Is /r/conspiracy being intentionally flooded with "pizzagate" nonsense by paid Russian operatives?

0  2017-02-20 by [deleted]




I say smile, and you say go go go....

How the fuck do you know?

he's putin's cat obviously

Because OP is nonsense...

OP is nonsense for asking a simplr question?

OP has left the building

Haha. No.

Haha. Yes.

How do you know?

how does op know what he knows?

OP doesn't, that is why he/she is asking a question. The only thing OP is claiming is that pizzagate posts get flooded here.

You only know what you know, y'know...


It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, it would explain the sudden influx of pizzagate posts in light of the new story about Donald Trump and Felix Sater's lawyer Michael Cohen.

The sudden influx of pizzagaters was because they shut down R/pizzagate r/projectbeirenstein and we were banned on every other sub...

/r/pizzagate was banned a while ago.

Well our research is paying off and we are posting results

Why aren't any of these pizzagate posters are interested in Michael Cohen as well? Don't these pizzagate posters know about the old KGB/CIA honeypot tricks?

we are- our agenda is where the truth leads us.. If you have information please pass on to Voat

Will do mi amigo.

The name is a bit of a hint, innit?

Check out thread starters profile. Downvote and move on


ITT: Russian shills?


I'd kinda like to go on vacation in russia. I'd buy some of them fancy eggs

There's probably less propaganda there.

and sweet-ass fancy eggs

As long as their not sweet ass-fancy eggs, I'm in.

in soviet russia, egg sweets you

First part yes, second part doubtful.

Just simplify it and answer "nyet" please, saves a ton of digging

When r/pizzagate was unduly shut down, a lot of people came here. Others went to voat, and a lot of people did both.

Paid Russian operatives, though? What? Lol

If anything /r/conspiracy is one of the last places on the internet that is trying to discern the truth about the world we live in.

What I find interesting is the increase of meta posts concerning the nature of this sub by accounts that are 6 months old or less.

It's almost like a coordinated effort by an outside group to consistently provide disinfo and discourage and dialogue.

As long as their not sweet ass-fancy eggs, I'm in.