Convince Me Pizzagate is Real

0  2017-02-23 by [deleted]



Paraphrase... "last night I ate the 3 month old pasta but it wasn't as good as the year old pasta"


One of the Podesta emails

Obviously it's something you believe is from the podesta e-mails what I'm asking is for the specific e-mail in question.

Oh let me check I have that exact email leaked 6 months ago on hand right here

Okay, so I'll go on your half remembered email you're paraphrasing.

It's better than what you're providing

I'm the one asking for evidence LOL

Can you speed your time finding it maybe print it out take it to OPs house and give him a handjob while you read it to him? Cause that's what he wants.

Lmao, so many not willing to do the work themselves

Thanks for adding to the discussion with precisely what I didn't want. Thanks.

Youre a fag haha

Let's say you get convinced some shady shit is going on. What are you going to do about it? Absolutely nothing.

Brilliant input to the discussion. Precisely what I didn't want. Thanks!

Thanks for your contribution to the sub too. :)

does blogging about it anonymously on reddit count?

What OP really meant was "Spoonfeed me cause I'm too lazy to research it myself! "

Too lazy to actually respond with something other then exactly what I wrote not to respond with. Brilliant. Take your cynicism elsewhere. Next.

Jimmy Savile was Knighted by the Queen, quoted saying, "The thing about me is I get things done and I work deep cover. I've known the Royal Family for a million years.”

He worked for the BBC, and when he died it was revealed he was a massive pedophile and satanist.

You really think the higher ups, the intelligence agencies, didn't know?

This goes well beyond a single pizza shop. It's global.

Which doesn't have anything to do with pizzagate and goes against exactly what I wrote. Next.

It's absolutely related.

We're talking about pedophile in the highest positions of power.

This is why most people don't believe pizzagate and conspiracy theories. Don't conflate different things. Pizzagate doesn't mean pedophilia throughout the world. This isn't a giant conspiracy. Stop connecting bullshit strings. Yes, Saville was a pedophile who was helped by powerful people for decades. And???????

We are talking about a pizza shop in the United States and Podesta emails. That's it.

Then you're viewing a very narrow limited spectrum.

You don't want to connect the dots?

Then stop looking up information online and let the experts take care of it.

World leaders and Royal families have always had the common person's best interest at heart.

Freemasonry is just a gentlemen's social club.

The Rothschilds are honest bankers.

That's the problem OP. It's not about a pizza shop in the United States and the Podesta emails.

The emails linked in major party players, and the relationships established between those in DC, and others across the world.

The name Pizzagate, is terrible, and some theorize to be utilized on purpose. Those who research Pizzagate do not limit their scope to Comet Ping Pong in DC. It expands beyond that. Comet Ping Pong was the initial stepping stone that lead to the chase of people all across the globe. That linked in Haiti with Monica Peterson and Laura Silsby. The art scene with Pegasus museum, etc.

Once you realize the connections to John and Tony Podesta, James Alefantis, Silsby, Clinton, etc, you realize that their grasp truly is above and beyond a lowly pizza shop in DC.

Here's some Instagram photos

Antinous, the classic idol of sacrifice and pederasty, set as James' profile picture[1]

Before it was set to private on 11/7/2016, public activity was dominated with references to obscene art, sexual activity, in combination with images of children, joined by derogatory/sexually suggestive commentary from various users. Some posts are evidence of the ties between James Alefantis and prominent figures.

According to the Urban Dictionary hotard means "the state of being both a ho and a retard."

Comet ping pong is closed at night so this makes no sense.

James Alefantis used the term #chickenlovers which is slang for a homosexual attracted to young male children in this Instagram post. The New York Times intentionally ignored this and other very damaging Instagram posts which contain obvious references to pedophilia/pederasty.

Can anyone independently verify these images are true? I remember reading about how certain images had been doctored and tampered with.

There has to be software to verify these surely?

James Alefantis is "jimmycomet"

Do your research, and you'll find he admits they're his pictures.

