FYI at T_D the Pedes are defending their Pedo Milo......

0  2017-02-21 by [deleted]



I've never really heard of this guy. Why does he matter?

He's a human piece of garbage for other pieces of garbage to rally around.

He was an editor at Breitbart and the face of Gays for Trump

Okay. Thanks. Before this Ped-apologism incident I was also seeing his name a lot. What was the controversy behind him then? Was it just that he was a gay Trump supporter, or were there other issues, incidents, or attacks against him?

He is a self described "provocateur of the left."

He ascended to public consciousness on the back of his writing about

Proceeded to have his twitter account banned after calling for followers to brigade a comedian.

His antics drummed up enough attention that when he was scheduled to speak at Berkley, the protests against him turned into riots.

He hasn't really accomplished anything other than annoy people that I am aware of.

Kind of sounds like he's working for the Democrats to make the alt-right look bad, so this is not surprising. Thanks for the info.

pede is derived from centipede, its a meme, because centipedes are nimble navigators.

OP knows that, he is just trying to associate those 2 ideas in the minds of others.

pede here. You are correct.

nimble navigators

I thought it was cause they crawled up from the sewers.

like you crawled out of your moms ass?

This ain't your safe space yet.

the Pedo Pedes have been trying to hijack this sub since forever

Rule 4.

Sorry, I couldn't resist, won't happen again.

hahahahahahah you got it!

it's because they are human centipedes who sustain off of each others redigested shitpost comments

Short for centipede.

It's ridiculous that they are trying so hard to defend Milo, but that being said...

This post is trash.

more like Centipedo.....

Go shill on /r/politics

Oh look. An uncalled for shill accusation. Bet the mods don't do shit about it because it's pro cheetoman. I reported it to the mods , now let's all watch nothing happen.

I mean it's not like he violated a rule in this sub and was reported......oh wait.

According to the rules just saying that some violated the rules violates the rules... Kinda weird how that works, eh?

Yes. Shit posts like this take away from this sub. Nuke it.

I'm all for demonizing whatever anyone says defending pederasts... cause when the flood of arrests and convictions keep flowing from the DOJ and starts getting MSM coverage it is gonna be hard for all these people jumping down Milo's throat to reverse course on their crusade against pedos.

One of my posts talking about the pedos in the catholic church was downvoted to hell. I wonder, why they want to expose pedos, just not the pedos in the catholic church.

I've noticed similar things as well. Then you get attacked for being partisan when there is nothing partisan about pointing out pedophelia cover ups. I was recently attacked for pointing out republicans are pedo's in a topic about dennis hastert.

Of course I know the two-party show is a big ruse. But it doesn't make me feel any better when I see people getting aggressive because I'm not attacking who they believe are the pedophiles. It makes me personally believe that they are either shilling, or willfully ignorant.

I am starting to feel like some of them don't want to stop the pedos. They just want to get people who they don't like get arrested for being that. Ex, Podesta, and Barack.

never trust a fag

Come on now. That shit has no place here.


always trust a fag

they are just playing team sports..

Wow what a coincidence, your first post but you have 9240 karma, I smell a CTR shill, GTFO.

How exactly does that happen? Is he posting and then deleting his posts?

I thought deleted posts still stay in post history. This guy also has 915 comment karma with 0 comments listed in his history. How does this happen?

Well considering he's been a redditor for 2 months, it really wouldn't make sense for him to be a CTR shill after the election, now would it...

You guys are like Vietnam vets with PTSD, seeing Charlie in the trees.

hahahahahah Good Juan!

I wonder if they get tired from doing all those mental gymnastics. They have had to do a lot lately.

Trump essentially revealing a false flag in Sweden



Lost a court battle

Dudes really on a losing streak and showing his true colors.

He got tired of all that winning, I guess...

OP knows that, he is just trying to associate those 2 ideas in the minds of others.

pede here. You are correct.

nimble navigators

I thought it was cause they crawled up from the sewers.

more like Centipedo.....

it's because they are human centipedes who sustain off of each others redigested shitpost comments

Yes. Shit posts like this take away from this sub. Nuke it.

According to the rules just saying that some violated the rules violates the rules... Kinda weird how that works, eh?