I've noticed this sub being very pro-Trump. We have to stay objective. Prove your not a blind follower and name 1 (one) criticism you have of Trump

0  2017-02-19 by [deleted]



He like every elected official is a puppet of the organization with more power. "The People" is not among that group.

Also Gold curtains are stupid, and unpatriotic. RWB only please.

He will get the United States involved in a costly and bloody war with Iran in obedience to Bibi Netanyahu and the central bankers.

Yes, that is a very realistic scenario. Did you see who he licked Bibi's ass in the press conference?

I'm so confused by what Trump's presidency actually means for America. I can't tell if he's trying to turn things around one step at a time, or if this has been the plan since his election. Split the public like always, appoint a bunch of bankers into cabinet positions, and have scandals become the distractions that get "behind closed doors" bills passed.

His Jewish ties keep me from trusting him 100%. But in more time we shall found out more.

Stephen Miller seems to be a bit of a self hater considering his bromance with Richard Spencer....

Ok (okay)

To seek the position of potus you have to crave power over your fellow man. A government of hierarchy will never be the answer. A false idol will never save you.

Excellent point.

Deportations are proceeding at an awfully slow pace.

Can you show me at what rate deportations have gone previously and at what rate they are going now? Also, is this statement a hunch of yours, something you heard on tv or do you have actual numbers showing a slowdown? If you can prove it is a slowdown, can you also provide any info that this slowdown has been caused solely by Trump's actions or policies and not just the random flow of things?

This guy has a shit load of karma for a 10 d old account

David Brock's people are very busy today. Must be anticipating some info that needs to be corrected.

Lol look at my other comment string with him

I'm gonna make it -100 tomorrow.

Sorry, thought I'd replied to the wrong comment. Yeah, there's definitely an agenda here. Does make you wonder what they're anticipating will need a 'correction,.

Paid Commercial Reddit account , seeing more and more everyday. The organic accounts will get tired of being buried eventually and leave , then all the commercial paid accounts, will be paying to try to convince each other

You noticed in your ten days that this sub is very pro trump? I feel like this is a survey to be used for something else later.

I'm an oldfag actually. I lost password of my old acc.

What was your old account

I don't remember.

Well tell your guys they can buy my account for a large sum. Would be more believable

Who r my guys?

You had to know that I was going to ask what your old account was, originally you stated you lost your password. If you didn't know your old account why would you say you lost your password. Your question says you noticed this sub being pro trump yet your account is ten days old. So you are implying that you have been on here a while and recently noticed it became pro trump, so ten days is not a while, and how long has it been? I haven't played poker stars in 5 years but I remember all three of my names I used.

You are also saying that you just happened on Reddit ten days ago and accumulated 10k in karma after a long recess and apparently a bout with amnesia. That is impressive

BOOOM One shill down!!!! Keep up the good work SR

I can't use multiquote. Ask one question at the time and I answer then ask next question after that.

Nah I'm done with you

Losers give up. Have fun with your non-arguments.

Losers give up? I think you have to give up then lose. Giving up doesn't mean you lost until the game is over and score is settled. You can't even formulate an insult correctly

Look they made a video about you


You did use the liberal quite well in this exchange, after being caught you brought up irrelevant information "can't use multi quote" knowing I would not do what you ask, you then deflected the entire conversation by calling me a loser and resulting to insult hoping I would get angry and return the insult to completely get off the topic of your shill account being compromised. It has been a pleasure.

Well, you gave up cos you lost. I happy to answer questions. I get called all kind of names daily racist antisemite sadist nazi white nationalist(which I am) but never before a shill. That's quite offensive and you should apologize immediately.

Again giving up causes you to lose. You cannot lose then give up because the game is over anyway so why continue to play a game that is over? They should hire smarter shills if they want to achieve the expected result, up the shill budget.

Nice work! Now let's see them downvote you to hide their shame.

Shots fired! +15 XP

Lmao it's like when a cop asks you, "when did you buy the coke son?" You're full of shit buddy.

yeah what was your old account

He believes that Supply Side Economics > Demand Side Economics.

He is putting together a Goldman Sachs administration just like everyone administration before him.

He speaks too casually, most politicians every single thing they say or do is perfectly planned out beforehand, their sentences are perfectly constructed so as to not offend anyone, everything they say is clear and concise so that the dishonest media can't easily use what they've said against them.

Trump is opening himself up to the onslaught from the media by being vague or speaking in rhetoric, Trump is a wet dream to dishonest journalists, every single press conference he holds there are numerous things you can twist and distort to use against him.

It's either naivety or a complete disregard to what the media thinks of him, both are dangerous. A massive chunk of the population are forming their opinions on him based off headlines from the media.

You ask that we prove that we are not followers by telling us to follow what you tell us to do

Context is everything mi amigo.

He sucks Israel's dick, and by extension Saudi Arabia. This makes most of his stated foreign policy objectives self-defeating, and makes the idea of draining the swamp, which is also owned by Israel, complete bullshit.

Are you expert on the JQ? Have you read Culture of Critique?