I've actually tried adding him on Instagram. No dice. He has admitted all the pictures are in fact real?

Here's his FOX interview:

You can see he think tapping a little girl's arms to a table is just fun and games.

He's been confronted about the #killroom pictures too, you can find the videos yourself.

I was on his Instagram personally, as was many of us from The_Donald. They are true. There's archived links to them, unless those links have now become broken.

This stuff was taken right from his own posts. Then he took the whole thing down.

They existed when the IG page was public. Saw some of them at the time. Apparently there is a huge IG culture with this shit.

I remember reading about the pedophilia uncovered recently on Instagram and Twitter as well.

Lmao are you serious? These were pulled off his public Instagram months ago.

If you're here thinking you're being smart and debunking pizzagate stuff you're not gonna get what you want. Look at everything yourself and draw your own conclusions.

Why waste the space to write this? You add nothing to the discussion. Stop prescribing motives, you aren't psychic.

You made this post because you don't believe in pizzagate and you obviously haven't looked that deeply into it. If there was hard unquestionable concrete evidence then we wouldn't be talking about it in /r/conspiracy and people would be in jail.

🙄 You forgot to use the /r/conspiracy go to word. SHILL.

Thanks for not adding to the discussion.

OP, look up Ben Swann's report on youtube, easily the best starter introduction and summary of fcts for those not in the know.

I watched it, weeks ago. Not convinced.

if that wasn't convincing of the coincidences, nothing will. you will need a smoking gun, i guess.

I just want some tangible evidence. Hell, even a smidge of intelligent reasoning behind why it is true. I actually want to be convinced.

you want definitive proof and it's not there. Just a huge long string of many coincidences. There's nothing wrong with you wanting proof. Just wait and it will come or it won't.

Many of us consider the coincidences as too numerous to ignore.

I consider the massive pizzagate disinfo campaign that has been operating since pizzagate day zero to be some good evidence that pizzagate is real. Factual coverage of pizzagate by notable media, such as Ben Swann, was quickly shut down. Add this evidence of a cover-up campaign to the email code words, artwork, social media pictures, and various other circumstantial evidence and I believe "pizzagate is real"

But what is "pizzagate"? I think pizzagate is that there is a very high likelihood many government officials are pedophiles/abusing/sex-trafficking children. I do not think it is likely that they are torturers/murders/blood-drinkers/organ-stealers (especially operating out of chambers beneath a pizza shop) which is what the disinfo shills are hellbent on turning pizzagate into. The evidence to push this narrative (such as the wikileaks "torture chamber" email, or fabricated 4chan LARPs, can be easily debunked).

Disclaimer: I am sure deaths/homicides happen in rare instances (the average lifespan of someone being sex-trafficked is 7 years, and 10% of people sex-trafficked are under the age of 18). But I don't think you can order children off a menu in Washington, DC and murder them in basements to appease your Satanic Ritual needs. That would be bad for business.

It's about, first and foremost,human trafficking and, secondly, blackmail. It sounds you think pizzagate is just about implicating John Podesta and democrats. For some people it is, but there's more than that.

There is a lot of proof that human trafficking involves high level players. The dutroux affair, the norway busts, the bbc special that got swept under, the anderson cooper special that got swept under...

Pizzagate only refers to Podesta's very questionable emails that, at best, read like an order for a drug deal. The connections to pedophilia vis-a-vis terms and symbols is conjecture, granted, but that's the kind of conjecture investigators rely upon when following leads. It's much bigger than podesta.

The use of pedophilia in blackmail is a bit suspect, but it's a pretty great theory that offers a credible reason for "Why would they?" along with all the CP found in the pentagon and Anthoney Weiner's laptops, for example. It is also would answer the question of why sites like "Lake City Quiet Pills", which was a dark web site for hitmen and their clients, was, at first glance, a pedo site full of CP- they could keep their clients quiet because they could prove they visited a CP site...

So, if you want me to prove that Pizzagate is real, I would just point to podesta's emails. There is pizza mentioned and it's obviously not about pizza.

