Donald trump knows exactly what he's doing and is trying to motivate the american people to stand up and give a shit to produce real change.

48  2017-02-20 by [deleted]



how is your opinion a conspiracy?!

con·spir·a·cy kənˈspirəsē/Submit noun a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.

Just don't see how that would be a bad thing - but, I suppose it would depend on who you ask.

Got anything else to share about it aside from an opinion?! Any articles - vidz?!

Please elaborate.

Globalism vs patriotism.

Pick one.

Globalism please!

Well you better fight really hard little Katie because it looks like you're going to lose.

Wonder if she voted for crooked Hillary... r/politics is calling


What change?

lol yeah

This isn't the politics sub

No, but every now and then one of these posts slips in here and it makes you wonder if today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves' . . . 'Here's Tom with the weather.

Fake news! Tom was fired last week, that's George.

You deserve to be a writer bruh. You're more than just a Redditor in my heart.

It's a shame Bill Hicks died, he'd have loved this material. /s

the problem is he doesn't know what he's doing, he's just winging it..

otherwise it would be much smoother than what's happening.

Thats not true at all - he has intelligence backing him, and so far it has been extremely methodical - the blowback from the media and liberal politicians is literally resistance from their exposure as frauds

If that were true his immigration order would have stood up in court, Goldman Sachs would not be in his cabinet and his team would at least spell check what they are sending out.

Well if he managed to "just wing it" and beat all other candidates, it doesn't say much about their abilities either.

Much smoother? You mean if the left accepted his presidency, instead of trying to sabotage the country.

Cool incorrect opinion that has nothing to do with this sub. Go back to T_D. Bye.

Donald trump is making America the laughing stock of the world

Really? I'd say that's Sweden, Germany and every other failed Liberal country.

But then again the country/world did nothing but laugh as Trump "against odds" won the presidency.

Additionally, who cares what the rest of the world thinks? Do you think China has respected the US prior to Trump?

I don't think china had much respect before or after trump broke the one china policy with the phone call to Taiwan.

I don't see how laughing at someone who may have made a mistake is beneficial. Additionally, Trump didn't pander to Racist, rather that many racist don't want immigrants here because " they want to protect the white race" or so BS. Any candidate that supported a Border " including the Clinton's was supported by racist's, but that doesn't mean they are racist or pandering to racist.

Our Freedoms and Liberties have been under attack long before Trump. In case you forgot, it was Bill Clinton who signed the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, and Bush with the Patriot Act. Both Democrat and Republicans have attacked our constitution, and both Parties are against Trump. Only time will tell what Trumps true intentions are, everything else is a presumption based on very little evidence that isn't just speculative.

I despise Clinton more then I do trump, only that's because trump worked for the Clinton's and was called by bill Clinton and told to run

I browsed through the links, and I agree Trump and the Clinton's were definitely associates or acquaintances, and possibly friends. However, how many people lost friends this year over their political beliefs? It's also possible that over the years Trump and the Clinton's grew apart over various issues. I'm sure you'd agree that the elites are currently is large disagreement with one another.

One point that I did find disconcerting, though hopefully just a coincidence(we should research) was the "boys and girls club" reference in Collection No. 2015-0940-F

America has already been setup for a failure for quite a while. Such as with Obama and the feds holding interest at zero for 7 years in addition to quantitative easing, among disastrous policies.

If you, or anyone else wants to have a civil discussion about concerns with Trump, and refrains from ad-hominem attacks and name calling, I'd love to discuss it. I do strongly believe that we need to keep a close eye on Trump, but let's try to keep an open mind on each others arguements.

Okay sure, I want to discuss this civilly and look at the facts. The facts say trump was called by bill Clinton days before trump announced running and weeks after hillary announced she was running link

Did you catch that?

we laugh at trumpeters when you realize

I'm not sure what you're referencing.

Btw. Your comment ' we laugh at trumpeters when YOU realize,' when you substitute 'you' instead of "they," you make the statement a personal attack, instead of a general insinuation that some or all Trump supporters are ignorant . Not sure if you were aware of your phrasing, or intending to be offense, which is not a sign of someone who wants to do anything other than reaffirm their rational in an echo chamber, because it doesn't entice most people that hold a different opinion.

I'm sorry let me rephrase that.

