We are Fukushima Fucked.

95  2017-02-22 by SugarsuiT



Do we have any depopulation conspiracy theories behind Fukushima, basically nuking us without having to use nukes, plausible deniability...

Either way, fuck.


depopulation of marine life: goodbye coral reef, goodbye shrimp, goodbye fish, dolphins & whales (they're so smart). wth can we do?!?!

further affecting the food chain, we are all connected.

I gave up eating anything from the Gulf of Mexico after BP & Corexit. Fukushima sealed the deal. I eat almost no fish now.

Atlantic caught or nothing for me.

Same here, but it's in everything, I read the reason people have gluten allergies now is the roundup found in wheat, our food quality is shit really.

Yea but, tuuuuuuuh, I'm from Futurology, tuh-um, and I'll have you know nuclear power is 100% safe even though it demonstrably isn't. And, tuuh, frankly, there's no money in free energy and greed is impossible to overcome. So I'm afraid logic dictates we're stuck with perfectly safe nuclear meltdowns forever.

Nuclear power isn't 100% safe but it's 100% necessary. It's the closest we have to free energy right now. Put the plants away from population centers and the risk is minimal. France is powered by a mostly nuclear grid and they do fine.

But dur hurr, keep freaking out like all plants are made with 1950s technology.

The vast majority of human history has happened without nuclear power. It's not 100% necessary.

The plants cannot be moved away from water supplies, so therefore there is no "minimal risk," especially if you subscribe to theories of climate change and water wars.

The fact is, governments and societies collapse and when they do, who will have the resources to maintain the waste, so it isn't a danger? Japan is falling over itself trying to reign in Fukushima and they have a fully functional government and economy. What happens if the nuclear shit hits the fan in some rebel-run republic or a country reeling from a recent war?

Some types of molten salt reactors can power themselves off of the waste fuel.

Can those reactors function away from water supplies? Is all the waste fuel used? Is there no radioactive by-product?

Molten salts are pretty unique in the sense that, yes they can passively cool themselves, without water. I assume that's what you mean, but a reactors whole job is to generate steam, and that's done in a closed loop system.

Is all the waste fuel used? Like 100%? No, and i believe that type of efficiency would only come with fusion reactions. Fission will always produce radioactive by products. But we are talking about fuel burn up rates of currently around 5% to upwards of 50%, with the original Molten Salt Reactor Experiment. Transatomic, MIT startup, using a MSR, talks about burn ups of 98%, using strictly waste fuel.

Available information talks about MSR needing to pull fission by products from the salt, and thats its downfall, some isotopes are easy to recapture, some not so much. The way I understand it is, the big upside is that they can utilize the already "spent" fuel, which is available and better utilize existing fuel.

Seaborg Tech, is developing a MSR that never changes fuel, and after its life cycle, is able to be converted into a thorium breeder, which is able to produce its own fissile fuel.

AFAIK, most nuclear power plants are designed to use water as the heat transfer to turn the turbines. The core heats the water to steam, the high powered steam turns the turbine and the turbine runs the generator connected to the power grid. This requires a big body of water traveling through it. Especially if you wish to keep the cost and contaminants down. Kinetic energy from water seems to be the only way to do this.

In other words, this seems accurate...

The plants cannot be moved away from water supplies

It's not needed for human existence but it's entirely needed for us to live today without choking on fumes. We use insane amounts of energy that burning fossils cannot keep up with. Solar and other true green technologies cannot fill the gap completely.

OMG, You're THAT GUY! You're the nuclear power guy! /r/Muh_Condishuns just frikken conjured you like you're trapped in a Ouija Board and here you are to tell us how awesome nuclear power is. Serious question: What makes you tick? Are you in the nuclear power biz?

Nuclear energy has too high of a cost and risk.

That's all there is to it. Conversations over. You need to stop making this happen.

I dont think the conversation is over, just because you said so. There are positives to the source as well as negatives. The problem here is the government and the public stymieing any potential growth in the industry. The technology has advanced considerably since many of our power plants were dreamed up.

