter campaign was great.

Why the sudden campaign to switch from Pizzagate to pedogate?

Probably because it's easy to say the topic is silly for being called pizzagate.

Well calling things "x-gate" is too. If Watergate happened today it would be called "#watergategate"

I agree, I don't like it either.

Completely agree with both of your reasoning. I hate the "gate" lingo but it's memorable which is all I care about. Regarding the switch, I personally don't care either way. Much more important is the strategy in getting people involved. If you all want to continue calling it PizzaGate, by all means. I just looking at this through the lens of the general public, and that phrase makes it more difficult to reach them. Let me put it this way, which word, pizza or pedo, makes you more likely to become emotionally involved with a subject?

Good idea. More than willing to assist with spreading this. However, people are lazy just like you said. Will they bother to investigate the acronym at all?

Some will, some won't, depending on natural levels of curiosity. I did mention at the end that it may take a slight popularization of the entire message to get the acronym to catch on. That being said, I don't care how it happens, am just interested in stopping this mess, and numbers are the only way that happens. Would help if folks with larger followings were convinced to cooperate... The psychology behind the concept is sound, delivery is more difficult

Fair enough. Count me in.

Thanks for this. Someone should probably snapshot this post

If anyone has accounts on other forums, feel free to crosspost. I'm not really active anywhere as I don't have too much time to juggle these forums with everyday life, however given the abundance of evidence, it's clear that messaging is the weak link here. The name of the game now is exposure. I'll most likely follow up with something on the psychology of partisanship and how it's being co-opted against the public to isolate PedoGate. I just have to find the time to put it together.

Very interesting post. I love the topic of how to create a meme to infiltrate society in an impactful way. Logos is man's most powerful tool I guess.

(don’t use PizzaGate, this was clearly crafted by opposition to render the topic fanciful and castrate its impact)

I'm pretty sure pizzagate people came up with the name of pizzagate cuz of 4chan..

Very possible, I'm not terribly certain of its origins. All I know is that if I were deployed to discredit a topic and frame it in way that desensitized it to the common man, this would be a good strategy. At minimum, if organically developed, it is highly ineffective. Try speaking to someone unfamiliar with the topic. You enter the debate at a severe disadvantage simply by the name alone.

It can be an impactful opener even. "Pizzagate?" - "Remember the wikileaked Podesta emails? Researchers wondered about some of the coded language in there, like cheese and pasta and pizza, and found out it is used in pedophile circles. That is how it started, but more tangible evidence has accumulated since."

The point is that if you're having to explain the code from the get go you've already lost your audience. Remember, people are lazy. (Plus the code sounds ridiculous to the lay person and the pizza shop is a tiny portion of the full story (people also have trouble connecting different threads as being related))... if the focus is placed on abuse, and the term pedo is used, there is an immediate understanding and connection made. Remember, make this easy for people! They are already going to be inquiring about #AOK, they don't need more on their plate to think about to potentially turn them away.

The point is that if you're having to explain the code from the get go you've already lost your audience.

I get your point. Get mine. The explanation of the code CAN BE the way to WIN the audience. Code is mystery. Mystery is intriguing. People want to be intrigued.

the pizza shop is a tiny portion of the full story

We're still talking about the coded language in the Podesta emails here, not the pizza shops yet.

make this easy for people!

We know how far "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams" got us in the past 15+ years. The truth is NOT easy. It's not easy to swallow, no matter how many small chunks you cut it into.

they don't need more on their plate to think about to potentially turn them away.

Do you really want people who can't think a thought on board? I understand your attack vector is that of a political advisor, behavioral theorist, and mass psychology expert, so it is maybe a matter of taste, but I'd personally put more emphasis on the clarity of the thought, on intellectual honesty, sound arguments, watertight research, undeniable evidence. The "masses" usually adapt and follow on their own. So don't put the cart before the horse - empower the leaders, those who can follow the string from the leaked emails via the code words to the evidence that has been accumulated since then.

Think about the justification for the war in Iraq.

Exactly. Dark magic, or the "way of the Sith", is famously "easy". We should be wise enough to reject the idea that any good can come from going the "easy" way; the better world, justice, freedom, peace will require effort, discipline and sacrifice – and thinking people.

Listen, I understand your desire to do things in a way that would redpill you, however people who spend time looking at r/conspiracy are not the average person. You cannot fault folks who are not immersed in conspiracy for not taking this seriously. This information will forever change the way they think about the world, and most people are quite content with thinking the world is a beautiful place. If elements of fear or anger arise they will revert back to the comforts of their illusion, it's human nature. My point is that this information is emotionally and psychology disruptive and people actively DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE IT. Feel free to disagree as that is how progress is made. I've just seen the lack of progress in getting the general public aware and active and thought I'd offer a few suggestions.

Also, the problem with the jet fuel argument is that the average person is trusting by nature (unlike the folks on here) and therefore cannot take the leap when dealing with scientific information that they are unable to independently disprove. Did you see how quickly the science community came out against that line of reasoning. Again, if we were all scientists, the 9/11 thing would have been debunked long ago. My point is that the average person isn't immersed in the facts on a daily basis so it requires a different approach in getting them involved. And we need them involved.

You cannot fault folks who are not immersed in conspiracy for not taking this seriously.

I don't, at all. Because, as you say:

most people are quite content with thinking the world is a beautiful place.

Precisely. This is a survival strategy, pure and simple. Opening their eyes to the madness and utter disrepair of the world we inhabit would quite literally destroy them.

My point is that this information is emotionally and psychology disruptive and people actively DON'T WANT TO BELIEVE IT.

I know, I know. Especially in the last twelve months, I have repeatedly - on internet forums and AFK - heard "I wouldn't believe it [9/11 was an inside job] even if it were true" (or some variation of it).

I've just seen the lack of progress in getting the general public aware and active and thought I'd offer a few suggestions.

Please don't get me wrong, I appreciate your effort and professional insight. And I don't disagree on principle; I'm only sharing my experience from years of 9/11 conspiracy debates. My careful conclusion is simply that "the masses" which your approach is trying to reach don't really matter. They'll claim they knew all along once it will have become "common knowledge" that the "elite" torture, rape and eat babies. What you really want to do is to reach the < 10% of "influencers" who know, at least on principle, how to think, and just have been - as you describe - too lazy/afraid/complacent/busy with survival to do their own research and form an educated opinion. And these won't care whether #pizzagate or #aok sent them down the rabbit hole.

I mean, hardly any serious 9/11 investigator still claims that "Bush did 9/11".

My problem with this is it will attract attention to pedophilia yes, but by spamming this it will look like you're making connections between cases when there are none. Not every arrest of pedophiles is pizzagate.

However if your goal is to draw attention to pedophilia and human trafficking then this is not a bad idea.

I agree with you, but stop trying to convert people in one swoop. Just because they read two articles on the same topic does not mean they will believe them to be the same. In fact this is just what's happened with PizzaGate. Because the people are not digging deep enough into the FBI code, they are instead linking every reference to the pizza shop. Let them become interested, which starts with them actively seeking out their own information. If this happens in the general public, we win.

People reading #AOK will not immediately interpret it as the sinister meaning that it would be representing. I understand it's satire, but I think most people would just read it as "A Okay" and move on.

Pizzagate leads to Pedogate which leads to Hollywoodgate / Londongate / Vaticangate which will ultimately lead to Switzerlandgate at which point humanity will have a chance to be free at last.