Trump quotes fake FOX news about a supposed Swedish terrorist attack, and it backfires on him graciously. But Trump supporters don't care if their God-Emperor watches fake news, right?

0  2017-02-20 by russian321


Except he never said Fox News was fake news.

It's still fake news though

Did it backfire? Here you are, calling attention to Sweden, which is facing a crisis due to their open borders and welfare state.

I think that's good, people should be aware of the dangers of open borders.

Rofl, amazing spin you got there.

Did it backfire?

In the non-Drudge, non-/r/T_D, and non-Faux News world it did.

How's that?

How's that world? It is filled with more facts and figures and less dank Pepe maymays.

I meant, how did it backfire?

You got guys like Chris Wallace and Bill O'Reilly attacking Trump now, along with many other MSM outlets sans Breitbart.

But here's the thing--the media is so disgraced that No One Cares besides the usual whiners.

Not saying this is a good thing. I'm just saying it. I've talked to numerous people about this. The people who've been freaking out over every little thing are freaking about again, nobody new gives much of a shit beyond a shrug and "There he goes again."

Still not answering their question.

you mean like these facts and figures, that people are looking in to and talking about now?

Definitely sounds better.

Some would argue trump does this on purpose to shed light on real problems in the world. I am still unsure if he is a brilliant mastermind or just being used by some brilliant minds.

The latter, Roger Stone is giving Donny J a lot of advice right now.

Yea that conforms with my beliefs anyway. They are doing what they always do. Making "good"(not saying trump is necessarily good but..) people do their dirty deeds. Only giving half the story to get certain results.

Sadly I don't think trump is able to see through it, or isn't a part of it to begin with. A grim outlook either way.

Do you ever get tired of defending your master?

I'm not defending him just offering a point of view. If you want my personal personal opinion on trump I believe he is corruptable as any human and already is at some level (just like any human).

It's just really hard to swallow anything the government is saying while propaganda is legal. It might just be an elaborate act and he is just another guy waiting to enact the plan though. I'll put my money on him being a corrupt buisnessman in a world unfamiliar and he's in way over his head.

It's un-American to be so subservient to lies!

Sir, are there no limits to lies you will digest?!

I took it as a nod to the big Swede pedo ring taken down a few days ago. The way the press has jump on this makes be believe they are really worried about the implications of breaking similar schemes operated by elitists here in the US.

Glad someone caught the fucking reference I was really losing hope.

Sweden is now the rape capital of the world. They are in big trouble.

I'm American. I use to dream of visiting Sweden, Germany, France, and England. But not now! The Sweden, Germany, France and England that I fell in love with (from books, movies, and pictures) doesn't exist now. Very sad.

(from books, movies, and pictures)

I'm willing to bet the Sweden, Germany, France and England that you loved never existed anywhere other than outside your own head.

Who cares about the US being mislead and lied to though, amirite? All hail the godemperor. /s


Are you fucking stupid? The society of Sweden, Germany, and France have been absolutely FUCKED due to terrible vetting compared to how they were operating years ago. If you're going to deny that then you're obviously just a grade F shill.

Yep, that's totally how you have a conversation with someone when they disagree with you. You've really inspired me to fall in line with Donnie Moscow.

Yeah your comment history has also really inspired me to fall in line with facism as it's obviously the best for our world. /s

Since you have reviewed my comment history, please quote me and show where I support and preach fascism.

Everywhere, you may not see it due to your cognitive dissonance but I think you should wake up and realize that the main thing is you're being controlled by people who are actual fascists and who have actually spoke of their motives. What you say may not be fascism at some times, but your whole movement is pure fascism ranging from distruptj@20, to this fucking propaganda, to our own government creating a terrorist organization. I have to deal with on this site. I USED TO COME ON THIS SITE TO HAVE AMAZING TALKS WITH PEOPLE AND NOW WE'RE ALL SEPARATED BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING ELITES AND OBVIOUS BRAINWASHING. I am gonna keep doing what I've always known and that is keeping america a safe nation. I was like you people at one fucking point and I got fucking copped in with the whole bernie bullshit to only figure out that he'd eventually shillout for hillary and that's the moment I knew there was something fucked, and then I actually did research and have a very clear conscious now knowing our country will start to become better again.

I'm interested to hear what my "movement" is since you seem to know. I'll wait for you to explain it to me.

I just told you what your movement is, how your movement works, and what it's making you do and you still want me to explain something to you? Good job grade f shill, you clearly didn't read my reply I wrote kindly for you clearly enough and couldn't see that I called out your fascist party pretty clearly. All of you shills ask for research on why you're considered fascist when it's right in front of your fucking face. YOU ARE CONTROLLED BY FASCISTS AND THEREFORE YOU ARE ONE IF YOU ARE STILL PROMOTING THEIR AGENDA. Good bye shill have a great night.

