Losing my sanity?

54  2017-02-21 by Tilt23Degrees

The last three weeks I've done nothing but research the federal reserve, the owners of this organization and their histories.

I've been aware for a very long time about how corrupt our monetary system is..

But the recent discussions on universal basic income and automation has sprung this all upon me again. I can't even get my head on straight in the morning.

Between researching the history of the petrodollar and the shit they do to continue their grasp on humanity...I just feel so overwhelmed and helpless?

The entire idea of universal basic income will lead to a mass reduction in population and a new age of feudalism.

we will go from being tax cattle, to a burden upon our owners.

How the fuck does anyone else deal with this type of reality check? I feel like I'm losing my fucking sanity.


I but things from mall ninja stores to calm myself. Check this out:


everybody needs some sweet swords

Lmao I randomly bought a sword at a flea market once. The stoke was so high it almost sparked a collection.

I encourage you to go out into the real world and indulge yourself and something that makes you happy. I recommend you stay away from vices and do something that's good for you.

There's a lot of scary stuff out here man but there's also a lot of good in the world.

I suggest liquor and hookers! Some prefer coke though.

Like Alex Jones

I second this suggestion.

All three?

^ ^ ^ This man is an animal!

I fear we're near the end-times, might as well go out with a bang, swig and snort ;)

Make sure to source your coke and hookers responsibly, don't want that money going the CIA.

I suggest the hookers, but replace with marijuana, kava kava, and kratom.

Yes, move along citizen, nothing to see here...

It can certainly be depressing. To me, there are two choices when this helpless in the face of totalitarianism:

Succumb to it, or keep fighting, kicking, and screaming every step of the way no matter how little of a dent it seems to be making. The only weapon in our arsenal whatsoever is the ability to spread the message of consciousness.

They monopolize the very thing that makes the world go around and so many people seem to be ok with this... Like this is the way it's supposed to be.

You should actually be concerned about the automation and subsequent loss of jobs.

Maybe it'll be comprised of the machines paying taxes, haha. Gates said they should be expected to pay taxes.

I thought why would we pay them to do the job in the first place - but, i guess, other companies will own them ... it doesn't make sense if the company owns them to pay them. Backwards, and you pay out too much payroll taxes. What the frig is going on bahs?!

Cheer up, folks!!! We got this!! Or not and we're all dead, haha

The machines will be our legacy. They will exist long after we are extinct. The only way we continue to exist is in their zoos, if they care to have them.

Companies are the new lords rulers more powerful than government

One day we'll be fighting for "corporatee rights" vs the long forgotten "citizens right"

They'll be paying taxes since half of us won't be around to do it.

Mmmm, soylent

I gotta tell you....I was feeling kind of down over the weekend and I just went outside and took a long walk. For over an hour. It felt good, sun on my face, I said "hello," to a couple people, it was engaging and uplifting.

Other days, I've hopped on the bike and pedaled around town. If you don't have a bike, get one (I didn't bike over the weekend cuz I live around a lot of hills and I didn't feel like pedaling up them, LOL).

I have been red pilled into this stuff for 20 years. It helps to keep the research and your train of thought in order so as not to confuse things. There are many pieces to the puzzle and they all DO fit together.

I have written a few essays on the subject of the Federal Reserve, the nature of money, debt, and artificial scarcity. They are worth a read and may help you regain your sanity. http://www.jandeane81.com/threads/10201-Novusod-s-Mystery-School

What's your solution to the dilemma we are in?

Privatized currency since 1913, automation due to technology, etc.

I don't really have a solution.

That's why I'm driving myself insane to be honest.

I have no answers, the only real answer I have is get the fuck away from any form of imaginary currency. Which won't happen, the central banks own us.

They won't ever let up their control over our daily lives, not until they realize how much of a burden we are when automation comes into place and they start poisoning our water supplies and slowly killing us all off.

/r/Futurology might provide some optimism.

/r/BasicIncome might provide some differing opinions.

Otherwise I guess if we can fight against the privatized currency in the style of Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, and JFK did. Maybe Trump can be persuaded or more citizens can be educated on it.

Once they get there, they won't need us. r/futurology is like taking peak into a future we're not invited to and r/Basicincome is like taking a peak into a government style that isn't for us.

Pessimistic way of looking at it. I guess you might want to be a prepper and try to live off grid for awhile? Any other reasonable alternatives?

I'd love to be but I'm busy trying to automate my job (not even kidding). Once I get there though, prepper it is.

They already poison it to lower IQ here's Harvard. And you can look up the Nazi's also used fluoride https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/fluoride-childrens-health-grandjean-choi/

I'll add to your pain: Seven years ago, you could have dropped everything and went and lived in a shack in the woods somewhere and been free of all this. Not any more, you have to buy health insurance. :)

But that said... I'm a computer programmer, arduino maker, and generalized mechanic. There is no such thing right now as a machine with a microprocessor that will not need 2 babysitters at all times.