I'm saying it needs to stop right there. It's better for us to have no energy than nuclear.

Yeah, good luck living with no energy.

Good luck living in a world that is inhabitable by humans.

And you know this how? Because the MSM or Alternative media has nuclear scientists, and technicians that have first hand experience with it or is all they're saying a bunch of hearsay?

What are you talking about?

I'm saying prove your hyperbolic stance.

Again I need you to quote me. I'm on mobile. No idea what your talking about.

There's nothing to prove. Nuclear waste is horrible. If something goes wrong everything is shit. Destroyed our atmosphere.

You don't even know what you're talking about.

Yes I do.

No you don't.

Watch out for the cucks

This is not a hostile sub! Tone down the td language please.

Cuckhold is possibly the best that exists to describe these people, I will continue to use the word.

Not exactly.

See the similarity between Chernobyl and Fukushima is that in both cases the plants themselves have terrible ratings. Which mean they weren't upkept and made out of "cardboard".

I'm no big nuclear guy, and I agree we need better alternative energy sources... But at least momentarily, these idiotic mistakes could be solved if plants were treated with the same level of safety as most modern cars.

The issue is the the public has no idea, so under table deals are made... And terrible oversight occurs. Much like in any other industry. We are fucked by corporate heads... Every single time.

Here is the problem ^ ^ ^

Humans are vain. And they make poor decisions. It's so easy to say o, we're not going to make that mistake. Except we make mistakes. It's what we do. And it's not worth the risk. At all.

These people saying this too, are like, "don't put it in my back yard". Their also the people with bunkers in case shit goes to hell in a hand bag.

Thank you for this comment. So happy to find others that have picked up on this. They do it for GMOs too. It's so fuckin creepy.

I've found nuclear power to be one of the most heavily astroturfed topics on reddit, right behind GMOs. The reason is simple: popular opinion is against nuclear, but the industry has negotiated sweetheart government loan guarantees and limited liability without which they make no money. Nuclear power is basically a scam to skim taxpayers.

Can you explain this a bit more? Genuinely interested.

Not OP but the too long did not read is: development of nuclear power was payed by tax money and as the cost of a nuclear disaster are so high that the company can not get insurance for if something happens the potential costs are also shifted to the taxpayers. They can make a shit ton of money with a lot less costs and less risk.

Let me also add that the cost of dismantling nuke powerplants also falls on the consumer, one way or the other.

Also, I have noticed in the past an increase in nuclear shilling everytime a post about Bill Gates (or his frequent AMAs) reaches the front page.

In Germany we basically only have 4 large power companies that are operating nuclear power plants and they are mandated to put aside a part of their profits from nuclear for the eventual dismantling. I predict though that once they would have to pay the sub-company that would have the money will go bankrupt and not pay.

Nuclear is not even very cheap compared to others here, it is just a way to make the companies a shit ton of money. They make 1 Million per day per reactor (profit).

I predict though that once they would have to pay the sub-company that would have the money will go bankrupt and not pay.

Right fucking on. This is the loophole.

Nuclear is not even very cheap compared to others here

Again, right on. Nuke takes long to build, long to dismantle, costs a shitload to build and maintain and there is no good way of taking care of the waste it produces (which is also costly AF).

Solar and wind FTW, you just pop them and they start generating energy with minimal maintenance, no waste and no hidden costs. Matter of fact, the only continuing costs regarding solar and wind are the installation costs which equal to more jobs. Renewables are a silver bullet for a lot of our current problems.

Your car is essentially a bomb, no one ever complains about the dangers of that, or constantly breathing carbon monoxide since 60% of our energy comes from coal. Nuclear can replace it, and your fear mongering ass doesn't know what flip it's talking about.

100 years from now, my car that is essentially a bomb will be essentially soil and fertilizer. 100 years from now, Fukushima will be leaking contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean. Can you grok that?

