Is it possible that the holocaust is a conspiracy?

14  2017-02-21 by AFuckYou

We're sure the holocaust happened, right? What proof do we have?


What proof don't we have is a better question. Hell, why is the sky blue is a better question even.

Ask around. I'm pretty sure people are certain it happened.

It's possible that what you perceive as the reality around you, is manifested by some outside mechanics working to perpetuate some grander conspiracy. Theres always the possibility.

I haven't looked into the Holocaust that much myself but what I think it really boils down to is there's clear exaggeration on many aspects of the holocaust that have cast doubt and confusion on the topic. I think the main supporters of holocaust conspiracies will concede that some people were executed by the Germans but they debate the scale and method of said executions. Like I said haven't ever really looked into much myself but that's my understanding of the theory

It is safe to save that there was a holocaust. By far the most convincing evidence that it did happen would be the Nazi's documentation of it. Something that you could be skeptical about is the death toll, as there are many conflicting reports.

stupid question, such an idea emboldens the stupid segment of trump supporters.

Are you suggesting that OP is a Trump supporter?

nope I'm suggesting that anyone who believes the holocaust was a hoax is just about one of the only time I would be using the term anti-semite although the left has overused that. I'm suggesting that if you believe such bs you most likely are a trump supporter or think we need to make america white again. pisses me off.

I would say it is almost certainly a real event, but...

The Diary of Anne Franke was a forgery, so conditions might not have been as we imagine them.

The numbers were probably exaggerated. There just weren't that many Jews living in the area.

Until Germany was isolated, they were attempting to relocate the Jews, not exterminate them. Almost all of the genocidal acts occurred between 42 and 44.

There was and is a global banking conspiracy going on that is run by people of Jewish descent. Hitler erred in attacking the entire race, rather than merely making an example of the conspirators.

There was and is a global banking conspiracy going on that is run by people of Jewish descent. Hitler erred in attacking the entire race, rather than merely making an example of the conspirators.

That's what I think as well. Hitler was so obsessed with race that he misattributed the actions of the banking elite (which consisted almost entirely of jews) with the whole ethnic population of jews.

If he hadn't been so racist he may well have ended up with more support (people tend to fight a bit harder against you when they know they'll be put to the sword even if they don't fight).

So I think the holocaust happened (although I dislike how people have a tendency to only think of the jews, when millions of others were purged right along with them) and it happened because Hitler let his moronic racial obsession run wild.

It occurred but I think the history is very different than what we learn.

I think it likely the camps were "work" camps and I think I remember reading that the allies intentionally bombed the supply lines to the camps, combined with serious food shortages in the Reich in the last 2 years of the war.

Did mass killings occur or were they mass deaths? Both? We only know what we are told. Many innocent people suffered and died, that is what matters.

(Im going off of memory so some of this might not be in the right order)Originally the camps where extreme work camps that worked prisoners to death. The Nazis had killing squads that would round up people and kill them often by shooting them or mobile gassi g stations. I don't remember when but they started to have some of the camps into extermination camps because it was more effective and the previous killing squads took a serious moral toll from what they had did. The Nazis certainly did directly kill hundreds of thousands and they tried to kill more people in more effective ways like using Zyklon B.


The only way to find the truth is to do your own research with an open mind.

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed."

you tell him to do his own research but made obvious references and post links that imply it was not real

We all know the other version.. It has been shoved down out throat for 60 years

I suggest you look at the link instead of assuming.

people did suffer and many died but the whole gas chamber story is a farce. the 6 million number is also a farce. the nazis were tortured to get 'evidence'. the numbers at autzwich concentration camp keep changing, coming down, the suppose largest camp. many questions to be had. there are no proofs, just stories.

checkout david cole's documentary.

The "conspiracy" about the holocaust is that they totally ignored the genocide that russian jews commited themselves. This isn't the article that referenced that specific incident. However it goes to show that history has been white-washed for us.

Stalin was suspected of killing at least 30 million folks before Hitler got started.

Hitler ordering the extermination of Jews in these so called ‘death camps’ cannot be found referenced or found in ANY German researched archives, despite the Germans being famous for their meticulous record keeping. No mention of prisoners being gassed were revealed by the code breakers of Bletchey Park and their Enigma machine, Nothing, a big fat Zero!

is it possible they knew it was wrong and were ordered to not keep record of the people they killed

Is it possible it never happend, thats why they made it an offence for Historians to look investigate it?

when you say it never happened what do you mean? Because i know for certain my great grandmother was forced from her home and held on a camp. So what the fuck are u saying

What I'm saying is Simple math.

1.5 million dead at Auschwitz. It used to be 4 million but then they dropped the number down to 1.5 million decades later without ever adjusting the 6 million total number.

Using modern crematorium it takes 1-3 hours to burn a body Auschwitz had 3 crematorium furnaces with 4 doors

running at any one time

1.5 million hours divided by 12 = 125,000 hours, divided by 24 and it's 5208 days = 24.2 years!!!

My understanding is that deniers think that jews weren't targeted more than other groups and that the numbers of Jews murdered were a fraction of what we believe today.

There's a difference between a labor camp and a death camp.

They Nazis destroyed all evidence linking them to the camps in the final months that's why there is little documentation. As in the case of Sobibór they bulldozed the entire camp and planted trees on top of it to hide the camp. Sonderaktion 1005 was a unit solely dedicated to covering up the Nazis atrocities in occupied Poland.

To learn who rules over you, find out who you can't criticize.

Like most people have already said there is no doubt it happened what is debatable is the number killed.

The real conspiracy in my opinion is twofold

  1. why the holocaust is the only mass genocide taught in american schools when others had just as many if not more victims.

  2. The powers that be (zionists) who use the holocaust as justification for everything they do.

Yea. Great point.

The claw marks in the gas chambers is a good place to start.

The Holocaust is an attempt to write a version of what happened during the World War Two era which would justify the creation and the protection of the Apartheid racist state of Israel.

I've always found it interesting that the Nazis allowed wealthy Jews to buy their way out of pre-WWII Germany. Those were precisely the Jews that the Nazis claimed to despise, not the poor ones that ended up in the concentration camps.

It happened, but it was highly exaggerated on all fronts.

History is written by the victor.

Jeez, even people in this sub upset even entertaining the thought, why can't you question it?

That's actually why I am saying anything. Because I can't.

I'm contrarian.

Maybe it's not that it happened that is in question, but the 6 million number.

How do you know anything has happened?

Maybe by the millions of personal accounts? or are they all lying? (the survivors)

The systematic extermination of jews is not real.

Are you suggesting that OP is a Trump supporter?