Could there be another space station orbiting that is as bright as the ISS?

3  2017-02-24 by Tha_Dude_Abidez

I've watched the ISS fly over a few times and tonight when walking saw the exact same thing but at the time the ISS wasn't over Virginia.


How did you watch the ISS fly over? Do you have a powerful telescope? I don't know how you can see something the size of a few buses 200+ miles away with your naked eyes.

I don't know how you can see something the size of a few buses 200+ miles away with your naked eyes.

It's highly reflective. About the size of a star, moving at tremendous speed.

So's a bus, also how are you going to see the ISS reflect sunlight when it's on the dark side of the Earth....

So's a bus, also how are you going to see the ISS reflect sunlight when it's on the dark side of the Earth....

It's at altitude.

So are planes, that doesn't suddenly make them easier to spot at night.

So are planes, that doesn't suddenly make them easier to spot at night.

It's not flying at 30,000 feet.

You can watch it fly over in the sky at night my friend. Just Google your city and you can find specific times where you can go outside and look up and the second brightest thing in the sky will race over your head.

Incorrect you cannot see it with the naked eye.

I have.

Stop embarrassing yourself and go outside and look for yourself.

I'm embarrasing myself and yet here you are lying, and being ignorant of surface area.

And yeah I'm sure the ISS is very reflective at night on the dark side of the earth :)

I bet you think going to the sun at night is safer too.

Dude, he's neither lying nor wrong.

Sure you can. Or more accurately you can see the light reflected off it, like any other satellite.

And yet the only photos of satellites are CGI renderings, or pictures of it in some garage.

Ah, yeah man. O.k.

I have too

Stop it, really..... I second that, seriously Google is your friend, I'll make it easy for you, in the Google box type in can you see the ISS with the naked eye. Man, people are hilarious.

This was two months ago, conspiritard or top mind?

The ISS is larger than a football field.

What kind of buses do you use?!

Your source says it is.

Tell me i'm a liar again, after looking at your own source, so I can embarass you by linking to your own source.

Do it it's going to be hilarious.

You do know how 110 meters = football field is bigger than 109 meters ISS.

Right? Right? Or are we living in bizzaro world where 109 is bigger than 110?

Here comes the smackdown:

A football field is 110m x 48.76m

The ISS is 109m x 73m

Did you forget that width isn't the only dimension? How embarrassing.

I won't.

Fantastic. It will help me discredit you next time anything involving facts comes up

A football field is 110m long and 48.76m wide at all points along the 110m, the ISS is not 73m wide at all points. If you really want to ride this semantics train.

Also I don't know how you can see something that small 200+ miles away with your naked eye.

If you want to get sematic, for god knows what reason after the smackdown I gave you - The high reflectivity of the solar panels makes it easier to see.

So whichever way you want to try to spin it, if you threw a football field into space next to the ISS, you'd see the ISS easier than a field.

The link you provided shows that it's bigger than a football field, but such semantics aren't necessary anyway. The ISS is visible from Earth. Use sites like heavensabove and you can track it and view it yourself

No you can't, and you said several football fields.

Get your figures right, makes your lies more believable.

It's not, trust me I've tried.

Your posts are confusing me because I can't tell if you're being serious or not. I've done this many times and have been able to see it. It looks like a bright star quickly traversing the sky

Like a plane.

You can see ISS with naked eye in suburbia, I've done it many times.

Was it moving at 8km/s?

Sounds about right, it's easier to spot when it's more directly overhead than low on the horizon, but there are apps for your phone that tell you where and when to look.

Thats just about how long it takes. Its pretty. Try it with no light pollution

Yeah, I tried to broadcast to it with my ham radio. I wasn't able to successfully make contact, but I definitely picked up some interference and was able to connect.

Very easily can you spot it with the naked eye can't.

You absolutely can.. wtf dude? I've seen the ISS as well as other satellites and meteorites that are way smaller with the naked eye. Either you don't look up at night/live in a city or need some glasses. I'm an amateur astronomer take it from me. I've spent hours looking up there..

I saw it this evening as well! Just takes timing and looking in the right spot. You can download a skymap app to help.

You can totally see the ISS with the naked eye, where have you been?

Oh I changed my mind from 2 months ago, I saw it, I'll admit there's a spy drone up there.

The ISS is BIG, something a similar or larger size than the ISS would have sky-gazers the world over scratching their heads.

But lets say there a 2nd ISS - It's orbit should be predictable and observable from other locations.

I saw it in Southwest Virginia around 6 oclock PM. It was exactly like the ISS

It could've been any manner of things from an unusualy bright plane, to drones, to experimental planes to a plane performing an afterburn (Saw that once, thought it was a rocket being launched, was a bit concerning)

Either way, if you can't find out what it was then that's actually a UFO by definition!

You saw Venus most likely.

I'd agree but Venus was setting in the opposite direction. It was brighter than Venus and that's what caught my eye. I went inside after it exited and looked up the ISS. It was neither for sure.

Oh never mind I was wrong, look at this amazing capture of the ISS

yuk yuk

Ah, yeah man. O.k.