Wrong, the tires are made from 7 gallons of petroleum. The used motor oil is toxic, the plastics, batteries as well, and don't bio-degrade. The steel takes thousands of years to bio-degrade, and the aluminum, and rubber, and hoses as well as the A/C refrigerant isn't exactly healthy for mother nature either. And in all that time, that bomb of yours will put out 30 tons of oxides of nitrogen, and carbon monoxide and CO2.


If I stand next to football field full of rotted out cars, I'm not exposed to lethal levels of anything and can enjoy my normal life expectancy. How long before I can stand next to this and expect to live as long?

Where does the criticality to sustain the nuclear reaction come from?

But that facility was safe. It only became unsafe because it was hit by a tsunami. Are you saying that the government is using tsunamis to destroy nuclear facilities to control the population?

They are all paid shills or financially dependant on nuclear power.

You are falling right into the shill's trap when you dismiss a whole group of people (my niggas at r/futurology in this case) based on a shill-manufactured consensus.

The good thing about futurology is that it is full of critically thinking people who are actually pushing strongly back against the axis of evil that's nuke and oil consortiums and their paid army of shills.

Instead of criticising them, you should join in and fight beside them.

Ha! And we thought we were going to be killed by an industrial agriculture collapse triggered by global warming. Sorry Exxon/Mobile! You don't get to kill us all. General Electric does.

I have been following this since day one, it is insane to me that no one is talking about this. I am amazed at the ability of the media to discount this event and the fact that most people I talk to have totally bought that line of bullshit. Even though they believe that Chernobyl was a terrible disaster.

Not sure wtf we do.

Not sure wtf we do.

prob nothing anybody can do, maybe all the worlds governments working together.

should have happened in 2011, but corrupt Obama/Clinton USG was too busy doing Libya an other stupid shit.

the magical thing about caesium and other radioactive elements, is that it affects both rich and poor, both western and eastern, all the countries of the world, no matter what organic or vegan or meaty foods a person eats.

Word. I'm not a nuclear engineer but I understand science and technology. I was having a discussion about Fukushima with an actual nuclear engineer at a party over three years ago. I was trying to either get him to either agree that yeah, we're fucked, or explain why we're not fucked. He wasn't having it. He was just "Bullshit, bullshit, blah, blah, blah, I'm sure they have it under control." And I'm saying "But it's making millions and millions of gallons of contaminated water that we don't know how to clean! And we're just storing it in ponds! And they think they're going to somehow freeze the ground to contain it! While it makes more and more uncleanable contaminated water! This is ludicrous!" He just nodded his head and smiled. I think this must be how you get to become a nuclear engineer. Interestingly enough, My wife later told me that his wife told her that he really enjoyed talking to me at that party. He was really impressed that I was so interested in technology.

I have had very similar discussions with "scientists" and other people whom I view as very well educated and intelligent. I don't understand really, other than the fact that if they do agree with you or I that we are fucked. It would shatter their entire perspective about the world/government/media. Which can be very unsettling. So rather than go through that huge amount of mental workload. They just smile and say "bullshit, bullshit, blah blah blah."

But to me the most startling deal is the fact that RadNet, which used to monitor all sorts of radioactive data, from water, air, rain and milk. Conviently stopped either testing or reporting the tests sometime around April 2011. I point this out and no response.

source or a screenshot on radnet? Im seeing data from this year and last.


Before the incident we had a spreadsheet database that did not require you to enter all these fields to access all of the data. When I enter a search from 2010 to 2014 using cesium-134 and the CO region. It returns only one value. Thats bullshit, as I saw when this happened amounts being reported daily above 0.

(https://www.epa.gov/japan2011/rert/radnet-sampling-data.html#milk) Here used to be the source for the data on milk.

Thanks, I'll check this out. It is highly suspicious. Is this something civilians can monitor themselves?

No problem, it is very difficult to detect these small spikes and especially the individual isotopes. There is a group that uses over the counter gieger counters to detect general background levels.

Redacted Tonight is covering it

Find 7 planets to move to seems to be a pretty convenient solution don't you think.

