Holy Shit Sweden is basically the Soviet Union now

48  2017-02-19 by [deleted]



Check out this Facebook group from Sweden praising Trump and laughing at our ridiculous media.

That's the cop who spoke out, right?

Yes, but it's blowing up today after US claiming there's no problems at all in Sweden.

Sweden won't report refugee related crime statistics in case it might be too offensive - http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/01/18/sweden-blocks-data-crime-immigration/

Interesting because the quotes don't mention it being too offensive, seems as though the author just made that up to push a narrative. It's not like the article is from breitbart or anything.... oh wait

But it's not made up... the Swedish government is really hiding the numbers. PC left are just as scared talk about crime statistics in America.

How idiot!

There's a complete blackout of the paris riots in r/europe. Why the fuck do they do this to themselves? They'd rather let their cities burn and women be raped than admit they're wrong. God help them.

We're not doing this by ourselves. Were being forced by our governments, the EU and the evil puppetmasters who control them. Sad...

So fight back. We elected Trump, UK left the EU, now it's your guys turn. Take it upon yourself to make a small difference.

My country's elections are coming up soon. I will do my very best, thanks :)

Hey good on you man and keep fighting. I don't think it's hyperbole to say we are in a fight for our nations right to exist.

Can you explain to me the Ukraine referendum? I'm ignorant of the circumstances and context of that situation.

The Dutch Ukraine–European Union Association Agreement referendum was a referendum on the approval of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, held in the Netherlands on 6 April 2016. The referendum question was: "Are you for or against the Approval Act of the Association Agreement between the European Union and Ukraine?"

I remember we needed 400,000 signatures to even make the referendum possible, with some 17mil citizens. Thanks to the like of Thierry Baudet and Geenpeil, we got more than the acquired amount. And we voted the Association Agreement down with 61% against it. Too bad it wasn't binding and our government doesn't want to listen to the people. I think they at one point literally made the argument that, even though 61% voted against, the people that didn't vote might've voted for and we can't ignore their voices.

But doesn't that make the EU stronger? Not saying it's a bad thing, but this essentially adds Ukraine to the EU right?

Yes, exactly. A country who at that moment was in full civil war. Most of us did not see that as a good sign (most of us have not a lot of trust in the EU anymore either). The poking of the bear that was Russia did not sit well with me personally, especially after the MH17 disaster. I have no real clue who was behind it, but the immediate and harsh blaming of Russia (which is the top strategy these days it seems) made me very skeptic.

Again, I don't have the feeling our government, the EU, or even our own countrymen in the EU (looking at you, van Dijsselbloem) are fighting for the people. This agreement felt very forced, and wrong. Just like the TTIP. And just like TTIP, they put another paintjob on it, renamed it and pushed it anyway.

Still waiting to see if trump election matters. I want to believe but until I see some people tried for high crimes and misdemeanors I'm skeptical. Just for example think about mk ultra and how not that long ago or was. There are people in the CIA now that need to be in prison, and the executive branch damn well knows who they are.

this is what we'd be going through right now if Hillary won.

Europe is cucked and lost. i feel sad for their women and children.

Paris riots? Please enlighten me I haven't heard of this

Riots in paris for the past week. Just go on twitter and type paris and watch the videos.

Where can I read swedes defending rape? And saying they're okay with it if it makes them feel more comfortable?

Honestly want to see it if it's true.


That's ridiculous. No swede would defend rape. It's not an accepted thing here, contrary to what some idiots believe.

Dude don't believe OP. This is just he new narrative that Trump is trying to push through his supporters so scare the country into his stupid policies. Notice how OP has no sources? How are OP and trump supporters the only ones seeing these comments from swedes? Right because it's just stirring the pot. Don't forget Sweden has one of the lowest violent crime rates in the world, and their rape rate is in fact one of the highest in the world (statistics are from 2010, before their acceptance of 160k refugees), so the actual facts don't fit the narrative they are pushing


ni e för fan helt jävla efterblivna allihopa. hur fan kan ni gå på allt jag fattar det inte. (youre fucking retarded. how can you believe everything being spread to smear sweden. i dont fucking get it. youre being fucking brainwashed. so you can start thinking "well at least we dont have it as bad as in sweden". man. i would fucking love to take you all on a tour of my hometown of Malmö. (which to most of you is a no-go zone right? SMFH)

Hur är situationen där egentligen? Det har varit ett tag sedan jag läst svenska nyheter. Siffrorna från Migrationsverket verkar tyda på att läget är under kontroll men de är ju bara siffror.

Dajsjdjxbshsnsjjdu jskIs sjakanshsj shahsvsudbgshaba hsnshKansbusb I don't speak Swedish djzhaja abskanshzjsnsh

helt ok. visst fan sker det mord och explosioner. malmö är en jungel och det finns farliga människor överallt i världen.. så det är som det är. men jag trivs, min mamma trivs, min syrra trivs.. alla jag känner trivs!

Exaggerated af /swede

I find it interesting that Sweden is the country that falsely charging Assange with rape. As if they had something to gain off keeping the heat off the Clinton campaign and US military response in Europe.

Something is fishy with Sweden, the United States and NATO.

What do the Swedes have to gain off of control of oil to Europe?

Oh here it is

OPEC, Russia oil battle heats up as Sweden buys Saudi crude

Sweden has financial motive buying oil from the Saudis over Russia.

I find it interesting that Sweden is the country that falsely charging Assange with rape.

When did Sweden charge Assange? AFAIK He has only been wanted for questioning.

You are right he has not been formally charged, but still wanted for extradition in reguards to aquisitions. Thus is a main reason why he is holed up in the embassy.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assange_v_Swedish_Prosecution_Authority

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Someone doesnt like Trump?? They're literally pedophile apologists... you have absolutely no grounding for what you typed other than you're butthurt some swedes dont like your president...

It'll be harder for them to take away our rights here in the US if we stop importing immigrants.