I will be laughing at the trumpeters when they realize trump lied to get into office.


r/S? Perhaps some or even many will be in actual shock. However, it's a bit naive to think that the majority of folks that are older than 30 would be surprised by someone holding a political position to have lied. Everyone lies to get into office, some more than others. Whether it's "Hillary flip-flop," or "sell out Bernie." Sure you could argue that Bernie was threatened, but the Wiki-leaks showed this was planned.

And again, briefly enjoy your laughs if you must. But it'd be wiser to use the opportunity to share you enlightened thoughts and educate them. I largely restrained from bashing Bernie supporters because they had well meant intentions, and instead of beating them up, it'd be more useful to persuade them to vote Trump by finding a middle ground.

You Post link, is reasonably well thought out and a valid argument. I suppose only time will tell whether you will get your laughs. However, I think you may have failed to realize that unless Trump was confident he would win it would be foolish to bash the future President, especially for a global businessman and with the Clinton's global connections.

It's call deceit. People pretend to be friends for very selfish reasons, mostly personal gain, though sometimes because they also don't want strong enemies.

Bill and Hillary had a lot to offer Trump in exchange for donations, such as tax deductions and loosening restrictions on his business enterprises.

If I was wealthy I'd probably donate to a president I hated if I could get something I need out of it in exchange. Also, they could have been legitimate friends and grew apart for a variety of reasons.

Bill Clinton called trump and encouraged trump to run days before he announced running.

The theory that Donald trump is not controlled by money and that some how he is not associated with the 'establishment' is the lie trump sold his followers and which you will learn he was nothing more than a pawn piece. Used to set up America to became invaded under the pretext that aMercia is now bat shit crazy. We are the laughing stock of the planet now.

He is not prosecuting hillary like he said he would.

The fact of the matter is trump was a democrat til 2010 He supported abortions and universal healthcare. He and his family have donated large amounts of money to the Clinton foundation.

The wiki leak emails did show they threatened bernies brother. And that Bernie would never win. Voting is a sham. I voted Ron Paul in 08 back when Donald trump was endorsing hillary Clinton. Fuck off with your 'probably still young'. You must then be old and dumb if you actually believed trump

Your missing the forest for the trees. I used The persuading Bernie supporters as an example. Instead of laughing you could use the opportunity to increase you odds of Red-pilling vulnerable Trump supporters towards whatever narrative you believe in, providing you have ample evidence. You may be correct that voting is a sham, however, neither of us know for sure.

I agree that Martial law has been and still is slowly happening.

Actually I am half Hispanic and a 3rd generation immigrant and my GF is a 2nd generation Chinese Immigrant. Also, the US was/is a Republic, not a democracy, although we are closer to be an Oligarch. Though, even if I were "an older white Trump Supporter" I'd still have much to worry about. Trump is no guarantee even if he was completely legit. Our country is well beyond repair and at this point it's mainly about minimizing collateral damage and a salvage effort to delay the inevitable collapse.

Your comment about Mexicans being deported is false, only Illegal immigrants are being deported. And this law has been in place for a very long time. I do support a temporary Muslim ban, however, you are correct in that is a slippery-slope and could lead to others groups being attacked. Islam has not yet had an enlightenment phase and is still a conquest ideology that's incompatible with Western Values and Religions. I'm agnostic and western philosopher and in my studying of Ancient Middle Eastern and Western(Greece,Rome, etc) countries Islam has been a conquest nation since Byzantine empire. Initially Islam was more tolerant of Christians and would just tax them, and prevent them from olding office, now they kill them.

I worry greatly about the future of this government, especially with the COG policies and shadow governments.

Undocumented Immigrant= Illegal Immigrant, and that in of itself is Illegal. They already committed a criminal act by illegally entering the country, or overstaying their visa. No additional laws need to be broken to be deported, though illegal immigrants that have committed additional crimes should be the initial focus.

I'm afraid you are confused. Only the terminology has changed, not the illegality. Originally it was Illegal Alien, then Illegal Immigrant, then Undocumented immigrant, and now they are trying to call it Undocumented Citizen. The terminology was changed to soften the meaning of the word, a technique frequently used by Leftist, particularly Marxist.

Undocumented immigrant is an illegal immigrant, only the phrasing was changed. I encourage you to research this for yourself.

Regarding Muslims. I was speaking for myself, and not on behalf of Trump, or anyone else. Many countries that are Muslim majority were not banned, such as Indonesia. Also, the list of banned countries was created by the Obama administration.

