A giant win for big Pharma and big alcohol. Sean Spicer just revealed that the Feds will now start cracking down on states that have legalized marijuana. How much is Spicer getting from these disgusting people?

32  2017-02-24 by russian321

This can't be happening. Fuck Sean Spicer. Fuck the feds. They will NOT take away my right or my father's rights to treat our medical conditions.

https://youtu.be/2kagnaxYUPc?t=24m18s spicer saying that federal law would be enforced in regards to recreationa. Next step? Medical. I guarantee it.


I thought it was just recreational use, not medical, although I haven't read much about it, I could be totally wrong

I agreed that it's fucked, but Spicer isn't taking money, he is just the press secretary. It's Trump's call really.

I assure you it's Pence and Sessions..

That's probably more accurate

He started off by saying it wasn't a question for him.

I will think something of it when something is said more explicitly. All of this "OH NO YOUR POT" sounds like a bit much for what has actually been said thus far. Especially if you consider what Trump has said previously.

This. More than likely Medical will be federalized, and just like transgendered bathrooms, states will determine legalization.

This doesn't make sense. I'll bet trump himself has smoked weed very often and I'm sure he's not really against it.

The only reason weed has been kept illegal is so that certain people can make massive profits from the drug war.

Trump is straight-laced. His brother was an alcoholic and he's been famous for decades about his lack of substance usage. Trump has never drank and certainly has never smoked weed. He is completely oblivious to the effects these drugs have on people except for the negative consequences.

Ah makes sense.

Trump is Satan. He wants to snuff out any experience pertaining to the spirit.

great analysis

Guys, it's not just big Pharma and big alcohol/tobacco that wants to see Marijuana illegal. Don't forget that Donald Trump is pro-law enforcement. Law enforcement is the main set of government institutions that plan to profit the most off of the war on marijuana. Civil asset forfeiture will increase the pocketbooks of the police departments and federal agencies. The DEA and ATF will find ways to take as much money as they can from legal dispensaries, grow op's, and financial institutions working within the marijuana industry. The Judicial system will make a killing with all of the court fees and proceedings.

It's a multi-billion dollar grab bag from private citizens to the Fed's "law enforcement" apparatus.

I told you they were not your friends...

Here's my question, what exactly are they going to do in terms of cracking down? Shutting down dispensaries? Raiding them all? I know during Obama's presidency a lot of dispensaries got shut down by Feds. And it could certainly get worse :(

Fuck Donald Trump

Don't believe the hype. Deep state fake media at work http://www.businessinsider.com/where-donald-trump-stands-on-weed-legalization-2016-11 Trump will leave up to the states

Lol keep dreaming. Trump will get rid of recreational marijuana. Crack down super hard. I guarantee it.

Question: why would it be good to leave it up to the states? Trump has the power to simply make it legal at the federal level, which would be good for everyone. Why would you want to leave an issue like this up to the states?

Its just the constitutional thing to do.

Even if the whole country wants it legalized, something like this sets a precedent for an overreaching federal government. Its just to keep the balance of seperation between feds and states

Because that's how it should be in this country.

That doesn't make sense though. It is up to the states to determine if they want marijuana to be legal by state law. But the federal gov't also has criminal laws, and right now it is illegal, by federal law, to possess or use marijuana. So making marijuana legal at the federal level wouldn't suddenly make marijuana legal in all states, it would simply mean that the feds couldn't interfere with the state's determinations (as they can now, and did under Bush, though Obama put that on hold). Additionally, declassifying marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug at the federal level would take a lot of wind out of the sails of anti-legalization advocates at the state level.

I bought a gun when Trump got elected. Looks like I'll need it to defend my rights after all.