If Milo Yiannopoulos was a liberal there'd be 10+ posts on this front page connecting him to pizzagate

309  2017-02-21 by Tabnam

It's time to stop pretending you care about pedophilia


We do care. I'm a Mom.

Nothing has linked him to pizzagate.

And I don't think pizzagate just involves liberals either. I think it involves some Republicans and some Democrats.

Every single pedophile accusation gets linked to pizzagate here, though, is my point. Even obsecure events some how come back to it. As soon as a conservative poster boy, though, is outed as a genuine pedophile there's nothing but silence.

It seems as though a lot of the concern is disingenuous, and people only care about the kids when it fits their narrative.

He is not a pedophile. He was 13 and someone did something to him. Big difference.

yeah he just defends the practice of older men doing that to 13 year olds to give them the love and support they don't get at home. You'd be ok with that? Your offspring fucking a priest? That's what Milo is normalizing and speaking in favor of.

That's what Milo is normalizing and speaking in favor of.

Sounds like something a liberal would do.

Milo is not a liberal.


We're here discussing an actual conservative who literally just said this and has not even attempted to deny it, and this is your only contribution? To try and deflect from an actual, real world event to an imaginary hypothetical scapegoat on the other side of the political spectrum. I cannot think of a better way to illustrate OP's point that the entire pizzagate controversy is just disengenuous manufactured concern used to attack the other political party.

We're here discussing an actual conservative who literally just said this and has not even attempted to deny it,

He has denied it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=osFtCcpFrXI&feature=em-uploademail

Did you even look at your link? He's not denying it. He is trying to excuse what he said by saying he's an abuse victim and he jokes about it as a coping mechanism. He is trying to change the way his comments are interpreted. He is not denying he made those comments. Jesus dude it's right in the title. You didn't even have to watch it.

He didn't defend it against 13 year olds based on the comments from Rogan.

The priest incident that he talks about happened when Milo was 17 (age of consent in his country) and that he was the one who was the aggressor in the relationship with the priest.

On Joe Rogan's podcast he said he was 14 and he said he was fucking adult drag queens starting at around 13 and it was all consensual. He also defended the priest by saying "believe me.. at 14, I was the predator; not him." Stop making excuses for a man making excuses for kid fuckers.

A child cant consent.

No they can't. Cause of the whole brain development thing. You know, the reason scientifically why that is abhorrent behavior.

The alt-right is distancing themselves from him, I guess he's of no use to them any more.

On Rogan's podcast Joe was asking for an age, Milo said teenager. Joe said what 13-14? Milo said something like that but never gave a definitive answer to Joe on his age at the time. I listen to Rogan pretty regularly and I've seen this podcast multiple times, I know exactly what was said and how the interaction went. Stop trying to Gaslight people.

Still illegal.

You realize that whole conversation started because Joe was asking how old Milo was when he lost his virginity? The whole age question was in reference to Milo himself. Stop gaslighting people

He refused to oust the paedophile priest too, like who knows how many lives that cunt preist may have ruined yet Milo refused to say his real name on the podcast.

The relationship with the priest happened when Milo was 17, the age of consent where Milo lived at the time was 16


So convinient. Also I don't count 4chan as a legitimate source.

Yup, kinda of what I expected, don't agree so discredit the source

Explains why kbsnugz thinks his behavior is ok now.

This isn't gaslighting... later in that same conversation Milo said "Believe me Joe, at 14 I was the predator" which is basically admitting that he was 14 at the time it was happening. You are the one who pulled 17 out of your ass. If Milo was 17 and that's the age of consent he would have simply replied that he was 17. He was coy about giving his age because he would have been admitting that the priest committed a felony.

No, Milo has gone out of his way to clarify that the relationship with the priest happened at 17.


Milo was referring to being the predator at the age of 14 in regard to conversation regarding losing his virginity to drag queens.

Yes.. Milo has gone out of his way to try to defend his statements retroactively now that he's losing a 250k book deal and a lot of his fans are not happy with what he said. Be shock there... he is going back in time and saying he was 17 and everything was a misunderstanding. Who woulda saw this coming....

All these Milo comments that are being paraded around are at a minimum a year old, the Drunken Peasants stuff is even older. The Drunken Peasants audio was even clipped by the majority of media where he states he's in agreement with consent laws. That podcast is 2 years old.

The video below is really well sourced and gives a run down of everything. Including the Reagan Battalion being run by the former CIA guy McMillan. The Reagan Battalion was the group that originally clipped and edited the video to my understanding.


Unless the Reagan Battalion made Milo defend an adult priest fucking a 14 year old I don't care what their motivation was for wheeling this stuff out now. I saw it when it happened on Rogan as it was happening. I was disgusted then and surprised that none of his fans gave a shit. I'm glad some people give a shit now. Milo is not a good representative for conservatives to be lionizing. I know that his fans love that he "triggers cucks" and all that goofy internet troll horse shit but at the end of the day he's mostly just a shithead.

Part of the disagreement is going to be caring about motive. I do care why they waited until now and went back years to get comments.

I don't believe there is a moral high ground to have on any side of the political spectrum. I think allegiance to any ideology is counter productive as it means people develop bias based on this idealogy. Once that happens the ends always justify the means, once the ends justify the means you get the alt-right and the regressive left.

The reason they waited until now is because they are happy to have Milo being a wrecking ball against SJWs as long as he stays on the fringe. They don't want to be lumped in with him but they like that he disrupts the left. Once he started getting mainstream attention and an invitation to speak at a CPAC conference they realized they need to knock him down before that conference or else the left will knock him down after the conference and everyone at that conference will be associated with the guy who make excuses for sexual assault of minors.

Very interesting how it was 17 now all of a sudden.

You don't think he would lie like that, do you?

"Believe me Joe, at 14 I was the predator"

There is no way 14 year old milo would have been in control of that situation and some potenitally nasty stuff he didn't understand may have happened to him. He is obviously saying this to cope by giving himself some agency when he was being groomed.

Victims of abuse do this as a coping strategy. If they can rewrite the past so they were in control of the situation it makes it much easier to deal with.

Thank you for typing this. 9/10 times this type of "speak" is a coping mechanism, do you really think a priest got badgered into that type of situation?

I can relate to what he said. From 14 on I was full of sexual energy. I was throwing myself at older guys by 15. It doesn't mean adults should act on it, but there are definitely 14 year olds aggressively seeking out sexual encounters

My god, One light!

I have to give credit to Sargon of Akkad for this perspective he said it best.


He totally defended it, he defends pedophiles and hatred towards others who aren't white.

This dude is a piece of work.

What are you talking about?

He doesn't defend it at all, I've listened to and watched the Rogan podcast multiple times and the Drunken Peasants podcast is a couple years old. Stop Gaslighting people on the subject.

He's not against non-white people, he's against the bigotry of ideas. This is the category he puts BLM, Islam and feminism in, which he isn't incorrect to do.

Minors cant consent and him bragging about adults taking advantage of him sexually is defending their behavior.

he's against the bigotry of ideas.

Which is why he came out and said it's ok for people to call gay people faggots, yeah he's really against bigotry./s

Stop Gaslighting people on the subject.

Learn what gas lighting is, just because what I say upsets you doesn't mean I'm gas lighting you.

By your logic any minor consenting for contact with another minor is a crime.

It's perfectly fine to call anyone a faggot, even gay people. Kinda the point of free speech.

I know what gaslighting means, it's kind of like editing a clip to make it sound like Milo is not in favor of consent laws which he is, as stated in the original Drunken Peasants podcast cast


By your logic any minor consenting for contact with another minor is a crime.

This is a strawman.

It's perfectly fine to call anyone a faggot, even gay people. Kinda the point of free speech.

It's disrespectful to call people out of their name and trying to normalize disrespect of others is apart of the bigotry he's trying to spread.

I don't have time to sit around and watch clips with you but I saw the joe rogan comments and have seen enough of this dude, his own company is talking about throwing him under the bus so that's all I'm saying.

