Is the earth hollow or flat?

0  2017-02-24 by [deleted]



Neither. Get over it.


It matches your head.

dat boi

I'm starting to think this sub has been compromised

I've been reading about 'conspiracies ' for 25 years.. flat earth is definitely the dumbest thing I've ever come across in all the books and threads I've read over the years. Invest your time better

Why do you it's "the most dumb?

This troll won't tell you because he doesn't know.

Pretty much

Yo momma's been compromised.

Slithering freaks

Why not both

Something tells me this goes all the way to the center of the earth

I just found some more evidence, link below

Let us know when you build that telescope on the beach in L.A. that can let us see people in China

Or better than that.. your giant ice wall that surrounds us Jon Snow

My father spent his life researching the cure

To your severe retardedness?

You telling me it's stupid only strengthens my resolve to meet the Giants

Eli Manning is your hero?

Haha just another reptile scum

Your low effort trolling is really cringy dude.

You're not the first naysayer on the journey, and you won't be the last

Tell that to your masters

Hopefully the 'giants' that fit you snugly in your straight jacket



Excuse you

Only to have it stolen by the jews

Wouldn't clouds and smog get it the way?

It's expanding.

You're thinking of the post Newtonian mode, common mistake

Upvote please

It's flat. Azimuthal equidistant is the real shape. Earth is one of many little ponds ontop of a large (maybe round) ice world.

Correct, but this would contradict the scientifically sound "swimming bird model"

Your retort?

can you explain that theory? can't find anything on it.

You must reach the truth on your own

That the Earth is a bowl. None of the explanations are correct, because we're not trapped in a tunnel we're trapped in a bubble, the mass of land we're on is essentially "flat"

What if the earth IS flat and the "aliens" we see are just humans from the other side that are more advanced then us!?!?!?

Now your talkin my language

yes, this is exactly what it is. there is some degree of communication between our elites and those of a neighbouring earth-pond. interest-debt slavery and the corporate-fascist structure we can see approaching is a blueprint that has been successful in 'uniting' other earth-ponds. The protocols of the elders of zion are an old draft of this blueprint.

Do you have any good reading material on this topic?

I've been obsessively looking into the 'flat earth vs spinning globe' controversy for the past week and I now believe the earth to be flat and stationary. What started out as a "hmm, let's just see why this is an actual 'thing' right now" turned into an incredible revelation.

If this sub and indeed the media at large were not full of shills and bots, this and 'pizzagate'-related material would be vigorously studied worldwide and the dots would be connected in such a way as to seriously threaten the entire elite-created matrix in which we live.

You sound like someone I could share my research with

Let's hear it! I'm trying to solve this thing myself

Let's hear it!

this and 'pizzagate'-related material would be vigorously studied worldwide


True, but I am referring to the degree to which it is. Seems like flat earth never reaches the front page of this sub unless it's a 300+ comment thread bashing it as a psy-op or a ludicrous theory based on nothing substantial.

Well said. It really funny on alwys read here "fe is silly, it's a distraction from real issues!!"

It's just talking, and there are only a free threads. Why such vitriol? The fundamentalist globe heads are the worst always with the death threats and the like

globe with molten core. so .. neither

By molten core, I assume you're referring to the giant tribes that reside inside the planet

im referring to the 40 man raid


How do we know?

We have only dug 8km (or miles, can't remember) deep

Pretty shit effort

because gravity . we would fly off the surface if it didnt have a molten core (metal) pulling atoms downward

then again i never could fathom how a feather can float freely in the wind surely it would also be pulled downward (ops, it does in fact float down given no wind. damn)

The theory of gravity is dodgy.

Mainstream science Marty accepts this

"because gravity" is a bullshit explanation IMHO

ok. i dont think the fact that we dont float off our earth is dodgy _^

Maybe do some reason about it.

You are correct we don't float off the earth.

Yet te theory of gravity is not that solid

whats wrong with the theory ?

Not completely hollow but a vast subterranean world.

Like an anthill

It's a concave sphere. We are living on the inside edge.

Incredible. That would explain why I get bullied so much

Here is a quick visual representation.

Please continue upvoting friends we have nearly reached 50%

God dam Jesuits

This troll won't tell you because he doesn't know.

because gravity . we would fly off the surface if it didnt have a molten core (metal) pulling atoms downward

then again i never could fathom how a feather can float freely in the wind surely it would also be pulled downward (ops, it does in fact float down given no wind. damn)