Saudi Arabia, well you correct on this one, however, dealing with SA is a very complicated Geopolitical, and Economic manner.

I'm aware of the Cia and Bin Ladden. They didn't hate us as much, before we invaded, however, western values and non-muslim religions are an enemy of Islam, so eventually we would have been in their cross-hairs. We stirred up a hornets nest.

Also, 15 out of the 19 terrorist from 911- Well considering the false flag nature of 911, I wouldn't make any assumptions about who the actors were.NOTE: Actor is a political science phase, and not an "actor" like someone who plays a part in a movie.

I agree that if we had stayed out of the Middle East things would likely be better and we may not be having the Islamic acts of terrorism we now have. However, unfortunately the US economy is supported by the PETRODOLLAR and many other countries use the US dollar as their reserve. So, until the petrodollar is replaced any country that wants to sell oil without using the US Dollar is going to be at war with us. I agree it's fucked up.

America is known for freedoms and liberties of those who embrace and accept America's values. Islam kills gays and enslaves women, how is that America's values?

Islam has been spreading through conquest or by cultural displacement in their high birthrates. Islam has conquered many non Western countries without violence or terrorism. "Jihad," the Muslim holy war against Christians and others, has raged for 1,300 years with bloody conquests in Europe dating from campaigns to convert the infidels in the 7th century to today's random acts of terrorism in the name of Allah. Yet this huge unrecorded "hole" in European history has been censored and stifled by political and literary authorities who have feared reprisals from angry Muslims trying to hide a legacy of brutality vastly more bloody and six times longer in duration than the atrocities of the crusades.

This is the engrossing factual account of the immense and little-known Islamic military invasions of Europe, and the major players who led them, beginning around 650 CE. The Islamic Arabs (and later the Moors) occupied a number of the Mediterranean Islands, and invaded Spain and Portugal in 711 CE, and ruled over much of the Iberian peninsula for the next 800 years. France was attacked and invaded, as was Italy, and the European coasts all the way to Ireland and Iceland. The Muslims swept over the Balkans, besieged Vienna, and were intermittent masters of Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary into the 19th century, destroying the Byzantines and conquering Constantinople (turning it into Istanbul). Ambitious and unrelenting, the Muslims also sought to conquer Austria and Russia There are 4 major stages, and even without being provoked they conquer using the below techniques.

Phase 1

Muslims begin moving to non-Muslim countries in increasing numbers and the beginning of cultural conflicts are visible, though often subtle.

Migration waves to non-Muslim “host” country. Appeal for humanitarian tolerance from the host society. Attempts to portray Islam as a Religion of Peace and Muslims as victims of misunderstanding and racism (even though Islam is not a ‘race’). High Muslim birth rate in host country increase Muslim population. Mosques used to spread Islam and dislike of host country and culture. Calls to criminalize “Islamophobia” as a hate crime. Threatened legal action for perceived discrimination. Offers of “interfaith dialogue” to indoctrinate non-Muslims.



Muslim immigrants and host country converts continue demands for accommodation in employment, education, social services, financing and courts.
Proselytizing increases; Establishment and Recruitment of Jihadi cells.
Efforts to convert alienated segments of the population to Islam.
Revisionist efforts to Islamize history.
Efforts to destroy historic evidence that reveal true Islamism.
Increased anti-western propaganda and psychological warfare.
Efforts to recruit allies who share similar goals (communists, anarchists).
Attempts to indoctrinate children to Islamist viewpoint.
Increased efforts to intimidate, silence and eliminate non-Muslims.
Efforts to introduce blasphemy and hate laws in order to silence critics.
Continued focus on enlarging Muslim population by increasing Muslim births and immigration.
Use of charities to recruit supporters and fund jihad.
Covert efforts to bring about the destruction of host society from within.
Development of Muslim political base in non-Muslim host society.
Islamic Financial networks fund political growth, acquisition of land.
Highly visible assassination of critics aimed to intimidate opposition.
Tolerance of non-Muslims diminishes.
Greater demands to adopt strict Islamic conduct.
Clandestine amassing of weapons and explosives in hidden locations.
Overt disregard/rejection of non-Muslim society’s legal system, culture.
Efforts to undermine and destroy power base of non-Muslim religions including and especially Jews and Christians.