It's no more a strawman stating that they cannot consent at all when they most certainly can. It's the nature of consent you have a problem with.

It's disrespectful in your opinion. I believe in free speech so if someone wants to call someone a faggot good for them. Trying to limit free speech by pushing the feelings agenda of those that want hate speech laws is disingenuous.

Not surprised you don't have time to watch a videos and review the sources.

it's no more a strawman stating that they cannot consent at all

Wtf does this even mean? If you're underage you cannot consent.

It's disrespectful in your opinion.

are you really trying to say that calling some one out of their name is not disrespectful right now... Dude get out of here I'm not gonna play this game with you.

So you're saying that a 14 year old can not consent to a relationship with another 14 year old. If they do they are both the victim and abuser of each other? This is why stating they can't consent is a strawman in itself. Teenagers most certainly can and they do so on a daily basis with other teenagers.

Your problem is with how the word consent is being applied. You're applying consent it's literal legal definition in regards to consent law. I'm applying it on the standard dictionary definition on the basis of social interaction of a particular age group (13-15yr olds) interacting amongst themselves.

Clearly your taking the speech part out of context. It does not matter if speech is disrespectful or not. There do not to be hate speech laws.

And I'm not surprised you ended with an ad hominem attack statement.

This conversation isn't continuing, I'm not going to babysit your strawman comments.

Hahaha, I'll state why this is funny at the end.

That's priceless. Pointing out that standard dictionary and legalese definitions are different is a strawman.

You say they can't consent based on the legal definition. Which is correct, in most states the age of legal consent is 16-17. However it is 18 for signing contracts or participating in contests.

I say that they can and do consent with peers in the same age demographic based on the standard Websters definition. The vast majority know this is true due to their own individual experiences.

You run away

It's funny because we're both right, you from a law / legalese standpoint and I from a social interaction and demographic based standpoint.

The current written laws even acknowledge the difference between the legal / standard dictionary definition due to the additon of Romeo and Juliet exceptions in the states consent laws.

You really think I have an interest in your comments still.


Not a fallacy when it's accurate representation of reality in terms of interaction in an age demographic.

Says there is no interest, replies anyway. Cognitive Dissonance at its finest.


Yet you're still replying lol


He doesn't defend it at all,

we've all seen the videos, it's pointless to try and misrepresent them

Guess who just got fired?

I'm not going to that website, archive it?

thats why he outed three pedophiles and has black boyfriends? Got it

You think having black boyfriends doesn't make him a racist?

Have you seen midnight porter?

so what was racist that he said then?

I never said he said any thing racist but it's clear that he praises the views of his company which considers it's self the "platform for the alt-right".

the alt-right that has a half jewish cross-dressing 'dangerous faggot' with an addiction to black dicks? How nice of them to actually listen to what this man has to say instead of judging him by his appearance.

Are you aware that there used to be black and jewish nazis?

yes, like George Soros, but it doesnt matter, because Milo has never said anything pro-nazi so your post is completely irrelevant.

He works for a alt-right platform and helps o push ideologies.

Why are you even sending me comments you just keep backpedaling.

alt right =/= nazi 'ideology' =/= nazi

why are you even sending me comments i have no idea what your point is.

You can't understand my point I've made it perfectly clear, try reading my comments slowly.

try repeating it in a coherent sentence

The alt-right has ties to other white supremacist groups, using people who they feel are inferior is nothing new.

The alt-right has ties to other white supremacist groups, using people who they feel are inferior is nothing new.

the alt right is not a monolithic group, its a loose term given mostly by the media to multiple groups and peoples. Dont generalize. So I ask you again, what is your point?

what is your point?

The alt-right has ties to other white supremacist groups, using people who they feel are inferior is nothing new. Nothing new at all.

the alt right is not a monolithic group, its a loose term given mostly by the media to multiple groups and peoples. It can describe anyone that is right-leaning and rejects the establishement, specifically the republicans and neocons in the top layers of the US goverment. So I ask you again, what is your point?

The alt-right has ties to white supremacist groups, using people who they feel are inferior is nothing new. Need me to send it to you again or are you gonna continue ignoring my point?

there is no 'the' alt-right




LOL or lol, an acronym for laugh(ing) out loud or lots of laughs, is a popular element of Internet slang. It was first used almost exclusively on Usenet, but has since become widespread in other forms of computer-mediated communication and even face-to-face communication.


whatever man. When losing the argument resort to 'LOL'. And didnt you know, its not lol anymore, its KEK.

nobody under 30 says LOL anymore, its KEK.


no, Kek uses 4chan.

Your boy was just kicked from BB, lol.

and his booksales will only go up, publishers are lining up and at this point he could self publish thanks to the publicity the media keeps feeding him. He evolved far beyond 'writing articles', the man's appearance single handledly causes riots, and he has not even started on pizzagate yet.

Lol you people are a joke, keep drinking his shit though drone.

if you have paid any attention to what milo has been it is that insulting does not stop free speech. Try again when you have wiped away the salt from your eyes.

"I'm not racist because I have black friends!!!!"

not black friends, black cock in his mouth. Aside from that, please tell me what racist things he has said?

If you're talking about Rogan, you aren't talking about the video causing the stir.


I know, the clipped video is the Drunken Peasants video.

Also the Regan Battalion is run by a former CIA employee Evan McMillan who was part of the never Trump crowd. So they definitely have motivation to selectively edit the video.

There is an unedited version of the video available. It doesn't make him look any better.

I've seen it and I'm not say it isn't cringy but it's a cringy topic. It's a topic that every person needs to be very careful in how they word things so they don't get taken out of context and the individual needs to be very clear or comments are twisted.

He does say that he agrees the consent laws as they are now are about right. I don't know if I agree with him on that because I know in the states consent laws vary by state, some states even have "Romeo and Juliet" exceptions to the consent laws. These exceptions make the laws pretty cluttered as they allow a 21 year old to date a 15 year old in some states if a relationship existed when they were both minors.

I find the timing of this odd, there was an attempt to stop him from speaking multiple times for supporting Trump, for having a trolling sense of humor, for comments on BLM/ Feminism, ect... The attempts to stop him from speaking have been done on twitter, Facebook, riots /protests at college campus's and now this.

To me it seems like some groups saw the online responses to the pizza thing and dug up comments made by Milo years ago, just as he was starting to get into the legacy media after being on Bill Mahr, and are trying to get him lumpped into the pizza thing. I say this due to the emotional response this topic creates.

The story just seems to be to well timed to be a coincidence, to some extent it comes off as a possible hit piece.

This story is clearly Evan McMullin trying to undermine Milo's CPAC appearance.

That doesn't make it false.

I would just like to say thank you for having a rational discussion taking in the vast majority of variables regarding this story.

The one counter point I would like to point out is that the part about consent seems to be him referring to the consent laws on college campuses if the whole Drunken Peasants podcast is listend too. They then jump into Milo's own personal experience and it comes off as him justifing his personal experience to himself. I may have interrupted this incorrectly but that is how I took it.

You're not wrong though, he needs to be very nuanced about the topic like he is with everything else or leave it alone

Well, he's been very obtuse about disclosing the exact nature of his sexual histories: He was 13 when something happened to him. He then defended what happened to him, but then caught in the depravity of his own comment, went on to relate that he had a 29 year old boyfriend at 17. But that didn't address his defense of 13 year old pedophilia, it just deflected the conversation.

No, he didn't. He was talking a joke which ended with a punchline "that's where i learned to suck cock so well"

Gallows humour

He literally said that a lot of people, especially in the gay community, learn to find themselves and understand companionship thru the relations they have with older men while they are young boys. It wasn't a joke. He is defending grown men fucking 13 year old which is exactly what NAMBLA does.

Yeah, that was the funny part of the joke. Remember the punchline?

A good joke says something extremely offensive And tasteless and ends with a sarcastic black humour joke.

The punchline turned the term "find themselves" into a dirty euphemism essentially.

I know I don't really have to explain sarcasm to you though, your side is just spewing hatred, bigotry, and rape culture by blaming the victim.