If you want to be convinced this kind of evil actually happens, google anything I mentioned above.

It's about, first and foremost,human trafficking and, secondly, blackmail. It sounds you think pizzagate is just about implicating John Podesta and democrats. For some people it is, but there's more than that.

I'm looking to be convinced. Convinced that a pizza shop was/is a front for pedophiles. Forget the politics and political figures and hints of government sex rings and yada yada yada. Is this place actually a front for pedophiles?

There is a lot of proof that human trafficking involves high level players. The dutroux affair, the norway busts, the bbc special that got swept under, the anderson cooper special that got swept under...

I agree.

Pizzagate only refers to Podesta's very questionable emails that, at best, read like an order for a drug deal. The connections to pedophilia vis-a-vis terms and symbols is conjecture, granted, but that's the kind of conjecture investigators rely upon when following leads. It's much bigger than podesta.

True. I think there's some truth here but it has been so drowned out and abstracted by wild conspiracy theories and people finding pizzagate connections in anything and everything.

The use of pedophilia in blackmail is a bit suspect, but it's a pretty great theory that offers a credible reason for "Why would they?" along with all the CP found in the pentagon and Anthony Weiner's laptops, for example. It is also would answer the question of why sites like "Lake City Quiet Pills", which was a dark web site for hitmen and their clients, was, at first glance, a pedo site full of CP- they could keep their clients quiet because they could prove they visited a CP site...


So, if you want me to prove that Pizzagate is real, I would just point to podesta's emails. There is pizza mentioned and it's obviously not about pizza.

I actually want to be convinced. I was just watching W. Bush's state of the union speech after 9/11 and behind him was now convicted pedophile Dennis Hastert and former KKK member Robert Byrd. So it wouldn't shock me.

If you want to be convinced this kind of evil actually happens, google anything I mentioned above.

Pedophilia and sex trafficking are very real. That doesn't mean Comet and these emails are connected however.

Your patience and thoughtfulness are traits we could all stand to benefit from emulating.

there is an entire subreddit dedicated to this very topic at voat. Ill bet you can find a plethora of information there that you can dismiss.

I'll pass on voat. I've known about it. It's peppered with politics and coincidence pieces viewed as fact. It's been bloated to the point where most of the posts have nothing to do with the essence of pizzagate beyond pedophilia being involved.

so you dont really want to learn anything. why are you wasting your time and other people's?

I feel like every time people want pizzagate explained to them the answer is always go read this..

it's almost like no one can provided a short coherent argument for pizzagate IMO.

So Im supposed to type something out and the reader isnt supposed to **READ* it? So if the person asking the question isnt going to read anything, then why are they asking the question. If they are asking the question and want an answer they can read, why reinvent the wheel when the person can be directed to the same information already gathered?

Ever played dominoes on cheese or pasta?

Or maybe you accidentally left behind your white w/ black handkerchief with a map on it that looks pizza related.

We can drop off some kids at the pool if you'd like. Their ages are 7 and 9. They will definitely be in that pool.

Ever played dominoes on cheese or pasta?

No, but I've programmed games on Red Bull, does that make that code for something?

I've puked on alcohol before.

We all have.

EZ there Skippy.


I'll admit the emails are interesting and it wouldn't shock me to find out that a political figure is a pedophile.

Why haven't anonymous and other groups hacked further and helped to get to the bottom of this? What's stopping people from uncovering further real evidence when Podesta is obviously sloppy with security?

Buddy, if you dont already KNOW there are pedo politicians then no one here can help you. That is just a known known. Its an accepted fact. Its not a question of "if" there are pedo pols, but who are they? Thats the question that PG is answering. You probably wont like the answers though.

Thanks for your contribution to the sub too. :)

So Im supposed to type something out and the reader isnt supposed to **READ* it? So if the person asking the question isnt going to read anything, then why are they asking the question. If they are asking the question and want an answer they can read, why reinvent the wheel when the person can be directed to the same information already gathered?