Phase 3

Open violence to impose Sharia law and associated cultural restrictions; rejection of host government, subjugation of other religions and customs.
Intentional efforts to undermine the host government & culture.
Acts of barbarity to intimidate citizens and foster fear and submission.
Open and covert efforts to cause economic collapse of the society.
All opposition is challenged and either eradicated or silenced.
Mass execution of non-Muslims.
Widespread ethnic cleansing by Islamic militias.
Rejection and defiance of host society secular laws or culture.
Murder of “moderate” Muslim intellectuals who don’t support Islamization.
Destruction of churches, synagogues and other non-Muslim institutions.
Women are restricted further in accordance with Sharia law.
Large-scale destruction of population, assassinations, bombings.
Toppling of government and usurpation of political power.
Imposition of Sharia law

Final Phase

Islam becomes the only religious-political-judicial-cultural ideology.

Sharia becomes the “law of the land.

Freedom of speech and the press eradicated.

All religions other than Islam are forbidden and destroyed.

All non-Islamic human rights cancelled.

The host citizenry offered the 3 Choices – Convert to Islam, be Enslaved or Die.

Widespread slaughter, genocide of non-muslim population. Their property confiscated as war booty. Enslavement (Dhimmitude) of compliant non-muslims. Must pay a heavy annual tax (Jizya) for privilege of staying alive.

Destruction of all evidence of non-muslim culture.

Young girls are married to old men. Such men may ‘enjoy’ their infant or child wives through kissing and thighing but intercourse is forbidden until the child is 9 years old.

Apostates are threatened with death.

“Honor” killings are routine. Women are legally second-class citizens, enjoying a status somewhere between human beings and domesticated Livestock. TabariIX:113

Lastly, I agree all religions have been conquest oriented at one point or another. However, Christianity and Catholicism in the west have gone through a reformation and the "old testament" torture and conquest has mostly dissipated.

I will watch your youtube link "Dennis K" and reply in a new message.

I appreciate you keeping things civil and look forward to your response. Btw, I just finished my Masters in Finance and Political Science, so I enjoy discussing with people who hold different views than my own. It's all about learning and improving each others understanding

'Islamic acts of terrorism' is not the only terrorism we face.

THere's the guy who shot up the planned parent hood in Colorado.

Dylan roof was a terrorist who shot up a black church where Martin Luther king was from.

Timothy Leary was also not a Muslim.

In fact all the Muslims I know are very hospitable and nice people. They never killed anyone. All my friends who have served over seas says the same about the Muslims. They are nice and understandable people.

There are few fanatics who just like the people who kill abortion doctors take their ideas to extremes. The more you divide and label people the less good you do at 'finding common ground' with those who are not the same as you. The shame is you find people to be 'illegal' . People fleeing dangerous places with a family to support. But to you, they are illegal. Do you have any idea how hard it is to become a citizen? Do you know how much money it costs???? How can you blame a man from trying to save his family by coming to America? Esp if he can't afford to do it..

The problem with the immigrants that ICE never deals with, is the people who employ them.

I agree, people of varying colors and religions commit horrible acts of terrorism.

I too have Muslim friends, Jewish Friends, White, Black and Chinese friends, none of which are Terrorist.

But this is a straw-man argument. You haven't addressed my last argument , instead you proposed a new argument and presented as though it defeats my argument. You are thinking with Emotions and not fighting me with facts.

I suspect that one of these topics might be "close to home" for you, and I want you to know it's not personal. I'm sure if we met and had a few beers we could find at least a few things enjoyable throughout the evening.

I'm not putting a permanent label on Muslims. I'm simply saying that Western countries such as: Germany, Sweden, France and Italy have all had skyrocketing terror attacks since they started taking it refugees. The problem is obviously very complicated, and I, nor 99% of people know how to resolve it. All I said is I support a temporary ban while we try to work on better understanding the problem. There is a lot of Muslim hostility and whether it's justified or not, Muslims will be treated poorly and potentially become extremist as a result of it. So we need to pause on Islamic immigration until we have identified a better solution.

" The shame is you find people to be 'illegal' . It's a federal law, not just my opinion. Illegal is a legal definition and not a moral relativism argument. Many things in other countries legal, but in the US they are Illegal. Or Vice Versa. Alcohol is legal in the US, but illegal in many Eastern countries.

"People fleeing dangerous places with a family to support. But to you, they are illegal."

Again not to me, it's a federal law. I emphasize with them(sincerely) however, there are also millions of people who are patiently waiting for a chance to legally immigrate as well, many of which are in similar bad situations. Is it fair for others to cut in line and take their future?