My side? It was conservatives who dug this up because they were sick of Milo representing him and are now probably even more sick of conservatives defending it. Way to give up the moral high ground to defend a sex abuse apologist internet troll.

In before "Evan McMullin isn't a conservative."

It's obvious that these peoples only agenda is to demonize one side while the other side can run rampant with what ever shit they want.

Theres a republican whose currently suing a child he abused for speaking out and this bastard attempting to normalize child abuse and they just laugh about.. Sick fucks.

He never even said specific ages. He did say he agrees with current age of consent laws. Get you shit tier liberal propaganda out of here

Did you watch him on Rogan? He said 14. They discussed him blowing a priest when he was 14 and he said it was OK because he was mature for his age and then said that a lot of kids that age have relationships with adult men and it's very important in their development and it isn't sexual abuse. There is nothing "liberal" about being against sexual assault of minors you fuckin retard.

He said he was fourteen and that he "was the predator". The conversation about "boys" having relationships with older men was about when he was 17 and in a relationship with a 29 year old man. He also said that the age of consent is right, and during his time a journalist has outed many pedophiles. He was abused and is still deeply confused about it, the left hates victim blaming unless it supports their agenda to do so.

This isn't a left vs right issue... Why are you trying to paint whether or not child sex abuse is OK as a political issue. It's not political. Conservatives released these videos so that Milo would be disinvited as a speaker from CPAC so they won't be associated with this shit. They are happy to have Milo on the fringe as a wrecking ball but they don't want him brought into the fold with his troll antics and unfortunate opinions on when kids and adults should be OK to have sex... On Rogan he talked about how at 13 a body is biologically mature for sex and was basically using that as his measure for when it's OK depending on the maturity of the boy.. so if a boy is post-puberty and seems to be mature then it's OK for that boy to have sex with a grown man. That was basically his NAMBLA talking points.

You're focusing on the number 13 like it was some specific numerical point of his.

All over the world, in Canada, areas of the US, and many other countries the legal age of consent is 16.

He was talking in the context of a gay man, drawing correlations between how dating an older man (consensual) can be beneficial to you the same way as teenage girls date men who are older than them.

Is the 19 year old, or 20 year old dating the 15-17 year old a pedophile?

How about the 40 year old man that jerks off to 18 year olds on the internet?

You can draw the line wherever you want in society and someone will always argue. He was speaking on behalf of personal experience as a contrarian to the point that all relationships with people who are older than you are damaging and non beneficial.

He was also speaking from the perspective of a victim, not an attacker.

The correlation that he is a pedophile is really, quite honestly shameful.

Anyone who draws those conclusions is a moron.

Nobody is calling him a pedophile. He is being called a child sex offender apologist because he was speaking in NAMBLA talking points.

No, I'm not okay with that. George Takei and Lena Dunham approve of the same thing too. But they are liberals and no one seems to be outraged over them saying the same thing.

Have you asked a liberal if they like Dunham. I'll give her one thing I'm not a fan of hers but I am a fan of her ability to garner just as much hate from SJW'S as she does from right wingers.

Hillary Clinton loves her.

Hillary Clinton was also anti weed and anti gay marriage... how did that work out for her?

Didn't work out too well for her. :-)


The part about older men giving love and support was about 16-17 year olds. The part about 13 year olds was him explaining the difference between being attracted to pre- vs post- pubescent kids.

If I thought he was actually defending that kind of relationship with someone under the age of consent I'd be right there with you, but that's not the case

Hey 👋 the problem is that children are easily manipulated at that age. An older person with a job can take them out, buy then some ice cream, take them to the park and they think life is grand. Next thing they know they are getting fucked in the ass.

So we have to protect our children until they can make decisions on their own. Like hey, "my body is worth more than an ice cream 🍦 and a trip to the park." Or hey "I don't actually want this old guys dick in my ass." Or "well this seems like he or she is using me, I don't want to do this." And stand up for themselves.

Wow... are you confused about Milo.

He didn't "have something done to him".

Milo's position has always been that Milo was the aggressor, not the older man.

In fact, that is the crux of his argument in the video. He says that certain, sexually precocious teens pursue adults and he sees no problem with adult men accepting and reciprocating those advances.

We can debate those points, but don't misrepresent him.

Okay, didn't realize this.

But Milo was the minor and the aggressor. So would this be labeled as pedophilia? The adult would be called the pedophile, right? So what would Milo be called in this situation? Just genuinely curious, because I don't think the minor is called a pedophile. Is there a name for a minor that makes sexual advances on adults?

The adult would be called the pedophile, right?


So what would Milo be called in this situation?

The victim.

Milo is no longer a minor though, and is advocating for it. Which now makes him the defender of pedophiles.

Fyi he made a facebook post saying that in the gay community young boys usually refer to around 17 years old, thinking back to when he was 17 and had a relationship with a 29 year old iirc

You'd be ok with that if it was your child?

Didn't he say he was 17 and the guy was 29?

I mean specifically the incident that happened to milo he said on JRE he was 17 and the guy was 29

What does the Joe Rogan tape have to do with this? It is entirely different from the video that started the controversy.

Someone who advocates a grown man fucking a boy (and sings its praises) is by definition a pedophile.

Paedos [boy] + philos [love].

A man with the last name Yiannopolous is well aware of what the Greek words translate to. And he was doing it in his own words, advocating man-boy love and telling is all how positive it was for the developmentally malleable child. How his rapist was a warm rock, a provider of love and stability.

Maybe by "stability" me slipped and meant "stab-ability".

I don't think Milo is a predator. He likes MEN.

Except when he slipped and said that man-boy love was wholesome and positive.


The thing about people who were once molested: Psychologically, they shift as they age. The person who was in the role of the boy ages out and, in so many cases, he graduates up to the "Daddy role".

As Milo ages, don't be surprised if he falls into the stereotype.

It was a huge tell how enthusiastic and positive he was about a "loving older man" psychologically altering a mentally malleable child.

"Get 'em while they're young, right?"

Train 'em?

(Fuck everything about these predators.)

I have heard that a high percentage of people that were molested as children, grow up and do the same thing. That is very sad too.

See the movie spotlight

Well, we don't know that percentage. We simply do not have such stats. But yes, if a person was raised in an environment where they were routinely abused and it was normalized, they can end up perpetuating the abuse.

But it is very import to note not all kids who are abused grow up to perpetuate the cycle. We cannot end up being suspicious of all pedophilia victims.

Oh, I know that not all of them grow up to be pedophiles.

I figured you did. Just wanted to state it so anyone who was abused as a child will not feel worried about being labeled a concern. That's all. We should not have to preface such a statement, but I feel like it's still good to do.


You fuckin tard baby. He said it was positive for him because he came from a shit household and his older BF or whatever was a stable male figure. I bet you fuckin money you don't try to be all stoic when a 14yo fucks a hot teacher. You're a retarded homophobic well, retard.

There is a definite difference between a consenting 13 yo and whatever age, compared to what Pizzagate is. Which is human trafficking and torture.

Shut your dumb ass up.

that mindset is fucked up, bro.

What is fucked up? Being a homosexual?

believing that a gay man can't be a predator

User name checks out.

How this can get upvoted?


That kinda proves that he's not a partisan piece of shit like a lot of the pizzagate posters here

Shill. He was raped by fucking priests! That's the elephant nobody is talking about.

How the fuck did you get upvotes? There's literally no connections

Milo has been linked a bunch of times. Too bad it's a bullshit narrative with a bunch of misunderstood or taken out of context comments, that literally had nothing to do with pedophilia, most likely used to deflect from the fact there is major investigation against actual pedophiles.

Maybe the major news networks could spend time focusing on covering actual news, instead of just misquoting people they dislike.