Nope haven't read it. My outlook is from bouncing around the conspiracy world for 20 years or so. Is it able to walk the line of talking about what Israel does without a deep swim into neo-nazi propaganda? If so, I'd love to read something like that.

It's purely academic and the single best work about Jews.

Judging by the reviews, that actually looks to be the case. Thanks for the tip man, I'm downloading them now.

Yeah, BUT he isn't bought. He hates iran, but he supports Syria. It means he isn't bought yet. We'll know when he'll be sold out when media will start to support him.

I don't think he is all the way sold out at all. I think his alliance was poorly considered. I hope he turns on Israel once they piss him off in a spectacular way. But, not really holding my breath.

Who the fuck cares whose political party people associate themselves with? I ain't gotta be a certain party to know a good conspiracy when I see one. That's one good thing about this sub, it unites us all regardless of creed.

The annoying thing is that this thread simply isn't a conspiracy at all.

It's hopefully going to be removed as it's not appropriate for this sub. But then people will complain about the mods being pro Trump, etc.

Maybe if people stopped posting threads about him that aren't conspiracy related, the mods would stop having to delete stuff!

Personally, I don't think its reasonable to arbitrarily just automatically assume that he is a puppet of the system. Most of the people I see making that assertion only back it up by saying 'well, he's friends with the Clintons; or he made a statement about Jeff Epstein; or Mercer (or whatever the fuck his name is), or some of his cabinet members are questionable, ect. There hasn't really been a concrete or conclusive argument or pattern.

If you are going to say that he is just a puppet, then that implies that the whole media / political and celebrity war against the Trump administration is essentially a big play/make pretend. I know there are a lot of people here who believe that, and I think you give the 'system' way too much credit. These people, regardless of much money they have, are still a bunch of incompetent idiots at times who make mistakes like any other human-being - they aren't gods (like they want you to think they are). It takes years of effort and huge amounts of money, and major risk just to compromise all these people in the first place; let alone have it all just be make pretend.

I don't doubt that a bi-product that they enjoy for all the collusion and warring is the public turning on each other and keeping themselves busy fighting - but it seems pretty obvious to me that that is only a side effect, and the real big picture is that there is a new big guy on the block, and whatever webs they spun is in danger.

The friendships and alliances that may have existed with trump in the past don't really matter - trump's admin seems to have their own new agenda compared to the globalist one that we are used to; and this presidency is business, not personal; so people will undoubtably be betrayed.

All of that being said, I will offer some things I wish Trump would do better - I wish he would do a better job uniting the 'left' and 'right' public - some people will always refuse to like him, and thats fine - but I wish he would change some of his rhetoric, and maybe be more vocal and receptive to some of the environmental concerns many people are having with him. I think he has already made it clear that he isn't anti-lgbt and he isn't anti-muslim, even though people refuse to let it go. So, idk

You need to read more serious journalism.

Gold decorations on everything is tacky.

Stephen Feinberg's appointment to review the intelligence community isn't just asking the fox to guard the henhouse, it's giving the fox some firewood, a kettle, and some chicken seasoning to do the job.

Dyncorp is a subsidiary of Feinberg's Cerberus Capital. One that's been "losing money" but is somehow still viewed as a valuable holding.

7000+ karma on a week old account with 17 posts, top one coming in at almost 400 upvotes.

Gtfo man, you're not a real person, an average joe on reddit.

17 posts is not accurate. I shoaed them while back. It's very easy to get karma by funposting at TD. Unfortunately they banned me.

No. You're trash, man. Get out.n

You're trasher. Get out yourself, cuckold.

Lmfao dude you are absolutely a shill. " I got all my karma from fun posting to the Donald" you mean the 3 posts you submitted that totaled to about 400 karma? K

I've had multiple front page posts there, mate.

I only see 3, at least on this account, what did you say your other account was again?

I shoaed my older posts.

who you think you are?


I think the Israel bit is theatre. He can't just show them his hand, Israel already hates the fact that he's America first and wants to end ISIS (founded by Israel and Saudi Arabia). That being said, his view on net neutrality sucks.

That being said, his view on net neutrality sucks.

Yes this is bad but have you entertained the thought that he doesn't actully quite understand it lmao?

plenty wrong with him. Israel, lack of public action on saudi arabia although i am starting to think Iran is the true saudi arabia. The reason I ''shill'' for him is because out of all the options at the time, he was the best of the bad guys. He is pretty real, which is refreshing, but the whole israel, saudi relationships are weird. Perhaps its part of a bigger picture that i don't see but those who countries in the middle east are pretty much root causes of mega problems.

I also don't like that there are crackpot republicans in high positions in the white house knowing full well they were anti trump for the get go. That is just stupid.

wow all that karma in just 10 DAYS nice job OP. Not suspicious at all.

How much karm you think would be acceptable? 700 karma per day is like one succeeding post in TD. Go to sleep, you're tired.

It's almost like it's your job to post on reddit or something hahaha

Reddit shills doesn't exist. It's an altright conspiray theory to slander people.

Reddit shills doesn't exist.

nice gaslighting bro

He hasn't arrested Clinton yet

What was your old account

yeah what was your old account
