The Donald is ran by JDIF mods.

37  2017-02-23 by [deleted]



Good post. I always thought it was run by CA, which bannon is a board member of...

America first, but Israel firsters.

you didn't know you'll not suppose to question anything on that sub?

My level of surprise is rather low. Anything to keep Apartheid Israel, their land grabs, their inhumanity from being discussed.

My question is will you cucks sit here and allow war to happen in Iran or just leave your MAGA blinders on Probably not considering you little fucks will ban anyone that question the Mossad.

but this isn't t_d....what gets banned here is probably completely different from what gets banned there. also this isn't a "trump support" sub it's a conspiracy sub

Here's us my conspiracy theory: the Donald is ran by JDIF mods

You believe this yet you still support trump? Smh

I would rather lose my left but than have Hillary I office, and why wouldn't I try to support our president?

So you supported obama, too, i assume then?

Believe me nobody wanted hillary to lose more than me, her family destroyed mine. But dont think for 1 second trump is any better.. he is just as much a shitbag

her family destroyed mine

So... What's the story?

Her family allowed the bushes to fly in tons of cocaine into this country.

Unfortunately addiction has affected multiple family members. I did my research and found out a Dominican drug cartel connected to iran contra has been operating in a major city about 30 mins from me for over 25 years.

The feds were going to bust them in the 90s, but the investigation was closed because the cartel was connected to a Dominican presidential candidate that was favorable to the US.

This is when i got into truthseeking.

So when people call me a shill or a leftist because i dont support trump, i wish the worst possible cancers on those people and there familes. Then maybe they could understand a lil bit how i feel every day.

Ah, I see. Sorry to hear that.

However, I must say that I doubt the President can do anything. They're all puppets that sit on the chair to take flak from the public.

If only she'd allowed the Bushes to import a sense of personal responsibility and accountability over one's own actions?

I find answers like this too funny to keep quiet.

This is how I know this is the work of something much more powerful than the human mind is working this all out.

Rothschild is the founder of white supremacy and the richest family on the planet. They are the reason that whites in America get to live so well and how the white power structure around the world stays in tact.

The idea that you chose Donald Trump over Hillary is fascinating.

With Donald you get a loud outspoken and destructive force that will surely lead to the world turning against America.

With Hillary you would have gotten the same thing you've been getting but at least it would have came with perks, for whites at least. Her entire game plan was subvert and uplifted the white agenda behind the scenes whereas Trump is telling everyone the plan to their face.

It's posted here all the time, Hillary killing indigenous people and what not, toppling indigenous governments for the further exalting of America. Hell the woman was basically a modern day Christopher Columbus.

Instead you chose the Greedy guy, the guy who can't stop engorging himself on the gains of the oppressed.

Go big or go home was the motto the entire time. Now the entire world has to watch you guys sweat because deep down you know this is a hail-Mary play on the last down for the super bowl, winner takes the world.

I suppose it's all irony by God.

Na, they just smart to follow the Don and not fuck up like others.

They cannot be taken down in a full frontal attack and you have to use their ways against them.

Haha have you seen the posts on the front page? Ive been called a shitbag just because i i think trump is a fraud.

This sub is very different then it was post campaign.

You have a 4 day old account

Whats your point? Iv had other usernames lol

Aren't you the one that couldn't remember your old accounts yesterday?

Hahahahshshhahshha good one.

Check it out i never deleted it. Not my fault some people on this sub are meth head retards. Lololol no i knowingly posted on my own post.

Maybe you are new to reddit so ill explain,

When you post a link, you cant add a comment until you submit the link. Sometimes link posts need context. I like to add to my posts so the reader understands why i posted what i posted. Currently this is the only account im using. Never meant to log out or whatever the fuck was implyed.

Oh! Well in that case, thanks for Correcting the Record!

I think its funny people try so hard to discredit me haha.

also this isn't a "trump support" sub it's a conspiracy sub


except 95% of the sub is now the_donald users.... there's a reason only stories about dems and hillary hit the front page

remember when this sub used to discuss the president and those in power?

yes there are a lot of t_d users here but they don't get to decide what kind of sub this is. it IS a conspiracy sub. to say "oh well we lost our sub to politics" is defeatist. I like this sub so why would I just give it up because it's gotten messy?

my point is they've essentially turned it into t_d 2.0

it SHOULD be conspiracies, but right now it isn't. I get what you mean, not saying give up, i still wander in here occasionally to bash my head against the wall too

why bash your head against the wall when you can just call out the people who misuse the sub? if something is blatantly not a conspiracy, say so. if someone's breaking one of the 12 rules, report them.

there are mechanisms on here to kind of at least try to keep order. but if it seems like no one cares about the sub getting shitty, then the sub won't get better

Unless the sub is parroting their narrative it is not good enough regardless of what mechanisms exist.

Unless the sub is parroting their narrative it is not good enough

ok but who cares what they think?