First PewDiePie, now Milo, who are you going to falsely witch hunt next?

falsely witch hunt

Pizzagate defined.

here's a copy paste from a response I had to a similar comment:

Except that the circumstantial evidence around Milo is a couple of opinions and thinly veiled partisan arguments. The circumstantial evidence surrounding Pizza Gate involves property laundering, propagandist David Brock, Hillary Clinton's Secretary of State choice John Podesta, his quirky art collecting brother Tony, highly controversial and somewhat sickening performance artist Marina Abromovic, publicly shared provocative imagery sexualizing food and children, video documentation of the spirit cooking process by Marina herself, a shooter at Comet Ping Pong whose dad has worked in child protective services for most of his life, a dead journalist by the name of Andrew Breitbart who accused John Podesta of being a pedophile years ago, Seth Rich an alleged informant whose murder has yet to be solved, and much more.

But yeah, Milo!

You've got Milo on tape saying teenage boys can have relationships with adult men and that's a good thing. Pretty cut and dry pedophilia.

I would say everything else you listed is "circumstantial evidence" and "partisan arguments". But you are too blinded by your own bias to recognize that.

I agree it's an unhealthy sexual attitude. Still not pedophilia or the act of pedophilia.

Oh, well, that changes everything! You didn't say the one guy was "quirky" or that the other girl's art was "somewhat sickening"! I definitely believe all the crazy accusations are true now. You should have mentioned before about the "quirkiness"!

Why do you think listing a bunch of names somehow constitutes evidence?

It's the lazy corporate whore tool:
internet is being used to pirate music? internet is an evil tool for pedophiles
too many anticapitalist running around? A guy fucking anyone under 21 is a pedophile
now, this kids have a playbook made of regurgitated far right and corporate handbooks, and accusing anyone they dislike of pedophilia is on the menu
or course, when it's one of them it's free enterprise "it's-my-kid-and-i-fuck-it-when-i-want" freedumbs

Yeah is say most pg investigators are waay biased toward the right.

You're a mother and you're ok with some one attempting to normalize pedophilia.

No, I'm not. But I feel each case if different and unique.

Example: When I was 17 and in high school, I dated a classmate who was also 17. Well, his birthday was 3 months before mine. So he turned 18 in January. (I would not turn 18 until April). So for 3 months, he "technically" could have been labeled a pedophile. But he wasn't.

You do realize he slept with people who were older than him right?

Yes. So how does that make him a pedophile? I thought the pedophile was the adult, not the minor.

Go reread my comment I never said he was a pedophile, I said he's trying to normalize the abuse of children.

I need to go back and re-read lots of comments, yours included. I was in a hurry earlier. I am sorry for not reading more carefully. In my defense, I'm a busy Mom. :-)

No one gives a fuck what you are.

Who raised you?

The law in most states I'm familiar with doesn't work that way. Most states have recognized this is a non-issue and created so-called Romeo and Juliet laws in which those near the age of 18 can have sexual relationships because relationships with those of a similar age are healthy. What's unhealthy is a 13 year old having sex with an adult man which is what Milo was talking about.

Just as an aside: states that don't have Romeo and Juliet laws don't bring charges for teenagers in sexual relationships because it's not worth prosecuting. The only case I'm aware of involving something that "fell into pedophilia" (technically statutory rape) despite not seeming like it is one in which an 18 year old highschool student had sex with her 20 something substitute teacher. The law in that state said it was statutory rape for a k-12 teacher to have sex with a k-12 student.

Why do you even think PizzaGate is real? It's been weeks and there still isn't any 'real' evidence linking the big time celebrities to this scandal.

Isn't it time to accept that this Pizzagate shit isn't real?

Like shouldn't we focus on all the stuff our President's making up instead of just making insane connections that aren't there?

I finally saw something they posted that actually seemed plausible, a video that actually could have been some sort of fucked up child abuse video, but when you actually look, it's an art project.

So yeah, back to zero with evidence.

It's all bullshit.

Spirit cooking is also considered "art" by those who practice it. Not saying you are wrong, just some severely fucked up art if that is all it is

Artists are weird fucking people and unless you have business with them, you really should avoid them. But they're typically not dangerous, they just like making people feel uneasy. I suppose in that regard, they're actually quite a bit like internet trolls.

Or the video that was supposed to be of a real child being tortured but it was some fat kid from Jersey torturing his little brother in the dark for some online scavenger hunt.

Sweden is dying because of the huge influx of refugees - rape and crime has sky rocketed. That is not a lie.

"In general, crime statistics have gone down the last (few) years, and no there is no evidence to suggest that new waves of immigration has lead to increased crime," Selin said.


lol using a liberally biased website to make your point.

If I don't agree with it, it's fake news

Says the person who uses a completely biased site to argue the point he disagrees with

Would you like to offer some contrasting stats or proof that the site is biased?

You're seriously trying to discredit one source as biased by linking to right wing blog spam like "Conservative News Service" and "the Horn"? Wow. Just wow.

Blogs and Op-Eds with no editorial control. Yeah, seems very credible.

Because editorial control means so much from MSM

The mokey cage is owned by washington post and the owners of politifact are known supporters of the liberal agenda.

Sorry that slate and huffington post don't have anything on it...

Yes, it does. It gives them way more credibility than some random schmo blogging. Do you even know how a massive news organizations like NYT operates?

the owners of politifact are known supporters of the liberal agenda.

That's just some random, nonsense talking point. Even if it were true, it wouldn't matter. There's no publication that's unbiased. Not one. If they tell you they are, they're lying.

We should not look for unbiased reporting, we should instead focus on objective reporting. That's all that matters.

Three of those sites are extremely Conservatively biased. I also believe the commentor was asking for statistics that counter the statistics they posted.

Sweden is dying because of the huge influx of refugees

No it isn't, it's actually one of the best countries to live in, socialist ideas have taken root there. Scandinavia in general is amazing.

rape and crime has sky rocketed. That is not a lie.




Yes it is. Go to /r/sweden and ask them.

That's literally a lie spread by right wing hate sites.

Believe what you want.

Dude I live in Sweden. We ain't dying lol

Because people on the internet don't ever lie, do they?

Well that's what you are doing right now

They will announce a BIG sting tomorrow. You just wait....................


forgot to add the /s

Oh that makes much more sense now!

Actually up until recently I thought it was mostly republicans.

It was started by the right to smear the left. I have no doubt there are a number of people who believe and care about it because they care about children, but the title of this post is dead on. This sub had been trying to tie every liberal to PG over the flimsiest of bullshit but when something like this comes out they refuse to apply the same logic to the right.

False, it was started because a pedo ring was uncovered in DC & it gained steam due to JA connection with politicians in the area. It just so happened to be during a high point in the political cycle.

Anyone who's in a position of power and around children has the potential to abuse them. They can be Republican or Democrat, doesn't matter.

and priests.

It's actually the other way around - but all parties are involved somewhere.

As for Milo, dude has a decent point, but is still a turd.

What a concept! Thank you!

Well, other than the boy-fucking.

OP making this a liberal or conservative issue clearly knows nothing about pizzagate/pedogate. Totally unrelated.

You think Milo doesn't like Pizza?

Holy shit Donna, nice karma.

You mean my comment karma? I just noticed it!

Well, I'm a Mom. I am always kind in my comments (don't want to hurt people's feelings). :-)

Pizzagate is fictional, it doesn't exist, it has no relationship to reality.

Evidently you do not do your homework. Pedophilia has found to be covered up within our government (and it's officials) since the 1980s. Do your research. Franklin Cover Up Scandal

This speech getting shut down against his will kinda sets up a bit of plausible deniability that he has always been secretly trafficking children..


Not really, they panicked when they saw how glorious and fabulous the speech would be. TPTB are just jealous at Milo guys.

I think many of these users do care. I've seen evedence of this myself trough action of users. Why else put in all this effort, right? But right now many are going to struggle. These kinds of mental gymnastics take a lot of effort! An idol of theirs sounds like a pedophile now. There's PROOF!!!!!1 And so far they've been completely accepting of new information influencing their beliefs in any way so, unstoppable force meet unmovable object.

Cognitive dissonance at its best

Tell me specifically what you thought was bad.

and a MOD of this sub!