It's called agency, one must take responsibility for their choices even if they "aren't their fault" They decided to have a family in a bad country, not the brightest idea. Don't think for a minute I've had an easy life. I was beaten a child and diagnosed with Bi-polar and Adhd disorder at age 14 and placed in a government facility for 4 years. When I was released I had not found a stable medication treatment and soon turned to drugs and alcohol. I spend several years of my 20's homeless and 9 years as an addict. I can't compare my life with others, but it wasn't one of " white privilege."

Think of the US as a lifeboat. We will try to save as many as possible while staying afloat. If we take too many immigrants we sink and everyone loses.

Do you have any idea how hard it is to become a citizen? Yes, my GF's parents waited 10 years. My best friend pays nearly 7k per year in attorney cost and has to stay employed at least 5-7 years to maintain his visa and hopefully be given citizenship. Additionally, regardless of how hard it's, you shouldn't cheat others who are working hard to legally gain citizenship

Do you know how much money it costs???? How can you blame a man from trying to save his family by coming to America? Esp if he can't afford to do it..

I don't blame the man for wanting to help his family. I don't judge him, and in all honestly if I were in is position I would do the same.

But this isn't about THE or ANY man, it's about preservation of America. America cannot afford to save the world. In case you didn't know Mexico's largest economy is from Mexicans living in the US sending back money to the US, US tourism, and US companies that are setup in Mexico. In fact, Mexico's central bank reported Mexicans in the US sent nearly $24.8 billion home in 2015, overtaking oil revenues for the first time as a source of foreign income. SO the US is helping Mexico, could they do better? Perhaps, but even with a BA in economics and an MA is Finance, I couldn't answer that questions, nor could most top economist come to an agreement.

"The problem with the immigrants that ICE never deals with, is the people who employ them."

I completely and strongly agree, the businesses who employ illegals should face severe consequences, both financial and jail time.

Whereas, Unless Illegals voted or committed crimes other than illegally immigrating they should not be jailed or fined, simply sent back to their original country. And I support allowing them to apply for citizenship.

"I have no 'narrative' I push for, other than the truth. And humans need to quit being divided and conquered and look up to the stars instead of fighting one another."

I too seek truth, and agree on working towards not being divided. However, some cultures are not compatible with one another. Shit, half of marriages end in divorce, and we all have family members or relative that we can't stand. How do you expect people to all magically co-exist peacefully?

I don't think Muslims or Illegal Immigrants are bad people, that's moral relativism and it's not my place to say one is better.

I will continue this conversation once you have made an honest attempt at responding to my last post. You have understandably have resorted to straw-man attack and other logical fallacies, and unless you respond with a factual based argument then I can only conclude you need time process and either need to concede and accept you cannot counter my points, or are restrained as a result of confirmation bias and cognitive dissonance.

Nobodies taking any bodies future if everybody is allowed to come into America.... you are a blabbering gas bag of utterly useless knowledge defending ones ignorant and bigoted ways of ignoring the very obvious racist intention with the television actor president playing the card to provide a platform for people to justify labeling and punishing one for the issues not related to an individual that had nothing to do with 'terrorism'. If you truly think 9/11 was an inside job, and false flag operations are a common theme with our govt manufacturing terrorism, surely what role do you honestly think Muslims did in these terrorist acts? The San bardino shooters, guess what came of that. The iPhone Apple court battle with unlocking it for the FBI. Right? Taking away more liberties and seeing how the public was going to react. If you think the Boston bombing marathon had blackwater operatives or the craft soiliders working that day and the words from the kids face book talking about him being set up. If you think the govt is manufacturing these attacks, why ban Muslims? Surely you should know this is not solving the problem.

Further more your last last post was so long and drawn out it had absolutely no point then saying I'm set on the Islamic religion and how far some texts go that other Qurans suggest none of. But whatever, that shits beyond the point that our govt trained these terrorists and have done so in the future and continue to do so now. And while they do it you are going to sit here and defend them banning people from entering this country from the same war torn country they made?! Shame on you. Shame on you for labeling a whole religion not acceptable to come into this country.

" you are a blabbering gas bag of utterly useless knowledge. Simply defending ones ignorant and bigoted ways "

So were Back to ad-hominem attacks? Perhaps Marxist indoctrination convinced you, but I will stick to rational empiricism, ya know facts.

bigot: a person who strongly and unfairly dislikes other people, ideas.