Poisoning an entire ocean isn't something that can be a conspiracy, unless it's an incredibly stupid one. Even conspirators need to eat.

incredibly stupid

you just described Obama and Clinton, too stupid to not destroy the world.

What's so crazy about destroying the environment so they are the only source for food, water, shelter etc... world monopoly

The conspiracy is that the public has been kept in the dark about the extend of radiation.

Those with the power to pull something like this off, I'm sure there aren't many mouths to feed, private supply, plus I'm sure the radiation cooks us up real nice for their parties.

Not looking good for the home team!

Isn't that scary looking map of the tsunami?

I think it's part of a Trump scare ..... although it does seem like a realistic scenario.

An ionospheric heater heated the atmosphere above Japan before the underwater earthquake and tsunami caused the radiation release nightmare at Fukushima.

Here's a copy paste from an older comment. Very relevant.

HAARP would search for weak places in the earth's mantel and exploit them. That's a way of saying they can cause earthquakes.

The ionosphere heated unnaturally over Japan for several days before the tsunami that caused 3 nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima.


HAARP was searching the earths mantel for weak spots and could interact with those weak spots.

"HAARP Detection and Imaging of Underground Structures Using ELF/VLF Radio Waves"


They had the ability to send ELF and VLF frequencies through the earth to 'communicate with submarines' causing a very widespread earth vibration of roughly 10 hz.


Simultaneously they were sending high frequencies into the ionosphere which I believe bounced down to concentrate the ELF signals to any position desired such as the weak spots they had located exploiting signal harmonics I believe they exacerbated the VLF shaking of the weak underground cavities, thus inciting them to collapse.

Evidence of the high frequency signal bouncing down from the ionosphere to stimulate the low frequency signal in a particular position is seen here. There is a cover story about how these formed but somehow the physics only ever work when an ionospheric heater, such as HAARP is in operation.


Why would the govt just hand access to an earthquake machine over to a public university?

I posted factual, sourced, information. The motivation of HAARP is something i cannot know.

FWIW, HAARP is not the only ionospheric heater in existence worldwide. Jet streams and ocean currents bring radiation directly back to the US, kind of shooting ourselves in the foot, no? Im not debating that sources. Except maybe globalsecurity.org, the other two, which are more important anyways, I have faith in.

Thus the first line of the comment. There are at least 5 but the one that is specifically searching for weak places in the earth's mantel is/was HAARP.

VLF for submarines is 50Khz, 6000m wavelength.

Multiple sources say they use 10 Hz. can you source yours?

Maybe you will know but what's the relation to haarp and the sky turning purple?? Been happening in quite a few places around the world and the news always comes up with some bull shit reason to explain it away

To study such anomalies you can watch the posts at r/atoptics to find patterns

Here are some magnetometer images of the HAARP activity in the days leading up to the Fukushima disaster, during and afterwards: They're at the bottom of this comment.


We are able to observe the same Effect (heated Atmosphere) in every bigger Epicenter, a Quake like the Tohoku-Oki is a massive Event.

We hope to use this atmospherical Data (Gases) in the Future for Equ-Predictions as well as the Soundwaves!

Atmospheric optics give away many military operations. Where 'optics' means 'what the public can see'


well done u/KnightBeforeTomorrow

I recall a story about how Japan was held hostage over this. The ability to clean it up was there, but they had to pay up first. In any case, I suspect the technology is there, and I suspect we may see something soon. Or we're fucked.

The Georgia Guide stones say they want to maintain a population under 500 000 000.... we are about 6.5 billion over that number right now :/

SOL and JWF...shit out of luck and jolly well fucked

If it's that bad why don't they bite the bullet and just let it blow up?

The guy explaining things can barely construct a coherent sentence, it really made the videos unwatchable. Oh, and Snopes also proved the map image that conspiracy theorists have been using as evidence of radiation spreading has nothing to do with radiactive water coming out of the reactor.

It's videos like these that really do the alternative news community a disservice. I have views on things that are deemed by the MSM as conspiracy theories and when non-fact checked videos like these come out, they just further make people who dare question official narratives seem crazy.