Has this really been the reaction? I don't see anyone who seems particularly upset by it. The biggest reaction I've seen is the cancellation of events he's involved with, such as his planned appearance at CPAC.

What's the proof?

Why else put in all this effort, right?

Yeah I wouldn't call that effort, they make stuff up most of the time to distract from what out President is doing.

It's breaking, and for the most part this sub is objective. I cannot speak for anyone but myself, and have my own opinions of Milo prior to this, but you are jumping the gun, here... Most of us do not believe in the left or right of things, and many have had suspicions of (((Milo)))) and his "agenda" for some time...

This sub use to be objective, but you can't deny that there has been an influence of right wing members in the last year or so. The rational, questioning, voices have been drowned out by the far right for awhile now

There are many forces here, but your comment/OP is condescending to the actual users here, of which, I am a part of. /hot is shit, and we get brigaded. Stop making such broad brush statements for a sub of over individual ~400k+ subscribers.... Squeaky wheel gets the grease...

I have no doubt that a lot of the people here are some of the more rational on reddit. However /hot is how we present ourselves to the rest of the world. We could be doing so much good, like we use to, yet we're letting the craizes control the narrative

What are you suggesting we are supposed to do? Hunt down conservative pedos? Tell me in which pizza place they hang out in.

Milo's church

Yeah, let's get back to fucking UFOS. Can't have no right-wingers admitting they are right-wingers in this sub. Best have them go back to being silent about their politics.

I repeat myself here but... If you want to get a more balanced information, spend more time in the "Controversial" tab and browse the comments using "new" instead of "best" or "top"

I forget you can do that. Wow, that's a VERY different looking page. That's some serious suppression, controversial doesn't just mean most downvoted right?

Not necessarily, of you see a post in that section means that it have to be heavily up and downvoted ergo express a controversial point of view or that some people want it buried but in that part they resurfaced to the joy of some and the pain of others

Yeah that's what I thought, thanks for clarifying.

Stop acting like you were ever a fan of this sub. You HATE TRUMP and this is you playing a team sport.

I call out PG nonsense all the time.

I Call out Share Blue Shills All the Time.

And now I calling you out on being here and acting like you have some moral superiority when in reality you are just as bad and equally as guilty as the donnies you despise.

I hate trump, AND don't buy the official story on the attacks 16 years ago. I think there's shills from more angles and agendas than we guys can fathom, and that demanding conformity is the best road to division.

This sub use to be objective, but you can't deny that there has been an influx of right wing members in the last year or so.

Your statement does not seem to be objective.

My statement is fact

Lol oh god the irony.

What? Sounds like your just a liberal with a bone to pick. John is that you?

It's Russia. The far right is being confused with Russian propaganda... all that T_D shit... its Russia. They have a portal to the brains of millions of Americans (phones, computers) and they are using it. Trump is compromised, and maybe also Pizza gate is real... both... maybe.

Poe's law is failing me... I can't tell if you're supporting what you say or mocking it.

The communists were playing the long game!

An agenda he has , pedo I dont think so.

What agenda?

far right

Can you stop posting meaningless terms such as this in a forum where the general consensus is that all of these terms mean nothing and are just meant for divide and conquer purposes?

It really destroys your credibility when you sound like a news anchor screaming "left!" "right!" "alt right!" "far right!".

If you want to tie him to pizza gate, do the research and make a compelling argument. Let the evidence you compile speak for itself.

This sub use to be objective

No, no it didn't. Though its objectivity and bias was never so slanted towards one particular block of people. The Trumpist are so partisan and belligerent about their ideas that it infects every discussion. As if every argument is a linear left vs right framing, rather than the complex and nuanced reality that exists....especially in a sub devoted to conspiracy. Even the mods have dived into the partisan fray.

It really needs to stop.

i got a permaban for using the ((())) on /r/news today. so funny i should see it here.

Makes sense. I have my own opinions on it, but I think it's relevant to point out...

You're pointing out he's Jewish because you're antisemetic, it's not really a mystery to anybody. The real funny thing is that Milo is a devout Catholic and his only trade to Judaism is purported to be one great grandmother. So take your brackets and shove them waaaay up your butthole

you cracked his secret code!

Found the Nazi. It's fucks who use ((())).

Why does calling a jew a jew make you a Nazi?

Lol fuck right off

Could your low IQ brain not come up with a better response? Why should i fuck off for asking a question, you got a problem or what?

low IQ brain

Do you think I'm offended because some anti-semite on the internet thinks I'm worse than them at pattern recognition and problem solving? How much would you wager that, in $$/year I have a higher net worth than you? I don't need to take an IQ test or lash out at more successful people than I percieve myself to be cough(((jews)))cough to feel good about myself as I sit in mommy's basement writing hate speech online. You're a fucking Nazi for thinking it's either relevant or appropriate to single out Jewish people with a retarded code.

Oh yes, you couldn't come up with something better than "you live in your mom's basement". Cool story bro, got some other original insults that your 14 year old friends taught you? If you weren't so ignorant and more open to information, you would see that jewish people are more relevant than you will ever be. I am also no an anti-semite, I don't want to kill all the jews, never said that. You're certainly not the smartest person around here. Maybe Milo, a jew, is an anti-semite too for telling that jews run everything. I don't know, you tell me.

Did you insult my insults when all you came up with was /r/iamverysmart material? UR LOW IQ BRAIN. Don't dance around it, I need to hear you disavow living with your parents. Show me where in the definition of Anti-Semite it says 'A person who wants to kill all the jews' you fucking mouth breather.

I also see you made no comment as to your net worth, I'll take that as a sign I was right. Maybe if you put half the time you put into your online anti-semitism into bettering yourself as a human being you wouldn't be such a sad sack loser lashing out at a whole group of people as you try to keep yourself occupied enough to ignore your inadequacies

You're the one thinking you're very smart, also, I don't have to disavow shit, nor tell you how much I make as that is none of your business. Your comments still don't add nothing to the discussion, and I am also not lashing out at a #whole group, learn to read. I will also not comment your low effort personal attacks, as they have no basis in reality.

See above on how to lose an argument 101

Because they tend to be the ones most concerned about it. From what I replied to: ...and many have had suspicions of (((Milo)))..." What suspicions? That he is a Jew? Why does it matter? Is he involved in some nefarious Jew plot?

That's how you can tell they are Nazi's. They see Jew plots everywhere and want you to know.

Yeah, they do have an agenda tough, but (obviously) not every jew is part of it. If you look up who owns the majority of the media in the US, it's easy to spot a pattern there, even Milo admitted that jews run the media, is he a nazi now? Jews don't even (hide their influence)[http://articles.latimes.com/2008/dec/19/opinion/oe-stein19]. The leftist jews are the ones pushing the pedo agenda, it is not very obvious now, but it will be. 4chan was telling it before sites like salon.com and vice were publishing pedophile friendly content. Look up who the chairmen of the fed were since its foundation (spoiler alert: mostly jews). There are a lot more things were there are too many coincidences. The information is there, you just have to look for it. They have power, and they misuse it for their interest and agenda (also, see Soros). Maybe prove me wrong?

Maccain is part of the Pedo elite, the republicans are the ones that have had slavery made into art, and some probably never stopped. Milo is just trolling. you are easily triggered

the republicans freed the slaves last i checked.

Pardon my french, I meant the southern states then

You have not been paying attention to modern politics. The US prison industry is based on slavery and it is heavily supported politicly as a for profit by Republicans. That is why they are so hot about 'border security' they want to nab more people to put into their slavery-prison system. It is really voracious.

Milo has outed 3 pedophiles and one is currently on trial in the UK. Many of his followers constantly post links and talk of other pedophiles, such as the 2-3 self-proclaimed/known pedophiles on salon.

The only connection I believe Milo has with pizzagate with when he goes to the Hollywood parties because most of those people are openly pedos, as Milo as stated.

If you really cared about this sub and wanted to start a discussion on this you would've provided some sources to substantiated your claims but since you didn't this is merely shitposting.

So, because he outed other pedophiles he gets a pass?

You must be a certified idiot.

