To those who downvoted my post (to oblivion) about Alex Jones selling his water filter during his AMA: Wake up. He's a con. All he cares about is the money he's making off of YOU. And he's raking in millions.

37  2017-02-23 by russian321

He literally promoted his water filter in every reply on that AMA. How do you not see his trickery?


Why stress the you?

I've already seen comments from people defending their shopping habits on his info wars shop website. Many comments about how the water filter they bought works really well. These are the people most likely downvoting these anti Alex Jones posts.

Adroll just cut their funds which he said was 3mil. The man sells stuff to stay running, if I had to I would do the same thing

The guy already has so much money.. jeez

He owns a business and has to pay people to keep
it going, have you ever played lemonade stand?

He's still a conman

Conman is a judgement to be determined by information quality, not the presence or absence of mercantile motives.

Simple rule of thumb:

If I go to a website and see ads for books, supplements or people hawking whatever else... it's a pretty good indicator that someone is trying to get rich.

Alex Jones is a salesman. He's all about the money.

so he should just rely on people giving him money to fund his operation

Suuure, let's deny funding to independent media. That'll do great things for our conglomerate-dominated media landscape. Wonderful things. Best planning.

I think everyone knows this though, he just feeds the confirmation bias that people are addicted to.

Yup, it's disgusting that he takes advantage of it.

How do you expect him to run a news station without bringing in money? I'm just curious.

Well he makes a ton money off of ads from YouTube. And the fact that he's going out of his way to sell you a "based" water filter just tells you a lot.. thatb reminds me of the lady who was claiming the world was going to end soon and started selling emergency food storage.

Alex hasn't just started selling anything. He's been in business for a long time. Yes, he makes a ton of money. He also has more listeners than CNN has viewers. Big money in is needed as he has to pay big money out. He isn't some dude doing a podcast. He has something like 50 employees and pays millions in bandwidth costs. This is how business works. If someone doesn't like him they don't have to listen. But he has a right to run his business and make money.

Okay keep telling yourself that

You know what'd cure your negative outlook? Super Male Vitality Juice! Don't be such a gay frog bro.

Don't forget to add that Infowars ™ Flouride Free Toothpaste to that batch of male juice. Can't have vigorous, heterosexual alpha frogs running around being stupid can we?

Looks like you forgot to wear your "BILL CLINTON IS A RAPIST" shirt this morning. INFOWARS dot COM

He has to sell something to pay expenses, right?

Yeah, and so does the CEO of Exxon. He has to make money somehow right? To feed his family? Pay for his children's education? Right guys?

Uh, yes?

Alex Jones isn't especially comparable to the CEO of Exxon? Read that comparison back to yourself. Doesn't that sound a bit wild to you? It's blatantly arbitrary.

Obviously. So what is your point?

Exxon steals natural resources from other countries, then sells it.

AJ and people like him are stealing and commoditizing our most precious natural resource: the peace and clarity of our own minds.

It is why DMT and other hallucinogens are illegal. It is to prevent us from opening the third eye, so we do not realize we are all one. I mean all of humanity, and all of life. It is the great secret. Native cultures learned this long ago, but their knowledge is suppressed.

It is interesting that the CIA promoted research in LSD, and then LSD use caused the hippy generation. Peace, love, great music, great art, etc. The CIA wanted to use LSD for mind control. When they saw how it was setting people free and empowering them, they made LSD illegal.


So does the CEO of Greenpeace and the National director of Cancer Research. What's your point?

No, that's what his job for.

I didn't see the AMA nor do I purchase water filters. I'm safe...for now...

Based warter filter merchant.

And the MSM channels who are all owned by 6 corporations have commercials to sell stuff and earn money. Most independent/alternative media outlets have ad space on their websites or patreon to earn money he isn't forcing anybody to buy it and he isn't asking YOU to pay attention to him. Why does it matter?

I don't watch TV

That's they way to go, but you are missing out on all the funny gaffes on MSM/FAKE NEWS

But you are aware that they exist right? And that they have shows on their that advertise products?

Wait, I just realized. You're spreading info on the water filters. You're hitting this water filter point repeatedly. Water filters, water filters... Are you shilling this guy's water filters under guise of opposing them? Are you trying to spread awareness of water quality issues?

All I want is for people to understand that they don't need to buy these "based" water filters that cost a shit load more money than normal filters just because he claimed they are "based" and have special magical powers. The guy is an idiot

he is not an idiot. he is a very clever gatekeeper

Out of interest which is more deplorable:

Alex Jones for having a business that sells items to create financial backing for his (albeit biased) news organization


David Seaman : the alleged Bitcoin forefront reporter who failed to buy enough to make any money and so needs people to give him money, nothing in return, in order to fund shitty youtube videos?

Alex is a bit of a tit that's undeniable but I imagine, like myself, he was many people's introduction into the conspiracy world.

Of course he wants to make money, we all do, but he's not forcing anyone to buy it. And to be frank the fluoride issue is an issue so if someone has a tool to mitigate it, is that a crime to advertise it?

Gotta get while the gettin's good I guess.

Amazing. If someone else did an ama and used it to promote their goods directly in the thread it would turn into a shit show (its happened many timesbefore) AJ followers are in a cult and are brainwashed.

He is trying to expand his business? Oh my God somebody shoot him! Google just took 3 million in funds from them this year by shutting them out. He is probably scared shitless about this and wants his show to keep going and to keep his employees.

He's so obviously a snake oil salesman, I'm surprised he never brought up his supplements.