Oh by bash my head I mean doing that

Problem is the mods are Donald folks too, as shown with their tagging of the dossier post

There are ways to counter JIDF, instead of defending Iran and attacking Zionist, you can defend Israel and tell that they should attack Iran, they have the right now. Israel will never attack Iran on it's own and comments like this makes Israel look bad even though the masses upvote it because it follows the circleyerk of the moment.

When enough comments like that are flooding the wordnews sub it will only make the Israelis look weak because they are not doing anything themselves.

Lol dont think so.

I got banned from theDonald for Rule 3 on Holocaust Remembrance day for talking abut stopping the Holocaust. I wrote this below here

Your going to wish Hitler would have Won WW2 but hate to break it to you that wasn't the War plan. Controlled Opposition is always lead to defeat and Germany was the Controlled Opposition. WW2 was nothing more then Step 2 in a 3 Step Plan, The proof is in that WW2 America should have shielded Germany (all of it) from the Communist and this holocaust wouldn't be in history. The Machine Master Have been Hard at Work for over a 100 Years To Transform all these Western Civilization and its people into Something that's Mirror the Middle East.

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what is rule 3 on t_d?


injustice towards women/lgbtq

Just an excuse. People want something to hate, and their oppression of women and LGBT are just an excuse to legitimise hating them. It's funny, because Saudi Arabia is the one that's providing a lot of manpower (terrorists) to fight America's covert wars.

Zionists vs the globalist Jews

Wait... They aren't the same?

war to happen in Iran

Their God King Emperor Trump campaigned on being tough with Iran and China, one of the options is war. So yes, it stands to reason that they will "allow war to happen".

question the Mossad

Trump is supported and funded by Israel Firsters and Zionists (start watching from 9:30), and he has made it very clear that he is very pro-Israel.

Is it safe to say zionists are on Bibi's side? The globalists run the UN and they've been pushing for the two state, which would ultimately crush Israel.

I don't know if a lot of people care who t-d chooses to run their sub. Are the problem mods new or have they always been the same people?

/edit oh wow, they have like 40 mods and nearly all of them are mods for 20ish days. That's insane turnover. how did they do that? why would they do that?

My claim was a stretch, I'll admit, but I was literally banned just for questioning Israel for "concern trolling". I think it's just fishy when they're all for free speech but the same people attacked me for going after this subject and not agreeing with trump on this. Yet, I've seen several posters on there saying they're going to keep trump straight, I doubt it.

Do you have any proof of connection between JFID people and mods of T_D? Besides you getting banned of course.

Well like he said theirs been a number of new mods who have new accounts. It was an assumption, a "theory"

Assumptions have no proof. I was merely asking if you had any further proof of your claim. It's fine if you don't I was just curious.

The_donald mods certainly don't seem to care about having their entire subreddit hijacked by CTR pizzagate disinfo

I am not familiar with JDIF but there may be some overlap between their efforts and the efforts of CTR/Media Matters/American Bridge.

I cant stand that cancerous anti-Islam and pro-Israel posts in that sub... and they dare to call themselves "woke" and "redpilled." total joke

Why do you suppose the terrorist islam narrative sticks when most other msm narratives don't?

And this is what we were looking for. Donald's true side comes out and we have something to actually complain about. Notice how the media won't mention these ties.

Probably because Jewish people run Hollywood, the media and Wall Street.

Yep and if you look at the Zionist manifesto, they are following it to a tee. The builder rug (i don't know their name) group is not joke.


I believe it's build-a-bear

My other half was banned from TD for mentioning the risks of echo chambers, and the ban was swiftly followed by a message saying "fuck off" from a mod.

Same here, speaking ill of Israel actions aren't a damnation of the Jewish people (and if anyone views my criticism as such, I apologize in advance) it's condemning actions of the Neocons and Conservative Zion ambitions. I found this website here...

This really helps me sort out what's going on the Middle East and how it all blends together as far as geopolitics. The authors are Jewish too so I don't think there is any Neo Nazi vibes coming from it ala Stormfront or Red Ice Radio.

I highly recommend it to anyone who sympathizes with the Palestinians and what is going on there.

Non-Mobile link:

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Dude you are right the mods are JDIF, Nimble America. They have created the most fascist sub on reddit. Zero questioning is allowed. So many TD users only get their info from TD and have no idea abot most of the things going on because the first whiff of dissent is met with a down vote and a ban.

I can guarantee no one is going to be banned here for questioning Mossad. As for other subreddits, results will vary depending on the moderation.

Here's us my conspiracy theory: the Donald is ran by JDIF mods

Haha have you seen the posts on the front page? Ive been called a shitbag just because i i think trump is a fraud.

This sub is very different then it was post campaign.

also this isn't a "trump support" sub it's a conspiracy sub


except 95% of the sub is now the_donald users.... there's a reason only stories about dems and hillary hit the front page

remember when this sub used to discuss the president and those in power?