All the automation optimism you're reading right now is actually a marketing ploy to attract venture capital. Until there's a currently unknown discovery, all this stuff is just cool facebook videos and exciting ted talks from CEOs seeking to up their stock value without producing anything.

I too work in the IT industry, so I have an idea of what's currently on the market automation wise.

I just don't think it's going to take all that long before automation becomes extremely self sufficient.

It'll happen... but it'll happen within an adaptive timescale. We'll go through a whole generation of babysitting machines, and then in 50 years, maybe, there will be some non-babysitting machines... but because it won't have happened so fast to be disruptive, it'll all settle out.

You can't plan that far into the future. People might decide they want artisan things created by woodworkers, for instance. These things tend to work out.

If you read Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano" it's a good example of automation hysteria-- in the 1950s. But the whole book didn't take into consideration the fact that new inventions create new maintenance.

Have you heard of Bitcoin? It's a decentralized digital currency (no form of central control) and it can be used to buy goods and services. One can completely live off Bitcoin and forego the federal reserve completely.

This is why things will move to more property or other sorts of 'existence' taxes

There is only one answer: Revolution. I hope it would be peaceful, but the enemy is as vicious and venal as they come.

Take a break. Get off the internet for a few days. Go outside, go for a walk/run, plant some plants.


can you explain what you've been doing with a better word than "research" bc honestly it sounds like you've been reading random websites put up by nutters

doesnt understand the monetary system

i've seen these websites and youtube videos and they basically are: 50% dry factual knowledge that any undergrad economics student receives, except presented in a hysterical tone and claimed to be concealed earth-shattering truths; 50% baseless nonsense about how monetary policy is run by personally corrupt elites and secretly controls government, media, etc on a granular level

I don't know what you've watched but if you've seen and understand everything, you must not find it important that every dollar created is created out of debt and that the money to pay back the interest on the dollar cannot even exist. What about that is baseless nonsense?

this is just hopelessly confused

My comment is? You clearly don't get how fractional reserve banking works!

do you think that everyone with a bachelors' economics degree is in on the conspiracy, or are you not aware that "how fractional reserve banking works" is taught in undergrad and even high school, or what is your "out" here

Obviously I don't think everyone w/ an Econ degree is in on it, hell im minoring in it. We're you taught in hs how money was created? I wasn't. And I'd wager most Americans don't know how money is created and what the fed even is. We can be taught it and not know what it means. Money for nothing, out of thin air, created by doing nothing. Fiat currency. We're not taught fractional reserve banking is unable to create a sustainable economy. There's plenty of economists who know this and talk about it! Now since idk what you've even added to this conversation, what do you like about monetary policy today?

Money for nothing, out of thin air, created by doing nothing. Fiat currency.

see, here, this is exactly what I was talking about. "dry factual knowledge that any undergrad economics student receives, except presented in a hysterical tone."

we're not taught fractional reserve banking is unable to create a sustainable economy

we're not taught a lot of things that are untrue

Offer nothing constructive nice, really thinking hard there bud

Small acts of random kindness to strangers is really the only thing keeping me sane brother or sister, in fact id say it's our best resistance

Honestly, it's a bit challenging to talk to people about this because they often think you're bragging/challenging them, but when I feel most rattled, I buy a tray of hot teas and go hand them out to homeless people, or go buy a couple hot soups and eat one with someone on the street. It's charitable yes but it's also the most grounding and personally inspirational thing I can access out my front door.

It's a big thing, seriously. Not only are they getting food (I was born in California and can attest not every dollar given to the needy goes towards survival) but they are also getting conversation and a real human experience.

Thanks for doing your part <3

Take a break. Take care of your mental, emotional and physical health! Listen to some music. Take a walk. Swim. Run. Game of Chess? Take a break!

You are important! You are not alone!

You were not the first warrior in this battle but you can go down fighting if you stay tight!

Taking a break really is the answer. Go outside, express yourself creatively, bake/cook something from scratch, or whatever it takes to fully occupy your mind. If it brings happiness because you've created something pretty or functional or tasted good or felt great, even better.

The Fed is only one part of the puzzle and and all of it will still be there when you return from your break.

Trying to wake the people up in your life is the part that makes my head explode

It's best to just live your truth and speak to what you know when/if the opportunity arises.

Trying to force someone to wake up is denying their free will, so let them keep hitting the snooze button if that's what works for them.

Honoring their choice is often the catalyst that prompts them to seek additional info when they're ready. The upside is if shit does hit the fan and forces their eyes open, they know they can come to you for answers.

Do something nice with a friend or family member, do someone a favour. Spread a little love. The world is an absolutely fucked up, dark place but the little points of light - they're what makes it all worth while. Take a break, maybe even go offline for a week. No point driving yourself up the wall. Sending love.