"If you think the govt is manufacturing these attacks, why ban Muslims? Surely you should know this is not solving the problem."

The problem is vastly more complex, and again quit with the straw-man attacks. I said some of the attacks were likely false flags. Not to be confused with definitely were false flags, or ALL of the attacks.

"Shame on you for labeling a whole religion not acceptable to come into this country."

Islam forbids and kills Christians among other non-islam followers. And again, reductionist argument. Indonesia is the largest Muslim inhabitating country, and they are not banned. I never said all Muslim followers are bad, or that even most are. I said that there is a problem with many Islamic extremist coming from numerous countries and that I support TEMPORARILY banning , until we can find a way to verify who and what the fuck is going on

Unfairly? Don't try to lecture me on morals. What you fail to realize is I once was like you and sang the song of the left. Then I grew the fuck up and studied economics, philosophy and political science. I took agency and went from a homeless drug addict to a 6 figured earner, entirely on my own, well I did receive grants and partial tuition assistance. But I didn't have family or friends to help me and blaming or making excuses didn't solve my problems.

"Shame on you for thinking Mexicans who flee drug poverty land are illegal because they can find better jobs and send their kids to a college and create a future for them simply on a different part of the planet"

I see your resorting to the Leftist last ditch effort; attempting to exploit emotions, instead of using facts.

Illegal immigration deprives others who wait to Legally immigrate.

" had a family in a poverty ridden war zone, and you had the option of entering a safer place, or not entering at all, you would do it." I already said I don't blame them, and I would too. There not bad people and It isn't personal. Is it ok to steal if your hungry?

The law saws no. Whether it's right or not, it's not up to you or anyone else to decide which laws to follow or break. Change the laws, of piss off.

" Or maybe you just happened to have a family that was able to set you up and you could pay $7g's in attorney fees to enter this country after waiting ten years....."

Nope, he works 3 jobs and is constantly stressed. Learning to perfect English also helps

Lastly, you've already shown you cards, either you or family/relatives are likely illegal immigrants or Islamic, and you are unable to rationally and civilly discuss this, as you are emotionally involved and unintentionally selfish. That or you just another Indoctrinated Self-deprecating Marxist.

"You took economics," NO, I majored and have a Bachelors from a top UC and I work fortune 500 lending firm and in Commercial real-estate.

This concludes our discussions, as your last two replies have been nothing but ad-hominem attacks and emotional responses.

I wish you the best, and I understand where your coming from, for I too was once young and idealism filled my head with delusions. It was very hard to accept that Capitalism is currently the worst; except for the rest.

I will save you the time of replying, as I am blocking you. I have too many discussions at hand to include individuals who use straw-man and ad-hominem attacks.

If anyone else would like to resume the discussion using facts and refraining from ad-hominem attacks, or logical fallacies, I'd be up for further discussion. I have not qualms conceding when someone presents a superior argument. The point of discussion is to improve our perspectives and change flawed beliefs. Therefore I don't care about winning or losing, because being RIGHT isn't the objective, it's about improving.

Equating marriage to this issue is pointless you keep going so far off path to justify your think with irrelevant correlations... yes half of marriages end in divorce.. Why!!?? Because humans can love more then one human, and time changes stuff. Love is not a constant variable. Think of the money, the kids, the bills. All of that and to make another person marry someone is dumb. I'm glad people find the right ones sometimes but most the time people do it for the wrong reason. But in all honesty marriage was nothing more then a tool created by the wealthy to continue lineages and marry into wealth or sell of daughters. It was a way men enslaved women. Families forced kids together against their wills in Asian cultures. It's quite sick when you learn how marriage came about. And honestly it's sad because all humans have ever known is why they are so confused with their feelings and why they are told they can only love one person. But that's a whole other talk.

European terror attacks it's a bad website but true facts. The same reporter who filmed two terror attacks is married to an Israeli secret service women.

I will look into it, thanks. I'm aware that there have been numerous false flags blamed on Muslims. Some of which may include the San Bernadino and Boston Marathon attacks.

Again, I or 99% of people know for sure what is going on. And I support helping refugees of war, however it doesn't have to be in Western Countries until we can identify what is going on, I'd rather take a conservative approach. Many of these immigrants have not verifiable documentation because their countries don't have official standing governments and fake passports are also widespread Why aren't Eastern Countries importing immigrants? Also,there are remote areas that refugees could temporarily be relocated to.