A pass at what? What has he done wrong? Can you provide evidence that he's connected to pizzagate? Do you have proof he traffics kids or enables these acts? What fucking evidence do you have aside from a video in which he says he was raped at the age of 13 states his opinion that stems from sexual abuse that tries to rationalize a traumatic experience he had with a person he should've been able to trust with his life?

Fuck off you retard and I hope you enjoy your .02 cents for this shitpost.

Meanwhile Clinton's foundation just operates in the same country as a pedophile ring and that's conclusive evidence

Are you ignoring evidence on purpose ?

I'm pointing out the different level of requirement for evidence - you know bias.

I can't imagine anybody would ever do that!

Why can't we care about both?

You can. I personally think pizzagate (at least the original theory) is BS but if youre going down that rabbit hole then you should care about both

I think their long term coming out of the closet plan is to convince everyone it is OK, or even great, that we should all try it out.

That is why we have had pedophile 'comedians' like Sarah Silverman talking about it all the time. They are teaching our children that it is normal.

He doesn't get "pass", because he didn't do anything.

Right. It would be different if Milo had been found to have engaged in it himself. He was a victim and has tried to normalize it. He doesn't advocate for changing any current laws about consent, so I'm not sure why he's being demonized.

It's usually the most anti deviant that turns out to be the deviant.

Giving me those hard hitting opinions I see.

You're suggesting that Milo being against something suggests he doesn't do it. That's clearly poor logic considering how many hypocrites exist in the world.

Oh please. I provided evidence that shows that it's much more likely that he doesn't participate in such as act and all you're doing is shitposting with absolutely nothing but your own retarded opinion.

Tell me shill, you seriously think it's more likely that Milo, someone who has said and showed that he's against pedophile through words and actions, is himself a pedophile or that he isn't?

So far you're just shitting up the thread with your opinions. Provide evidence besides your own anecdotal bullshit. Your own profile reveals that you're a far leftist and are actively against Milo in most of your recent posts. Do not pretend like you aren't trying your hardest to push an agenda here while providing no evidence whatsoever.

Never said he's a pedo. I said that being anti pedo is definitely not evidence he is not a pedo.

With the topic at hand being Milo....

You understand what context is correct? How words means things depending on subject, implications etc?

Milo has outed 3 pedophiles

Make that 4.

Are you talking about Father Michael or Milo himself?

Because I guarantee you Father Michael ain't his real name.

Obviously milo himself.


Pizzagate has always been a political smear tactic since its inception. That's all it ever was.

Hacked e-mails about handkerchiefs and hot-dogs somehow were morphed into the "codewords" and from then on its turned into an anti-Democrat/anti-liberal hit job.

It's obvious you haven't looked any deeper into it than a few of the emails with pizza code words. If you had then you'd understand why people are making some noise about it.

They're now pretending that PizzaGate = everything, is that what you're referring to?

An adult prostitute gets arrested, that's #pizzagate confirmed!

n 1971 there was a trafficking case in Jakarta, that's #pizzagate confirmed!

A guy in my state was arrested on child pornography charges, that's #pizzagate confirmed!

There's a pizza place with a ping pong table and a gay owner in Berlin, that's #pizzagate confirmed!

If not tell me what you're alluding to.

I'm going to ignore the apparent retardation and instead ask what you think of this one email in question?


There's a few that are like this that seem to slip out of "character" and expose what's really going on. But then again, it could just be innocent huh...

What am I supposed to think about it? Sounds fine to me but then I don't have a bias to confirm and I'm an adult with children, who knows other adults with children. PizzaGate 'investigators' probably break out in a cold sweat if they see a stroller at the mall, lest they be suspected.

Why didn't you link to the actual email on WikiLeaks, and all the other emails related to their annual gathering btw?

Because in that link they actually had at least 1 explanation that it was innocent instead of "Nothing to see here". So I ask again what do you think of it? Kids as entertainment? Kids being transported there through Uber strictly for entertainment in the pool?

In that link which uses "hot tub" as opposed to "pool" because of the connotations that little change can imply?

I all ready said that it sounds fine to me. I don't doubt I've described bringing my kids along as entertainment in the past. I'm not projecting my own fears and biases on other people.

Can you even read? There are no kids being transported by Uber.

Btw I found the below comment of yours disturbing, are you a pedophile or am I twisting it to suit my own purposes?

Always hit on 17 is my secret


Jesus christ Im sorry I wasted my time engaging with an intentionally obtuse retard

yeah best thing is for us to have discussion ourselves and just flat out ignore the shills. that would make them crazy. it would be amazing if someone invented a shill-algo, that took care of that, but that migth be to tyrannical haha. We shouldnt want to go that way.

Yes back to the echo chamber with you. I think it's best if you only discuss amongst yourselves less you embarrass yourself by bringing this up to normal people with functional frontal lobes.

I'm sorry, do you not like it when someone else does your thing?

Rule 4.

Can I really not use "idiot" to describe the behaviour of someone who cannot read, got banned because of their insults and slurs (not the first time so they tell me) so is no longer a user, tried to evade that ban and comment, and now keeps sending me PMs?

Hahahahah selective enforcement in full force, thanks Comrade.

bias-bias-bias-bias-ooh, that's new

PizzaGate 'investigators' probably break out in a cold sweat if they see a stroller at the mall

Why it's that old abuser's friend, DARVO! Aren't you a lovely one?

And out they come, lol.

This is exactly how every single discussion about pizzagate ends up. You can't actually back up your claims so you ad hominem your way into thinking anyone who opposes you hasn't done their research.

And, none of what you said changes the fact that pizzagate originated from a handful of emails about hot dogs and handkerchiefs.

If you had then you'd understand why people are making some noise about it.

Because they didn't take their Latuda?

You do realize the person who spawned all these emails, Anthony Weiner, has proven beyond a doubt he's a sexual deviant? And could possibly be charged with child pornography? Also, can you explain this email


It's the one of a few that aren't in code. How do you explain it? Just innocent entertainment...from kids? Were they going to perform a synchronized swimming show?

Do you not have kids? or know anyone with kids? they do funny things. Noone thought that email was weird(unlike the "code" ones) until its looked at with pedo in mind, which makes it a shitty example to use of "WHAT ELSE COULD THIS POSSIBLY MEAN???"

I don't need to explain the email to you. You need to explain to me how that email is proof of anything bad. That's how things work. You're the person making the accusation its evidence of pedophilia so the burden of proof is on you.

That doesn't mean the whole damn party are child eating satanists!!

Hi shill, how much do you make per post?

Fuck's sake, quit shooting the messenger. The hacks showed illegal activity. ACT ON THE ILLEGAL ACTIVITY. It's not a "smear" if it came from internal sources.

Get the fuck outta here saying it's not a smear. Donna Brazile got fired for the emails showing she fed questions to Clinton. Is anyone here saying she shouldn't have been?

The point is that the pedo stuff is a smear. It's always been that way since the "investigators" on 4chan just happened to find the "code words" in the emails.

You know what else 4chan found?


Hatchet job against someone trying to expose pizzagate! Milo knows too much, oops he's a pedophile!

Do you even know what 4chan is? It's a place where nobody knows you're a dog. And as a result, it's one of the world's premier dog communities, where nobody has to keep their shirt on and pretend to be a normal human. It's all whooo-hoo bark-bark. Tons of secrets get exposed on 4chan to the attentive, because the fun of secrets isn't keeping them, it's getting away with telling them to the world and still getting away with what you're concealing.

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You just inadvertently helped prove my point. Thanks for that.

Anonymous 4chan users can post things like how Podesta's hacked emails contain "code words" and months later here you are still buying into the smear job.

I inadvertantly helped prove your point that fake shit is on the chans by proving that true shit is also on the chans? Get your proscriptions updated, friend. Have you read the good word of Kazerad-sensei?

So not only did you help prove my earlier point but you also just conceded that the pedo stuff is fake shit. Once again, proving yet another one my points.

Maybe Kazerad was too advanced for you; perhaps Scott Adams would be more your speed? His version of persuasion is marketing shit, but it's a start.

