Just a suggestion to the lurkers that are missing the r/conspiracy of the old days: Start browsing the "Controversial" tab and don't use the best or top order when reading the comments.

93  2017-02-19 by Majnum


And the new queue. I cannot stress this enough.

If everyone took at least 10 or 15 min once they are done browsing the front page of this sub to switch over to the new tab the content would be far better. We all cane make major impacts. That goes for most things

Agreed, that is also where the shills can do the most damage by downvoting brand new posts to 0.

I've been trying to make a conscious effort to browse /new a couple times a day.

Only way you'll notice anything suppressed by brigade in this sub these days.

This is a absolute truth. The squad of orange manlets coming here from The_Cheeto are completely ruining this sub. It's fucking disgusting but if course the mods won't do anything about it.

Hell, I know exactly which of the mods is responsible for this mess. It's not hard to figure out. They're the same one that tagged that thread unverified a while back. They think no one knows which one did it but I actually do.

I'm just sitting in it for now in hopes that they start to get this place back to what it used to be before all the orangutans came in and shit all over this sub.


Jesus christ, controversial is a sess pit. Never again.

Da fuq is a sess pit?


The autocorrect is a grade A terrorist, I can attest that

New-self post-search for non political content-add friend

Whoa, it's like I'm in a different sub almost 😅

If everyone took at least 10 or 15 min once they are done browsing the front page of this sub to switch over to the new tab the content would be far better. We all cane make major impacts. That goes for most things