You're right, universal basic income is probably the worst of the worst, and even fucking worse is that the average person views it as a good idea . Jokes that they would stop working.

We would become slaves.

But don't let that worry you. Just live life the most you can now before you're either dead or a slave. You at least have now to do something. If you wallow in depression you've just let you "enemy" win. Learn to paint/draw/sketch/play piano/violin/guitar etc, learn foreign languages, do whatever you can you extend your own knowledge before you can't .

Why would UBI be so bad?

We would become slaves.

But.. how?

They can bring it on imo. I'll be happy to hang out read/write/paint/play guitar/make stuff etc. Don't let the bastards grind you down.

How the fuck does anyone else deal with this type of reality check?

Fighting back.

Unfortunately, this is the result of the isolated echo chambers we humans have jettisoned ourselves to in the current time.

We have access to an infinite amount of information, with almost instantaneous retrieval times.

Were our minds created to be able to cope with this massive onslaught of information? No. Humans are inherently irrational and can only process so much.

Consider the progression: a modern human has access to the same amount of reliable information as the President of the U.S. did in the 1980s.

Most of what you read on the internet and fringe websites is false. By reading massive walls of text, those with little knowledge can become overwhelmed.

The remedy of this is simple: stop visiting the internet and get out. Think happy thoughts. Socialize.

More importantly, when you do come back to the digital realm, visit some academic websites. The long, stony prose with impecably-sources material devoid of mind-numbing sensationalist claims will soothe you and snap you back to reality. Also considering visiting some debunking forums, like www.metabunk.org.

Good luck and stay safe in the digital realm.

"For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow." Yet, "sorrow is better than laughter, for by sadness of countenance the heart is made glad."

Have hope.

“So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the roofs. Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows"

Find Jesus.

It's like being in a dystopian science fiction movie. The entertainment value of it all is compelling enough to keep me going.

Waking up too quickly can make you groggy and unclear. Try meditation with a focus on clarity and grounding. Humans are beautiful creatures capable of absolutely incredible things, we won't be defined by a small, cruel group of people.

I'm assuming in the last three weeks you have at least gone over macroeconomic readings as it is important to understand its basic principles to really grasp what the Fed is doing. Before researching the Fed, you should have a really solid grasp on the Federal Funds rate, the FOMC and their prerogatives, monetary policy (restrictive v espansionary), and the money supply.

The history too is important but these basic principles I listed are essential to understand why the Fed is doing what they are doing. Also, if you haven't already, I recommend Austrian economists to read up on like Hayek or Mises. They are very anti-government and central bank.

I have to look more into these economists you speak of and check it out.

Definitely curious.

a new age of feudalism.

We already have this.

Even so, as automation marches forward, jobs as they exist today will mostly dry up. If you don't like the idea of the government providing universal basic income in order to protect its citizens human rights, what would you recommend people do when almost no one in the USA can find work?

the government doesn't work for the people though, no matter what we want to believe. congress is 97% owned by corporations and lobbyists.

and when it comes a time when the tax cattle becomes another burden upon the system and we aren't generating services or any form of revenue for the state, I fear the worst.

Look throughout history, it wouldn't be the first time there was mass genocide.

They could do whatever they wanted.

Watch the Matrix, it could be worse.

take a break man! pick up a new hobby or improve upon an old one.

you should always balance out what you put in. 2 hours of fr research = 2 hours of putting time into your hobby.

From the man himself : Alan Greenspan, who served as Fed Chair for 19 years, was asked in an interview what he thought the relationship between the Federal Reserve Chief and the President of the United States should be. His reply was shockingly candid.

“First of all, the Federal Reserve is an independent agency, and that means basically that there is no other agency of government which can overrule actions that we take. So long as that is in place... then what the relationships are don’t frankly matter.”

UBI will lead to unrest we can't currently comprehend.

OP, don't worry, we will achieve the denationalisation of money, otherwise known as separation of money and state. Crypto-currencies are the perfect medium of exchange, gold is the perfect store of value. Neither the government can ultimately control.

This "basic income" thing, war on cash, etc. are futile attempts of TPTBs to halt their inevitable demise. The new age will be an age of decentralization and freedom. The age of John Galt. Of individuals unilaterally separating from the monolithic power structure.

I could tell you much, much, more, but I suspect you know already a lot.

As per you feeling sad, please read this.

Thanks for being a positive entity in what seems like, a never ending tunnel of fucking darkness.

I hope crypto-currencies really do take hold in this country, I hope it really is inevitable and not just futile attempts..

I don't know what you've watched but if you've seen and understand everything, you must not find it important that every dollar created is created out of debt and that the money to pay back the interest on the dollar cannot even exist. What about that is baseless nonsense?

this is just hopelessly confused