Hey just wanted to let you know I haven't looked into anything you keep recommending because it has nothing to do with what I've been saying nor are you someone I consider worthy of listening to.

Ooh, then I'm wasting your time and morale talking to you by being unworthy at you. Overcompliance activism FTW. :P

If that's what you need to tell yourself more power to you!

This is not a conspiracy, this is a baseless conjecture.

If you cant fathom that these investigations might be based in something tangible, thats fine. Ignorance is much easier than a good hard look at the facts. But please spare us the this pointless babble.

We need to get back to the real Conspiracies! We need to bring back Bigfoot and UFOS! Waaahhh, I can't handle not attacking right-wingers in every post.

Here are his full comments.

He defends and advocates pederasty.

That's way beyond anything any other public figure has done publicly, even Hastert.

As OP said, it's time to stop pretending this sub cares about children. Minors cannot consent. Milo says they can. This cancerous sub sides against children.

This cancerous sub sides against children.

Oh god. This is your tactic now? This sub is about exposing truth, against the left, right, and everything between. Stop trying to divide and conquer based on your false, pearl-clutching narrative.

It's typical virtue-signalling, what do you expect.

won't someone think of the children, hahahahaha, it was bound to happen.

Your statements are ridiculous. Minors can't consent? Tell that to the millions of people who consensually had sex before they were 18. I don't like Milo. I think he is nothing but a troll. His provacative comments are finally biting him in the ass. That being said, I do think the media has played a large part in purposefully blowing this up muddying the waters in terms of how people are talking about pedophilia. Why? To divide us and distract us from talking about pizza gate. And to say that this entire sub sides against children is a huggeee overstatement and plays right into their game. Who cares about Milo. Fuck him. Focus on the important stuff.

Shun the shill

And?? Wheres the conspiracy here? Why is this man relevant enough in our global socio political system to be talked about on a conspiracy forum? He's a political commentator, much like Ann Coulter, who will say whatever clickbait nonsense to get attention.

And for fuck sake not everyone has a left right mindset the MSM pushes down our throats.

The thing about this with Milo is that it isn't a conspiracy. It's news, it's being covered all over the place.

Pizzagate is about the covering up of pedophilia by the Washington elite. It's fair to say that Milo is not a part of that scene.

Milo has certainly put a damper on his career, those who didn't take him seriously now take him less seriously. Those who loved what he had to say just pursue with the "He's a troll" narrative until the next appealing thing he says or does.

My take on his comments are that probably come from a position of having had an experience as a young lad which he does his own mental gymnastics to explain away as healthy. This is obviously all guesswork but it could also explain his caustic behaviour and lack of empathy. As we all know abuse breeds abuse.

As usual we say wait for any victims to come forward, but I don't think he'd be so blasé if there were victims waiting in the wings. My suspicion is that he himself may have been a victim.

If Milo Yiannopoulos was a liberal there'd be 10+ posts on this front page connecting him to pizzagate It's time to stop pretending you care about pedophilia

Title's correct. Body is strawman.

Isn't this proof that he's pizzagate's key witness?

This isn't about pizzagate this is about pedophilia in general and how the right is virtually silent about this all.

Most people on this sub have disavowed Milo.What the fuck are you guys talking about?This sounds like a straw man argument.

Yes,some including myself,were for Milo UNTIL he started stating his views about it being o.k. for 13&14 year olds to be "mentored" by older men.And then,rightly so,he was disavowed by people.

And,I just want to restate that 98% of people on here do not give a shit about what party you're in if you're a pedo.Lock them ALL up.Dennis Hastert is a Republican.And the Podesta brothers are still good friends with him.Who the fuck stays friends with someone after they are exposed as a pedo???

Other pedos.That's who.

A lot of people have not disavowed him.

Currently one of the top posts here is defending him...

Stop being a useful idiot for divide and conquer. Also Milo is a liberal on lots of issues.

Milo is in no way a liberal, lol

What a shitpost

Full interview with Milo for anyone interested. https://youtu.be/azC1nm85btY

The Drunken Peasants covered the controversial remarks from their interview of Milo today for anyone interested in their follow up. https://youtu.be/jqly40FNTgo

  • Complains about not being enough threads about Milo

  • Hasn't submitted a thread himself

So where are you commenting?

But... I did

What do you call this thread? You didn't write this post on a cheeseburger genius

Left vs Right: It's like two groups of rats arguing whose cheese is bigger in a mousetrap.

Left and right of the capitalist spectrum, liberal and conservative: two sides of the $ame coin

More like "it's like the special olympics: doesn't matter how much you win, at the end of the day, you're still a retard"

OP is another shareblue troll shitting up this sub, just downvote him and move on

Hey OP, how much do you get paid for shilling against Milo?


With that same sort of liberal logic. If George Takai wasn't a Globalist shill Hillary supporter he would be getting the same kind of heat Milo is. Audio of Takai saying basically the same things Milo did

Yup, pedophiles suck

Milo was a victim you shariablue dumb fuck.

Pedophilia involves pre-puberecent children. Pizzagate is about the rape, imprisonment, torture and trafficking of children.

Please explain me why it would be reasonable to link any of the above to Milo.

People have been linking anthony weiner to it heavily even though what he did isn't pedophilia either.

Anyone that has ever listened to milo knows he's not a pedo. Fucking leftist media attacking another enemy of big brother. Fuck you globalist fuckers.

Um it's the crazy right that's turned on him now... not globalist fuckers, they've hated him for some time.

That's because pizzagate is a limited hangout. The pedohilia rings are real.

Hey OP, it's time to stop pretending that you know what everyone thinks or feels about pedophilia.

Make r/conspiracy great again.

Pizzagate is not, and has never been exclusive to liberals. In fact, two of the main drivers for people continuing to dig is the Franklin Scandal and Dennis Hastert, which gasp don't involve liberals.

That not true. You're making mental gymnastics right now.

Lol the FranklinSavings&Loan scandal was almost all Republicans, and that's where it all started for me. It Doesn't. Fucking. Matter. I could give a fuck what side of the fake-coin someone is acting like they represent, I just want to see all these elite pedophiles, whatever their brand, hanging from trees like little Christmas ornaments (I'm not advocating anyone do that btw, it would just be a satisfying sight to see). At the very least, in jail forever.

I think this post is more about trying to find some angle to pull the old "divide-and-conquer" trick, so we start squabbling over completely inane, meaningless useless bullshit, meanwhile these fucks get to keep diddling kids with no consequences.

I really hope most people here don't fall for it. Moving on..

The safe haven for pizzagate is voat, a website that hosts pedophilia content. Think about that for a minute

Freud would say it's how they rationalize the id and the superego. These people are self hating pedos, he would say, their id desperately wants to fuck kids or see kids fucking but their superego knows that's viewed as "wrong", and is scorned and hated more than any other behaviour in society. So to rationalize the two aspects of their psyche to each other they decide they'll crusade against pedophilia and if they happen to see some disgusting child porn on thier quest, well, they did it for the right reasons.

its time you stop pretending you care about human beings

Bullshit. Milo is not that wealthy and has no political connections as such. He is nowhere near the level you'd have to be to be involved in the pizzagate scandal.

Actually, the fact we weren't shows that we follow evidence, not hysteria. Milo was a victim of child abuse. He's not an abuser.

So true.

Because this is the conspiracy sub? And we're smarter than that? The story is an obvious hit job against Milo lol. I think anyone who brings negative energy to the sub should just be labeled a shill and banned. You bring nothing positive to any discussions with a post like this



He is a character, of a troll, a self hating gay catholic, raised by a jew and he loves BBC. This man is a character, as i said a troll. he stated there are positives to being molested, and cites his own experience of being molested. As an adult he openly is all about getting BBC. no pedo threat there, despite the inflammatory troll comments.

Do you hear yourself?

'He cites positives to being molested'

Anyone who has that line of thought is at threat of being a pedophile

Also you totally misquoted me.