Well, no you didn't.

You gave some run on explanation and typos that didn't make a lot of sense.

You attempted to equate me to fascism and failed. But judging by your post history, if someone disagrees with you, they're fascist shills and you won't listen to them. That's fascist behavior. Do what I say, not what I do.

As far as what I believe, of course the MSM is owned and run by billionaires who push their agendas. The flip side is they get some stuff right sometimes too.

Being a registered independent, I fairly confident you couldn't tell me what my agenda was even if I held your hand through a power point explanation of it. The primary focus however is to not bow down to billionaires and politicians who only care about lining their own pockets at the expense of everyone else. That seems to be more than can be said about yourself.

if someone disagrees with you, they're fascist shills and you won't listen to them.

You do the exact same thing please. LOL. You tell people that their lord is Donnie Moscow just to stop their narrative. It's pretty stupid to call someone fascist in the sense that they disagree with someone on the internet. I can't physically stop them from typing to me unless if I blocked them and I don't tend to do that so in the end I get to enjoy looking at their mistakes and correct them on it.

Being a registered independent

yeah not really with the comments I see lol, better change that.

I've done plenty of research buddy, that's honestly why I don't really care what you libshits have to spout about with your false narrative bullshit I hear way too often, because I've already heard all of it.

of course the MSM is owned and run by billionaires who push their agendas. The flip side is they get some stuff right sometimes too.

I mean clearly they're going to get things right buddy, but I don't think you truly know how often people like CNN skew their research and add a little propaganda here and there.

overall I just don't have time to research for you buddy, but I hope you have a great night

I'm not your buddy, guy.

Don't need to you're controlled by them that's all I gotta say.

And you're clearly controlled by your godemperor.

This is called divide and conquer.

Any politician who tells you they're going to make your life great "again" is flat out lying to you.

Since I'm not toeing the gop'ers party line, you immediately claim I'm on the other side and refuse to listen to anything I say. I don't aim to divide and actually enjoy discussing politics and conspiracy but this die hard, unwavering support of Czar Donnie is simply strange to me and deserves to be called out.

throw out some more key words there, mate.

Don't be so obvious.

"Donnie Moscow." LOL.

Lol you've never been? I've been to Europe 3 times in the last 4 years and I can tell you it's nothing like FAUX news would have you believe. Sweden is beautiful with amazing people and immigrants.

Then I wonder why there are so many videos like this on youtube. Also, I'm not making it up that Sweden has renamed the rape capital of the world.

Also, when I go to Sweden, I want to see Swedish people (not immigrants).

Oh....uh...just a few bad apples?

Also, when I go to Sweden, I want to see Swedish people (not immigrants).

Do you even know how stupid you sound? Of course you don't.

If you want a homogeneous society, go to Japan, or China. Europe has had immigrants for centuries lol. Learn some history and wake up

I'm not an idiot. You know exactly what I mean.

What do you have against immigrants? I could say the same thing about the US "when I go to America I want to see the native Americans, not the descendants of immigrants who raped them and stole their land"

Lol like I said, wake up people

there is a awful not of assumtions going on there. clearly a biased page

Thanks for coming in and responding to a 13 day old post. I've posted evidence and statistics. If you want to refute, do the same. Every news source has a bias, don't discredit it just because the stats are against what you believe.

was linked here. i confused you with that other guy. here is a swedish news source with relevant stuff.

and yes, every new source has a bias, but they are not on the same degree, some are worse than others. that one uses a language more befitting of a comment field

Sweden has renamed the rape capital of the world.

that name comes from white supremeist groups where they ignore the reasons for the rape statistics going up. sweden has very liberal laws on rape, and its processed differently. if one person rapes you once a day for a year, in USA that would just be counted as one case of rape, while in sweden each rape would be counted individually, so where you would get 1 rape in the statsistic in usa you get 365 in sweden. Here are some false truths often spread about sweden

Sweden is now the rape capital of the world.

I would say Sudan or South Sudan takes the cake for that.

Wow! Who raised you? You are not a very nice person. Why do you think most people travel to other countries?

Wow! Who raised you?


You are not a very nice person.

Am I not a "very nice person" for having the audacity to challenge your baseless statement? But with that being said, I know I am not, I am a extremely nice person.

Why do you think most people travel to other countries?

Idk, I can't speak for most people.

So those stastic prove that Sweden is the rape capital of the world huh? You really believe there are more rapes in Sweden than the Sudan or Democratic Republic of The Congo?

