My friend who owns a construction business says ICE is raiding illegal mexicans in NYC

10  2017-02-23 by The_Noble_Lie

Im with him now so feel free to ask questions. I havent heard any special reports via the MSM yet which I thought made it more noteworthy.

He surmises that ICE (and other federal agencies?) was let loose from their cages.

Edit: found a news article which gives a lot of credence to this operation as being hardcore.


They are finally enforcing the existing laws, and people who have committed crimes after arriving are getting deported.

Indeed a crime by government standards. The real argument is whether it's a moral and financial crime to us as citizens of America.

That isn't the "real argument" at all.

Well, they are all breaking the law. I figured that was a given. So...I just made the logical jump that it's really whether or not the citizens agree with the law. Maybe we should push for it to change. Maybe not.

What's your take?

The citizens agree with the law.

Cool. I mostly do. I also recognize why some of my peers think it shouldn't be enforced.

The people who don't want the laws enforced are cheap labor globalists and racist Europhobes.

...and should be deported themselves, for mild treason.


They are guilty of genocide. That's a crime against humanity. Life in prison, if not a firing squad.

Should of clarified. The citizens who think laws that go against our countries safety or sovereignty should be deported for mild treason. The rest of what that user said, and what you said, I agree...

One of these people is supposedly my dad. It's not that he's treasonous, moreso that hes bought a worldview from the propaganda wizards and thinks its his own. This is more common than treasonous american lay persons, in my honest appraisal.

He seems torn between admitting hes been lied to his whole life by the hucksters and maintaining the house of cards built in his mind.

They have to go back.

What does it have to do with citizens? Personally I could care less if all the non-criminal illegals got to stay, just to be clear where I'm at on immigrants in general.

Well with more knowledge youd see there are ramifications for American businesses, economy and general cohesiveness of the society.

Now you can chalk all these off or ignore their existence but that'd be silly.

There are also positives. But when I hear such a simple "I could care less," im not so sure you are fully aware of the negatives.

Have a good day.


This is what I voted for. Right On.


What city do you live in?

I can't imagine why someone would be so obsessed with scapegoating Mexicans that they'd vote an orange authoritarian conman into power.

I can't imagine why someone would be so obsessed with scapegoating Mexicans that they'd vote an orange authoritarian into power. I guess it's not the first time in history it's happened though.

I can't imagine why someone would be so obsessed with scapegoating Mexicans that they'd vote an orange authoritarian into power. I guess it's not the first time in history it's happened though.

Well, they broke the law coming here in the first place, soooo... Makes sense if Trump is legit on enforcing the laws we currently have on the books... Definitely needs to be closely watched.

When/how did he see this?

Saw ICE raiding 4:30 this morning

when will they raid the parking lot of home depots?

right after they hit the parking lot of convenience stores

Heard today on fb they are in Western MA, too