Well you can read it. I said he cites his own experiences. Regardless that's not my main point, but it's careless and lazy to mash someone's sentence like that and throw quotes around it.

What I said is factual, he said all these things years ago in public. Few people heard of Milo before he was banned from twitter, then a lot more heard of him after the Berkeley thing. People didn't give a shit then ( had millions of downloads on JRE) , but do now is the only point that I am making.

As fucked in the head as this guy is, if it's not just some character he's playing until you link him to podesta, hassert, Sandusky, or Boystown I don't see the connection.

Alefetais hosts weird weird weird performance artists and they audience was cracking jokes that he likes diddling kids.

What Milo said was fucked but please illuminate why you think it's unfair he's not linked to pizzagate?

Don't like him. He's made his whole carrier out of shock tactics. A. Why are any of you surprised he said some stupid shit like this? B. why do you even care?

I agree with maybe 25% of what he says, just doesn't need to be such a dick about it.

This post was made 8 hours ago. Milo came out yesterday or even the day before with a statement explaining what exactly he was talking about.

A 17 year old homo having a relationship with a homo in their mid - late 20s... i could give a fuck.. That's not pizzagate related.

Pizzagate is about kids.

so, were you with shareblue back when it was CTR?

This is just flat out not true. Anything "pizzagate" related is filtered from the main page. It doesn't matter what party is involved.

THIS. I can't believe how many people I follow on Twitter that defended him yesterday. Hypocrits. He very clearly stated that he was older men with very young boys at Bryan Singers party. He didn't report it, wtf?

Divide and conquer. Straight from the Saul Alinsky playbook.

Thanks for correcting the record, OP!

You're welcome!

Considering he said he was going to address Pizzagate and then didn't because of DC phone calls, there's good reason to not consider him involved. Otherwise we probably would.

That's an awfully convenient excuse

Same thing happened with Alex Jones. He was at the forefront and then suddenly took everything back. It was obviously an order.

Why would their 'handlers' allow them to mention it in the first place?

They have free will do they not?

There would also be about 10 posts, on the actual front page of reddit defending him, and calling people homophobes for what they're claiming

Milos clips were editted. And the pedopbilia story was called by a 4chan anon a long time ago. Stop pretending you research your conspiracy theories before posting.https://ageofshitlords.com/4chan-knew-of-the-medias-attacks-on-milo-before-hand/

Well done, you've figured out that people of all political stripes are fucking hypocrites.

Quit trying to make pedophilia a left or right issue. It isn't one OP.

im all for adding more shit onto the pizzagate guillotine, can you connect him?

most of the other ones somehow have influence to James Alefantis, John Podesta, or Clinton Foundation. but nothing comes up for Milo.

i can't believe in the arguments posted here, this has to be a joke! please, he was abused and turns in a pedo supporter! it is sad but he needs psychological help not validation

How the hell would you know that?

The establishment media is doing a good enough job smearing him; doesn't need shareblue/CTR/ETS's help.

We need to stop seeing this as a "party" issue. We know regardless democrats or republicans that it's all for show. They're all the same.

He is linked to pizzagate.

He was supposed to have a big expose on it but it was replaced and location changed last minute because he received calls from "lots of dc numbers".

Suspicious to say the least.

Why should we believe he wasn't making that up? It's seems a lot of people here are willing to take him at face value, which is surprising considering how often he's mislead supporters.

When the Dennis Hastert story broke, it was all over this sub, Hastert being a Republican.

/r/conspiracy leans left - it's just that leftists tend to go apeshit over ANY even slight dissent against their agenda and then whine like bitches.

I have seen lots of posts regarding Milo and his statement made. What I have not seen much of is anyone dismissing it (except some of the comments here).

I also have not seen much of people saying that Dems are the pedophiles and Reps are not. The general consensus is that it's a problem without party lines.

The video clip of Milo has been posted up several times here, because people here care about stopping pedophilia. There just has not been a connection made between Milo and pizzagate, specifically.

But if you come here often, you will see a wide range of posts about the stopping of pedophilia, many without any connection of conspiracy. And considering Milo's statement and no abundant evidence of more, it's not really conspiracy related either.

**this comment made by a liberal person who no longer identifies as a Dem (because now I cannot deal with that party anymore than I can with the Republican Party)

For sure. He's already made pro pedophilia comments, they would dig until they found something sorta pg related then plaster this sub with it. Pg investigators have linked people to pg on far far less. That's for sure.

You know your post is basic when it still falls within red vs blue

If was a liberal, he would be named head of the Boy Scouts.

What I said is factual, he said all these things years ago in public. Few people heard of Milo before he was banned from twitter, then a lot more heard of him after the Berkeley thing. People didn't give a shit then ( had millions of downloads on JRE) , but do now is the only point that I am making.

As fucked in the head as this guy is, if it's not just some character he's playing until you link him to podesta, hassert, Sandusky, or Boystown I don't see the connection.

Alefetais hosts weird weird weird performance artists and they audience was cracking jokes that he likes diddling kids.

What Milo said was fucked but please illuminate why you think it's unfair he's not linked to pizzagate?

I care and find this post disgusting.

Milos whatever his name is a pedo and should be fired not allowed to resigned. As he didn't view what happened to him as wrong he probably think nothing was wrong wIth him doing the same to a child which makes him dangerous.

Yes, like the poster of this post, people post things in this Reddit for political reasons and to advance their politics view.

Like the poster of this post, some posters are political bigots and make out their side are angels on child molestation while the other side is the devil themselves. So down vote them.

Pedeophilia is a society problem and predators are all through society and not bound by political beliefs or creed.

you cracked his secret code!

Milo is not a liberal.

A child cant consent.

On Rogan's podcast Joe was asking for an age, Milo said teenager. Joe said what 13-14? Milo said something like that but never gave a definitive answer to Joe on his age at the time. I listen to Rogan pretty regularly and I've seen this podcast multiple times, I know exactly what was said and how the interaction went. Stop trying to Gaslight people.

He refused to oust the paedophile priest too, like who knows how many lives that cunt preist may have ruined yet Milo refused to say his real name on the podcast.

I know, the clipped video is the Drunken Peasants video.

Also the Regan Battalion is run by a former CIA employee Evan McMillan who was part of the never Trump crowd. So they definitely have motivation to selectively edit the video.

It was started by the right to smear the left. I have no doubt there are a number of people who believe and care about it because they care about children, but the title of this post is dead on. This sub had been trying to tie every liberal to PG over the flimsiest of bullshit but when something like this comes out they refuse to apply the same logic to the right.

Do you not have kids? or know anyone with kids? they do funny things. Noone thought that email was weird(unlike the "code" ones) until its looked at with pedo in mind, which makes it a shitty example to use of "WHAT ELSE COULD THIS POSSIBLY MEAN???"

I don't need to explain the email to you. You need to explain to me how that email is proof of anything bad. That's how things work. You're the person making the accusation its evidence of pedophilia so the burden of proof is on you.

The alt-right has ties to white supremacist groups, using people who they feel are inferior is nothing new. Need me to send it to you again or are you gonna continue ignoring my point?


Could your low IQ brain not come up with a better response? Why should i fuck off for asking a question, you got a problem or what?

See above on how to lose an argument 101

We're here discussing an actual conservative who literally just said this and has not even attempted to deny it, and this is your only contribution? To try and deflect from an actual, real world event to an imaginary hypothetical scapegoat on the other side of the political spectrum. I cannot think of a better way to illustrate OP's point that the entire pizzagate controversy is just disengenuous manufactured concern used to attack the other political party.

Can I really not use "idiot" to describe the behaviour of someone who cannot read, got banned because of their insults and slurs (not the first time so they tell me) so is no longer a user, tried to evade that ban and comment, and now keeps sending me PMs?

That doesn't mean the whole damn party are child eating satanists!!

Hahahahah selective enforcement in full force, thanks Comrade.

And out they come, lol.

You're welcome!

and priests.

It's actually the other way around - but all parties are involved somewhere.

As for Milo, dude has a decent point, but is still a turd.