Additionally, the majority of the recent European bound Refugees are Economic refugees and they specifically seek out Germany and Sweden because they give them the most benefits, including food, housing, and even cash. The immigrants are largely ungrateful and demand that the hosting countries provide them with the comforts of their homelands. It's one thing to take someone in, it's another to say make yourself at home, IE: eat my food, use my bath towels, etc.. But their essentially demanding that they fuck our wives in our bed(metaphorically speaking) Though, if your unaware check out the rape epidemic in Sweden, among other countries. I have 2 classmates from Sweden, 1 from Italy and another from Germany, all have fled their home countries with similar stories.

There wouldn't be the migrants if America hadn't ruined Middle East relations.

So are we to believe that you never made bad decisions or mistakes? Did you vote for Obama or Bernie? How'd that turn out?

It speaks volumes about your character that you would enjoy laughing at people making mistakes. Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed a few periodic chuckles about the lefts meltdown, but I wasn't waiting around for it and I didn't advertise my anticipated enjoyment. Mostly, I tried to find a common ground, especially with my liberal friends that are gay, or Hispanic felt personally threatened by Trump winning. And I haven't lost any friends as a result, we either resolved it, or decided to not discuss it for a while.

Though, I suppose this level of maturity may come with age. I certainly didn't think this way in my 20's. So perhaps it's not your "fault" as your still young

So you admit that there are lines created by this force

Your telling me about offending people? Anyone who thinks trump was a republican, has not been paying attention to history.

So most trump supporters are ignorant. They were ignorant of the fact trump was a democrat until the year 2010 They were ignorant of the fact trump was pro-choice They were ignorant of the fact trump was pro-universal healthcare They were ignorant of the fact trump supported Clinton in 08 They were ignorant of the fact trump donated 101k-250k to the Clinton foundation when it was under red flags by charity watch organizations

I said you might offend some people with the way you structured you sentence. I wasn't offended.

"So most Trump Supporters are ignorant" In general most people are ignorant, regardless of their political beliefs. And I hardly think you can define someone as ignorant based on a single belief that may or may not be ignorant. Imagine if I said that most Bernie Sanders supporters are ignorant because they lack an understanding of economics and their idealism is the reason they would ignorantly support socialism. Even if that's was what I believe, it doesn't contribute anything productive and would put people on the defensive instead of having an opportunity to explain perceived flaws in their logic. In reality we'd have a lot in common, and most of our disagreeableness would be over how we resolve the issues that we mutually identified need fixing

I was aware of all things you said most Trump supporters are ignorant of.

Out of curiosity.. What Trump supporters are you basing your deductions off of? Media depictions, Reddit or Youtube? which are largely a younger demographic. What criteria are you using to determine that someone is ignorant?

You shouldn't broadly label someone as ignorant based on a perceived flaw(even if correct) over such a narrow sampling of their "intellect."

I'm sure you know, or have at least met very intelligent people who are incredibly naive or ignorant about something and it boggles your mind how someone so intelligent, could be so stupid. Additionally, I'm sure you know that most people behave quite differently in different social environments, and the internet is by no means an exception.


Please stop posting here Mr. President. We will never stop being suspicious of you.

Not a fucking conspiracy. Go back to r/the_donald with this fucking shit.

Anti Trump shills in here.

Or people who just AREN'T brainwashed into thinking a billionaire con artist gives a shit about them. Funny how that works, ain't it?

Pro Trump shills here. How much is the establishment paying you?

See how easy that is?

Jesus christ. Its so cute people pretend that Trump isn't from the same system. Lets all just forget that Trump and the Clintons all hung in the same circles.

I'm not saying Trump is/isn't part of the system, however, many business men and women associate with people they don't like, simply because it's profitable.


Am I having deja vu or have I seen this post before and the same comments? Anyone else?

Trump is just as bad as Clinton. Look at his staff. The idea is to convince us that there is conflict between the deep state and trump so that he can implement their policies without scrutiny or resistance. If you think a president is capable of standing up to the cabal you are deeply naive.

Why is this here? Go back to t_d and let this sub get back to normal, please.

That's an optimistic view of what a billionaire globalist wants to do as POTUS.

Or people who just AREN'T brainwashed into thinking a billionaire con artist gives a shit about them. Funny how that works, ain't it?

Globalism please!


Pro Trump shills here. How much is the establishment paying you?

See how easy that is?