I never said that, or implied it. They do, however, have a significant amount of rapes. Primarily from the immigrants. Do you deny that?

Well you attacked my comment which made that specific point so...

So you don't deny that Sweden has a significant amount of rapes, and the rapes are primarily committed by immigrants?

So you don't deny that Sweden has a significant amount of rapes

I think a big reason why Sweden has had more rape charges being issued is because they changed their definition of rape a couple of years ago. Sweden has some of the most "liberal" rape laws in the world, for instance in my home state, shoving a close hanger up someones ass without their consent isn't rape, so I think there is something to be said about that. But with that being said, there is no denying it, immigrants are being arrested more for rape than Swedish-born people.

Here's a quote from the wiki:
he legal definition of rape in Sweden is described in chapter 6 in the Swedish Penal Code.[1] Historically, rape has been defined as forced sexual intercourse initiated against a woman or man by one or several people, without her/his consent.[2] In recent years, several revisions to the definition of rape have been made in Swedish law,[3] to now not only include intercourse, but comparable sexual acts initiated against someone passive—incapable of giving consent—because they are in a vulnerable situation, such as a state of fear or unconsciousness.

So they added in forcing someone to have sex via fear, or having sex with an unconscious person. Both I would definitely classify as rape. I'm not seeing anything that ISN'T rape in their new laws.
Sounds like they're classifying rape as rape now. They changed their definition for the better.

If you had ever been to England you would know how wrong you are. Besides from city centres being a bit more multi-cutural and everywhere being more modern, its the same old England.

If you think we are swarming with terrorists or its not safe or whatever then you have been played for a fool by the news

I've never been to England. But England is #1 on my place to visit (if I get the chance). :-)

I swear this is festering monsoon of intentional dementedness.

Have you ever even been to Sweden, Germany, France or England?

No. But I do read. I don't get my news from Fox news either.

(Honest curiosity) where do you get your news from?

Well, I do watch Fox News occasionally, but that doesn't mean I trust everything they say (I don't).

I watch lots of videos on youtube. I also like these two websites to get news from:

Honestly I'm not judging your opinions at all, I just think that it's important to visit countries before you make a judgement.

We all have preconceived notions and a lot of the time we may be pleasantly surprised to see that not everything is what the news shows us. We only get a small picture of the worst events most of the time. We don't see day to day life and even the most unbiased source cannot capture the true essence of a country.

Again, no judgements here, just encouraging travel.

PS - I get most of my news from YouTube too!

Well, travel for some people is easier than others. I have a child with autism. So travel (taking an airplane flight across an ocean) is not a good idea right now.

Yeah I totally understand. My nephew had severe cerebral palsy so we've had to put our travels on hold as well. Travel obviously isn't a priority.

I'm glad you understand. We only travel by car, because we can control where we go, when we make stops, etc.

I think its hilarious, people are actually talking about Sweden now

I don't see anyone talking about Sweden and 'rapefugees' that wasn't already jerking themselves raw over it.

He never referenced a terrorist attack, he referenced refugee violence

Over the years I can't even begin to guess how many times I have had smug pedantic types lecture me by reminding me that "The President knows things YOU don't know, so shut the fuck up".

And now I know that The President gets his facts by, for example, misinterpreting a vague generalization that Fox News makes about life in Sweden as a real event happening now.

Where in his quote does he talk about a terror attack?

Hey look at that, another fake news submission. Talk about a term backfiring :(

If it was fake news that just further proves trump's point about fake news. That's not necessarily bad for him since everyone is being fooled by fake news all the time.

It's been debunked. Wake up

Who debunked it?

The almighty MSM

if someone disagrees with you, they're fascist shills and you won't listen to them.

You do the exact same thing please. LOL. You tell people that their lord is Donnie Moscow just to stop their narrative. It's pretty stupid to call someone fascist in the sense that they disagree with someone on the internet. I can't physically stop them from typing to me unless if I blocked them and I don't tend to do that so in the end I get to enjoy looking at their mistakes and correct them on it.

Being a registered independent

yeah not really with the comments I see lol, better change that.

I've done plenty of research buddy, that's honestly why I don't really care what you libshits have to spout about with your false narrative bullshit I hear way too often, because I've already heard all of it.

of course the MSM is owned and run by billionaires who push their agendas. The flip side is they get some stuff right sometimes too.

I mean clearly they're going to get things right buddy, but I don't think you truly know how often people like CNN skew their research and add a little propaganda here and there.

overall I just don't have time to research for you buddy, but I hope you have a great night

No. But I do read. I don't get my news from Fox news either.