I did some Googling and every site I came across that claimed that the ocean is contaminated with radioactive waste from Fukushima was an alternative news website.

And if you think that this is being covered up, we are talking about an entire ocean. Not only are governments monitoring the water, but third parties are as well. Before Fukushima, the ocean already contained contaminants that can be bad for our health in large amounts. There are definitely radioactive nuclides in the water, but currently in such small amounts that they aren't detrimental to our health. The ocean is a great dilution mechanism.

I agree wholeheartedly that radioactive material pouring into the ocean is horrible. Absolutely horrible. But let's not scaremonger here, the guy making this video is just an armchair investigator picking and choosing information that fits in with his narrative of us all being doomed.

If you want to spark a depopulation event, this is a lot of work to do it. Why wouldn't you just trigger an eruption of something like Yellowstone which is overdue? I think humans with our unhealthy lifestyles are killing ourselves without the government needing to do a thing.

snopes, didn't read past that, you must be new here.

I did some Googling and every site I came across that claimed that the ocean is contaminated with radioactive waste from Fukushima was an alternative news website.

maybe if you use DuckDuckGo you'll get a better result, i searched for "fukushima 2017" and got a bunch of hits from a variety of decents sources, like this one. https://phys.org/news/2017-02-scorpion-robot-mission-fukushima-reactor.html

Bottom line is **we have no fucking *idea let alone way to clean up this mess, there are about 1200 fuel rods still in the other 2 reactor cores and iirc another 4,000 spent fuel rods were in storage pools surrounding the containment vessl, but these were damaged in the earthquake to and are leaking, which is part of the reason they're pumping hundreds of tons of seawater in to 'keep things cool'! They then are "storing" this huge amount of irradiated seawater into huge plastic "temporary holding tanks"! I'd love to know what TEPCO's considering for "permanent" holding tanks, and the amount of tanks being filled and 'stored' is growing by a crazy amount daily!

Another earthquake like the last and most of these 'temporary holding tanks' will fail and millions of tons of highly irradiated water will be released into the immediate enviroment! This would make Tokyo instantly unihabitable, and *suddently Japan's looking for 'temporary housing' for 20 Million people, who are only just the first wave!

TL:DR: we simply do not have the technology to even begin attempting any type of 'repair'. --- For staters camera's and robot's electronics quickly fry in the super high/high energy radiation surrouning the reactors ,, they've been lucky to keep a robot operating for more than a few hours before it dies a highly radioactive death. Plus these 'scorpion' robots can't seem to navigate the terrain about the reator very well, so half it's useful 'life' is used up simply getting to the core!

FTL:DR: We're pretty much fucked in the long term! This isn't just quietly going to stop! It's far worse than Chernobyl was and we've got no fucking clue what to Do about it! ,, except to Ban all Chinese media from reporting about the situation, so even a few words written about Fukushima, good, bad or indifferent can land you 10 Years jail! The Chinese don't fuck around with such things!

This is a perfect excample why nuclear energy is a bad idea. Did anybody notice all the nuclear shills on reddit? It's disgusting. They are in every fucking thread.

Curious this isn't on the FrontPage this morning of r/conspiracy given the amount of comments, a conspiracy within the conspiracy

Why would the govt just hand access to an earthquake machine over to a public university?

VLF for submarines is 50Khz, 6000m wavelength.

Maybe you will know but what's the relation to haarp and the sky turning purple?? Been happening in quite a few places around the world and the news always comes up with some bull shit reason to explain it away

If I stand next to football field full of rotted out cars, I'm not exposed to lethal levels of anything and can enjoy my normal life expectancy. How long before I can stand next to this and expect to live as long?

We are able to observe the same Effect (heated Atmosphere) in every bigger Epicenter, a Quake like the Tohoku-Oki is a massive Event.

We hope to use this atmospherical Data (Gases) in the Future for Equ-Predictions as well as the Soundwaves!

Atmospheric optics give away many military operations. Where 'optics' means 'what the public can see'


well done u/KnightBeforeTomorrow